Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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Thanks JBean for moving the threads over here for further discussions.

Everyone, I am still re-reading those docs. This ol' brain of mine can't absorb it all and I have cheat sheets written on little yellow pads of paper so I don't misquote what the docs say. I am really concentrating on GA's depo because of this mis truths he spoke to LE/FBI specifically about KC's whereabouts between 6-15 & 7-15 and the 7-15 date itself. I really want to compare the three stories told in the depos.

The three written statements by CA/GA/LA on 7-16 also bother me. Not once did the mention of odor come up.

Yep, the written statements, all of them, are missing this key information about the smell of death in Casey's trunk...weird. I have trouble getting past the fact that the car was driven from the tow lot at all, and by an ex LE officer. Then this ex LE officer goes to work ?
[Respectfully snipped.]
Not necessarily. Once they are charged and or incarcerated then they could not be compelled to give testimony as they CAN while no charges have materialized. LE is playing this one very carefully and made a choice NOT to charge the A's so that they could put them on the stand and find out what they need to find out and also so they can expose their lies and inconsistencies right there before the jury.

Actually, the 5th Amendment right to remain silent does apply whether or not a person is charged or incarcerated. :blowkiss:
JBean--I can't get opening post countzero links to work. Only the Part 2 link works for me. Is anyone else having this problem?

BTW-I went to wftv myself to look for officers reports and ran across the report for the forensic's garage that took KC's car. It says they got it on July 16 @ 19:46, so I think that is around 7:30. Just an FYI. Posting that link just in case it isn't one countzero posted (don't know coz I can't open two of them?).

Where are you guys finding each individual officers reports? I don't remember seeing those. I read YM's report and each of the A's reports but I don't remember other officers reports. Thanks.

Yep, the sheriff's report definitely says July 16 at 7:46 pm that the car was impounded. So surely LE had noticed the odor if it was that bad--even if GA tried to clean it. And GA readily admitted to police that he knew what that smell was. But I don't think they knew it before they got the car back. And even though I am not an A Clan supporter, I seriously do not think CA knew for sure that was the smell of death. Yes, she's an RN, but rarely do medical personnel working in a doctor's office, hospital or home health care have to deal with a body that has been dead long enough to produce a decomposition smell. George knew what it was but I think he breathed a sigh of relief when there was no body in the trunk and it allowed him room for doubt. He also stated that CA asked him "It WAS the pizza, wasn't it George?" and he said yes to calm her fears. Why they went into defense mode after that point is anyone's guess.
The July 3 "Caylee is missing" was about Caylee being kept from Cindy out of jealousy. Cindy was trying to guilt KC into bringing Caylee by. Cindy lets KC know how wonderful she (Cindy) has been to KC and how shabbily KC reciprocated Cindy's generosity.

Working people get July 4 off. Cindy was squeezing to see Caylee on Firework day. KC's excuses weren't ringing true. You can see Cindy's desperation in the number of calls that day to KC. She was hoping on the holiday when KC couldn't say she was working, she could get KC to relent.

If Cindy knew then that Caylee was already dead, there would have been no reason for her to frantically call every minute of that day, leaving message after message. There would have been no reason for Lee to go out searching.

Whatever KC told Lee when she finally talked to him on the phone plus KC's promises to bring Caylee home in "one more day" (lather, rinse, repeat for a couple of more weeks) gave Cindy hope she was on the verge of getting Caylee back if she didn't rile KC.

In the My Space comment that Cindy wrote on July 3rd, it states...
"Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space."
I wonder what friend Cindy talked to in getting this information ?

I read back over the written statements and while Cindy does talk about asking Casey to bring her (Cindy's) car and Caylee home, she doesn't mention the smell. She also writes about the fact that the car had been towed, to include where it was towed to and on what date, but nothing about a smell. George mentions nothing about the car in his statement, nothing about it being towed or him driving it home from the lot...nothing.
Forgive my memory, as it has been so long now but did the A's ever admit to actually cleaning the car?
Actually, the 5th Amendment right to remain silent does apply whether or not a person is charged or incarcerated. :blowkiss:

Really?? Is that true? You mean you don't have to answer the police if you are stopped for a traffic violation or if the police want to question you for any reason? :woohoo:
In the My Space comment that Cindy wrote on July 3rd, it states...
"Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space."
I wonder what friend Cindy talked to in getting this information ?

I read back over the written statements and while Cindy does talk about asking Casey to bring her (Cindy's) car and Caylee home, she doesn't mention the smell. She also writes about the fact that the car had been towed, to include where it was towed to and on what date, but nothing about a smell. George mentions nothing about the car in his statement, nothing about it being towed or him driving it home from the lot...nothing.

I just read Ryan P's interview again last night and I think he tells YM that CA called him and they both checked stories with each other. I am pretty sure (but not positive) that he said this took place after June 15th. He might be one friend she is speaking of. Maybe? JMO
Yep, the sheriff's report definitely says July 16 at 7:46 pm that the car was impounded. So surely LE had noticed the odor if it was that bad--even if GA tried to clean it. And GA readily admitted to police that he knew what that smell was. But I don't think they knew it before they got the car back. And even though I am not an A Clan supporter, I seriously do not think CA knew for sure that was the smell of death. Yes, she's an RN, but rarely do medical personnel working in a doctor's office, hospital or home health care have to deal with a body that has been dead long enough to produce a decomposition smell. George knew what it was but I think he breathed a sigh of relief when there was no body in the trunk and it allowed him room for doubt. He also stated that CA asked him "It WAS the pizza, wasn't it George?" and he said yes to calm her fears. Why they went into defense mode after that point is anyone's guess.

LE had that car in their possession like 24 hours later so someone had to mention it, but why can't I find any reports regarding that. Has anyone else found any of the officers reports that showed up there on the 15th/16th? Not YM or JA or the A's but regular uniformed officers? I can't find any mention of the car until the forensic's garage takes it.

I think CA did know what the smell was as did GA, but CA esp has an uncanny ability to dwell in the land of denial. JMO
Yep, the sheriff's report definitely says July 16 at 7:46 pm that the car was impounded. So surely LE had noticed the odor if it was that bad--even if GA tried to clean it. And GA readily admitted to police that he knew what that smell was. But I don't think they knew it before they got the car back. And even though I am not an A Clan supporter, I seriously do not think CA knew for sure that was the smell of death. Yes, she's an RN, but rarely do medical personnel working in a doctor's office, hospital or home health care have to deal with a body that has been dead long enough to produce a decomposition smell. George knew what it was but I think he breathed a sigh of relief when there was no body in the trunk and it allowed him room for doubt. He also stated that CA asked him "It WAS the pizza, wasn't it George?" and he said yes to calm her fears. Why they went into defense mode after that point is anyone's guess.

With respect, any nurse who has been around or cleaned a gangrenous wound knows EXACTLY what decomp smells like.

I think CA recognized the smell immediately. So did GA.
In the My Space comment that Cindy wrote on July 3rd, it states...
"Instead tells her friends that her mother is controlling her life and she needs her space."
I wonder what friend Cindy talked to in getting this information ?

I read back over the written statements and while Cindy does talk about asking Casey to bring her (Cindy's) car and Caylee home, she doesn't mention the smell. She also writes about the fact that the car had been towed, to include where it was towed to and on what date, but nothing about a smell. George mentions nothing about the car in his statement, nothing about it being towed or him driving it home from the lot...nothing.

George said the smell almost made him sick. I thinki it was to LE.

CA may or may not have spoken to KC's friends. She may be referencing either something on KC's MySpace, or something KC said to her.
Forgive my memory, as it has been so long now but did the A's ever admit to actually cleaning the car?

I think CA admitted to washing all the clothes in the car. GA admitted to cleaning the car, but said that's what he does-- cleans the cars.
I assume the same-that the police came and went through the front door. This is the same door that the A's claim never to have used and the same door that the towing notice was supposedly placed upon. I have often wondered what door visitors to their home used prior to that date, since the notice had been on the front door for some days and they had not noticed it? Seems they hurriedly changed THIS protocol when it was the police coming and going, huh?

That comment by Casey was prophetic to say the least: You can't make me talk to them! She had already steeled herself against that eventuality and has stoicly stood by her stubborn statement even unto this very day.

Not necessarily. Once they are charged and or incarcerated then they could not be compelled to give testimony as they CAN while no charges have materialized. LE is playing this one very carefully and made a choice NOT to charge the A's so that they could put them on the stand and find out what they need to find out and also so they can expose their lies and inconsistencies right there before the jury.

Yep! If the As had been charged, they'd STFU. LE doesn't want that.
I am not finding the pic of pregnant Casey on Can you link to it?" border="0">

Look here on WS Casey's Photo bucket thread, post 974. You really have to see it to believe it, she looks like she is due any day. I may have been mistaken about the Enquirer, it may have been the Globe, one of those classic gossip mags people sell photos to.
Can someone please tell me how to cut and paste from a doc pdf file? I have been trying for 2 hours and it is making me pour another :martini: one.

I found some major discrepancies in AH's testimony that I want to bring here directly. If I have to link it I will, but it will be much easier to view the written text here in this post.

Thanks ........ CZ
LE not mentioning the odor in the car from the get go has always been a debated mystery imo.
we know that CA reported it to the 911 dispatch and they typically pass that information along to the repsonding officers. but based on the fact that they didn't impound the car that minute really makes me curious. at that point CA and GA were very cooperative, and I think they would have handed the car over no problem.
It is not until the bond hearing do we have LE testifying that there was an odor in the car when thy got there and that they smelled it.
The argument to this has always been that they were not investigating a possible murder at that point, but rather a missing person report and a stolen car. But to me, if i was called out on a "stolen" car and it smelled like a dead body and there was a child unreported missing for 31 days, I would pretty much have grabbed that car before any evidence could be tampered with.
So I have always wondered why it took hours to get that car by way of a search warrant when they could have taped it off as a possible crime scene or at least asked if they could take it in. This has never made sense to me.
Yep, the sheriff's report definitely says July 16 at 7:46 pm that the car was impounded. So surely LE had noticed the odor if it was that bad--even if GA tried to clean it. And GA readily admitted to police that he knew what that smell was. But I don't think they knew it before they got the car back. And even though I am not an A Clan supporter, I seriously do not think CA knew for sure that was the smell of death. Yes, she's an RN, but rarely do medical personnel working in a doctor's office, hospital or home health care have to deal with a body that has been dead long enough to produce a decomposition smell. George knew what it was but I think he breathed a sigh of relief when there was no body in the trunk and it allowed him room for doubt. He also stated that CA asked him "It WAS the pizza, wasn't it George?" and he said yes to calm her fears. Why they went into defense mode after that point is anyone's guess.

The link above in reeseesva post#19 You tube- Cindy Anthony interview part 9. Cindy explains that she knows what decomposition smells like and she gives examples of when she has been around it.
Cover up? It depends on what they knew, when they knew it and their pattern of dealing with knowledge of uncomfortable facts. Go back to their denial of an obvious 7 month pregnancy at the wedding in June 2005. Of course they knew KC was pregnant.

So, when did they know something was wrong? They certainly knew KC very well. They raised her and she continued to live with them after she became an adult.

They knew about the big fight on June 15, 2008. They knew every detail of their botched "intervention" about the quality of KC's parenting.

When CA denied that KC would ever abuse Caylee, the red flags went up. The opposite was more probably true. The computer searches around KC's 22nd birthday in March for shovels, making chloroform and neck breaking didn't suddenly come out of the blue from a lovely, compassionate, innocent 22 year old.

The sheer volume and vehemence of the denials by CA and to some extent GA are proof in and of themselves that they knew.

GA probably knew first when he tried to get into the trunk of the car for the tire chocks. No doubt, he probably talked to CA. After that, CA picked up the pace in trying to find KC and Caylee. After that came the web posting by CA. It appears CA knew there was a probable homicide as early as the web posting. IF KC brought a dead body into the house and laid it on the bed as some suspect, there was probably a stench in the house by no later than June 19th. CA washed the sheets more than once -- for a child who was not there. The confrontation on July 15th was just the dance this family has danced for years and years -- decades -- when they want to get the truth from KC. It was a predictable script. CA knew she was going to have to call the police as soon as they picked up the car before she ever found KC.

:clap: BBM This is what I have believed for a long time. I have a cynical, disbelieving view of those 911 calls. The strenuous denials and spin just make the As more complicit, IMO. It's my belief that people act as they truly are. (Not that we don't all make mistakes, but things on a large scale come from a person's truest self, IMO. Hope that makes sense.) IOW, if the As were honest and wanted to help LE and get to the truth of what happened, we'd have seen it in their actions and words.

The link above in reeseesva post#19 You tube- Cindy Anthony interview part 9. Cindy explains that she knows what decomposition smells like and she gives examples of when she has been around it.

I'll have to watch that one again. I think CA knowing a decomp smell or how she would is moot, b/c although I have never smelled human decomp, I would think based on what I have heard that wouldn't most of us know immediately? That it's such a horrifying, distinctive reek that most of us would smell it and know it signals death? Or not?.....
Can someone please tell me how to cut and paste from a doc pdf file? I have been trying for 2 hours and it is making me pour another :martini: one.

I found some major discrepancies in AH's testimony that I want to bring here directly. If I have to link it I will, but it will be much easier to view the written text here in this post.

Thanks ........ CZ

Unfortunately, you can't cut/copy and paste from a pdf file. Just go ahead and link to it.

I'm curious to see the discrepancies.
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