Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias #4

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Is the trial scheduled to start tomorrow, Tues? TIA

At an early 10:00am? :rolleyes: And sharp? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[I know, I know - my mother told me my eyes would stick in that position too! :giggle:]
Is the trial scheduled to start tomorrow, Tues? TIA

At an early 10:00am? :rolleyes: And sharp? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[I know, I know - my mother told me my eyes would stick in that position too! :giggle:]

Can't answer directly but remember its Arizona and are rarely on time. :)
Thanks geevee for the reminder. I don't know the answer to your question but IMO if the DP is dismissed, why wouldn't the judge just sentence the killer
and quit wasting the taxpayers money on the low life piece of trash?

Wouldn't that be interesting if it really happened? A lot of news reporters on special assignment who have set up live blogs and web sites to report this trial would find themselves with some free time on their hands. I think JA would be really disappointed, though, and that would be great.
Well of course the Good Lord would treat her like a lady and offer her a chair! I mean it's so obvious she's superior to mere mortals. Maybe even superior to the Almighty. :gaah:

I do not see the Lord offering Arias a chair. She probably wouldn't even stay long enough to take her coat off.
Michael K. Jeanes, Clerk of Court
*** Electronically Filed ***
10/20/2014 8:00 AM



The Court having received and considered the State’s Motion to Seal Pleading Filed on
October 10, 2014, and good cause appearing,

IT IS ORDERED granting the Motion and directing the Clerk of the Court to seal the
State’s pleading entitled Objection to Defendant’s Motion to Strike the Death Penalty Due to
Continued State Misconduct, not to be unsealed absent further Order of the Court. All as set
forth in the formal Order signed by the Court October 10, 2014 and filed/entered on October 10,
I do not see the Lord offering Arias a chair. She probably wouldn't even stay long enough to take her coat off.

Pretty safe bet that her coattails will be on fire before she gets anywhere near the pearly gates. I just wish she'd get there sooner rather than later so she gets her "ultimate freedom".
For those asking about if the DP were to be dismissed at this point...if that were to happen I believe there would be an opportunity for the defense to argue for life with parole. A sort of mini-mitigation, for lack of a better term. Not sure if such a proceeding would allow witnesses but I think it would allow impact statements, maybe even an allocution by the killer. Maybe AZlawyer will stop in and elaborate as IIRC she posted something about this previously--I just can't find the post right now.
Wow. Is it possible for HLN to get more irrelevant? I tuned in a little bit ago thinking they might have an update about the re-trial. They actually had a segment called "get to know your hosts". Really? came before an Ebola update. Seriously HLN? I think you've officially reached rock bottom.
Thanks geevee for the reminder. I don't know the answer to your question but IMO if the DP is dismissed, why wouldn't the judge just sentence the killer
and quit wasting the taxpayers money on the low life piece of trash?

Couldn't agree with you more Kensie, JSS needs to tear down the tents forthwith, this circus has gone on long enough.
Who is in charge of programming there? On the eve of the retrial that brought them huge numbers, HLN bounces JVM into dead air. She had just won her time slot against all cable channels, with a recap of the Arias case. When HLN curtailed her shows to four a week, it was a warning. But the audience didn't know what was next. I guess the channel doesn't have two quarters to rub together. But their financial sheets are going to look much worse now they have eliminated their ratings winner.
Jen's Trial Diaries retweeted

*advertiser censored*@*advertiser censored* · 37m 37 minutes ago

We are waiting for the servers to switch over and then we will be live. No exact ETA currently - - @TrialDiariesJ

Hopefully Jen won't be limited to 140 characters and will be able to really 'live blog':

ETA: Darn, should have read the fine print, it's a subscription service for 4.95 a month - guess we'll still have to depend on tweets. :facepalm:
Wow. Is it possible for HLN to get more irrelevant? I tuned in a little bit ago thinking they might have an update about the re-trial. They actually had a segment called "get to know your hosts". Really? came before an Ebola update. Seriously HLN? I think you've officially reached rock bottom.
I agree, I'm very irritated at HLN, they are just a "fluff" station now and cover foolish things I don't care about.
Who is in charge of programming there? On the eve of the retrial that brought them huge numbers, HLN bounces JVM into dead air. She had just won her time slot against all cable channels, with a recap of the Arias case. When HLN curtailed her shows to four a week, it was a warning. But the audience didn't know what was next. I guess the channel doesn't have two quarters to rub together. But their financial sheets are going to look much worse now they have eliminated their ratings winner.

Might as well be my dog in charge but even he would do better. What happened to Joey Jackson? I thought he was going to take over Vinnie's part when he left but I haven't seen Joey yet. Maybe he's too smart to jump onto a sinking ship.
I agree, I'm very irritated at HLN, they are just a "fluff" station now and cover foolish things I don't care about.

I'm thinking their new name should be SMC for social media channel. Worthless. I left the tv on while I'm doing things around the house and apparently what I saw in the last hour is being repeated already? Great way to attract viewers, eh?
I wonder if JA is going to testify herself as a witness OR just do the allocution which would prevent Juan from asking her any questions.

I suppose it will depend on how many witnesses JA has managed to connive into testifying for her. If it goes well for her in her mind, she may choose to avoid letting Juan have a go at her.

Im kind of 50/50 on this because we all saw how she seemed to enjoy her time on the stand. So perhaps she has big plans this time around and maybe she is itching for her chance to get on the stand. Perhaps her + Nurmi have a whole list of topics and questions he is going to ask her.

If so, I sure hope that if Juan properly objects, then I hope the judge will properly disallow any questions that are not appropriate for this phase of the trial.

I have a feeling that we are in for a huge volume of objections.

BBM. I wonder too. Doesn't she have to testify, since her word is the only "evidence" of the abuse/pedophilia? Or can they use her previous testimony as evidence this go around? I don't think that would have as much of an affect on the jury if they did it that way, IMO.
Does anyone know of any live blogs that will be free? Relying on tweets is sucky! :blushing:
We had word from the front a while back that Arias will NOT testify in this penalty phase. The report was credible and may have come from AZ Central.
I seriously hope all these pay-for-trial-videos websites won't result in there not being immediatly spot on tweets as things are happening. What I mean is, I hope Jen and Co. don't start saving all the good stuff for their blog and tweet less.

I'm all for all these reporters turn entrepeneurs but I hope their tweets stay on point!
We had word from the front a while back that Arias will NOT testify in this penalty phase. The report was credible and may have come from AZ Central.

We did? The only report I remember is the interview with the foreman saying he advised the DT not to let her testify.
Does this mean we aren't going to be able to watch Vinnie Politan get all hyper and animated while doing ridiculous re-enactments with Mike Brooks ?

Is Vinnie Politan not going to have his "After Dark" program where he has a fake jury decide the answer to his "question of the day" ?

What about the half dozen attorneys they had on every night, talking over one another and smiling big for the cameras, are they gone too ??

What are we supposed to do for entertainment this time around ??

Monday Night Football only comes on once a week !!
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