Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 29

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First of all, JSS is unlikely to enter a final sentencing order while the omnibus motion is pending. Second, Nurmi is 100% likely to file a bunch of motions right after Jodi is sentenced that will keep jurisdiction in the trial court for months. Third, even if Jodi is somehow sentenced and all post-trial motions resolved and the appeal time runs before the omnibus motion hearing, the appeal court will just revest jurisdiction back in the trial court for Jodi to participate in that hearing.

This is a non-issue, in other words.

I am sorry. What do you mean by non-issue? Do you mean that Jodi can get outof being sentenced to death by the Omnibus ruling? This is still very confusing.
All I know is if I was a juror and the DT attorney started angrily yelling at the innocent Bishop about anything involving an innocent slaughtered victim, I would be getting madder and madder at the defendent.

To date, the defendent has not shown 1 good reason why she butchered him.

And whether they had any form of sex has nothing to do with anything.

The way I look at it this sentencing re-trial (so far) is...

1- This is the defense's opportunity to present its mitigating factors to save the defendant's life.

2- All the "evidence" presented by the defense (so far) has been proven to be false.

3- All evidence proven to be false = no mitigating factors for the defendant.

Have I got that right? That's how I see it from the cheap seats anyway.

And I agree with the thought that the longer "Nurm/mott" continue to hold the jury hostage with their charade the more they will hate them AND their client, and that may make their decision easier to return with a verdict of death. I know I would.
Thanks so much, Ziggy!

Can you tell how the jury might be internalizing it?

Are there any consistent responses (non-verbal, obviously) from any of them?

Not really. I just get the feeling that beating up on the Bishop is distasteful to them. They don't seem moved by Nurmi theatrics.
Allow me, Geevee....

Ms. Arias, by and through her attorneys, provides the following. Prosecutorial misconduct!!! Unable to present case for life!!!! Constitutional rights violated!!!! Witnesses threatened!!!

Filed by:

L Kirk Nurmi

Hahaha Thanks Pink, I needed that. :)
I would like to see JM asking the Bishop if the discipline for VERY consensual sexual activity outside of marriage is to be stabbed 29 times (including a stab to the heart), having the throat sliced to the point of near decapitation, and shooting them in the head. Would that make them once more worthy of a Temple Recommend?
Travis did fall victim to Jodi's attempting to keep him interested in her because of the sex she kept pushing in his face all the time.
None of us are perfect and he gave in to a very natural urge, IMO. SHE was the experienced one.
It's really a shame that Travis didn't realize at some point that even sex w/Jodi wasn't worth dealing with all the aggravation that went along with it.

Maybe he did, but it was just too late. One thing is clear to me now... as far as spurned ex-girlfriends go, Jodi is among the worst of the worst.
I think I'm done w this trial. At this point, I can't care any more except to hope the Alexander family one day finds peace and comfort which may never come.
I hope JA gets the needle but I just can't put up w this circus any longer. The DT are vile people and JSS is a wimp. Luckily the family has JM.
If I'm ever arrested in Phoenix I hope JM is nowhere near!
Y'all take care and I'll see you at another case thread!

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Thanks to everyone for their participation and we understand if some of us just cant take it any longer.

The DT team has been allowed to drag this nonsense on and on and on with no sign of it stopping.

It would be one thing if the DT team was bringing up valid mitigation items for JA but they have not done this. It is beyond comprehension how this has been allowed to go on like it has been. So much of it is just redundant trashing of Travis and his reputation.

Its a wonder the jury has even lasted as long as they have. And just like today, the jury is now showing signs of not being able to take it much longer.

Ive seen other cases where the judge would call the attorney's aside and ask where they are heading to ensure they are heading to some valid point. Why isnt that happening here? Why isnt our judge stopping the nonsense? Why haven't they been limited to valid mitigation points?

The only point the DT has been trying to make is what a terrible person Travis is supposed to have been. In my book, that is not the purpose of this phase of the trial and it should not be allowed and it especially should not be allowed to drag on for weeks and weeks.
I am convinced one of the tactics is the DT is using fillibuster of BS so the jury pool gets too low by attrition. Why doesn't our judge see this? Why doesnt she stop the purposeful delay tactics with redundant and nonsense information?

Yeah, we understand if people cannot take it any longer. I hope the jury can make it to the end, but I am beginning to have my doubts at this point.
Catching up. I'm sure the question of why he would need a lawyer if he was being honest was all Jodi.

Perhaps Jodi should have retained a lawyer instead of yapping for hours on end to the police when she was arrested, not to mention during several phone calls she had with the MPD. Was SHE planning to be dishonest during those times? Not just yes, but HE** YES she was.
Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner · 2m2 minutes ago
That was awkward...Maria De La Rosa ran out when her cell rang. The ringtone was an Akon song #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15

She couldn't turn the thing off after it rang? Had to run out in the middle of court and take the call?

It must have been Jake, from State Farm.
Never thought I'd say this, especially so close to the end, but I'm done with this trial. Can't and won't immerse myself anymore in the unrelenting ugliness of it all.

I pray this jury gives her the DP she deserves and the Alexanders want her to have. I've appreciated all the good souls and sleuthers here.......

:noooo: :stay:
Looking back over today in review, I don't see that Nurmi did any major damage. He did get that weird email exchange in, where the Bishop said that TA did live there when MM's wife did. And the wedding info for Jake. So that might shake up the timeline a bit. But even with that, Nurmi did nothing ,as far as I can see in tweets, to make it seem like there was any real *advertiser censored*, or to confirm the original accusations made by his anonymous witness#1.

It was just a whole lot of rude, hypersexualized questions and veiled accusations, aimed towards the kind, well respected Bishop. I fail to see any mitigation points for the killer in there anywhere. This is all about her sick form of revenge. :furious:
nope sorry that was my reaction to his answer. Nurmi did his best to rattle him but BP remained calm and soft spoken.

Did you see Skye in the courtroom after the encounter with Mrs. Arias and friend? If so, was she sitting with BK or the family?
Today was rough, but don't forget the real reasons why we are here:

"Here are the 8 mitigating factors referenced by Kirk Nurmi:

1) Jodi Arias was 27 at the time of the crime.- She was born 7/9/1980, so she was MUCH closer to 28 than 27, but whatever! Travis Alexander was 30 so what is the point? What does that have to do with the fact that Jodi Arias savagely murdered Travis Alexander?

2) Jodi Arias has no prior criminal record.-
Her crime that she is now convicted of deserves the death penalty regardless, remember when she said that she had "Never killed anyone before..."? To bad for her that she chose to do 1st degree murder as her first criminal conviction, that is not any reason for leniency!

3) Jodi Arias was a good friend.- A "good friend" to whom? She only had a few distant friendships at best and they were lovers she was no longer with, so what? Does not change anything... She was a horrible friend to Travis Alexander! She has continued the victimization of Travis and the Alexander family for the last 5 years! Jodi and her defense team threatened the prosecutor that if they didnt agree to a plea deal of 2nd degree murder and were made to go to trial that they would ruin not only Travis Alexanders reputation but also that of the Alexander family. The state said "NO" so the defense team and Jodi Arias has made true on their blackmail and they have taken advantage of every opportunity to demonize Travis and his family going as far as to lie over and over again and they even forged letters saying Travis had written them, that information was kept from the jury for what reasons is beyond me as its direct evidence! Even Jodi's own mother was involved in attempting to sell the forged letters to the Enquirer!

4) Jodi Arias had a lack of family support as a child and adult.- Jodi Arias abused her family! She was an unruly child and would attack her mother when ever she was disciplined! Jodi on her own accord dropped out of high school and moved out of the house because she didnt want to follow her parents rules, she moved in with Bobby Juarez having a sexual relationship with him... The lack of family communication was Jodi's choice and not the other way around! Jodi victimized her own family including her grandparents! If anything it shows more negatives towards Jodi than being anything even close to a mitigating factor!

5) Jodi Arias suffered from neglect and abuse as a child and adult.- See number 4! Also Jodi brought it all on herself by never taking responsibility for anything that she has done always blaming someone else...

6) Jodi Arias tried to make the best out of her life.- Jodi learned early on from her job working in her families restaurant that she could manipulate men with her looks once having a customer pay for her breast implants, manipulating men became a pattern throughout Jodis life and when the men would tire of her she would move on to another always seeing men as her "golden ticket". When she met Travis it was no different, she used sex to manipulate him and when he finally became affraid of her from all of the stalking type behaviors and when he finally told her that he never wanted to see her again she savagely killed him in a jealous rage! No mitigating factor here...

7) Jodi Arias tried to improve herself.- See number 6...

8) Jodi Arias has artistic talents.- "Artistic Talents"? According to whom? This is just more self reporting to deflect attention from the facts of the crime and was used by Jodi as a mental escape during the entire trial showing disrespect for the court and for Travis and the Alexander family! All of her so called "artwork" is tracings from copyrighted advertisements she finds in various magazines the selling of which is a CRIME! So she sat in court committing crimes as her trial was going on! No mitigating factor here..."
I find the lack of family support mind boggling, considering her mother sits in court every single day showing her support... wearing her little domestic violence pin. Other family members have attended too. Her father, who is allegedly ill, has attended. Hell, they even wheeled ole grandma in there a few times. When they're not showing up to court, her parents are busy making gag-inducing youtube videos pandering for money and support of their "wrongly convicted" princess.

Lack of family support my butt!
Thanks to everyone for their participation and we understand if some of us just cant take it any longer.

The DT team has been allowed to drag this nonsense on and on and on with no sign of it stopping.

It would be one thing if the DT team was bringing up valid mitigation items for JA but they have not done this. It is beyond comprehension how this has been allowed to go on like it has been. So much of it is just redundant trashing of Travis and his reputation.

Its a wonder the jury has even lasted as long as they have. And just like today, the jury is now showing signs of not being able to take it much longer.

Ive seen other cases where the judge would call the attorney's aside and ask where they are heading to ensure they are heading to some valid point. Why isnt that happening here? Why isnt our judge stopping the nonsense? Why haven't they been limited to valid mitigation points?

The only point the DT has been trying to make is what a terrible person Travis is supposed to have been. In my book, that is not the purpose of this phase of the trial and it should not be allowed and it especially should not be allowed to drag on for weeks and weeks.
I am convinced one of the tactics is the DT is using fillibuster of BS so the jury pool gets too low by attrition. Why doesn't our judge see this? Why doesnt she stop the purposeful delay tactics with redundant and nonsense information?

Yeah, we understand if people cannot take it any longer. I hope the jury can make it to the end, but I am beginning to have my doubts at this point.


For the life of me I can't understand why JSS's "boss" (I have no idea how this actually works, but there has to be some sort of oversight) hasn't asked her what the hell she thinks she's doing. And I can't believe she's been assigned to another DP case. The DT and JSS have set some very serious precedents.
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