Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 29

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You betcha! This convicted murderer frightens me that is why she needs to be put in that box on Death Row.

I want nothing more than the jury to issue Death to her, will it make her stop probably not but it may just slow her down I don't know.
So sick and tired of this detestable killer and her depravity. Today was another low for the DT; my goodness, JA is one calculating, fiendish, and coldly relentless piece of work. There is absolutely nobody safe from her in this trial--she's like a plague. Also, there isn't one single soul she won't drag through the sewage of her lies and manipulations to exact her vengence. I cannot even begin to imagine the untold emotional atrocities she inflicted upon TA, that we don't know about.

And there is yet more to come with Rebuttal (wash, rinse, repeat)--starting to think this trial ending by the end of March may not be a stretch after all.
@tmhco: Beth Karas says Witness #1 has been effectively impeached. That's enough for me. #JodiArias

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Worth noting again that Marissa DeVault (13th juror's trial) was sentenced to LWOP in June for killing her husband with a hammer. She is already in general population and has a job.
Jodis personality will do her in.
AZL, do defendants who receive LWOP in a death penalty case have to spend 5 years in isolation before they are released into the general population? And thats providing they behaved during the 5 years.I recall reading this early on in this case. True or not?
AZL What did you think of KN's questioning of the Bishop, from a legal point of view? As much as I despise KN's way of asking questions, it seemed to me he was trying to raise points to discredit the witness' testimony ie no opposite sex residing in house at same time, mistaken dates, identifying who was responsible for pop ups, ect . Isn't that what the DT is supposed to do? Was he supposed to not question this witness account because he was a bishop? :thinking:

ETA He could have done a much better, more professional job of it, but did he, in fact, do his job?

Not AZL, but will throw in my 2 cents...

If Nurmi had just left it to what you described above, the trouble with the timeline, the confusion over who lived there when, problems with the popups, I would agree with you. But Nurmi, being Nurmi, couldn't just do that. He went into explicit sexual details and off into the weeds for no reason other than to try and dirty up the Bishop. JMO
I am thinking I need to be done with this case as well. It has dragged on and on, so long that it flies in the face of why I follow trials in the first place: To see justice done.

Justice may eventually be done in this case but only from a legal standpoint because I have never seen such a smear campaign aimed at a victim in my entire life! To me, this is a huge failure of the system that has not only been allowed to happen but is continuing to be allowed each and every day of this long drawn out fiasco of a trial.

In order for justice to truly be done here, Travis Alexander's name would have to be cleared. I know he was not perfect but really, we all sin, and we all repent and then sin again. That Travis is being pointed at as some particular brand of scum who is responsible for what a sadistic psychopath did to him is not even remotely acceptable in any venue, let alone a court of law.

I cannot witness this travesty anymore. With the defense having free rein, I cannot see how the damage can be repaired by the state. Yes, they got a conviction and the killer will be sentenced, but in this case that is not enough for a win. Even among the masses who understand that Jodi Arias is nothing more than a demonic killer, some will always believe Travis to be partially to blame for his demise. There are none so blind as those who will not see.

So, I continue to pray that justice is done to the fullest extent that it can be. I think the closest we can get to justice anymore is that Killer Arias will never be free in society again. That is little consolation, all things considered.

Take good care everyone; I have a great deal of respect for all who can hang in there for the duration. And I do not doubt for a minute that many of you will do just that.
AZL What did you think of KN's questioning of the Bishop, from a legal point of view? As much as I despise KN's way of asking questions, it seemed to me he was trying to raise points to discredit the witness' testimony ie no opposite sex residing in house at same time, mistaken dates, identifying who was responsible for pop ups, ect . Isn't that what the DT is supposed to do? Was he supposed to not question this witness account because he was a bishop? :thinking:

ETA He could have done a much better, more professional job of it, but did he, in fact, do his job?

Yes. Some of the commentary was objectionable, but it sounds like JM objected to those comments and JSS agreed.

AZL, do defendants who receive LWOP in a death penalty case have to spend 5 years in isolation before they are released into the general population? And thats providing they behaved during the 5 years.I recall reading this early on in this case. True or not?

The rules vary by prison. I don't know if this is the rule where JA is going.
Not AZL, but will throw in my 2 cents...

If Nurmi had just left it to what you described above, the trouble with the timeline, the confusion over who lived there when, problems with the popups, I would agree with you. But Nurmi, being Nurmi, couldn't just do that. He went into explicit sexual details and off into the weeds for no reason other than to try and dirty up the Bishop. JMO

ITA! I think that if he had been more calm and professional and stuck to pointing out the discrepancies in the testimony, he might have made more points with the jury.

I have been trying to avoid my usual knee jerk reaction to the DT's questioning methods (both lawyers) and try to concentrate on the points that they do make, despite all. It is very difficult to try for objectivity. :gaah:
Sweet nothings spit out from the felon's mouth......straight into the DT's mouth! Way too intimate! JW is literally in JA's grip. Think of the lethal droplets flying from the felon's mouth directly into JA's upper respiratory tract.

The picture Val1 linked of the felon and her attorney...the felon never shoul have been allowed to get so close to her attorney like that. Where are the guards?
I really like Beth Karas but nobody is right all the time...not even BK.

Obviously. But she's getting paid (people pay to read what she reports). I'd like to think she'd research this stuff before she reports it, no?
Obviously. But she's getting paid (people pay to read what she reports). I'd like to think she'd research this stuff before she reports it, no?

Oh, absolutely! It bothers me that so many citizens feel BK can do no wrong....that if she says it, it must be true. She has said a number of things that I know can't be accurate, and no rumor will get off to a better start than one from what people see as a reliable source. She really should be checking her facts before reporting.
Smileys are not working now.

'Nite all.
Yeah. but would you really want her to get up there and perjure herself like Cindy Anthony did??? Personally, I respect her more for not getting on the stand and lying for her daughter. My love for my daughter is Conditional: you murder someone you lose that love. I wouldn't get up there and lie for my daughter!:snooty:

I would want her to get up and tell the truth. If I was on the jury and saw her sitting there in the gallery every day, I would expect her to get up on the stand and tell the truth.

If JA had previously lied so much on the stand about what her parents did to her, then that just proves what a lousy defense strategy they have to where her own mother cannot testify on her behalf.

And frankly, I lost all respect for her when she tried to sell that tabloid the forged letters. In addition to her UTUBE where she was begging for money for appeals and trying to convince the public that JA is in some way deserving to be set free.

Your right though, she is better off just sitting there. Enough damage has already been done.

Here's the latest Tweet from JA regarding the Bishop:

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · 1h 1 hour ago

Poor Brother Parker. Must be hard 2 be torn between conscience & protecting the Church. His conscience lost.

Yea right, like someone without either a conscience or a moral compass can speak with any authority over someone who has lived their whole life to uphold and teach by example the tenants of truth, kindness and morality with God as his inspiration.
Did we ever find out what that short in chambers meeting was about today?

:seeya: Not yet ... but we'll know in the morning if Nurmi files another one of his frivolous motions complaining about whatever happened !
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