Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 31

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Is this a real trial? The defense wants the rest of today to prepare for cross. JSS just says sure Nurmi, whatever you desire.
bbm. An important point - will any of the jurors wonder if she lacked the ability to behave differently because of the disorder. They may be concerned about voting for the DP under those circumstances.

ETA: If I were a juror, I'd be asking Dr. D. to address that.

The fact that she didn't kill any of her other ex's shows that she had the ability to act differently. She chose to kill TA and knew exactly what she was doing.
and if i have a dog, which i do, a wonderful chow whom i love to death, and if moses got rabies - and tho moses is the sweetest boy, i would have to put him down because of the rabies. the rabies cannot be healed, cannot be fixed to get him back to what he was. he would be a danger to everyone. probably not the best scenario, but just saying. ja can NEVER change, she will be a danger to other inmates, to correctional staff, to herself. there is no healing. and as for controlling her actions because of bpd, she is certainly controlling her defense team right now with manipulation and lies. she admitted how much she lies. she knows she lies to manipulate. does a mentally ill person do this?

I don't know. Dr. DeMarte didn't make that clear to me today, to be honest. (Going by tweets of course.)
He needs to consult with Jodi.

Yes he does. If Jodi lets Nurmi highlight the BPD it might save her life. But I don't think she's going to let him.
I don't mean to be rude either and you have to trust me when I say I know every little thing she's said and done to TA and his family. I don't need to see any pictures to remember anything. I've been here since the beginning and I never troll. Nothing will change for me regarding her GUILTY verdict. BPD or not, she premeditated his murder.

My dilemma right now, is in how much she can control the things she do. The cheery little Jodi, the lying Jodi, the devaluing Travis during this trial. Is that BPD? Can she HELP the way she is? If she cannot, I'm leaning towards LWOP.

Yes she can help the way she is. She does know the difference between right and wrong. If she didn't, she wouldn't have needed to cover her tracks or lie. She just didn't care. The sex while dabbling in Mormonism, the stolen gun et al. See how the manipulation works?
Yes. But she still won't listen to him.

It was a joke. Like, he needs to consult with her to figure out how to cross examine. Usually it's the other way around. Jodi is directing his questioning.
3) Cast doubt on Dr D's credentials
4) Call her a liar

How can they discredit JD if it's things that Jodi said did or filled in the bubble sheet. This is all Jodi and the defense tried to buffalo the jury with "experts" that only looked at what the defense wanted out there. They didn't do a fair impartial evaluations, diagnoses, opinions what ever they want to call it while making all of those against Travis. This brings Travis into the courtroom. Not a sex fiend that abused poor Jodi, but Jodi tormenting him, and not letting him go.
They went 5-1/2 hours today minus a 90 minute lunch minus a recess or two minus 20 sidebars. So in maybe 2-1/2 hours actual time Juan and DeMarte wiped out two months of H & J nonsense and painted a picture that is crystal clear to the jury.
and if i have a dog, which i do, a wonderful chow whom i love to death, and if moses got rabies - and tho moses is the sweetest boy, i would have to put him down because of the rabies. the rabies cannot be healed, cannot be fixed to get him back to what he was. he would be a danger to everyone. probably not the best scenario, but just saying. ja can NEVER change, she will be a danger to other inmates, to correctional staff, to herself. there is no healing. and as for controlling her actions because of bpd, she is certainly controlling her defense team right now with manipulation and lies. she admitted how much she lies. she knows she lies to manipulate. does a mentally ill person do this?

But what if you could lock up the dog with rabies away for life (providing food and such as needed) and throw away the key? If you had this option - would you kill him even though it's not his fault he has rabies?
Devaluing Travis is one thing. The outright disgusting lies she's told don't seem to be a part of that. That is a manipulative action that, from what Ive read about BPDs doesn't seem to be a part of the MO. The lies upon lies cannot be explained by this diagnosis, something she can't help but do. It's very calculated, it's why she formulates a new lie every time she realizes she isn't doing enough to be seen as the victim. It's why she makes up abuse that didn't happen. That is not BPD. It's too calculated, otherwise it would have been her view all along that she was abused. Telling lies is not something she can't control at all. Her feelings can't be controlled but her horrendous lies can.

And she can control her actions IF SHE WANTS TO. She just didn't want to. JMHO
Wondering how solitary feels to Jodi then, and knowing she will never have sex ever again, never be intimate with a man, never get married, never have kids.:waitasec: Hope she's good and fearful of abandonment, 'cause that's what's gonna happen when this trial is over.

She's probably got more boyfriends now than she's ever had, plus a whole bunch of women who thinks she's a saint...
I'm happy for the jury to have a short day and lots of time before tomorrow to digest what they've learned from Dr. DeMarte.
Devaluing Travis is one thing. The outright disgusting lies she's told don't seem to be a part of that. That is a manipulative action that, from what Ive read about BPDs doesn't seem to be a part of the MO. The lies upon lies cannot be explained by this diagnosis, something she can't help but do. It's very calculated, it's why she formulates a new lie every time she realizes she isn't doing enough to be seen as the victim. It's why she makes up abuse that didn't happen. That is not BPD. It's too calculated, otherwise it would have been her view all along that she was abused. Telling lies is not something she can't control at all. Her feelings can't be controlled but her horrendous lies can.


For those who feel a BPD diagnosis means she couldn't help it, I'd like to bring up the fact that at the very start of this she vowed to "drag travis's reputation through the mud," if the state didn't agree to a plea deal of 2nd degree/manslaughter.

That right there throws all the "she can't help it" right out the window. I'm not trying to attack anyone else's belief of how BPD fits into her sentencing, but for me, that threat is as calculated, and premeditated as the actual murder itself. And just like the premeditated murder, she carried out that threat to a level that no one could have imagined. I wouldn't be surprise to learn that even JM is shocked by how far she was willing to take it.

I'm fairly certain JM made sure that Dr. D state that BPD does not mean a lack of self-control, or had her distinguish between personality disorders and, say, genuine psychosis.

One of the downsides of relying on tweets.
Dear Nurmi & Co. -

The goose is well and truly cooked. Bringing back your two hired hacks is only going to drive home what a manipulative liar your client is. So call it a day, hope for the best and be thankful you don't have to ride c this horse thru the appeals process..
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