Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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Dazzlin-I completely agree with you, had the police not been called the Anthony's would have covered this crime and gone on to believe that Caylee was kidnapped by some nanny. Also didn't Cindy hand over the WRONG brush for DNA evidence? As things progressed I believe there was many things they did to divert the investigation along with conflicting statements. I say the whole family is guilty, only one did the physical crime.

I thought CA was the one that called the police?
I think they are out of their minds with stress and grief. Geeze George is in a psych ward. For sure they probably were thinking one minute the worst had happened and then the next that it couldn't possibly be - I view them as two more of Casey's victims.
Agreed. The cover-up started at the impound lot on July 15th, although the A's knew that something was not right from June 15th and should have acted accordingly. Now GA is saying in the suicide note, if reports are accurate, that he wants to protect Caylee. They should have acted June 15th when the demon took Caylee and left the house. I think that the A's were very negligent in their care of and concern for Caylee.

ITA! The statement I'm going to make now could be posted on a zillion different relevent threads:
KC CAN'T have it BOTH WAYS! Either CA and/or GA were strict and controlling
parents or they weren't. If strick and controlling, there is no way they did not insist on basic "contact information" about Caylee's caregiver. Since it would certainly appear that they didn't, then I refuse to believe they were control freaks with KC. Her story doesn't jive with the facts of the case!

On a releated note, using the same "theory" of not having it both ways...CA's constant portrayal of herself in the media as Caylee primary care giver doesn't quite jive either. If true, then KC, when early in 2008 decided she wanted to spread her wings and join the young social scene more, wouldn't have caught so much flak from CA and GA about "making them babysit". Logically, they should have ENCOURAGED KC to go out and date. For sure, the quicker she found a husband, the quicker Caylee would have grown up in a "normal" 2 parent household. JMHO.
My thoughts have to do with the evening of the 911 calls, and after LE arrived. I'm not sure which thread to go to so I'm sorry in advance, JBean, if I am doing this wrong. I have read so much on WS in the last year and some things I'm just hazy on after so much time. Plus, I'm not very good (yet) at doing proper searches. My confusion about that July 15th evening involves several things. First, if the car was home, makes no sense to me that CA called 911 to report it missing. Then, after the last 911 call, for the rest of those first few hours, I think I recall several references to people being in the garage -- with the car. Didn't CA call her work friend crying about Caylee being missing from the garage. And I think LA stated that he and KC at one point were in the garage talking privately. First, how in the world could they stay in the garage with the horrible smell.? Then, after LE arrived, even though the 911 call referred to the smell of the car, did LE actually know that when they were in the house that first night. Did they actually go into the garage and smell the smell? I'm thinking that no one in the A family actually told LE about the car...and maybe the 911 call didn't pass on CA's comment to LE. If they had gone into the garage that very first night, I don't understand how they spent so much time with KC riding around looking for the Nanny's apartment. I know by the next night, the car was towed, but I've always been curious when exactly did LE who were on the scene go into the garage. Seems like to me that the smell would have immediately shifted the investigation that very night rather than later on the next day.
My thoughts have to do with the evening of the 911 calls, and after LE arrived. I'm not sure which thread to go to so I'm sorry in advance, JBean, if I am doing this wrong. I have read so much on WS in the last year and some things I'm just hazy on after so much time. Plus, I'm not very good (yet) at doing proper searches. My confusion about that July 15th evening involves several things. First, if the car was home, makes no sense to me that CA called 911 to report it missing. Then, after the last 911 call, for the rest of those first few hours, I think I recall several references to people being in the garage -- with the car. Didn't CA call her work friend crying about Caylee being missing from the garage. And I think LA stated that he and KC at one point were in the garage talking privately. First, how in the world could they stay in the garage with the horrible smell.? Then, after LE arrived, even though the 911 call referred to the smell of the car, did LE actually know that when they were in the house that first night. Did they actually go into the garage and smell the smell? I'm thinking that no one in the A family actually told LE about the car...and maybe the 911 call didn't pass on CA's comment to LE. If they had gone into the garage that very first night, I don't understand how they spent so much time with KC riding around looking for the Nanny's apartment. I know by the next night, the car was towed, but I've always been curious when exactly did LE who were on the scene go into the garage. Seems like to me that the smell would have immediately shifted the investigation that very night rather than later on the next day.

I have questions regarding the 911 call w/car being stolen myself. Remember Lee stating that when he entered the garage the smell was overwhelming, so LE had to have known. And I think after they started checking about her employment, etc. they came back to reinterview her and look at the car. Bet they wished they had done that right away and asked the A's if they had removed anything from the car.
My thoughts have to do with the evening of the 911 calls, and after LE arrived. I'm not sure which thread to go to so I'm sorry in advance, JBean, if I am doing this wrong. I have read so much on WS in the last year and some things I'm just hazy on after so much time. Plus, I'm not very good (yet) at doing proper searches. My confusion about that July 15th evening involves several things. First, if the car was home, makes no sense to me that CA called 911 to report it missing. Then, after the last 911 call, for the rest of those first few hours, I think I recall several references to people being in the garage -- with the car. Didn't CA call her work friend crying about Caylee being missing from the garage. And I think LA stated that he and KC at one point were in the garage talking privately. First, how in the world could they stay in the garage with the horrible smell.? Then, after LE arrived, even though the 911 call referred to the smell of the car, did LE actually know that when they were in the house that first night. Did they actually go into the garage and smell the smell? I'm thinking that no one in the A family actually told LE about the car...and maybe the 911 call didn't pass on CA's comment to LE. If they had gone into the garage that very first night, I don't understand how they spent so much time with KC riding around looking for the Nanny's apartment. I know by the next night, the car was towed, but I've always been curious when exactly did LE who were on the scene go into the garage. Seems like to me that the smell would have immediately shifted the investigation that very night rather than later on the next day.
I think you might be right about LE not smelling the car in the garage that night.
IIRC Cindy told 911 the car had been stolen and she had the person who stole it.She wanted her arrested.She just wanted to threaten KC into bringing her Caylee.Made no difference to CA that she had the car back.She'd say what she needed to get the police there.The police were slow to react ,so CA kept upping the ante with each call.
Meant to say in my earlier post....I think LE came and went that night out the front door, and CA, GA, LA, KC did not say one word about the horrible smell in the garage....

And, I have the highest admiration about the way LE handled this case from Moment 31, since the term Day 1 definitely doesn't fit. They just wouldn't have missed the smell. I think by the time anyone arrived the garage door was down and they just ignored the earlier 911 "my car has been stolen" because they had more pressing issues with a missing child. But, how could the A family cover up that smell that night???
Meant to say in my earlier post....I think LE came and went that night out the front door, and CA, GA, LA, KC did not say one word about the horrible smell in the garage....

And, I have the highest admiration about the way LE handled this case from Moment 31, since the term Day 1 definitely doesn't fit. They just wouldn't have missed the smell. I think by the time anyone arrived the garage door was down and they just ignored the earlier 911 "my car has been stolen" because they had more pressing issues with a missing child. But, how could the A family cover up that smell that night???

Wouldn't you just love a narrative of how it all happened once LE pulled up to the house. Just a step-by-step account of who said what and how it all went down inside Casa de Anthony! I bet the arriving officers have theirs filed along with Yuri's and JA's. I bet the SA has gone over them with a fine tooth comb! I can't wait till trial-arrggghhh!!
On the old thread, it was mentioned that LA spent several hours picking up KC's stuff from TonE's. I guess my question would be--LE went to pick up her cellphone themselves--why didn't they get the computer & clothes too? That pretty much left the computer and purse unguarded and open to anyone messing with them before LE had a chance to confiscate them. Why would they let Lee go pick them up, but then pick up the cellphone themselves? I don't get it.
Searchfortruth said:
It is interesting that Cindy says nothing about the smell of a "dead body" in her daughter's trunk during that first 911 call...she only mentions the car being stolen and the money. She knew what saying anything about the smell would do, that was a call that she wouldn't be able to take back. So, even at that early stage she was trying to control the situation. I think most people would have reported the smell and the fact that they hadn't seen nor heard from this Granddaughter in a month, right off the bat.

Brought this post over from thread #6.

I think that the first call was made cause Cindy was threating KC. KC wasn't budging... and I bet it went something like this:
"Tell me where I can find Caylee"
"Mom, shes with the Nanny sleeping I won't wake her up"
"You either bring me to Caylee or I am calling the cops and reporting my car stolen."
"Go ahead and call the cops mom"

So Cindy called KC's bluff and called the cops. I think she probably thought that KC would of brought her to Caylee before or either right after she got the cops involved... When KC stuck to her "I will not take you to see Caylee" attitude...I bet everything started to play over in Cindy's head. Haven't seen Caylee, haven't spoken to her... OMG, the smell in the car, why can't I see Caylee and thats when the call came the 2nd time... "There smells like a dead body" I think at that point CA was exhausted trying to get KC to let her see Caylee... Desperate. Maybe she realized that the cops would not make her "produce" Caylee unless they thought something was wrong... Who knows.
On the old thread, it was mentioned that LA spent several hours picking up KC's stuff from TonE's. I guess my question would be--LE went to pick up her cellphone themselves--why didn't they get the computer & clothes too? That pretty much left the computer and purse unguarded and open to anyone messing with them before LE had a chance to confiscate them. Why would they let Lee go pick them up, but then pick up the cellphone themselves? I don't get it.

At that point, there was a presumption that there really was a ZFG. LE probably asked KC to call ZG just to put it to rest and she said "her number is on my cell phone" so thats when LE went to pick it up from TonE.
Noone knew at that point the storm that was brewing. It wasn't an investigation. LE simply thought they would get the phone, ZG would be called and that would be that.
I am bringing over my post from this morning which is the last post in the #6 thread. I haven't figured out how to link a thread in a post yet. :crazy: and the quote buttons are gone so here is a cut/paste of it.

Hope my theories help here in the new thread #7.

Understand where you are coming from and leading to. You could be right, but I still believe the fact that the car had been discovered WITH severe decomp odor, CA/GA KNEW without any doubts that the storyboard coverup story was going to have to be changed and quickly.

What was really stupid about that coverup story from the get-go was their timeline. It didn't match up. First they say KC was gone for 31 days from the compound - yet they kept in touch - never asking for the car to be returned. Then after the car is discovered with severe decomp odor, they call LE to report that KC has stolen their car??? yet the stolen car is in their garage??? In my brain cells, this does not compute at all.

Three (3) 911 calls and CA saved the best for last . She is pissed LE isn't paying attention to her two prior calls about the alleged car thief. I seriously doubt that GA was even made aware of these calls until after the fact. So for about four hours CA fumed over it, yet she continued to do damage control. Let us not forget about the afternoon car cleaning either. KC refused her calls/texts. CA needed to alert KC the car was found with severe decomp odor. She found AH number and found KC.

For a number of hours KC is with CA with LA who trailed in later. The fake stolen car story, the zanny-nanny story was concocted as a last minute coverup. GA learns about it arriving home and CA goes into full acting mode.

Then go into CA/GA LE/FBI depos where both tell the stories about zanny and Tampa. Even Homer can do better than these two. Never do they say KC stole their car. She was given permission to drive it long ago.

Again, I could go on and on until my reserve of brain cells explodes. We all know what the lies have been. And some doozies were told.

Now where I come from if I reported to LE that one of my kids had "stolen" my car yet I had physical custody of my car in my garage, LE would laugh at me. Unauthorized use maybe, but not thief.

Anyway, I am not trying to change anyone's opinions on CA and those 911 calls. I understand some people want to see some, any compassion out of CA and cannot believe a mother/grandmother is capable of what she has done. I do not fall into this group. I see CA for the evil she is and no amount of her crying will change my opinion of her. I have had my opinions of CA/GA/LA/KC since NG broke this story July 17, 08. If anything, the docs and forensic evidence have solidified my opinions.
IIRC, Cindy didn't freak about the smell until she overheard Casey tell Lee that she didn't know where Caylee was. Up to that point, she didn't know that Caylee was REALLY missing.
Brought this post over from thread #6.

I think that the first call was made cause Cindy was threating KC. KC wasn't budging... and I bet it went something like this:
"Tell me where I can find Caylee"
"Mom, shes with the Nanny sleeping I won't wake her up"
"You either bring me to Caylee or I am calling the cops and reporting my car stolen."
"Go ahead and call the cops mom"

So Cindy called KC's bluff and called the cops. I think she probably thought that KC would of brought her to Caylee before or either right after she got the cops involved... When KC stuck to her "I will not take you to see Caylee" attitude...I bet everything started to play over in Cindy's head. Haven't seen Caylee, haven't spoken to her... OMG, the smell in the car, why can't I see Caylee and thats when the call came the 2nd time... "There smells like a dead body" I think at that point CA was exhausted trying to get KC to let her see Caylee... Desperate. Maybe she realized that the cops would not make her "produce" Caylee unless they thought something was wrong... Who knows.

I think she said the car "smells like there's a daqmned dead body in it." And, LA said the smell was horrible.

I think KC pleaded for "one more day," and said (in the backgrouns, "you can't make me talk to them."

And, LA also asked CA to keep LE out of it." Or, rather, he said something to the effect that there was no reason to bring LE in.

So, I think they all knew the car stank. I think CA put it together after the first call.

Just IIRC.

But, one thing is clear.. Whatever the order of occurances, if CA had not made the call, we STILL might not know about the murder. The family would've covered up until the end of time.
I am bringing over my post from this morning which is the last post in the #6 thread. I haven't figured out how to link a thread in a post yet. :crazy: and the quote buttons are gone so here is a cut/paste of it.

Hope my theories help here in the new thread #7.

Understand where you are coming from and leading to. You could be right, but I still believe the fact that the car had been discovered WITH severe decomp odor, CA/GA KNEW without any doubts that the storyboard coverup story was going to have to be changed and quickly.

What was really stupid about that coverup story from the get-go was their timeline. It didn't match up. First they say KC was gone for 31 days from the compound - yet they kept in touch - never asking for the car to be returned. Then after the car is discovered with severe decomp odor, they call LE to report that KC has stolen their car??? yet the stolen car is in their garage??? In my brain cells, this does not compute at all.

Three (3) 911 calls and CA saved the best for last . She is pissed LE isn't paying attention to her two prior calls about the alleged car thief. I seriously doubt that GA was even made aware of these calls until after the fact. So for about four hours CA fumed over it, yet she continued to do damage control. Let us not forget about the afternoon car cleaning either. KC refused her calls/texts. CA needed to alert KC the car was found with severe decomp odor. She found AH number and found KC.

For a number of hours KC is with CA with LA who trailed in later. The fake stolen car story, the zanny-nanny story was concocted as a last minute coverup. GA learns about it arriving home and CA goes into full acting mode.

Then go into CA/GA LE/FBI depos where both tell the stories about zanny and Tampa. Even Homer can do better than these two. Never do they say KC stole their car. She was given permission to drive it long ago.

Again, I could go on and on until my reserve of brain cells explodes. We all know what the lies have been. And some doozies were told.

Now where I come from if I reported to LE that one of my kids had "stolen" my car yet I had physical custody of my car in my garage, LE would laugh at me. Unauthorized use maybe, but not thief.

Anyway, I am not trying to change anyone's opinions on CA and those 911 calls. I understand some people want to see some, any compassion out of CA and cannot believe a mother/grandmother is capable of what she has done. I do not fall into this group. I see CA for the evil she is and no amount of her crying will change my opinion of her. I have had my opinions of CA/GA/LA/KC since NG broke this story July 17, 08. If anything, the docs and forensic evidence have solidified my opinions.

Or, one could say, compassion and the A women are strangers.
I think she said the car "smells like there's a daqmned dead body in it." And, LA said the smell was horrible.

I think KC pleaded for "one more day," and said (in the backgrouns, "you can't make me talk to them."

And, LA also asked CA to keep LE out of it." Or, rather, he said something to the effect that there was no reason to bring LE in.
So, I think they all knew the car stank. I think CA put it together after the first call.

Just IIRC.

But, one thing is clear.. Whatever the order of occurances, if CA had not made the call, we STILL might not know about the murder. The family would've covered up until the end of time.
Lee knew getting LE involved was something that would blow up in their faces I think he has a more honest insight into his sister,despite his sobbing and wailing, than G&C. Although, I think they know now, in their hearts, the truth!. I believe they will never admit publicly, even the possiblity, that KC killed Caylee! But, not so much for KC's sake (her future is FUBAR)-but for the sake of their future and the sake of their "foundation!":mad:
IIRC, Cindy didn't freak about the smell until she overheard Casey tell Lee that she didn't know where Caylee was. Up to that point, she didn't know that Caylee was REALLY missing.

No, I just re-read the docs again and LA states CA knew about the odor when GA brought the car home from the tow yard.
No, I just re-read the docs again and LA states CA knew about the odor when GA brought the car home from the tow yard.

Yes, she knew about the odor. She didn't know that Casey hadn't seen Caylee in 31 days. Once she found that out, she made the "body in the car" call
At that point, there was a presumption that there really was a ZFG. LE probably asked KC to call ZG just to put it to rest and she said "her number is on my cell phone" so thats when LE went to pick it up from TonE.
Noone knew at that point the storm that was brewing. It wasn't an investigation. LE simply thought they would get the phone, ZG would be called and that would be that.

I had always had questions about the way things were handled by LE that night, and put it down to the the same reasoning- that they thought caylee was MIA with ZG, so there was no need to go through every item right there and then.
But the fact is, CA had already made the statement about the car smelling like death. It was their job to investigate that.
Lee's 29th july statement says that there were a bunch of LE in the garage- so they had to have smelt it too. If the anthonys are expected to know that that smell was from a dead caylee, why isnt the same excpected from trained professionals who know that smell so well?
LE dropped the ball that first night. They have done amazing things since in the investigation, but I cant pretend that they didnt fail caylee that night, and failed to follow basic procedure to ensure the integrity of the investigation.
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