Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 16

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December seems to be a month in which losses often occur (close to holidays). Plus people who are middle aged have elderly parents.

Yes, it is sad anytime but when it happens around the holidays there can't be a lot to celebrate. My Grandmother passed the day of Thanksgiving three years ago, and her birthday is Christmas day.
If she is claiming she can't remember then she can't claim something happened. Either it happened and she remembered or she cant remember. She can't say "this happened or might have happened but I can't remember."

By the way, how old was she when she met Bobby Juarez?

Her memory and corresponding lapses are extremely convenient. She claims trauma but doesn't have to back it up with facts because she just can't remember, doncha know.
I'd guess that 75% of murder defendants in this country never received the opportunities CMJA has had in both phases. And look how rarely those are ever even heard, even less overturned.

Speaking of other murder defendants, ever since learning of JA and witnessing her offensive, never ending manipulation, dishonesty and antics, her relentless sense of entitlement, her utter psychopathy, evil, and on and on and on, I have found myself feeling a bizarre type of respect for other murder defendants who are quiet, say they're sorry, hang their heads low. Hard to explain, but she is just the worst I have ever seen.
No not for her reputation per se, but she's very scared of the guilty verdict being overturned. And that would be tragic, but I think there's less risk of that than she believes.

But that part is done. Not much she can do about it in the penalty phase. Am I missing something here?
But that part is done. Not much she can do about it in the penalty phase. Am I missing something here?

Exactafriggintualy!!! Like CMJA isn't going to appeal if she gets life instead?? Girl,bye! JSS is either so far down into the rabbit hole she has lost her objectivity or she's incompetent and based on her history it's not the latter.
No not for her reputation per se, but she's very scared of the guilty verdict being overturned. And that would be tragic, but I think there's less risk of that than she believes.

There is no risk at this point of the guilty verdict being overturned...well, not by any error that occurs in this phase. The most serious thing an error in the current phase could do is get the penalty thrown out. If the guilty verdict gets overturned it will be because of something that went wrong a long, long time ago...way back in the guilt phase.

JSS needs to relax her fears a bit because they are inhibiting her ability to do her job. She is a judge for crying out loud; she needs to start acting like one and stop letting Arias & Co. push her around.
Did anyone else fine this odd;
01:22PM @TrialDiariesJ Being embarrassed in public such as in Jan 07 in her journal she noted Travis called her a *advertiser censored*. #jodiarias #3tvarias Twitter

They had just started "dating" and he called her a *advertiser censored* in public? She continued to date him for months after this occurred?
I knew JSS would hold that transcript. I guess they're going say they're preparing it. I thought I read weeks ago she asked someone to get it prepared after the COA decision first came down.

And Nurmi's been reclinating and collecting his extremely high salary for the past two days to do nothing other than to swat at JM a couple of times. So he's all good to go for the holidays I'm sure.


12/16/2014 REL - Reply - Party (001) 12/16/2014
NOTE: News Organizations Reply in Support of Request for Order Unsealing Transcript of October 30, 2014 Witness Testimony and Related Proceedings
IIRC, the judge had the transcript prepared last week but ordered for it not to be released until further notice. Um, hello JSS? You got your further notice...

12/16/2014 REL - Reply - Party (001) 12/16/2014
NOTE: News Organizations Reply in Support of Request for Order Unsealing Transcript of October 30, 2014 Witness Testimony and Related Proceedings
Do you remember if she testified that she owed him for the BMW? (I can't remember and not sure exactly where to look) :gaah:

I don't remember in what day it was but she said Travis had "palmed" the car of on her.. much different than what she told Det. Flores about the great deal Travis gave her on the car.

Palm Off : to dispose of usually by trickery or guile
No, I'm sure because LE abuses her also. You know. Which is also why she never reports anything at all. Being abused, being held at knifepoint, choked by her father, almost accosted by a skateboard gang, abuse at the hands of TA ..... Blah blah

Yep, she's the Perpetual victim.
I sure hope Juan uses that interview clip to rebut her abuse!

Unfortunately, if he does use any of her interviews in which she states she had a decent childhood, the DT will twist those statements into yet more proof of her traumatized state of denial, trying to please others, fear of her parents' wrath, hippo-fog, or what have you. I'm not criticizing psychology, but it's not just an inexact science but an elastic one. Nothing wrong with that but, as with these DT experts, its highly interpretive nature can be used to manipulate the truth.
I hope that Juan waits until after the defense presents their case, then he subpoenas Carl. Really gets into the whole family dynamics with him. I'm sure it is a lot easier for Carl to exaggerate their up bringing in a closed meeting with Dr. G then it will be for him to go against his parents in open court.
A much as I cannot wait for Juan to tear into this expert, I hope that JW keeps him on the stand long enough that Juan will be able to start his cross and get in points for the jury to ponder for two weeks, but not finish with him before break. That will give Juan two weeks to be able to check prepare the final pounce. Also giving him a chance to interview any of these people that Dr G interviewed. I don't see Juan taking a two week break when there is work to be done.
The defense would of been better off having this witness testify last week giving Juan no time to prepare.
For future reference, to save time and money, perhaps the good state of AZ can just have the jury in a second penalty phase watch the video of the first trial, including the sentencing phase, and see if they come up with a unanimous verdict.

No more do overs that allow for completely new and ever changing testimony/lies.


Interesting idea
Now that you mention it I thought she left to live with a guy at 15yrs. I wondered why her parents seemed to do nothing. I'll have to check. :seeya:

They were probably happy to be rid of her!

Jodi was 15 when she met Bobby, just after they moved to Yreka. She was 17 and in the 11th grade (junior year) when she moved out. Jodi was held back a year in 1st grade thus the reason she was 17 in 11th grade and quit school to go live with Bobby, who had no job or means to support himself let alone her!

I included the "abuse" Jodi claims that caused her to move out - being pushed into the door frame.

From my transcript: ("Facial Tell" is my polite way of avoiding the use of LizardLick)

KN: Okay. Why did you leave your parent’s home to go live with your boyfriend?
JA: Um… I was kind of…becoming tired of the discipline, and I was three months until I was 18 and um…(Facial Tell!) One day they um…decided to ground me until I was 18 because I was … I skipped one period in high school because there was a final, or my um… I was taking a college history class, U.S. History, and I wasn’t…I didn’t feel like I had adequately studied for the exam so I skipped that period…to study for the exam. And um…decided I would make it up the next day, so I parked my car (gesturing) in the parking lot of Rite Aid and just cracked open the book and I was studying it for that hour, and my dad (gesturing) somehow he found me and …it’s a small town, so…and so…um… I guess the school notified him that I wasn’t present for that class, so he found me and um…At that point they didn’t use physical discipline that day, but I was grounded ‘till I was 18 so I couldn’t fathom being grounded for three months when… When you’re grounded in my house, it meant no phone, no T.V., no friends, no social functions of any kind. Um…(gesturing) you’re in your room. Period. So…Um…

KN: So let me ask you this. Um…This would have been towards the end of your senior year in high school or was this at the end
JA: Yeah, it was in May, I think.

KN: Okay. So of your senior year or your junior year?
JA: May or April… Um… my junior year. Yes.

KN: Okay. So you dropped out of high school before you finished your junior year. Is that right?
JA: No, I did finish the junior year, mostly with D’s and F’s…um…because toward the end of the year I just let it all fall apart.

KN: You mentioned discipline. You talked about grounding. Was there any particular physical incident or an incident of abuse that motivated you to leave your parent’s home?
JA: Um…Yes. One of the…the incident I described where I was…(pause) knocked against … I called it a door post. I guess it’s a door frame.

Umm…then…at that point I was…the guy I was dating, we started to talk about me possibly moving in with him so after that incident, I began to um…surreptitiously pack boxes of my things and start moving them out to his house, and um…then when it came, when they finally grounded me until I was 18 (gesturing), all of my stuff mostly was there, and I thought, I’m just going to go ahead… I was going to wait until I was 18 to move in with him but, it was 3 months away and it just made sense to me at the time…as a 17-year-old, so…I just moved out.


KN: Okay. So let me ask you this, um…as it relates to Mr. Juarez, when did you meet him?

JA: I first met him the first summer that I moved to Yreka when I was 15. Um…the uh…carnival comes to town and so I was there with the girl I mentioned that my mom introduced me to. Um…her and…her sister, we were there, and I saw him (gestures) walking in a crowd with a few other friends, and he caught my eye. He was very intriguing looking. (Gestures) He was kind of dressed like…18th Century Goth, kind of. Um…he was…
Yes, it is sad anytime but when it happens around the holidays there can't be a lot to celebrate. My Grandmother passed the day of Thanksgiving three years ago, and her birthday is Christmas day.

OT, I know (and I promise mod-gods to keep the OT to this one post). Both my parents died at this time of year, twenty-three years apart. While Christmas is always a happy time for me with my own child, I always privately get a little wistful and teary eyed, as do my two siblings.
She probably was. There is definitely more to that story, although I am sure we'll never hear it. Not the truth about it, anyway.

If it's even true. I swear that girl has been accosted with knives and choked out more times! Or, maybe not.
Speaking of other murder defendants, ever since learning of JA and witnessing her offensive, never ending manipulation, dishonesty and antics, her relentless sense of entitlement, her utter psychopathy, evil, and on and on and on, I have found myself feeling a bizarre type of respect for other murder defendants who are quiet, say they're sorry, hang their heads low. Hard to explain, but she is just the worst I have ever seen.
Jodi is incapable of feeling remorse or shame, also, imo.
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