Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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Two things you might want to know:

1. JA ditched Brewer for Travis
2. During jury selection for this retrial of the penalty phase, one potential juror said that she could not participate because she was using the trial to teach students about the judicial process

Thanx Janx.
I did know that DB was ditched for TA. Not proud to admit I myself dumped a couple of guys for greener pastures and I feel fortunate these "ditchees" remain dear friends to this day. Seems CMJA has had the same good fortune with her exes. Now, had I done what she had done to a "successor", I'm pretty sure my exes wouldn't go on national TV to say what a great gal I once was. Nay (!), I'm most certain they'd be "no comment"-ing, pleading the 5th (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is ).

It amazes me how DB and MM continued to be supportive of her in myriad ways, both on her way to the murder and after the fact. What is/was it about her that compelled either of them to do that?
And both reviewer were probably two dissatisfied clients, half-crazy people that she had to diagnose and they likely did not like the way she diagnosed them!

(I meant to use post 226 on page 10 in replying. Sorry for making everyone wonder what I was talking about. Its about the negative reviews that Dr. DeMarte was given.)

She could have even testified against them in court or something.
Curious, I had to smile with your genteel use of the term "ladies room". I have a bit of an "issue" when it comes to using private restrooms. I'm even shy using the bathroom in a hotel room when my hubby is within "earshot", IYKWIM. So I can't even imagine how mortifying it must be to have to do your "business", especially if your're having "#2" issues, in a jail cell. I recall reading somewhere that when she does go to the "ladies room" she is accompanied by a court officer (bailiff?). I'm pretty sure I would have performance issues in that case. Even worse, it's quite possible that she has to use the toilet in the holding cell. Maybe prisoners get used to being so exposed in that regard, but in JA's case, I hope it is torture for her. MOO.

LOL!! Did you forget who you were speaking of?? Missy has no qualms about exposing her nether regions... Just sayin... :hills:
I do not believe it is the real cha-cha making all these posts and tweets bearing her name. If it in fact is cha-cha..then she is ...ummm...well she is..never mind....

It's definitely her tweeting with that twitter, juan brought it up in court while he was arguing a motion.

The post in question was not made on Twitter but on the JAII site and I have a strong suspicion that Justus is MDLR. That could be wrong but I feel that it is her.
I'm not entirely sure she didn't trade sex for $$$ or other favors. Gus Searcy (two days in his motorhome- a new phone), for example.Also, guy from internet cafe who gave her money for her last trip to Mesa. And Matt and his buddy - she spent the night with them and then voila, made two cash deposits into her WaMu account in Monterey.
Of course, only my opinion.

I wonder if she made a t shirt that said "I spent two days with Gus Searcy and all I got was a helio . She mentions Gus a few times in her journals. He was on the top of her list to tell that the helio had been stolen. She mentioned that she was to meet up with Gus on her way to Utah, but that didn't happen. Gus was on the same trip to Cancun. Gus didn't like Travis, and I think the feelings were the same.
Two things you might want to know:

1. JA ditched Brewer for Travis
2. During jury selection for this retrial of the penalty phase, one potential juror said that she could not participate because she was using the trial to teach students about the judicial process

Didn't DeMarte recently say it was DB who broke it off with JA? Or I am losing my mind?
You took the words right out of my mouth AZlawyer :), was just going to post the same thing. Anyone can post those reviews, and I wouldn't put it past JA's fan club to have done as much.

Well then, maybe we should go there and tell them all the good things we know about her! TeeHee
Didn't DeMarte recently say it was DB who broke it off with JA? Or I am losing my mind?

The way read it was, and I could be wrong, was that Jodi began pursuing him, and he didnt want to be with her at first. So she pressed him, as she does, and their relationship and the house came after that.
Yes, miss pinkandgreenmom, I think that mom or her daughter was named Nancy and the daughter, along with her mom, had to more or less 'evict' Jodi. The daughter said that Jodi was having all kinds of men over every night and she'd tell the girl she had moved in with that she was going to have a 'Bible Study'. But she'd also order the girl to go into her bedroom and stay there until it was over. But the girl could hear what was going on and she said it was NOT Bible Studies. She was very stressed out, because she was not that kind of girl, meaning...she was not a tramp like JA.

They had both gotten jobs at Mimi's (whatever that is) and became friends when hired about the same time. So the girl rented an apartment and wondered if JA would like to move in and share expenses. That's how they happened to share the rental place. Arias only lasted in that arrangement for 2 to 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure it was Dr. Drew who did the interview with the mom about all of this.

Mimi' s is a chain restaurant here in the southwest - sort of a nicer version of Dennys.
It never occurred to me until just now the odd and unfortunate coincidence of this - if she was still employed there during the Mimi Hall days, I'm sure it burned her to say "welcome to Mimi's"...
Thanx Janx.
I did know that DB was ditched for TA. Not proud to admit I myself dumped a couple of guys for greener pastures and I feel fortunate these "ditchees" remain dear friends to this day. Seems CMJA has had the same good fortune with her exes. Now, had I done what she had done to a "successor", I'm pretty sure my exes wouldn't go on national TV to say what a great gal I once was. Nay (!), I'm most certain they'd be "no comment"-ing, pleading the 5th (or whatever the Canadian equivalent is ).

It amazes me how DB and MM continued to be supportive of her in myriad ways, both on her way to the murder and after the fact. What is/was it about her that compelled either of them to do that?

Darryl left Jodi in December 2006 to move to Monterrey to be close to his son. A few months before that she said that Darryl had messed with her head and she had a psychological event which called a nervous breakdown, and then he held her hostage and wouldn't let her leave because he thought she was nuts. Maybe he didn't want his son to be around her after all.
I think BK's opinion shows how diverse perceptions can be on any given topic. I actually thought Nurmi started to make some fairly good points till he slid down the slimy bank into the slime pond.

I don't understand why people get upset when reporters report information they don't want to hear.
These reporters are live, in that courtroom, we are not. I form my own opinion based on what I read and hear about this case. It's not about "taking sides". JMO
She has a cat named Luna that she says is a she demon. IIRC she left her at her grandmothers. Never heard that she had one in Mesa,

She named Luna after the Lunesta she gave Travis before she killed him because she loved him so much. And doncha know they talked about what they'd call their children: Hinckley, Manson, Iris...

He does not qualify on trusting her with his son.
He says she was loving, hard working, trustworthy and not manipulative until the Spring of 2006. Says she became involved with ppl and the Mormon church. She watched The Secret and started with the magical thinking

We know she was already showing her BPD traits in her relationships with Bobby and how did she keep herself pretty much under control for a year or two with Darryl? Did her BPD get better somehow and was later triggered? Was she on meds then stopped? I guess I don't know much about BPD but can you have several bad years then several good?

BBM ~ I don't think JA was ever on meds. From what I understand, BPD is triggered when abandonment/isolation occurs. Since she bolted for TA towards the end of her relationship with DB, BPD was probably not triggered. JMO
Two things you might want to know:

1. JA ditched Brewer for Travis
2. During jury selection for this retrial of the penalty phase, one potential juror said that she could not participate because she was using the trial to teach students about the judicial process

Well, according to Dr. Demarte this week, Brewer ditched JA and she kept begging to come back.
Okay, T, this has to stop. This is the 2nd post of yours I interrupted my hubby's movie-watching for to quote to him. And I'm trying to enjoy a cocktail and it's hard to drink when my tummy is hurting from laughter. Lawd, I've missed you.
Thanks, you're very sweet.

RE the Lunesta/cake thing, it really is the weirdest feeling to know that you did something and know that you didn't.
Yes, miss pinkandgreenmom, I think that mom or her daughter was named Nancy and the daughter, along with her mom, had to more or less 'evict' Jodi. The daughter said that Jodi was having all kinds of men over every night and she'd tell the girl she had moved in with that she was going to have a 'Bible Study'. But she'd also order the girl to go into her bedroom and stay there until it was over. But the girl could hear what was going on and she said it was NOT Bible Studies. She was very stressed out, because she was not that kind of girl, meaning...she was not a tramp like JA.

They had both gotten jobs at Mimi's (whatever that is) and became friends when hired about the same time. So the girl rented an apartment and wondered if JA would like to move in and share expenses. That's how they happened to share the rental place. Arias only lasted in that arrangement for 2 to 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure it was Dr. Drew who did the interview with the mom about all of this.

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