Ron C. #3

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There is no comparison of the “good life” or “beautiful life” tattoo to one of the child’s actual picture.

There is really no comparison at all between the two cases. Please read up on the Anthony case.

Sleuthing the case to help bring home a missing child is not furthered by inflammatory comments.

As far as buying a house how hard is it to believe that Ron has the same American dream of all parents. He wants a safe home of his own for his son and hopefully for his daughter to come home to. You all would rather he stay in an area rife with RSO? Or have Crystal and her kids moved there? Wow!

Ron can figure out that if Haleigh comes home she will not be wandering up by herself looking for the trailer.

I give up. There are so many lies and rumors being spread about Ronald to address here repeatedly that it does no good to keep banging our heads against them.

There are no links to prove he is currently a drug dealer or abuser. There are no links to say he is abusive to anyone. There are no links to say he is in any way responsible for Haleigh going missing and he is involved. Things will continue to spin out of control because people either do not like him or his family for whatever reasons they have against them. Ronald is going to be trashed regardless and Rj is going to be the ultimate victim along with his sister. Someday he will read everything and realize it was never about Haleigh, but how much people hated his father instead.

This isn't bringing Haleigh home.

Frankly, what is being done anywhere isn't bringing Haleigh home either. Rumors and lies only serve to push the truth further away, imo. Tips which have no direct knowledge serve no purpose unless they can be deemed credible and verified by LE then lead to her whereabouts.

I pray that she is found safely, but I don't see this as a reality. The more time that passes is against them finding her alive. :(
Hopefully, the fund is set up so that there is NO WAY that Ron can use money from the fund until he has been completely cleared of all involvement in this case. So's not looking like that is going to happen.

I think that is really fair to say......and reasonable for many reasons. nothing wrong with basic items and living expenses, but he has to turn this around...let shope so. moo
ACK - someone paid for that tat? Have you seen it? IMHO it doesn't show HC in the most positive light. That $400.00 could have gone to much better use (like fixing the back door, or installing an alarm system).

However, my real worry is he said he's never going back to the trailer. Why? I understand there are memories, but most victims of child abductions don't leave the home. There's no reason they can't make it a tribute to HC instead of running. I can't even imagine what he's going through - but I hope he changes his mind about moving away.



I am way behind in my lurk reading but I have thought of a reason I personally would not want to live there. IF I believed someone came in to that trailer and took my child and I did not know how they entered undetected, they could do it again and take my other child. I would not want to take that chance.
I think what is really needed in this featured case discussion is a RUMOR THREAD. I come here to read about facts in the case and see how Ronald is doing and 4 out of 5 posts are daddy bashing posts while the 5th and 6th are posts from posters trying to stick up for Ronald and requests links to all the rumours that circulate. The same is true for the Crystal thread. Barely any factual posts of how she is doing and what news there is of her.

Personally, I don't think either one of them...Ronald or Crystal....has anything to do with Haleigh's disappearance. I feel sorry for the both of them because unfortunately their lives are being magnified right now because their beautiful little daughter is missing! I wish there was an impartial thread where I could go to hear just the facts and the daily goings on of this case. I know there is a daily update thread but that is not what I mean. I asked to become a member of WS because of all the great minds here. (AND GREAT MINDS DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TO THINK ALIKE) but I find myself stopping in less and less throughout the day because it seems like this case is bringing out the differences in us all.

Anyway....sorry for the rant, I just wish this was about Haleigh.
I have slowed down on my posting as some of the thread are getting out of Control. All we here at WS wants to bring Haleigh Home!!! We will not all get along but we can agree to disagree.

I just want answer to where she is who done what but right now lets just bring her home!!

This is not to anyone!!!!It's my Personal opinion
This comment is NOT TRUE in any way, shape, or form!! The owner of the funeral home set this fund up and Ronald had nothing to do with it!!

This is the reason I choose to support Ronald's side of the story when there are outrageous lies being put out for everyone to see! This post makes it appear to be a fact when it certainly is not!!

SeriouslySearching all of the false statements, rumors, outright & outlandish lies, stories etc. has had the same effect on me. It is now almost to the point that I not come here any longer because it is so discouraging and disappointing. There is a little 5 year old childs life we are talking about here! I am so grateful that RC has been an active church member with his mother and children and has his pastor to help and guide with support!

As far as I can tell RC has made every effort to clean up his life and do the very best that he can to care for his children. All we have is what "other" people are saying who supposedly "are in the know" so to speak. Yet LE has not cleared "ANY" family member at the present time. However RC take all of the constant bashing. I honestly do not think this guy can get a break.

We live in the U.S. People are not guilty until proven so. There really is no eveidence that RC has ever done anything to harm his children, nor participate in Haleigh's disappearance. As far as I have seen (also have spoken with someone close there in FL) RC leads the best life he can. He loves his kids much and has been working more than one job at a time. I also know for a fact that he is regularly and randomly required to drug test on the spot at work. It is required federally and there is no warning. Companies that do not follow guidelines are subject to steep fines and even risk losing their business.

Is it possible that RC did receive an income tax return or had some money saved to buy a home for he and his children???!! It is awful all of the assumptions and rumors that turn into facts about all of this. Very disturbing for me. I wonder how everyone will feel if and when it is found out who actually did this terrible abduction?!

BTW we had a similar type abduction in Milwaukee Wi., a few years back and the perp was pretty good about getting in undeteced with a dog in the home and leaving no evidence at all behind. That poor mother and father were also accused to later find out it wasn't them! Also reminds me of the Jaclyn Dowaliby case in Illinois years ago!

Sorry so long just needed to rant and vent!
If there are no facts can we still sleuth this case? If there are no facts, who are the suspects and who is off-limits? This is the hard part.

We find these divisions in every's not new. Anyone who remembers JonBenet, Madeleine or any of the other missing children's cases we've discussed here, knows how passionate WS members are about justice for these children. We're frustrated. We want these little ones home yesterday. We're tired of hearing bad news.

That's all it is. JMO.

I give up. There are so many lies and rumors being spread about Ronald to address here repeatedly that it does no good to keep banging our heads against them.

There are no links to prove he is currently a drug dealer or abuser. There are no links to say he is abusive to anyone. There are no links to say he is in any way responsible for Haleigh going missing and he is involved. Things will continue to spin out of control because people either do not like him or his family for whatever reasons they have against them. Ronald is going to be trashed regardless and Rj is going to be the ultimate victim along with his sister. Someday he will read everything and realize it was never about Haleigh, but how much people hated his father instead.

This isn't bringing Haleigh home.

Frankly, what is being done anywhere isn't bringing Haleigh home either. Rumors and lies only serve to push the truth further away, imo. Tips which have no direct knowledge serve no purpose unless they can be deemed credible and verified by LE then lead to her whereabouts.

I pray that she is found safely, but I don't see this as a reality. The more time that passes is against them finding her alive. :(

SeriouslySearching you hit the nail right on the head. (bolded by me) This is what is so very disturbing. Can you imagine what this poor kid will live with and go through?!
I say we start at the first, reread news article and watch the news video but thats just me maybe we missed a clue somewhere with all this other stuff being posted
According to what was posted earlier on this very thread, with this exact same discussion, Ron's record reads like this:
Putnam County
1/2/00 Driving without a license
10/24/01 Assault
12/12/02 Drugs
12/20/02 Hunting violation
11/16/04 Drugs
11/14/06 Leaving scene of accident
8/1/06 Trespassing
12/19/06 Leaving scene of accident
4/3/07 Affray/violence
11/14/07 Hunting violation
9/22/05 Order of protection
Sarasota County
9/29/05 Drug possession
11/18/99 Traffic violation
Flagler County
7/8/02 Traffic violation
Baker County
3/23/06 Violation Order of Protection


10/24/01 Assault
12/12/02 Drugs
11/16/04 Drugs
9/29/05 Drug possession
4/3/07 Affray/violence

Last Drug Charge: 2005
Last Violence Charge: 2007
If you're giving an Opinion fine, discuss it in a reasonable fashion. If you post a 'rumor' it will be deleted. There is a Rumor thread in the Parking Lot here. Rumor Thread Haleigh Cummings

All posts made saying something is fact needs a link, not a hearsay source.

Obviously some have chosen sides on which side of the family the have allegiance to, and that's fine, just stop the bashing.

Posting of last names here is a 'NO-NO' as most know. Remember, the ALERT function is your friend if you want to bring attention to what you feel is offensive or against TOS as the MODS can't read every post made simultaneously.

Thanks for your cooperation.
The fund was not intended to be used to buy PI's or full page ads. It was intended to help Ronald pay for living expenses during this time for himself and Rj...which it sounds as if it is exactly what it is going towards. If they had specified it was to go for finding would have been set up that way in the first place. The man from the funeral home stated it was because he was off work and would be needing income to sustain them, IIRC.

However, I won't be surprised to find money being spent on things to find Haleigh such as posters etc. I hope he has someone to advise him on finances.

There is no comparison between this case and the "other" one, imo. If they came to Ronald and his family tomorrow with any evidence that Haleigh was deceased...I have no doubt they would believe LE and not pretend she was still alive. (BTW~ The tat she got was all about her and done with stolen money. The tat Ronald got was all about his children and paid for by someone else. Huge difference, imo.)

JMO of course, but how much money does one need to live beyond what is common for them?
A 5,000 + from only one donor, is just the beginning.
I read in another thread that his co-workers are giving up their vacation pay, sick leave time, to cover his lost wages. So, beyond paying normal living expenses, which I don't begrudge him, as you said that's what it's for, what about the beyond amount.
Doesn't that feel even a tingle like profiting?

If what really matters is where is Haleigh, who took her, is she ok, how can I get her back, then I personally, personally mind you, would be using all means possible to find answers to those questions, and get my precious daughter back to me. But if you think buying a house is a better idea, just in case she comes home someday, by some miracle, with my only efforts being a tatoo, and a few searches when someone would come and ask me to go with them, then ok. To each his own. :)

IIRC, all I asked was what do any of you think,
how do any of you feel.
Because I honestly don't know.
But if this is a banner thread for Ron. Support Ron regardless of what you learn, see, hear, and feel, then I obviously am in the wrong thread.
I leave you to your love fest...:)
Can any of you give me the link where Ron is buying a home. I missed this little tidbit. Thanks
JMO of course, but how much money does one need to live beyond what is common for them?
A 5,000 + from only one donor, is just the beginning.
I read in another thread that his co-workers are giving up their vacation pay, sick leave time, to cover his lost wages. So, beyond paying normal living expenses, which I don't begrudge him, as you said that's what it's for, what about the beyond amount.
Doesn't that feel even a tingle like profiting?

If what really matters is where is Haleigh, who took her, is she ok, then I personally, personally mind you, being using all means possible to find answers to those questions, and get my precious daughter back to me. But if buying a house is a better idea, just in case she comes home someday, by some miracle, with my only efforts being a tatoo, and a few searches when someone would come and ask me to go with them, then ok. To each his own. :)

IIRC, all I asked was what do any of you think,
how do any of you feel.
Because I honestly don't know.
But if this is a banner thread for Ron. Support Ron regardless of what you learn, see, hear, and feel, then I obviously am in the wrong thread.
I leave you to your love fest...:)
yosande, you can come hide out at my house because I agree with this post and your last one. I'm getting very concerned about the message being sent when missing children become "big business."
I also find it very odd that RC doesn't want to be in that home, but I'm trying not to judge.
Anyway, very good posts.
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