Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 29

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Is the current situation such that once Nurmi et al. interviewed the state's Det. Smith they decided they needed to find witnesses to rebut whatever the detective plans to testify about? Could that be why he may have told the court he will be calling new witnesses? If so, JSS will allow the new witnesses, probably even if they have not been named or even secured by Nurmi yet.

I do not know the procedure on this but I would bet if new witnesses are coming, that is why, and Nurmi will be given all kinds of time to get this set up. Delay after delay, that's the name of his game. I wish JSS would stop playing already. I mean, if she is required to let him have more witnesses she must still have authority to set some time limits. Yes or no?

You would think so. At what point is enough actually enough? For me, it was months ago. But really, who knows how long judge will let this continue on. By the looks of it, she's in no rush to put an end to it. Once Juan rests, Nurmi will need a week to gather a new paid schlump. Then said paid schlump won't be available for at least another week. Then, he will show up one day but Juan won't have had a chance to interview him, but guess what? Schlump isn't available to meet with Juan for a few more days. Oh look, it's March.
IF JM wasn't objecting to most of what Nurmi was spewing at the bishop, then I have a problem with JM! I've been told that Sherry can't say a peep....isn't her's up to Juan to see that there is decorum in the courtroom and if Nurmi/Wilma gets out of control, it's his job to bring it to the attention of Sherry. Was he and Sherry was ignoring/over ruling his objections?

But if JM objected too often, it would look like the Bishop has something to hide. It might look sketchy if they acted afraid of nurmi's snide accusations. I think JM did the right thing and let Nurmi have enough rope to hang himself.
Thanks to everyone for their participation and we understand if some of us just cant take it any longer.

The DT team has been allowed to drag this nonsense on and on and on with no sign of it stopping.

It would be one thing if the DT team was bringing up valid mitigation items for JA but they have not done this. It is beyond comprehension how this has been allowed to go on like it has been. So much of it is just redundant trashing of Travis and his reputation.

Its a wonder the jury has even lasted as long as they have. And just like today, the jury is now showing signs of not being able to take it much longer.

Ive seen other cases where the judge would call the attorney's aside and ask where they are heading to ensure they are heading to some valid point. Why isnt that happening here? Why isnt our judge stopping the nonsense? Why haven't they been limited to valid mitigation points?

The only point the DT has been trying to make is what a terrible person Travis is supposed to have been. In my book, that is not the purpose of this phase of the trial and it should not be allowed and it especially should not be allowed to drag on for weeks and weeks.
I am convinced one of the tactics is the DT is using fillibuster of BS so the jury pool gets too low by attrition. Why doesn't our judge see this? Why doesnt she stop the purposeful delay tactics with redundant and nonsense information?

Yeah, we understand if people cannot take it any longer. I hope the jury can make it to the end, but I am beginning to have my doubts at this point.

If you are asking why the judge does or does not do prepared to be told it is so she can avoid appeals.

Good grief! If every judge in every court did this, trials would be two, three, four or more times longer than they are now. And just think of the backlogs would be many years before any case even went to trial.

It is just not practical or necessary, what JSS is doing. There will be appeals filed. No matter how careful she tries to be to avoid them, appeals by the truckload are gonna happen.

I wish someone in Maricopa County with the authority to do so would tell JSS in no uncertain terms that she must move this thing along.
Is the current situation such that once Nurmi et al. interviewed the state's Det. Smith they decided they needed to find witnesses to rebut whatever the detective plans to testify about? Could that be why he may have told the court he will be calling new witnesses? If so, JSS will allow the new witnesses, probably even if they have not been named or even secured by Nurmi yet.

I do not know the procedure on this but I would bet if new witnesses are coming, that is why, and Nurmi will be given all kinds of time to get this set up. Delay after delay, that's the name of his game. I wish JSS would stop playing already. I mean, if she is required to let him have more witnesses she must still have authority to set some time limits. Yes or no?

What more skynews guy in the sky, super hero, masters photo forensics, eyeball expert, amazing guy & that testifies to anything, plus he's an expert in computers and talks trash to Juan can they find now? Like Samuels, LaViolette (sp) What next super hero will talk computers? Too many can dispute evidence on the subject, even I could at times. But...maybe they will try again.

This whole mitigation is anything you can bring in about others is fine as long as Jodi's name isn't mentioned. Only Travis. smh
I wonder if Nurmi is bringing Jake Thompson [sp] in? He did have his wedding announcement today.
Thats right. Maybe we all need to just get away. It's enough.
This is what Nurmi wants the jury to feel. He wants them to be to tired to argue death. But, LWOP means the first 5 years are spent in isolation. She will have plenty of time to stand on her head either way. Once she is released into the population then real justice will find her.THE GANG MEMBERS.
Hopefully there are none. If her own family won't testify on her behalf, she is toast. I just can't imagine being on the jury and knowing her mom sat there day in, day out, and wouldn't even testify for her. The jury should know that her mom made a you tube video begging for money but yet she won't beg for Jodi's life. I can't respect her at all. I wouldn't care if JM made mincemeat out of me, if that was my daughter I would beg the jury to spare her life. Jodi doesn't deserve it...but still.
Yeah. but would you really want her to get up there and perjure herself like Cindy Anthony did??? Personally, I respect her more for not getting on the stand and lying for her daughter. My love for my daughter is Conditional: you murder someone you lose that love. I wouldn't get up there and lie for my daughter!:snooty:
Wilmont looks petrified in the picture. Her face and body are stiff.

I absolutely cannot stand for anyone to get that close into my personal space unless I am madly in love with that person or that person is a very loved child or relative!!

Jodi is someone who shot, stabbed repeatedly, and slit the throat of a guy who dared to not want her. There's got to be something wrong with Willmont to even let Jodi get that close. This pic is not the first time that demented murderer has done that. I couldn't be in the same room with Jodi, much less have to interact with her.

I have taken my flu medication and am liable to say anything now, so I'd better just read!
This is what Nurmi wants the jury to feel. He wants them to be to tired to argue death. But, LWOP means the first 5 years are spent in isolation. She will have plenty of time to stand on her head either way. Once she is released into the population then real justice will find her.THE GANG MEMBERS.

Worth noting again that Marissa DeVault (13th juror's trial) was sentenced to LWOP in June for killing her husband with a hammer. She is already in general population and has a job.
Warren Jeffs, who went to prison for abusing children, many by marrying them first, was the head of the Latter Day Saints. His two biggest tenants were "Lying for the Lord" and "Bleeding the Beast". I believe these tenants are two classes that Nurmi got an "A" in at school.

"Tenants", as in "people who pay rent to a landlord"? I don't get it.
mp3 the whole thang and replace the sizzle with her pumped-in newspeak:

“no jury is going to convict me because i’m innocent and you can mark my words…no jury is going to convict me,”

“i’ve lied before. That doesn’t mean i am a liar by definition by character.”

"i didn’t know that you were a hater when you came to interview me.”

" heather and i are going to see "othello" on july 1. And we would love for you to accompany us. "

"longevity runs in my family, and i don't want to spend the rest of my natural life in one place, i believe death is the ultimate freedom and i'd rather have my freedom as soon as i can get it."

“let me know. Talk to you soon. Bye"


I don't get this. If the DP is overturned wouldn't JAs sentence be reduced to LWOPa anyway? I'm thinking of Manson. What am I missing?

Manson's sentence was changed to life with parole. He is eligible every now and then.
Did we ever find out what that short in chambers meeting was about today?

Sweet nothings spit out from the felon's mouth......straight into the DT's mouth! Way too intimate! JW is literally in JA's grip. Think of the lethal droplets flying from the felon's mouth directly into JA's upper respiratory tract.
I wish we could witness her reaction when she realizes that her entire DT will immediately abandon her once the verdict is in...and I mean ALL of them, from cougarlicious to LaViolette, and everyone in between. I guess the only ones who won't fall into this category are the delusionals at JAII.

They will scurry like rats once she is of "no monetary gain to them" Think back to how quickly they veered away from CFCA. They will rally around the next female who might rake in a few $$$$. Make no mistake about it, LMAO. Also, why do they never rally around men?
Manson's sentence was changed to life with parole. He is eligible every now and then.

Who did Manson murder? Don't get me wrong because I believe he is EXACTLY where he needs to be for the safety of humanity.

JA's defense is giving the jury reasons to condemn her to the DP. IMO, though, they will conclude natural life with no possibility of release EVER.
AZL What did you think of KN's questioning of the Bishop, from a legal point of view? As much as I despise KN's way of asking questions, it seemed to me he was trying to raise points to discredit the witness' testimony ie no opposite sex residing in house at same time, mistaken dates, identifying who was responsible for pop ups, ect . Isn't that what the DT is supposed to do? Was he supposed to not question this witness account because he was a bishop? :thinking:

ETA He could have done a much better, more professional job of it, but did he, in fact, do his job?
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