Ron C. #4

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I was thinking the same thing,how is Ronald and Crystal getting money?I think Ronald might have a job,noone knows for sure.Crystal has the donation site for a place to live and money to get the needs for even Chloe.I was wondering if even Chad has a job,since she needs money for Chloe's needs.Since Crystal has not had a job for years,don't know if she has any county assistant,but Ronald might not either.If Crystal needs a place to live,did Marie lose her job too,because I thought Crystal lived in a trailer on Marie's property.Ronald is living with his grandma,so with a custody battle coming up,they both better get something going for places to live and work.The public donations will not last long.

Bolded by me

Don't know all the answers, but here are a few.

A local funeral home is managing a donation fund on Ron's behalf. I think it is called the Cummings Family Relief Fund.

I believe Chad has a job and that is one reason he has stayed in Baker County while Crystal is in Satsuma.

I don't know if Marie still has her job. Is she still in Satsuma on a daily basis ?
Crystal and Chad do have a MH in Baker County and I think it is on Marie's property. But Crystal was looking for a place to stay in Satsuma so she would be near what was going on with the search. I think it's about an hour and a half drive between Crystal's home and Ron's former home. Her father apparently lives closer, but ...Crystal had her father's ex-wife (Crystal's mother) when she was looking for a place and her father has remarried .....

Hope this helps and ITA - with the bolded part of your statement. The last time custody was awarded, both Crystal and Ron were living with their parents. At 24 and 25, it's time to let go of the apron strings IMO.
My son has a very similar situation with his on/off girlfriend with my grandson, we are in Florida, the baby has my son's last name and he did sign the birth certificate, however in Florda that does not establish paternity, in order for my son to have ANY rights to his son he has to establish paternity, at this point she can keep him away from my son as she see's fit, if he were to take him right now and not give him back he would be charged with kidnapping, this comes straight from my sons lawyer and my husband is LEO here and he spoken to a few judges about this, my question is had Ron established paternity when he took the kids from Crystal and refused to give them back?

I don't believe so. Establish his paternity was the first topic in the custody hearing transcript.
Thanks for answering that question for me, It goes to show that every judge handles each case in his own way, also the dynamics with Ron and Crystal are no way near the same thank goodness! Prayers for Haleigh!
Does anyone know if Ronald C. completed the GED?
He quit at 16- as soon as he was legally able to.. He was also held back one year in elementary school. That would mean he turned 16 in 9th grade!!!
I am sorry but I seriously take offense to this! Kiki I really love your posts and find them thought provoking most times but this last one is a doozy. It seems to suggest that men who call women Miss or have southern type manners might be hiding something underneath that is pretty darn ugly and manipulative. Not ALL southern men are that way and for some reason it seems like people are trying to insinuate that men that are that way are hiding something.

I am so so sorry for your experience and it seems as though you were really fooled by this man but I have to put a word in for Southern men here. My hubby who I have been with for 18 years is a southern man and very strict and outspoken in nature. He calls everyone Miss because it is a sign of respect and that is the way his daddy taught him to be. I agree southern men might be a little rougher around the edges but that in no way means "they" are abusers or should be categorized by the way they speak. My husband would be the first man in a long line of southern men to stand up for me against anyone that tried to do me harm, and likewise he would stand up for his daughters if anyone meant to do them harm. my daddy had lot's of legal guns in the home and cleaned them often whenever a suitor came calling, lol. Maybe that is why I ended up marrying a man that knew this to be fact and treated me with the respect and love that I deserve.

Again, I am sorry for your experience and it sounds like something went wrong along the way but in no way should a southern man be labeled or categorized as an abuser just by the way he speaks. I am not taking up for Ronald....I am taking up for a southern man that might be a little rough around the edges and firm but in my opinion doers not mean he is an abuser.:)
If I'm not mistaken, the message was not, "Be frightened of Southern men who say 'Miss Nancy,' and 'yes, ma'am,'" but rather, "Things are not always what they appear--even the smoothest veneer can cover evil."

And I think that, given the particular subject, she's right on target.
If I'm not mistaken, the message was not, "Be frightened of Southern men who say 'Miss Nancy,' and 'yes, ma'am,'" but rather, "Things are not always what they appear--even the smoothest veneer can cover evil."

And I think that, given the particular subject, she's right on target.

Thank you for you thoughtful opinion. The message that you receive upon reading a post does not however HAVE TO BE the opinion that I take away from reading that same post.

My response to Kiki was based upon MY opinion and I am entitled to that. I was not giving an opinion of Ronald or how evil he might or might not be. I was speaking of my own personal experiences with a very loving and respectful southern man. I have not placed blame on any player in Haleigh's disappearance because I am waiting for ALL the facts to come from LE before I render any kind of responsiblilty on a perpetrator.

I did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday, I have been alive long enough to understand that "even the smoothest veneer can cover evil." I just am of the opinion that not everyone is evil.
imo this with rc getting custody cause he is the better parent. I don't know about that. I have seen parents get custody because of who they know not because of being a better parent. They could be a better lier. Not saying this is why he got custody but I have also seen father's get custody cause mothers just walk away from there children never could understand how they could do that but I have raised a son that his mother just walk out of his life when he was 3 never wanted to be a part of his life. like i said jmo.
Perhaps what caused them to provide the media with information and pictures is the fact that DCF didn't do anything before. Perhaps they feel that earlier complaints by Crystal weren't investigated as thoroughly as they should have been. By involving the media, the pressure is now on DCF to do a complete and thorough investigation. One child is already missing. I can understand Crystal's urgency. Would I do it this way--media and all? I don't know. I can say I wouldn't, but I've never been in her shoes. I don't believe I would curse at and hang up on the 911 operator, but people keep reminding me I've never been in RC's shoes either.

Frankly, barring the existance of abuse to the children by RC. The fact that these children slept in the same room as Ron and his intimate child partner is enough to have them removed by DCS. The fact that RC exposed his children to a RSO and RSO's home is enough to have them removed by DCS. The fact that RC left his children in the care of his child paramour and Haleigh was abducted under suspicious circumstances is enough to place restrictions on his custody by the court. The drug friends and abuse not withstanding there are too many issues of safety to leave the children as they are.
Frankly, barring the existance of abuse to the children by RC. The fact that these children slept in the same room as Ron and his intimate child partner is enough to have them removed by DCS. The fact that RC exposed his children to a RSO and RSO's home is enough to have them removed by DCS. The fact that RC left his children in the care of his child paramour and Haleigh was abducted under suspicious circumstances is enough to place restrictions on his custody by the court. The drug friends and abuse not withstanding there are too many issues of safety to leave the children as they are.

What fact that Ron exposed his children to a RSO and an RSO's home? I haven't seen that "fact" anywhere.
Seventeen year olds are allowed to baby sit in the state of Florida.
I have yet to see any proof that Ron hung out with anybody using drugs. He did have drug arrests in his past, but as was said in another post, people can change.
What fact that Ron exposed his children to a RSO and an RSO's home? I haven't seen that "fact" anywhere.
Seventeen year olds are allowed to baby sit in the state of Florida.
I have yet to see any proof that Ron hung out with anybody using drugs. He did have drug arrests in his past, but as was said in another post, people can change.

Frankly, barring the existance of abuse to the children by RC. The fact that these children slept in the same room as Ron and his intimate partner is enough to have them removed by DCS.(stilettos)
What fact that Ron exposed his children to a RSO and an RSO's home? I haven't seen that "fact" anywhere.
Seventeen year olds are allowed to baby sit in the state of Florida.
I have yet to see any proof that Ron hung out with anybody using drugs. He did have drug arrests in his past, but as was said in another post, people can change.

Misty's cousin, who was visiting the home where Haleigh and Jr live, is the guy Misty herself says "did things" to her when she was younger, and has registered as a SO.
Frankly, barring the existance of abuse to the children by RC. The fact that these children slept in the same room as Ron and his intimate partner is enough to have them removed by DCS.(stilettos)

yes, primarily because DCS had required them to move into a three bedroom so that this co-sleeping situation wouldn't continue. I'm sure he agreed to not do the co-sleeping thing anymore at the time DCS was investigating and more than likely they have a signed report about that.
Misty's cousin, who was visiting the home where Haleigh and Jr live, is the guy Misty herself says "did things" to her when she was younger, and has registered as a SO.

Misty's cousin JO is not an RSO and as far as was every released has never been charged with a sexual crime on anybody.
Misty's cousin JO is not an RSO and as far as was every released has never been charged with a sexual crime on anybody.

Perhaps we'll agree then that Misty claims this man "Did things to her" and has been a criminal "pretty much all his life" since those are direct quotes from Misty herself.

That should be enough to suggest that a father would not allow this person anywhere near his children. I'm just guessing, though.
What fact that Ron exposed his children to a RSO and an RSO's home? I haven't seen that "fact" anywhere.
Seventeen year olds are allowed to baby sit in the state of Florida.
I have yet to see any proof that Ron hung out with anybody using drugs. He did have drug arrests in his past, but as was said in another post, people can change.

The exposure of his children to Misty's cousin while not rising to the level of a sex offender (one tried and covicted) he has been accused by the primary caregiver to the children of molestation when she was a child. This would rise to the level of extremely bad parenting. Ron was still using drugs after his daughter was born, we have heard and seen him associate with known drug users and offenders. People can and do change, usually after admitting they have a problem. According to RC he has none.
No we cannot agree on any of that.

No offense to Boytwnmom but she was wrong on almost every single one of her points she was attempting to get across.

IMO Crystal was neither railroaded or a victim of the system. She HAD fair representation in the court. She had a lawyer...too bad if they weren't as good as Ron's lawyer.
And about the equal resources???? She could have gotten a job. No one was stopping her but herself.

I believe JR is exactly where he needs to be. Ron has proven himself time and time again that he is the more fit parent to raise the children. The court wanted Crystal to have SUPERVISED VISITATION until Ron spoke up on Crystal's behalf so she could have BETTER visitation. I don't see where he is the "bad guy" in all of this.

if you're going to say someone is wrong then you should be careful. CS had NO representation at the hearing I commented on where Ron introduced criminal records of CS's mother but his own were not presented BECAUSE CS had no clue what she was doing and had NO LAWYER!!!! The only person with her was her MOTHER and I doubt many people would confuse her with a domestic relations attorney.
I won't continue to debate this with you all, but it surprises me that so many think it is A OK for a noncustodial parent to refuse to return the kids to the custodial parent - without any proof of abuse or neglect, to abuse the system and end up with custody instead of in jail for kidnapping.

becasue it was clearly illegal as RC's parental status HAD NOT been legally determined at the time he refused to bring the children back. If he truly suspected ongoing cocaine use or whatever his tale was he should have reported it to child protective services for investigation and removal. He had no right to take the children himself as he had no legal right to anything at all to do with them. He also never presented a scinitlla of evidence that CS was currently doing cocaine-he just said it-and then said he had no problem with her taking the kids. Common sense says what he was so "concerned" about was likely a lie or highly embellished or something or he wouldn't have wanted them with her unsupervised.

CS was also the most unhelpful litigant I have ever read about in a transcript. She was like soem textbook case you could use in a lawschool class. She had not a single clue about how to present evidence or even seemingly what evidence was. I really don't think someone should have their children taken away based upon the type of case presented here. I also agree he was coached in what to do, take them with her consent, then refuse to return them, file for paternity and custody, move in with mom who will take care of them, get a job etc and he waited until he did those things and then filed on his schedule while he kept the children from their mother.

Whatever, lots of people here seem to love this guy. I find everyone invovled inadequate in terms of parenting skills and RC no less than the rest.
Also, with all the uproar and the violent talk in the COBRA audio (the audio links that have been suddenly disppearing from the net like crazy BTW and the ones that are still out there have been edited/cut apparently) anyway, with all the uproar and the violent talk in the COBRA audio and the additional arguing and threats back and forth b/w Ron and Misty, (according to COBRA) I understood that Ron is now staying with GGM SYkes (with JR.) since he had to move the tents; Does anyone know if Misty living there at GGM Sykes' home with Ron?
becasue it was clearly illegal as RC's parental status HAD NOT been legally determined at the time he refused to bring the children back. If he truly suspected ongoing cocaine use or whatever his tale was he should have reported it to child protective services for investigation and removal. He had no right to take the children himself as he had no legal right to anything at all to do with them. He also never presented a scinitlla of evidence that CS was currently doing cocaine-he just said it-and then said he had no problem with her taking the kids. Common sense says what he was so "concerned" about was likely a lie or highly embellished or something or he wouldn't have wanted them with her unsupervised.

CS was also the most unhelpful litigant I have ever read about in a transcript. She was like soem textbook case you could use in a lawschool class. She had not a single clue about how to present evidence or even seemingly what evidence was. I really don't think someone should have their children taken away based upon the type of case presented here. I also agree he was coached in what to do, take them with her consent, then refuse to return them, file for paternity and custody, move in with mom who will take care of them, get a job etc and he waited until he did those things and then filed on his schedule while he kept the children from their mother.

Whatever, lots of people here seem to love this guy. I find everyone invovled inadequate in terms of parenting skills and RC no less than the rest.
i agree look at all his drug charges as well .. pot calling kettle black if you ask me .. neither should have the kids until they turn thier lives completely around hopefully they do .and hopefully little haleigh is still alive i hope it isnt thier lifestyle that got thier daughter into this ..
IMO fathers have just as much right as the mother. Thats why I dont see a problem with it.I cant answer why the court didnt see it as him abusing the court. Im not a judge but they must have had their reasons.
Sadly, the "reasons" they "must have had" may simply have been that they did not give a carp. They just didn't care about Haleigh--they cared about expedience (and maybe about the professional relationship with TN).

I agree that fathers should be fairly considered in custody matters. I just don't think that this father should have been awarded custody. And I think it was awarded out of laziness and lack of caring---and a little underhandedness on RC's part.
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