Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 34

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that was Sandra webber that told the DT that Paul was recording in the courtroom

Long before modern dictation machines secretaries have been taking down nearly verbatim minutes of meetings and lengthy letters for their boss. He likely writes in his own version of short hand like many doctors I know, and only he can decipher it. Then later at home he adds his own flavor and style in between the direct quotes to make a wonderful blog. Just because Nurmi cannot do it, does not mean Paul cannot. The judge again told Mr. Nurmi his unsubstantiated claims are NOT enough for her to expel someone from the courtroom. They just aren't. paul.jpg
Curious, et al.:
Must admit, I am also a little sorry to hear the PT is resting. But JM did a masterful job of swatting down every one of the “mitigating factors” (+ prosecutorial misconduct) raised by the DT; and, as I understand it, that’s as far as JM needs to take it.

During the guilt phase, JM had to prove guilt and cruelty. During sentencing, LKN has to prove the DT’s list of mitigators, right? I may be blowing smoke out my a$$, but that’s the way my pea-brain understands it. IMO, JM did his job.

Shadowboy, I am just tired tonight. I am sure JM is tired too and ready to move onto another case. You can only do so much. I want her to go away. I don't want to fight with all my WS friends. :)

Eta: had to correct my typing. Boy I am tired.
Agreed; I don't see how JSKS seals them without violating the AZ constitution (yet again).

If it happens it's going to happen in open court.

I don't think its about sealing the questions. IIRC, the DT and the State need to make strategic decisions about how to handle them.
I remember Nurmi objecting to her answers in court one day on the day the questions for her from the jury was brought up. I'll try and find the tweet.

Since she won't be testifying again, I think the judge has chosen not to order her to get on the stand.

I don't dispute that the judge will let her do nearly anything she wants, and isn't about to make her do anything she doesn't.

And if she chooses not to answer those questions, JSKS won't make her.

But if JA does decide to answer, I think the COA smackdown means that Her Honor isn't going to try any follow-on super-secret shenanigans.
I don't think its about sealing the questions. IIRC, the DT and the State need to make strategic decisions about how to handle them.

Agreed; I don't see how JSKS seals them without violating the AZ constitution (yet again).

If it happens it's going to happen in open court.

Yes I am not saying they are handled under seal. I think it's possible the judge had Jodi answer them in chambers and will have someone read out her answers in open court since she refuses to get back on the stand or will just send the answers back to the jury.

I know I'm not misremembering Nurmi objecting to her answers but my Twitter doesn't go back far enough grrr. So I'm looking through previous retrial threads.
that was Sandra webber that told the DT that Paul was recording in the courtroom

Technically, if it's true as has been posted, that he uses a smart pen, then he is recording -- his own handwriting that is -- for importation/transmission to another electronic device.

But if that's all he's using then he's not likely recording anything else and would therefore not be in violation of JSKS' order to preserve her media/recording brownout.
I don't think its about sealing the questions. IIRC, the DT and the State need to make strategic decisions about how to handle them.

I've got a way to handle them.

She can get her high-mileage posterior onto that witness stand and be reminded that her testiphony is under oath, just like every other de-edified witness has to do.
The common denominator of your confusion is MK. It helps to remember that he thinks he is more important that he really is and will lie to help the defense if need be.


The real reason, imo, Kirk was angry was not the silly song the ladies were innocently singing, BEFORE Maria ever even walked by, it was that the "blogger" as he calls everyone, took a picture of Maria and Kiefer kibitzing. He knows it is commonly believed that Maria is the one who leaks everything the defense wants Kiefer to report. Once in public, they are fair game. Maria is especially fair game since she goes out of her way to be in the news with her purposefully provoking tweets, etc. She has said some VILE things on Twitter, calling someone a "retart" for example. mariadelarosa getthistojuan stat.jpg The court only ordered no photos may be taken by the reporter with the still camera of JA speaking to her lawyers, or of any bench conference. Any private citizen can take any photo they wish outside. Like most of every issue Kirk raises, he doesn't believe he will get anywhere with it. He is one of those types that likes to hear himself talk. It makes no matter what issue he raises. Only if, as and when something would affect the jury would it be relevant in this case. Outside of that, if MDR is offended, that is for another court on another day. Kirk knows this even if Maria does not. The feigning of ignorance is getting old. The judge seemed to FINALLY tire of them, as at the end of the day when Kirk informed that his two returning witnesses would not be available for a week or two, the judge said SHE would phone them, SHE wants to verify with them as this case has dragged on far too long as it is.

Thank you Jesus!

The judge seemed to offer Maria court security to escort her to her vehicle if she truly feels afraid. At that point she must have had to admit she wasn't the least bit scared, just offended. The irony is the lady Mikal-Ann is of what origin? Does Kirk even have the slightest idea? No. This racial slur accusation coming from the same Kirk Nurmi who made a big deal of Mr. Martinez who is , LIKE JODI ARIAS, Hispanic, pronouncing Arias with the traditional Spanish rolling of the "r".

Kirk Nurmi.....pick a lane. kiefer.jpg Stop wasting the court's time with this utter nonsense. Please!
So far from i'm reading, JA pushed a virus to TAs laptop on May 27 at 11:35 pm.

If so, that makes it one day after the gun was stolen.
Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 5s 5 seconds ago
Juan says it backs up his Detectives and debunks what John Smith (defense) said #jodiarias #3tvarias

Jen's Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 31s 31 seconds ago
Nurmi says this is same testimony from Brown and Smith and not needed #jodiarias #3tvarias

BBM So then, Nurmi, you're gonna withdraw the prosecutorial misconduct motion yes?
Yes I am not saying they are handled under seal. I think it's possible the judge had Jodi answer them in chambers and will have someone read out her answers in open court since she refuses to get back on the stand or will just send the answers back to the jury.

I know I'm not misremembering Nurmi objecting to her answers but my Twitter doesn't go back far enough grrr. So I'm looking through previous retrial threads.

I don't remember one way or the other. Looking forward to seeing what you find.
Long before modern dictation machines secretaries have been taking down nearly verbatim minutes of meetings and lengthy letters for their boss. He likely writes in his own version of short hand like many doctors I know, and only he can decipher it. Then later at home he adds his own flavor and style in between the direct quotes to make a wonderful blog. Just because Nurmi cannot do it, does not mean Paul cannot. The judge again told Mr. Nurmi his unsubstantiated claims are NOT enough for her to expel someone from the courtroom. They just aren't. View attachment 69183

Wow, look at him go! Thanks for sharing that pic.
Hope, I really do pray you are right about this. I didn't see the trial. Only read the tweets. The jury is a collective group of rational people. The crime was horrific. But the defense has battered them with horror stories of Travis. The defense got away with it. JSS did her part in assisting the defense in some strange ways. Juan seems tired. We will see. I know he has other cases to fight for. I think the jury needs to know who Travis was and how much he was loved. I disagree with someone who said Deanna brought that in. she was trashed too. The jury will remember all those things the defense said and no one has countered it in detail. IMO. If she gets life, this will be why.

I think everything has been countered! At least to the best that it can be without "cutting your nose off to spite your face". JM has use the DT own witness to prove everything to be a lie or exaggerated beyond reason. and now he is going to use their own expert against them. What are they going to do, try to impeach their own expert? Think about it they have their hands tied. It is time to close and I believe JM has succeeded in restoring TA character and I believe the jury knows the truth now. I do dread more days of the DT next witness' but I think they know now that they will only do more harm than good if they keep going down the dead end road! Time to end this show!!!
BBM So then, Nurmi, you're gonna withdraw the prosecutorial misconduct motion yes?

And no need for the defense to cross him either since it's all been said before, right? Who are we kidding? The defense is not going to withdraw the prosecutorial misconduct motion and they aren't going to say "No questions for this witness" when it's time for cross.
If I have it right from BK notes, don't expect anything new from Dworkin testimony. JSS asked JM the scope of his questions. JM replied that his questions of Dworkin would be limited to the same material covered in his original interview with Dworkin and/or brought out in the guilt phase .

Imo what JM is going for is to have the defense's own expert say on the record that he too never looked for viruses or *advertiser censored* url's etc.

IMO, you're probably right. Frankly, I was hoping Det. Smith would have more to offer because, IMO, the PT might have teased out some more damning evidence (about JA) from her broken hard drive. More lies and intrusive behaviors, proof of “fraudulent” emails “from TA” (written by JA), … maybe even evidence she DID plant *advertiser censored*.

What caught my eye were tweets during JM’s cross of Det. Smith:

Martinez: wasn't Smith working on other drives related to case? Yes. And he was interviewed by defense, though he doesn't remember when

In beginning of case Smith was working on other drives and it took a lot of his time
As a result of that he provided an interview to the defense sometime in Dec 2014

BBM. Were there any "other" drives in this case aside from JA's? I know her external drive was wiped clean and her laptop drive was busted, but a contracting company WAS able to restore some of the data from the busted laptop IIRC. Why would Det Smith be doing further analysis of JA's drive if it were not to gain more proof of her lies and manipulations?
Yes he is. He said two days for the Geff.

So they are going to spend two days trying to somehow convince the jury that Geff was right about PTSD. In spite of the differing ways she asnwered the same questions? How is he going to accomplish that?

I guess they drag out their worn out manilla folders full of texts and emails, and go through them tediously, calling him T-Dawg and Jekyll and Hyde all over again. I don't look forward to it, but it will make the jurors hate her a little more.
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