Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 15

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How on earth are her supporters going to handle the fact that she is 'mentally ill'? It kind of shoots down their grandiose version of St. Jodi of Arias.

I think at this point, Arias is scared to death of deathrow isolation. No one to play games with. No sex. No fans, etc.
Because at the time, the (current) DT didn't know that creating a new "2009" image of the hard drive would result in something different than the 2008 image created by the prosecution. But it did, because the hard drive had been altered (although probably not in any relevant way) during the 2009 meeting with the (former) defense team to review the evidence.

So they are saying that the prosecution deliberately withheld the original copy from them? It was never turned over in discovery? That doesn't sound good?

[Oops! This post was in response to the question why this expert didn't re-test the murderer.]

Because the defense didn't ask him to. Why didn't they ask him to? They're happy about what they currently have to work with and/or they were more worried that the new results would be more difficult to spin in the murderer's favor.

eta: or maybe they didn't want to waste the AZ taxpayers' money. haaahaaaaa ;-)

I asked the question. It occurred to me afterwards that I bet the second test results would be inconsistent on some scales with the first which would suggest that the murderer was manipulating the outcome. There is no way she could replicate her answers. Then DeMarte could take those test results and completely shred any fantasy that the murderer answered honestly and emphasise her manipulative nature, and perhaps invalidate Geff's interpretation.
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
#JodiArias is still drawing.

Yeah, she probably wants to sell her drawing tracing for some extra Christmas money for the family. I heard her aunt just bought herself a new car.:gaah:
Gia Vang ‏@Gia_Vang 33s33 seconds ago
Again with another test, anxiety and depression rank high for #jodiarias. This test 5 years after incarceration.

NOT SURPRISED. This is a woman that lied for two years straight about ninja's killing TA. It's entirely plausible that she'll keep pretending to be a poor depressed victim when talking to PSYCHIATRISTS! She's not stupid.
meganrcassidy ‏@meganrcassidy 3m3 minutes ago
Dr. Geffner: #jodiarias's anxiety is "extremely elevated"
Gia Vang ‏@Gia_Vang 2m2 minutes ago
Highest scale in #jodiarias assessment is suicidal probability. This coming from psychologist on stand.
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago
New test just like the rest! It shows anxiety, low energy and suicidial ideation, no support system ( her fans won't like that) #jodiarias
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
Geffner thinks Jen Willmott is a hoot #jodiarias ��

meganrcassidy ‏@meganrcassidy 8m8 minutes ago
Psychologist: Administered test to #jodiarias that, essentially, gauges whether someone plays the victim card.

If his results don't give her a 100% oh yes indeedy on this point, he's either incompetent or just another overpaid shill.
Gia Vang ‏@Gia_Vang 1m1 minute ago
A feeling of no support and stress rank high in this test being discussed in #jodiarias trial.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago
New test just like the rest! It shows anxiety, low energy and suicidial ideation, no support system ( her fans won't like that) #jodiarias
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
Geffner thinks Jen Willmott is a hoot #jodiarias ��

meganrcassidy ‏@meganrcassidy 8m8 minutes ago
Psychologist: Administered test to #jodiarias that, essentially, gauges whether someone plays the victim card.

Wasn't that what Travis said that she did so well? Playing the victim?
Gia Vang ‏@Gia_Vang 2m2 minutes ago
Highest scale in #jodiarias assessment is suicidal probability. This coming from psychologist on stand.

Apparently he is blissfully unaware that CMJA had a Glock on hand when she was arrested. :gaah:
Gia Vang ‏@Gia_Vang 52s52 seconds ago
Scale shows way below average in dominance, aggressiveness according to #jodiarias psychologist on stand.

(Play the leaked recording of her bossing around her fans for this jury. The letters she's written!!)
I think at this point, Arias is scared to death of deathrow isolation. No one to play games with. No sex. No fans, etc.

I think she's scared of life without parole too. It's hell on earth to live with hardcore criminals, be locked in a cage and eat crummy food for life. Last year we made a list of all the things she's going to be deprived of....b-r-u-t-a-l.
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 4m4 minutes ago
4-5 jurors take notes as Geff discusses ANOTHER test. Highest scale is suicide. (That's 2 tests) #jodiarias

I'm happy to hear they are taking notes. At least they haven't fallen asleep.
Just curious . . . when were the dates of these tests given?
Do they correlate to dates Jodi was caught: sneaking out magazines with hidden messages, sneaking out art/glasses/donations, giving snacks to other inmates, stealing paper/pens, etc?

If she is so suicidal - why is she being allowed to posess pointed objects? (ie: colored pencils?)
Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 43s43 seconds ago
#jodiarias didn't test high for feeling good about herself #3tvarias
Low energy? She spent a lifetime's worth of it stabbing Travis on June 4th, 2008.
Gia Vang ‏@Gia_Vang 57s57 seconds ago
Grandiosity ranks low, meaning #jodiarias doesn't think much of herself according to psychologist on stand.

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