Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4

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@ericksonvision: Merriam-Webster... Snarky: "crotchety, snappish." Snippy: "short-tempered, snappish." I'll be darned if I can tell the difference.

Dear ericksonvision:
Apparently the difference is simple. One is what was actually said and the other isn't what was actually said.
The sister has openly slandered Travis "She was not under oath when she spoke on TV and yes, she lied," Angela Arias wrote on Facebook after The Huffington Post sent her a request for comment. "But, it was because she was so in love with that man she did not want people to know what a monster he really was. She wanted everyone to believe that he was as amazing as they thought he was."

The mother tried to sell those phony letters to the tabloid. I also remember that the mother and/or the aunt mocked one of Travis' sisters when she was crying. I don't remember where I heard the last part but I sure remember it. All in all a real classy family, eh? The only person that is okay is the father. Of course, Arias claims he abused her.

Of course Jodi is a victim. Believing otherwise would mean they would have to accept they raised and they lived with a woman that could shoot, stab and slit a man's throat without giving a damn. And then of course, go to that man's memorial, leave a flirty voice message and do all the horrendous things JA has done. They choose to believe her, because the alternative.. That they raised and lived with an evil murdering monster is too much to handle.

Nothing pissed me off more than those survivor ribbons they used to wear in court.
What's the story on computer expert not having gone over evidence yet? Is this yet another thing that was left to the 11th hour in spite of having months to prepare?
Now I have the chicken dance stuck in my head. Every time I read the chicken wing comment, I'll be picturing Nurmi doing the chicken dance (which sort of sums up today's proceedings, lol).:happydance:

Lol, same!
I'm confused over one thing. If JA wants to introduce letters that JM can prove are forged, then why not let them in? Perhaps that would be final nail in the coffin for her. The jury wouldn't believe a word that came out any defense witness or defense attorney after that.
Of course Jodi is a victim. Accepting otherwise would mean they would have to accept they raised and they lived with a woman that could shoot, stab and slit a man's throat without giving a damn. And then of course, go to that man's memorial, leave a flirty voice message and all the horrendous things JA has done. They choose to believe her, because the alternative.. That they raised and lived with an evil murdering monster is too much to handle.

Nothing pissed me off more than those survivor ribbons they used to wear in court.

You know...I am not really convinced they believe her. Her family, I mean.
Among all these motions and challenges and time-wasting and requests for delays today, did they have a chance to talk about JA's claim that her constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated? :banghead:
I'm confused over one thing. If JA wants to introduce letters that JM can prove are forged, then why not let them in? Perhaps that would be final nail in the coffin for her. The jury wouldn't believe a word that came out any defense witness or defense attorney after that.

I do not think JM wants to risk it. Because I'm sure the defense can find an Alice Violette type of forgery "expert" that will say they are not forged. There might just be one juror on that jury that's not too bright and buys the defense's story.
I do not think JM wants to risk it. Because I'm sure the defense can find an Alice Violette type of forgery "expert" that will say they are not forged. There might just be one juror on that jury that's not too bright and buys the defense's story.
Yep...and I think it is not about JM being able to prove the letters are forged; it is more that Arias could not prove they are authentic. IIRC.
ETA - Actually, most mentally ill persons are not destined to become killers. If one is an untreated psychotic, maybe...but untreated psychosis is not very common and it's easily recognizable if anyone bothers to look.

People with untreated psychosis are highly unlikely to hurt anyone
They are far more likely to hurt themselves or end up living on the streets. Or they may just be known as "eccentrics" who believe that they have been abducted by aliens or that they can see auras around people or that angels speak to them. People who are psychotic are just people who are suffering from hallucinations or delusions. In rare cases this can lead to them becoming violent, but not usually.
I'm confused over one thing. If JA wants to introduce letters that JM can prove are forged, then why not let them in? Perhaps that would be final nail in the coffin for her. The jury wouldn't believe a word that came out any defense witness or defense attorney after that.

I do not think JM wants to risk it. Because I'm sure the defense can find an Alice Violette type of forgery "expert" that will say they are not forged. There might just be one juror on that jury that's not too bright and buys the defense's story.

I've learned from the Casey Anthony trial to never overestimate the intelligence/reasoning skills of jurors. I can imagine those like foreman zervakos saying 'But Jodi doesn't look like the type of person who would forge letters.' :scared: Better to dumb it down to the simplest level possible.
Among all these motions and challenges and time-wasting and requests for delays today, did they have a chance to talk about JA's claim that her constitutional right to a speedy trial was violated? :banghead:

Judge Stephens did not accept the filing from Arias, nor listen to her argument. She referred the whole motion over to another judge. I'm not sure that judge's name was given.

About the "electronic" letters. The State filed a motion to preclude, back in the day. The motion criticized the letters for lack of authenticity and as inadmissible hearsay and this motion was granted.
Those letters frighten me. This new jury will be clueless because they will choose people who don't pay attention to the news or read about what's going on around them. So you get some very naive, uninformed people, and give them letters 'from Travis' admitting he is a pedophile? That could be a catastrophe. There will be a couple that believe her lies.
Judge Stephens did not accept the filing from Arias, nor listen to her argument. She referred the whole motion over to another judge. I'm not sure that judge's name was given.

About the "electronic" letters. The State filed a motion to preclude, back in the day. The motion criticized the letters for lack of authenticity and as inadmissible hearsay and this motion was granted.

Plus ... what does any of the pedophile cr*p have to do with a self defence plea? It's irrelevant IMO and should be excluded.
Those letters frighten me. This new jury will be clueless because they will choose people who don't pay attention to the news or read about what's going on around them. So you get some very naive, uninformed people, and give them letters 'from Travis' admitting he is a pedophile? That could be a catastrophe. There will be a couple that believe her lies.

They may believe her lies; they may see through them. Either way they have to sentence her. And the only options are Life and Death. Even if this jury hangs, this is the end of the show for the killer, the final curtain. She will be sentenced this time around.
People with untreated psychosis are highly unlikely to hurt anyone
They are far more likely to hurt themselves or end up living on the streets. Or they may just be known as "eccentrics" who believe that they have been abducted by aliens or that they can see auras around people or that angels speak to them. People who are psychotic are just people who are suffering from hallucinations or delusions. In rare cases this can lead to them becoming violent, but not usually.

Yes, it is rare that they kill because it is usually easy to recognize and family or friends can intervene. Often they are then treated, even hospitalized. But some fall through the cracks. When they have no one, or the people in their lives are in denial, that's when you can end up with an Andrea Yates, or an Aurora CO theater shooter, or a Sandy Hook tragedy.
The letters should stay out! Some of the jurors questioned Travis's character based on CMJA's outrageous allegations of abuse. All we need is one juror questioning these forged letters and it's over. There is no room for this kind of garbage/trash. They should have charged her with forgery on top of murder and a whole lot of other things. Good news is, if this is the best they have, it's looking pretty good.

I do find it funny that she filed a motion because she didn't get a speedy trial, yet they are asking for more delays AGAIN. Complete nonsense.

Hi Everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. I've read the threads since the penalty phase has started. I put together a list of the "potential" jurors (from the tweets) hoping the thread gets approved soon. Missed you guys! Thanks for all the posts, you made it easy to catch up! You guys rock!

Here's to some finality for Travis's family! May this finally be over for them. They deserve peace. I can't wait to see the killer finally go to "real" prison.
Would someone get me up to speed on where we are in this mockery of justice? Have all the jurors been selected and is the date for trial set?
If the letters come in, then McCartney comes in (literally).
I would not mind hearing Juan examine McCartney.
My guess is that McCartney is shaking in his boots, or becoming lost.
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