Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - 2/5 - 2/9 - Break

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Has Skye Hughes ever confirmed that the 1-2007 email to Travis was written by her? It really sounds like JA!
I do not believe it is the real cha-cha making all these posts and tweets bearing her name. If it in fact is cha-cha..then she is ...ummm...well she is..never mind....
He gave an interview where he said he trusted Jodi with his most precious gift, his son.


Darryl Brewer:
Well, I would have said to them that I knew a girl who was mature beyond her years, that was an excellent worker, a good friend, a good caregiver, a good caretaker. I trusted Jodi with my most prized...I don't want to use the word possession ... I trusted her with my son, the most important thing in my life. And I had no reason to ever doubt or ever to fear for his safety when he was with Jodi

BBM That seems a very odd thing to say. Why would he go right to the "safety" word. It sounds as though he's really not exactly sure. It's as though he's defensive about the topic and he compulsively brings it up. Even though the words say he trusted her, the way the paragraph flows makes it seem as though he has a niggling feeling that he might be wrong.
Ugh....I've heard enough from her. I'm sorry. MOO

I think BK's opinion shows how diverse perceptions can be on any given topic. I actually thought Nurmi started to make some fairly good points till he slid down the slimy bank into the slime pond.
Curious, I had to smile with your genteel use of the term "ladies room". I have a bit of an "issue" when it comes to using private restrooms. I'm even shy using the bathroom in a hotel room when my hubby is within "earshot", IYKWIM. So I can't even imagine how mortifying it must be to have to do your "business", especially if your're having "#2" issues, in a jail cell. I recall reading somewhere that when she does go to the "ladies room" she is accompanied by a court officer (bailiff?). I'm pretty sure I would have performance issues in that case. Even worse, it's quite possible that she has to use the toilet in the holding cell. Maybe prisoners get used to being so exposed in that regard, but in JA's case, I hope it is torture for her. MOO.

BBM - I don't think she has any body parts that the world hasn't seen.
The knew each other from Sept 2006 until TA's death June 2008. I came up with a year and nine months. How much has been fabricated in her mind? Photos manipulated via photoshop? gah. She sure stuck to her hatred but was lousy on follow through for a perfect crime. Although, I do think even her lawyers and the state must have been amazed by now at her cunning, facts & looking back. Good reason always to follow your intuition, always. "I don't want to be around this person, ever"...jmo

He does not qualify on trusting her with his son.
He says she was loving, hard working, trustworthy and not manipulative until the Spring of 2006. Says she became involved with ppl and the Mormon church. She watched The Secret and started with the magical thinking

We know she was already showing her BPD traits in her relationships with Bobby and how did she keep herself pretty much under control for a year or two with Darryl? Did her BPD get better somehow and was later triggered? Was she on meds then stopped? I guess I don't know much about BPD but can you have several bad years then several good?
I had a dream the other night that JA gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Travis was in the dream and I was holding this adorable baby and telling Travis that I was so glad he looked just like him. But in the dream, I couldn't figure out why TA was back with JA. It can be looked at as a nightmare, I suppose, but I felt happy in the dream. Happy for Travis.

Was that after taking Ambien or Lunesta? :angel:
Wasn't this the one who said a parade of men streamed through JA's room at all hours of the night? (Not a literal parade...well, maybe).

Yes, miss pinkandgreenmom, I think that mom or her daughter was named Nancy and the daughter, along with her mom, had to more or less 'evict' Jodi. The daughter said that Jodi was having all kinds of men over every night and she'd tell the girl she had moved in with that she was going to have a 'Bible Study'. But she'd also order the girl to go into her bedroom and stay there until it was over. But the girl could hear what was going on and she said it was NOT Bible Studies. She was very stressed out, because she was not that kind of girl, meaning...she was not a tramp like JA.

They had both gotten jobs at Mimi's (whatever that is) and became friends when hired about the same time. So the girl rented an apartment and wondered if JA would like to move in and share expenses. That's how they happened to share the rental place. Arias only lasted in that arrangement for 2 to 3 weeks. I'm pretty sure it was Dr. Drew who did the interview with the mom about all of this.
Someone recently asked about the origin of the ludicrous Monet/van Gogh reference. I don't remember who brought this up, or where, or when, so I'm responding here.

Everybody please swallow your coffee or whatever, OK? We all ready? It was Jodi herself who introduced this helpful tidbit, during jury questions.

STEPHENS: Sustained. "Why did you plan on going to see John Dixon when you were on your way to Utah to see Ryan?"

ARIAS: John Dixon was a friend, although there was somewhat of an interest there. It was nothing that I ever let grow, because he wasn`t a church member, so it would be kind of a poor investment of my heart to get attached to somebody who is not a member of the church.

What I was going down there for is he had a friend who either owned a gallery or ran a gallery where he hung some of the greats such as Van Gogh and Monet. And when I told him I painted, he said, "We could make a space in this gallery for you. I could hang it right next to a Monet or Van Gogh." It sounded like a very big -- it sounded like a very exciting thing for me, because one of my goals at that time was to get my paintings into galleries.

Oh, Jodi. This is what I love so much about you. You sound like you're chitchatting with someone in line at Starbucks even when you're testifying in your defense in a (potentially capital) murder trial! What a gal.

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I suppose she interpreted this question as a thinly veiled "*advertiser censored*" accusation, which it probably was. Never one to take the "less is more" approach, she just couldn't stop talking after "John Dixon was a friend," no matter how hard Willmott and Nurmi prayed to their god to pleeeeeeze make Jodi shut up. And so... we're off.

No reason for anyone to believe any of this, but who cares.

Romantic specifics, who cares.

"Church" specifics, who cares.

No one cares about what may or may not be a "poor investment" of her "heart" because obviously she doesn't have one.

It just so happens she had a super innocent, non-sexual/financial/alibi-related reason to see John Dixon and it just so happens that this reason makes her look awesome: John Dixon knew a guy! Who owned an art gallery! Or maybe just ran one! (Jodi doesn't know and nobody cares.) This was a great art gallery with great art by great artists like Monet and van Gogh (who are two great artists Jodi has evidently heard of). And I guess Jodi had talked to this guy before? And told him she paints? And without even seeing her paintings he offers to hang her stuff in the gallery right next to a Monet! Or a van Gogh! Because that's totally how art galleries work.

So I guess maybe this is all somehow relevant, because why else would Jodi bring it up. She leaves out the part where she goes into any credible detail about the guy, the gallery, showing him any actual surface that she personally put paint on... none of which matters anyway because nobody cares.

What she does want everyone to know, though, is that this guy and this gallery and this offer were exciting! Because she had this goal, see, at that time, of getting her paintings into galleries. Now she's in jail for something or other and it's totally getting in the way of her goals.

Nobody cares. Nobody believes her. And yet she just keeps talking....

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Hilarious! I didn't catch this at the time. Maybe Dr. D should bring it up as an example of grandiosity. Jodi, right up there with VanGogh and Monet. It ranks with the looking like, acting like, smelling like..........a princess.

And aren't we lucky to know her by her first name, while she's still alive even (aside: not for long), a modern exemplar for an immortal life as an artist?
So Tuba is missing, and so is gcharlie. I sent her a message the other day, hoping she's back soon. Anyone else disappeared?
Personally, my op is she never had a real relationship with any of those guys. Either she blew it or they had a reason to keep her in their homes. Sex, maybe because she had a car, jobs on and off? Daryl though, I think he could keep busy at work when needed, cough, & they used each other when needed and did, to the bitter end. jmo
Curious, I had to smile with your genteel use of the term "ladies room". I have a bit of an "issue" when it comes to using private restrooms. I'm even shy using the bathroom in a hotel room when my hubby is within "earshot", IYKWIM. So I can't even imagine how mortifying it must be to have to do your "business", especially if your're having "#2" issues, in a jail cell. I recall reading somewhere that when she does go to the "ladies room" she is accompanied by a court officer (bailiff?). I'm pretty sure I would have performance issues in that case. Even worse, it's quite possible that she has to use the toilet in the holding cell. Maybe prisoners get used to being so exposed in that regard, but in JA's case, I hope it is torture for her. MOO.

I loved it in Flores' interrogation that she assumed and then begged to go to the ladies room by herself and blithely claimed she could be trusted. And then the deputy pretty much implied that she would never again in her life be able to go to the bathroom with LE present. I thought that was verging on the worst punishment a gal could possibly imagine! I can't remember if she got cuffed to go to the bathroom. Ooh! I just loved that moment.
I loved it in Flores' interrogation that she assumed and then begged to go to the ladies room by herself and blithely claimed she could be trusted. And then the deputy pretty much implied that she would never again in her life be able to go to the bathroom with LE present. I thought that was verging on the worst punishment a gal could possibly imagine! I can't remember if she got cuffed to go to the bathroom. Ooh! I just loved that moment.

I couldn't believe she thought the female officer was going to loan her a sweater or change the thermostat for her, the prisoner. No goddess. Those days are over
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