Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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I find Darrly Brewer to be a very odd strange man. Very odd.


I was thinking about this very thing a couple of days ago.

He made it clear to JA that there would be no marriage, right from the get-go.

Yet he says he trusted her with his son and he obviously also trusted her with his credit score.

On the other hand, their 'out' was bankruptcy.

She certainly had no qualms about borrowing without repaying.

DB supposedly funded her 'blouse bunnies'.

What was he gonna do if she didn't pay him off?

Repossess 'em like the Infiniti?

Talk about your depreciating assets...

Time for a glass of Jack Daniels Honey Whiskey
Dearest Lambie,
I am so sorry for getting off topic. I thought you said the down time was a little relaxed?
I am also sorry for calling JA a dummy. I meant it. I cannot promise that it will not happen again because she really is a dummy and sometimes the words just fall from my mouth in that chaotic way words fall from one's mouth and onto their iPad, or bed, or their feet, or whatever!
My humble apologies.
With greatest respect,
Your humble servant,

You can go off topic for a bit. It is when it gets rolling along for post after post on an off topic subject. Better to move it over to the Sidebar if it covers more than a page. While we do not like to hear dummy, I suggest you use "unusual person" as it has a wide variety of meanings depending on who is reading your post. Plus it has a nicer ring to it than <modsnip>
IIRC Flores noticed cuts and scratches on her arm? hand? when he interrogated her on the day of her arrest. She said it was her cat. Is there any evidence she even had a cat?

She has a cat named Luna that she says is a she demon. IIRC she left her at her grandmothers. Never heard that she had one in Mesa,
No worries, spcsgrl.

The intent was innocent, a valid topic for conversation, but one that needed a little vetting.

Getting schooled can be a tad crushing. Shake it off, forgive, and keep posting.
Just recently in this thread, I saw a verbal shaking of hands and truce.
The words weren't spoken but the intent shone through.

Sorry to intrude, everyone.
still catching up somewhere mid stream.
I'm just a peace maker..
No worries, spcsgrl.

The intent was innocent, a valid topic for conversation, but one that needed a little vetting.

Getting schooled can be a tad crushing. Shake it off, forgive, and keep posting.
Just recently in this thread, I saw a verbal shaking of hands and truce.
The words weren't spoken but the intent shone through.

Sorry to intrude, everyone.
still catching up somewhere mid stream.
I'm just a peace maker..


...with a poet's heart, methinks.
He gave an interview where he said he trusted Jodi with his most precious gift, his son.

Let's start with why you're here today. What is it that you wanted to say in that court room today that you didn't get the chance to say

Darryl Brewer:
Well, I needed to tell the jury that there was a whole nother life to Jodi Ann Arias. A life where she was cherished and responsible and respected and loving and caring and I just don't feel that that's gotten across

What would you have said to them?

Darryl Brewer:
Well, I would have said to them that I knew a girl who was mature beyond her years, that was an excellent worker, a good friend, a good caregiver, a good caretaker. I trusted Jodi with my most prized...I don't want to use the word possession ... I trusted her with my son, the most important thing in my life. And I had no reason to ever doubt or ever to fear for his safety when he was with Jodi

I rewatched that interview last night. I cannot fathom what on earth compelled him to do it. The only two things I can think of are:
1) he was paid for it, or
2) he was trying to explain to the world why on earth he would ever get involved with such a creature. AND allow her to be part of his son's life too.

So many things about this case are dumb-founding. It would make a great case study for students of law and/or psychology, except for the fact that it would be hard to separate the truths from the fiction. Wouldn't it be amazing if it would be legal (and possible) to hypnotize CMJA or inject her with a truth serum and get the real story? I don't know how to calculate how many posts from the various threads related to this trial add up to, but it's an astounding number, and even with all of our collective theories combined with the testimony of dozens of experts and pretend experts and the massive amount of evidence documents, we will likely never know what really happened that fateful day, and more importantly, why.

Even if CMJA decided to come clean, or write a book, or divulge her secrets to a family member or minion to write one, I would never, ever believe it to be the real truth.

Some days, I wish I had never clicked my TV remote on January 2nd (3rd, 4th?), 2013 and landed on Court TV (or whatever it was called back then.) My son was home for Christmas, we were eating breakfast in front of the TV, and we paused on that channel wondering why that vaguely pretty young woman had done what the prosecutor said she had done. Ten days later, I learned how to work my brand new Kindle, found WS, and here I am, two years and 28 days older, spending my Saturday night here with all of you with no greater understanding of the "why".
I believe that the knife was one of JA's "staples" that she always carried around
in her backpack handy bag of tricks. Just in case someone needed their tires slashed.

Maybe she kept it in her backpack, along with the blow dryer. Remember the pack she took to Havasupai? Camping with a blow dryer?
I rewatched that interview last night. I cannot fathom what on earth compelled him to do it. The only two things I can think of are:
1) he was paid for it, or
2) he was trying to explain to the world why on earth he would ever get involved with such a creature. AND allow her to be part of his son's life too.

So many things about this case are dumb-founding. It would make a great case study for students of law and/or psychology, except for the fact that it would be hard to separate the truths from the fiction. Wouldn't it be amazing if it would be legal (and possible) to hypnotize CMJA or inject her with a truth serum and get the real story? I don't know how to calculate how many posts from the various threads related to this trial add up to, but it's an astounding number, and even with all of our collective theories combined with the testimony of dozens of experts and pretend experts and the massive amount of evidence documents, we will likely never know what really happened that fateful day, and more importantly, why.

Even if CMJA decided to come clean, or write a book, or divulge her secrets to a family member or minion to write one, I would never, ever believe it to be the real truth.

Some days, I wish I had never clicked my TV remote on January 2nd (3rd, 4th?), 2013 and landed on Court TV (or whatever it was called back then.) My son was home for Christmas, we were eating breakfast in front of the TV, and we paused on that channel wondering why that vaguely pretty young woman had done what the prosecutor said she had done. Ten days later, I learned how to work my brand new Kindle, found WS, and here I am, two years and 28 days older, spending my Saturday night here with all of you with no greater understanding of the "why".

Two things you might want to know:

1. JA ditched Brewer for Travis
2. During jury selection for this retrial of the penalty phase, one potential juror said that she could not participate because she was using the trial to teach students about the judicial process
He gave an interview where he said he trusted Jodi with his most precious gift, his son.

Let's start with why you're here today. What is it that you wanted to say in that court room today that you didn't get the chance to say

Darryl Brewer:
Well, I needed to tell the jury that there was a whole nother life to Jodi Ann Arias. A life where she was cherished and responsible and respected and loving and caring and I just don't feel that that's gotten across

What would you have said to them?

Darryl Brewer:
Well, I would have said to them that I knew a girl who was mature beyond her years, that was an excellent worker, a good friend, a good caregiver, a good caretaker. I trusted Jodi with my most prized...I don't want to use the word possession ... I trusted her with my son, the most important thing in my life. And I had no reason to ever doubt or ever to fear for his safety when he was with Jodi

IIRC he went on to say that he had only left his son alone with her a couple of times because it was his responsibility or some such nonsense.

He also said she was a hard worker and worked three part time jobs at one time. It was later proven that statement was false. I guess she had a bunch of money from somewhere and that she was gone a lot of the time and he needed an explanation, so she gave him one. Maybe that was when she had her nervous breakdown.

Also, his statements were a lot less flattering this time when Demartes referenced her interview with him. If I have it right, the first time he said she broke it off with himwhen she joined the Mormon church. In the second, through Demartes, he said he was distancing himself from her because he realized it was not something he wanted.

He said he sent her his half of the mortgage and she did not pay the mortgage after he left.

She lies like a rug.
I've read people saying he was taking Ambien here before, but I haven't seen or heard any evidence of that. Could be true, could be speculation. I just want to know which. :)

I think he just sounded drowsy and the sound in the recording was distorted. The talk was not that out-of-character. She couldn't have drugged him over the phone.

LE could have gotten hold of his pharmacy record or his personal doctor, so they might know this.
I deleted post, sorry, I was wrong. I should have known it wasn't true since you smart people weren't talking about it.
I know this has already been posted, but it was awhile back. Since this is the weekend, I thought I would re-post it for a "refresher." I had it bookmarked because it is from a favorite blogger of mine.

You can tell from the compilation that TA wasn't romantically interested in JA on Valentine's 2007. There's just no evidence, even in JA's email. No lovey dovey. Plus, no mention of the goofy gifts.
Her Twitter account is privatized.

[h=2]@faithwillsave4's Tweets are protected.[/h]Only confirmed followers have access to @faithwillsave4's Tweets and complete profile.

"Cougarluscious [sic]" changed her name and 'protected' her Tweets after the mitigation specialist engendered less than professional comments which ensued after she posted images such as this one:

I wish we had a date for this! Perhaps she was already gone and he considered it a small price to pay to be rid of her.

It was sometime in March before Jodi leaves for Yrekka according to Travis's journal.
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