Revisit - Did CA/GA cover up 7-16-08

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I believe she asked this question at the house.

Thank you. I stand corrected.
At the tow yard, George drove the car around and told CA it smelled so bad he wondered how he would be able to drive it home. Once in the garage, she asked "It was the pizza, right?"

Yes, Interesting isn't it? All 3 had writers block in the police report when it came to the decomp smelly car .
A child is "missing", the car smells like decomp and GA knew from first hand experience what that smell was. It's PIZZA folks! :mad:

But yet, according to AH's testimony, CA goes into great detail about the odor with her.

I still need to finish reading CA/GA LE/FBI interviews. I have read LA's and have some notes I want to line up with these. But it will have to wait until next week.
I was thinking about this yesterday, when CA asked at the tow yard, "It was the pizza, wasn't it George?"

This question I have heard GA repeat to LE, and only yesterday it struck me as being a very odd question to ask.

IMO CA did not want to entertain the doubts she was having, a decomp smelling car+Caylee has not been seen publicly for 31 days=a deceased Caylee.
IMO CA had doubts but she pushed them out of her mind and concentrated on the decomp smell coming from A PIZZA:rolleyes: and the Invisa-Nany story that Casey came up with :rolleyes:
Thanks for posting the link. I never doubted that both CA and GA were scared sh$$less about what may have been in that trunk. Remember, Cindy wanted confirmation from her husband..."It's the pizza, George...right?" But, this "kind of reporting" is very interesting. It tells me that they suspected Casey had done something...that they should have reported it...but they did nothing. Cindy had received texts from Casey...that much we know to be true. It was Caylee who they hadn't spoken with. It's Caylee they feared dead IMO. But, now here's where I'm not sure what happened. More and more lately, I think the parents may have helped to put together the "story". You can't just go from one granddaughter is dead and her mother is "unfit" some lady named Zanny took her and my very responsible daughter, the "Mother of the Year", has been busy searching high and low for her. C and G knew there was NO NANNY. I have never been able to get this one exchange between Cindy and Casey out of my head...Casey's response "Are you kidding me?" has always made me feel that there's more to their involvement.

I agree :)
I have never smelled human decomp either but I have smelled dead animals and they smell horrible, even months later. The only other smell that was that bad was the scent of rattlesnakes I guess when they are in heat and when you walk across or near their trail it is unmistakenable. Is that a word?

If human decomp odor is worse than that, I can't imagine how anyone could even walk into the garage especially with the door pulled down, let alone clean out the trunk, unless they wore masks. (I wonder if any masks were recovered.) So CA/GA knew.

The smell would have had to penetrate into the house whenever they opened the door so LE must have smelled it from the start whether they went into the garage or not. So LE knew too.

BBM Ah! I hadn't thought of that. Good point, b/c GA said he had to drive home in that car w/ the windows down (can't recall, but did he say he had to put his head out the window too, or am I imagining that?) and the fact that after months the car still smelled when Dr. Lee examined it.

They knew. The "it was the pizza, wasn't it George?' was CA running their lines w/ GA.
GA allayed her suspicion or fear by agreeing it was pizza even though he knew what the smell really was.
this statement CA made about pizza to GA reminde me of a comedy skit that goes, "That's pizza, right George?" GA, "Thats the ticket" meaning we'll stick to this story, it seems like a viable idea. Decomp permiates like nothing you have ever smelled, making her panicked comment just that a panicked moment affording CA a chance to alter her reality. This smell is so disgusting that it is insane to compare it to any smell as "it is what it is" These words spoken by GA we can see can apply to so many scenarios in this case. The smell caused the tow guy to go back in his pajamas to look for the trash bag tossed, police didn't hesitate to retrieve the bag in the middle of the night. alarming that the white elephant in the room was never spoken of in their written statement and this was not from lack of knowledge as nothing stood out more than the smell of the car and Caylee missing. I think LE may have been watching the home those first 24hrs after the report was made. I'm just ttrying to think of a reason LE would let the car, the smell and all inside sit, knowing they are planning to search the dump bin at the tow yard. There must have been some method to their madness in investigating within the first 24 hrs.
BBM Ah! I hadn't thought of that. Good point, b/c GA said he had to drive home in that car w/ the windows down (can't recall, but did he say he had to put his head out the window too, or am I imagining that?) and the fact that after months the car still smelled when Dr. Lee examined it.

They knew. The "it was the pizza, wasn't it George?' was CA running their lines w/ GA.

That is certainly one interpretation. I also can imagine CA asking GA to please confirm that for her so she could hold it together when she went back to work (which I happen to think was GA's idea - he was the ex-LE and knew how important it would be for them to be seen by others after the car had been driven home despite the obvious smell of human decomp that just might later be corroborated by the towing company). GA knew he was driving home a potential crime scene and chose to do so in order to do his own investigation as to what might have happened before involving LE.

CA took that choice away by freaking out after she located KC who refused to produce Caylee, and by escalating the situation calling 911 several times instead of waiting until the entire family was assembled. That desperate impulsivity on her part may have been the only reason LE ever found out about Caylee to begin with.
That is certainly one interpretation. I also can imagine CA asking GA to please confirm that for her so she could hold it together when she went back to work (which I happen to think was GA's idea - he was the ex-LE and knew how important it would be for them to be seen by others after the car had been driven home despite the obvious smell of human decomp that just might later be corroborated by the towing company). GA knew he was driving home a potential crime scene and chose to do so in order to do his own investigation as to what might have happened before involving LE.

CA took that choice away by freaking out after she located KC who refused to produce Caylee, and by escalating the situation calling 911 several times instead of waiting until the entire family was assembled. That desperate impulsivity on her part may have been the only reason LE ever found out about Caylee to begin with.

Not only that, but the timeline is what has been the guiding factor in my opinion about 7.15.08.

The docs DO NOT tell the time of the 911 calls that I have read.

So given this info, there was more than sufficient time for any story, well the zanny-nanny story to be created and/or fine-tuned (my belief). The car is retrieved around noon 7.15.08. CA stays at the As sending GA to work. CA goes back to work and tells her co workers about the stench. CA goes back to the A's after work, attempts to contact KC. Who has refused her voice calls. CA sends a text to KC something along the lines of urgent major problem call me. CA finds AH's phone number and calls her. CA picks up AH and off they go to TL's around 7:30 ish where CA makes numerous statements to AH about the severe decomposition odor in KCs car among other tidbits and that CA has not talked to either KC or Caylee for a month. CA gets a rather pissed off KC around 8-830p ish and the three go to drop off AH. Then off to the A compound where the car has been since early afternoon. Story time here during the ride back between CA/KC. LA says he arrived shortly prior to CA/KC arriving and smells the decomp stench. GA arrives shortly to 10pm.

Two 911 calls made by CA, then BAM, CA's last call is "hysterical - smells like a damn dead body in the car" to the 911 operator - LE at the door at the same precise time she is stating this.

We know CA/GA/LA/KC lie :liar::liar::liar::liar:, yet there are some who want to believe the stories the A clan told in their interviews about the facts after retrieving the car full of the severe stench of a decomposing Caylee all of a sudden is the gospel truth and the only truth that the A clan has told???

Not me. Which brings me to another important question, why haven't I read any testimony or interviews with KC about the stench in her car? Where are these at. Have I totally missed them. Nope, I don't think so, I think these are in the working notes titled "still being investigated". ** if I have, would someone please link them for me, thanks **

A clan affidavits: Not once do any of them mention the car stench of decomposition.

LA - 7.15.08 2216 hours
CA - 7.15.08 2211 hours states she found KC 7:30 at ALs apt w/AH in tow.
GA - 7.15.08 2216 hours states he arrived around 9:50p

I didn't include KC's affidavit because her first interview was more revealing as well as duplication of her written statement.

KC- first interview taped interview is 7.16.08 04:11 hours - at LE station
during this interview she gives verbal permission to LE to take compaq
laptop. KC's second interview was conducted at the Universal conference room.

GA - 7.16.08 9:30p signs affidavit to remove vehicle from property to LE.
GA - 7.17.08 12:15p signs affidavit to remove computer tower and camera to LE.

I haven't read where LE knew LA went over to AL's house. LA states he was there for about two hours returning with KC's bags and laptop around 2:25am 7.16.08.

What I haven't read is whether LE was aware of KC's belongings being there as well and/or possibly KC alerted LA to get there lickity split before LE found them. Can I say obstruction of an investigation. :) here. Who told LA to get to AL's to retrieve KC's personal belongings? In TL's defense, the kid had quite an entertaining, not, evening. CA bursting in, telling TL what a thief KC is, finding out KC cleared out her bank account and hearing from AH all the carp CA laid on her about KC on the way to TL's, TL probably didn't even think to offer up KC's belongings when LE arrived to get KC's phone. **If I am wrong, please someone correct me with a link, thanks.**

These are but a few of the notes I have reconciled in the many docs I re-read. More, many more to go.
We know CA/GA/LA/KC lie :liar::liar::liar::liar:, yet there are some who want to believe the stories the A clan told in their interviews about the facts after retrieving the car full of the severe stench of a decomposing Caylee all of a sudden is the gospel truth and the only truth that the A clan has told???

Not me.
Which brings me to another important question, why haven't I read any testimony or interviews with KC about the stench in her car? Where are these at. Have I totally missed them. Nope, I don't think so, I think these are in the working notes titled "still being investigated". ** if I have, would someone please link them for me, thanks **

(snipped for space)

BBM. You're not alone. I don't believe it either. I haven't seen any docs either pertaining to an interview w/ KC about the stench. That's one gem I can't wait to see, among many others.
"Stupid Girl thought that "Rocky the squirrel" story was going to fly. Is it a truth when LA showed up at the home per gA orders after CA and KC came back home? CA had sent the panick message of something seeming very wrong. I have a feeling gA's conversation with LA to get to the home must have been as panicked as CA's. Looking back (help please) LA arrived at the A home after GA went to work, and was their when cA got off work and before CA went to repieve KC? Was LA at the house alone for a period of time? The first 72 hrs. in the A home after Caylee's reported "missing". Did LA call TL before arriving to pick up KC things? Seriously a guy in his mid twenties who supposedly didn't know his sisters where abouts for a mon. would kick in to detective mode when chaos had just broken that his niece has been abducted, would immediatly think to go to a strange guy's apartment to help LE? Na I don't think so!
ITA KK! LE saw the A's were up to something early on-that's why they had TonE wear a wire when they sent him to talk to Lee!:rolleyes:
Countzero - excellent time line. IIRC (and I promise to research docs for confirmation). I was under the impression that GA and CA (after going to the bank to withdraw the required funds to retrieve the car) were home somewhere between 1 and 2 pm. GA went to the admin office of his new job and arrived by 2:30 or so, but he did not show up at the job site until around 5:30 (as evidenced by EZ Pass records). But, we do not know if he spent the entire time at the office before reporting to the job site (and he may have had the time to go home for a period of an hour or two NOT using an E-Z Pass route). CA apparently arrived at work herself shortly after the car was retrieved and, if we estimate she may have spent an hour or so there before being sent home, that would put her home anywhere between 3:30 to 4:30. I contend that each of them had the chance to spend at least an hour on the car before anyone professional became involved and KC's location was discovered later that afternoon/early that evening. That seems significant to me.

If LA went to AL's to retrieve KC's belongings (which included the wallet and computer but I have some confusion about the cellphone) - I thought he left around 9 or so and was back by 11, which was certainly when LE was on the scene. I know there was initially some confusion with LA as to who had gathered and stacked up KC's belongings neatly (he assumed it was not his sister as she was rather disorganized) and it may have been AL. And of course, when LA returned, the computer was sporting the "blue screen of death", which might have looked suspicious to LE as well. Not to mention the fact that LA reported the fact that when he came back with his sister's wallet, CA managed to grab the money inside and a female officer (according to him) snatched what looked like an ID card from inside the wallet.

I think LE may have been suspicious of the entire family at that point, which was evidenced by the fact that we now know that AL was wired to have a little conversation with LA very early on. And I can't help but think that, particularly after the interviews in which GA admits he smelled human decomp at the time he picked up the car, LE knew that GA would immediately know that driving home a potential crime scene or piece of evidence is a big chain of custody no-no. So the fact that the family all downplayed the smell of the car I think was a huge indicator to LE that the family was not being completely upfront from the minute they arrived.
"Stupid Girl thought that "Rocky the squirrel" story was going to fly. Is it a truth when LA showed up at the home per gA orders after CA and KC came back home? CA had sent the panick message of something seeming very wrong. I have a feeling gA's conversation with LA to get to the home must have been as panicked as CA's. Looking back (help please) LA arrived at the A home after GA went to work, and was their when cA got off work and before CA went to repieve KC? Was LA at the house alone for a period of time? The first 72 hrs. in the A home after Caylee's reported "missing". Did LA call TL before arriving to pick up KC things? Seriously a guy in his mid twenties who supposedly didn't know his sisters where abouts for a mon. would kick in to detective mode when chaos had just broken that his niece has been abducted, would immediatly think to go to a strange guy's apartment to help LE? Na I don't think so!

What an insult to Rocky huh ..... LA stated he arrived back at the A, was in the garage when CA/KC pulled in. GA contacted LA early in the evening because he wanted LA to check on CA/KC. bbm: YES, TL received a call from LA. In LA's interview, he tells LE he left around midnight after he gave his statement to go to TL's and returned back to the A's around 2:25am. I agree about his "backwards" attempt to do his own investigating. And then he just hands the receipts over to JB??????:bang: Smell cover-up here, again .......... What LE doesn't say in the interview is how LA was told and by whom to go to TL's. LA in his interview discusses the laptop BSOD and plants his theory that someone at AL's could have done it.

Countzero - excellent time line. IIRC (and I promise to research docs for confirmation). I was under the impression that GA and CA (after going to the bank to withdraw the required funds to retrieve the car) were home somewhere between 1 and 2 pm. GA went to the admin office of his new job and arrived by 2:30 or so, but he did not show up at the job site until around 5:30 (as evidenced by EZ Pass records). But, we do not know if he spent the entire time at the office before reporting to the job site (and he may have had the time to go home for a period of an hour or two NOT using an E-Z Pass route). CA apparently arrived at work herself shortly after the car was retrieved and, if we estimate she may have spent an hour or so there before being sent home, that would put her home anywhere between 3:30 to 4:30. I contend that each of them had the chance to spend at least an hour on the car before anyone professional became involved and KC's location was discovered later that afternoon/early that evening. That seems significant to me.

If LA went to AL's to retrieve KC's belongings (which included the wallet and computer but I have some confusion about the cellphone) - I thought he left around 9 or so and was back by 11, which was certainly when LE was on the scene. I know there was initially some confusion with LA as to who had gathered and stacked up KC's belongings neatly (he assumed it was not his sister as she was rather disorganized) and it may have been AL. And of course, when LA returned, the computer was sporting the "blue screen of death", which might have looked suspicious to LE as well. Not to mention the fact that LA reported the fact that when he came back with his sister's wallet, CA managed to grab the money inside and a female officer (according to him) snatched what looked like an ID card from inside the wallet.

I think LE may have been suspicious of the entire family at that point, which was evidenced by the fact that we now know that AL was wired to have a little conversation with LA very early on. And I can't help but think that, particularly after the interviews in which GA admits he smelled human decomp at the time he picked up the car, LE knew that GA would immediately know that driving home a potential crime scene or piece of evidence is a big chain of custody no-no. So the fact that the family all downplayed the smell of the car I think was a huge indicator to LE that the family was not being completely upfront from the minute they arrived.

Agreed. LE needed to get the warrants. From reading, officers had to originate the warrant, get it signed off from their superior and get a judge to sign it. They also needed on the warrant an explanation as to why they wanted to secure these items. Remember this was all happening early on 7.16.08 in the 1-6am hours. KC was having her first taped interview at 4:11 am.

GA signed the affidavit to release the car about six hours later. LE knew GA knew that LE knew. But there wasn't a damn thing LE could do about it at that point. It has also not been released when LE actually visually examined the vehicle and which officer(s) were there. We know from the forensic evidence report of what was found when the car was impounded by LE, but not prior to being impounded. We only know what lies CA/GA/LA have told. And the only true words that have come from them is that the car had a severe odor of decomposition.

LE doesn't really know what was or wasn't in the car. They and we are only going on the lies of CA/GA and the statement of the tow yard as to what was in the car AT the tow yard. CA conveniently has stated the pizza box being the source of the decomposition odor BUT she knew better just as GA/LA knew. CA told AH she thought it was either KC or Caylee and finding KC the source of decomposition only left Caylee being in the car.

Remember one of my other posts where I said that no one would miss Caylee or KC's car because KC made sure she had an answer for everything to anyone who questioned it. CA sure had an answer to everything as well. Both were lying if their lips were moving.

I really believe CA/GA/LA were ignorant of the Sunshine Laws. They never thought or considered that ANY information would be released to the public. They thought they could handled, well manipulate, the evidence. Remember CA claiming "they don't have any evidence" "just because KC tells some mis-truths doesn't mean she lied or murdered Caylee" ...... yada, yada, yada.

Now as far as I am concerned, CA/GA/LA will in the future be charged with obstruction and contribution to Caylee's murder and coverup. Look at the ANS case and years later, Fla is charging three people with contributing to her death. The wheels of justice may turn slow but they get to where they are going :behindbar: is where CA/GA/LA will be calling home.
That is certainly one interpretation. I also can imagine CA asking GA to please confirm that for her so she could hold it together when she went back to work (which I happen to think was GA's idea - he was the ex-LE and knew how important it would be for them to be seen by others after the car had been driven home despite the obvious smell of human decomp that just might later be corroborated by the towing company). GA knew he was driving home a potential crime scene and chose to do so in order to do his own investigation as to what might have happened before involving LE.

CA took that choice away by freaking out after she located KC who refused to produce Caylee, and by escalating the situation calling 911 several times instead of waiting until the entire family was assembled. That desperate impulsivity on her part may have been the only reason LE ever found out about Caylee to begin with.

ITA. I posted a similar thought early in this case wherein I believe that if they could turn back the clock to that 911 call CA would not have made the call, the family would have dealt with this entire situation "in house" and a viable explanation for Caylee's absence would have been concocted and offered only if questioned. I truly believe that this entire family would have continued with their lives, minus Caylee, living a cover-up for perhaps eternity or until someone went nuts with this horrible secret. WS weren't ready to view CA in that light at the time of my post; however, it appears that now she has played right in to my theory with her statements and behavior. I have no doubt they loved Caylee with all their hearts; unfortunately I believe that they would have kept her demise a secret from the world if they could have to protect KC.
What an insult to Rocky huh ..... LA stated he arrived back at the A, was in the garage when CA/KC pulled in. GA contacted LA early in the evening because he wanted LA to check on CA/KC. bbm: YES, TL received a call from LA. In LA's interview, he tells LE he left around midnight after he gave his statement to go to TL's and returned back to the A's around 2:25am. I agree about his "backwards" attempt to do his own investigating. And then he just hands the receipts over to JB??????:bang: Smell cover-up here, again .......... What LE doesn't say in the interview is how LA was told and by whom to go to TL's. LA in his interview discusses the laptop BSOD and plants his theory that someone at AL's could have done it.

Agreed. LE needed to get the warrants. From reading, officers had to originate the warrant, get it signed off from their superior and get a judge to sign it. They also needed on the warrant an explanation as to why they wanted to secure these items. Remember this was all happening early on 7.16.08 in the 1-6am hours. KC was having her first taped interview at 4:11 am.

GA signed the affidavit to release the car about six hours later. LE knew GA knew that LE knew. But there wasn't a damn thing LE could do about it at that point. It has also not been released when LE actually visually examined the vehicle and which officer(s) were there. We know from the forensic evidence report of what was found when the car was impounded by LE, but not prior to being impounded. We only know what lies CA/GA/LA have told. And the only true words that have come from them is that the car had a severe odor of decomposition.

LE doesn't really know what was or wasn't in the car. They and we are only going on the lies of CA/GA and the statement of the tow yard as to what was in the car AT the tow yard. CA conveniently has stated the pizza box being the source of the decomposition odor BUT she knew better just as GA/LA knew. CA told AH she thought it was either KC or Caylee and finding KC the source of decomposition only left Caylee being in the car.

Remember one of my other posts where I said that no one would miss Caylee or KC's car because KC made sure she had an answer for everything to anyone who questioned it. CA sure had an answer to everything as well. Both were lying if their lips were moving.

I really believe CA/GA/LA were ignorant of the Sunshine Laws. They never thought or considered that ANY information would be released to the public. They thought they could handled, well manipulate, the evidence. Remember CA claiming "they don't have any evidence" "just because KC tells some mis-truths doesn't mean she lied or murdered Caylee" ...... yada, yada, yada.

Now as far as I am concerned, CA/GA/LA will in the future be charged with obstruction and contribution to Caylee's murder and coverup. Look at the ANS case and years later, Fla is charging three people with contributing to her death. The wheels of justice may turn slow but they get to where they are going :behindbar: is where CA/GA/LA will be calling home.

BBM: I never considered this aspect of the case! Extreeeeemley good observation and it explains the outrageous stories they tried to pass off in the beginning...........stories they are now stuck with in the face of contradictory EVIDENCE. You know, the stuff CA didn't think they had....until it was broadcast to the entire planet....
IMO CA did not want to entertain the doubts she was having, a decomp smelling car+Caylee has not been seen publicly for 31 days=a deceased Caylee.
IMO CA had doubts but she pushed them out of her mind and concentrated on the decomp smell coming from A PIZZA:rolleyes: and the Invisa-Nany story that Casey came up with :rolleyes:

ITA, because when I put myself in CA's place, this is exactly how I would think and react during those first few hours--i.e., the night of July 15th and morning of the 16th. But once I learned what LE learned on July 16th about Casey's fabricated Saw Grass apartment address for the Nanny, etc., etc., I would have made myself refocus on the unthinkable, starting with that vile smell in my daughter's car.

It occurs to me that the only instance where I've been able to completely understand and agree with CA's behavior is as mentioned above. After that, virtually everything else she's said or done has either shocked, horrified, or enraged me. Frequently, she's accomplished all three at the same time.
What an insult to Rocky huh ..... LA stated he arrived back at the A, was in the garage when CA/KC pulled in. GA contacted LA early in the evening because he wanted LA to check on CA/KC. bbm: YES, TL received a call from LA. In LA's interview, he tells LE he left around midnight after he gave his statement to go to TL's and returned back to the A's around 2:25am. I agree about his "backwards" attempt to do his own investigating. And then he just hands the receipts over to JB??????:bang: Smell cover-up here, again .......... What LE doesn't say in the interview is how LA was told and by whom to go to TL's. LA in his interview discusses the laptop BSOD and plants his theory that someone at AL's could have done it.

Agreed. LE needed to get the warrants. From reading, officers had to originate the warrant, get it signed off from their superior and get a judge to sign it. They also needed on the warrant an explanation as to why they wanted to secure these items. Remember this was all happening early on 7.16.08 in the 1-6am hours. KC was having her first taped interview at 4:11 am.

GA signed the affidavit to release the car about six hours later. LE knew GA knew that LE knew. But there wasn't a damn thing LE could do about it at that point. It has also not been released when LE actually visually examined the vehicle and which officer(s) were there. We know from the forensic evidence report of what was found when the car was impounded by LE, but not prior to being impounded. We only know what lies CA/GA/LA have told. And the only true words that have come from them is that the car had a severe odor of decomposition.

LE doesn't really know what was or wasn't in the car. They and we are only going on the lies of CA/GA and the statement of the tow yard as to what was in the car AT the tow yard. CA conveniently has stated the pizza box being the source of the decomposition odor BUT she knew better just as GA/LA knew. CA told AH she thought it was either KC or Caylee and finding KC the source of decomposition only left Caylee being in the car.

Remember one of my other posts where I said that no one would miss Caylee or KC's car because KC made sure she had an answer for everything to anyone who questioned it. CA sure had an answer to everything as well. Both were lying if their lips were moving.

I really believe CA/GA/LA were ignorant of the Sunshine Laws. They never thought or considered that ANY information would be released to the public. They thought they could handled, well manipulate, the evidence. Remember CA claiming "they don't have any evidence" "just because KC tells some mis-truths doesn't mean she lied or murdered Caylee" ...... yada, yada, yada.

Now as far as I am concerned, CA/GA/LA will in the future be charged with obstruction and contribution to Caylee's murder and coverup. Look at the ANS case and years later, Fla is charging three people with contributing to her death. The wheels of justice may turn slow but they get to where they are going :behindbar: is where CA/GA/LA will be calling home.

I'm sure they were not the only ones.
I believe many residents of Florida, and many who don't live her, have received an education in the Sunshine Laws as it relates to release of information and discovery.
BBM: I never considered this aspect of the case! Extreeeeemley good observation and it explains the outrageous stories they tried to pass off in the beginning...........stories they are now stuck with in the face of contradictory EVIDENCE. You know, the stuff CA didn't think they had....until it was broadcast to the entire planet....

The A's should of known alittle about the Sunshine laws. The jailhouse phone calls and videos of Hulk Hogan's kid and the family was everywhere in the media! But, I don't think the A's thought the LE interviews would be broadcast! Tell ya the truth-I didn't either!
But, they are stuck now videos that will last forever on websites, youtube, photobucket, etc! It's like they are stuck in quicksand-the harder they try to get themselves out-the worse they make their predicament!:bang:
What I haven't read is whether LE was aware of KC's belongings being there as well and/or possibly KC alerted LA to get there lickity split before LE found them. Can I say obstruction of an investigation. :) here. Who told LA to get to AL's to retrieve KC's personal belongings? In TL's defense, the kid had quite an entertaining, not, evening. CA bursting in, telling TL what a thief KC is, finding out KC cleared out her bank account and hearing from AH all the carp CA laid on her about KC on the way to TL's, TL probably didn't even think to offer up KC's belongings when LE arrived to get KC's phone. **If I am wrong, please someone correct me with a link, thanks.**

These are but a few of the notes I have reconciled in the many docs I re-read. More, many more to go.
Very respectfully snipped. Wonderful posting Count Zero ! :)


Your post reminded me of Lee's trip to Tony's and his retrieval of Cindy's laptop w/ the BSOD. I think this is what LE may have been talking about when they said "he knows what he has done", in regards to Lee...I wish we knew for sure though. It was quite a coincidence for this BSOD to occur at this time, IF it happened without human assistance... :confused:
ITA, because when I put myself in CA's place, this is exactly how I would think and react during those first few hours--i.e., the night of July 15th and morning of the 16th. But once I learned what LE learned on July 16th about Casey's fabricated Saw Grass apartment address for the Nanny, etc., etc., I would have made myself refocus on the unthinkable, starting with that vile smell in my daughter's car.

It occurs to me that the only instance where I've been able to completely understand and agree with CA's behavior is as mentioned above. After that, virtually everything else she's said or done has either shocked, horrified, or enraged me. Frequently, she's accomplished all three at the same time.

yup yup yup!
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