Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law

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Yeah, but you're a nut. :crazy: Kidding of course.

It's just what you are used too,LOL. You being Canadian and all would probably melt in our southern summers. :crazy: I've worn sweat pants to sit out on the porch in the swing, too ;)
Ron actually is accused of not only striking Hank Jr. through the window he also entered the van:

“He said that Ronald came out and began "swinging on him". He said that he was hit in the head and neck several times. He said that after they got in their physical altercation, he entered his vehicle in an attempt to drive away and Ronald entered the vehicle on the passenger side and began striking him again”

I have always associated burglary with stealing, I guess I associated it wrong. The definition by a previous poster explained it for me. It is all about entering a house, car or whatever to commit an offense. I hope I said that right. Learning moment for me anyway. I guess I'm not too old to learn after all.

As per the news conference this morning, the specific charge is burglary of a conveyance. Same charge as if you park your car unlocked in your own driveway and catch someone in the act of rifling through your glove box or deciding how to remove your CD player from your dash.
Ron actually is accused of not only striking Hank Jr. through the window he also entered the van:

“He said that Ronald came out and began "swinging on him". He said that he was hit in the head and neck several times. He said that after they got in their physical altercation, he entered his vehicle in an attempt to drive away and Ronald entered the vehicle on the passenger side and began striking him again”

I have always associated burglary with stealing, I guess I associated it wrong. The definition by a previous poster explained it for me. It is all about entering a house, car or whatever to commit an offense. I hope I said that right. Learning moment for me anyway. I guess I'm not too old to learn after all.
So did the Croslins arrive in different cars? It seems to me someone would have been sitting in the passenger seat if not. If they did arrive in different cars...why? Sure sounds like gang mentality to me and they came there with the purpose of starting the fight.

I don't think Misty was in any danger from Ronald and I don't think the phone records of her calling her brother will show anything except just that she may have called him. It would not explain why. We do know they used to be close and maybe they were the ones fighting instead. It wouldn't be unusual for a brother and sister to fight or argue.
Oh, that is great news! Thanks for sharing, I must of missed it. Where was Jr.? Anyone know? I am glad to hear he did not have to witness what went on in that house yesterday.
That is great news. Maybe he is with his mother. Certainly hope that Jr. missed this circus.
It sounds like LE met the Croslins at a convenience store, so am I to understand that the fight actually broke up and the Croslins left and called 911 to come out then?

Hours later, since the incident happened at 10:45 and he was arrested at 1. In my oh so humble opinion that sure gave them lots of time to get their stories straight.
This was said to a news reporter, NOT to law enforcement. Why is the first mention of this from Sykes to the media the morning after instead of that same night. No where in the news report did I see any mention from Misty, GGMS, or even Ron that they were trying to take Misty away?

The closest mention was from the Croslins stating that she called to be picked up.
Exactly. If she had called to be picked up...she would have been getting in the van instead of trying to stop the fight. She also would not be bailing her husband out of jail today. She would be packing her bags while he was in jail if she feared him in any way instead. This is why I say he was defending Misty. Obviously, from the story the Croslins are telling and Misty's reactions...she did not want to leave.
Come on people! We've all seen this scenario played out 100 times by teens. Misty and Ron probably got into a fight (argument), Misty was angry and/or scared enough during said fight to call her family for help.

She may have had a change of heart after the fact and regretted the call, but I would stake my life on it, that she made the initial call with all alarm bells going off.

If that were MY family (and I was a teenager calling for help), they would be over to "rescue" me after a phone call like that, whether I wanted them to or not.

Please, try and take out all the emotion and "sides" right now, and look at things objectively.

I this case it's a matter of logic, and it's logical to assume that what happened is exactly as you stated. It's human nature and happens every day.
Hours later, since the incident happened at 10:45 and he was arrested at 1. In my oh so humble opinion that sure gave them lots of time to get their stories straight.

This is not accurate.
They arrived at GM at 10:45
They called from a parking lot after the incident.
Waited for officers.
Officers conducted interviews.
Officers leave and go to Ron's.
Interview two more people.
And arrive at the station at 1am for booking.

Not to mention in the most recent article that has the phone interview with GM she says the police arrived minutes after the incident.
It's just what you are used too,LOL. You being Canadian and all would probably melt in our southern summers. :crazy: I've worn sweat pants to sit out on the porch in the swing, too ;)
I thought it had been raining in and around that area the past couple of days? Maybe it was a little cooler this morning.

Misty has a habit of wearing jackets and long sleeved shirts. My guess is that she is cold much of the time. When a person is very skinny, the body doesn't retain heat well and even in the summer you can feel cooler than most people. I used to get chilled all the time. (I long for those days now after hot flashes! LOL)
Exactly. If she had called to be picked up...she would have been getting in the van instead of trying to stop the fight. She also would not be bailing her husband out of jail today. She would be packing her bags while he was in jail if she feared him in any way instead. This is why I say he was defending Misty. Obviously, from the story the Croslins are telling and Misty's reactions...she did not want to leave.

Ever watched cops?
Seen the women who call the police and say he is beating me come help me... and when the cops arrive the woman attacks the police officer to prevent him from taking hubby to jail.

You are applying rational expectations to a situation that clearly is not being handled in a rational manner.

I have no clue what Misty said on the phone to her family, but her not hopping in the van with a suitcase in no way is indicative of her not making the call for help.
This article posted earlier had this statement that I had not seen anywhere else. Is it bad reporting (again) or is it another new fact?

"Sykes tells Action News she doesn't know why Hank Croslin Sr., Hank Croslin Jr. and Lisa Croslin came over to her home after Ronald got in a fight with Croslin Jr. earlier in the day."

If so, what were those two arguing about earlier?

That is a new one for me.
Very interesting.
You know there's going to be several different versions of the story by the time this plays out. GGM has, what, 3 already? All this carp blows my mind!

I do think the Croselins should be arrested as not only they were tresspassing (they didn't leave when first asked), but they were trying to forcebly put MC in the van.

Although, again, depends on which story you are going to believe.
It seems there are a lot of people that adore Ron here. I pitied him earlier in the case, when he was simply a father who's beautiful baby was missing. I didn't even question his criminal record. I felt his pursuit of underage girls to be illegal and felt that LE was not doing anything about it, because there were bigger fish to fry so to say. As a missing father he seemed sincere to me, and to tell you the truth I am not alltogether sure he did anything to his little girl. I have found that people that live in these types of chaotic situations do not generally make the best parents.

I think it's easy to establish that Ron could have easily called the police last night. Whether in defense of home or family, he could have easily chose to dial 911 and avoid tarnishing himself further. He did not do so because he CHOSE to fight. He chose to handle this himself. No one in his family stated to the multiple officers on the scene that they were under any threat from the Croslins. Considering the 3 gave written statements I would think they had the opportunity to write that down.

The Croslins, though another example of unsavory parenting are not the ones with the missing child. Ronald Cummings has a little girl who is missing. His behavior is going to be judged by the world. His choices are going to be interpreted as indicative of his behavior. So it is strictly my opinion, but I feel that it seems apparent that Ron has a violent disposition and obviously makes poor choices that have led to his arrests on multiple occasions.

It's time for Ron to grow up and think of Haleigh. He needs to live like a lawful citizen not a hot tempered manboy.
Hours later, since the incident happened at 10:45 and he was arrested at 1. In my oh so humble opinion that sure gave them lots of time to get their stories straight.

Completely off topic and I apologize but it took Cindy A three 911 calls and hours later for police to respond to her calls. I think the timeline in this case is reasonable considering the charges. JMO
This article posted earlier had this statement that I had not seen anywhere else. Is it bad reporting (again) or is it another new fact?

"Sykes tells Action News she doesn't know why Hank Croslin Sr., Hank Croslin Jr. and Lisa Croslin came over to her home after Ronald got in a fight with Croslin Jr. earlier in the day."

If so, what were those two arguing about earlier?

I heard they had been there earlier, and I can't back that up with a link. It's was told to me by someone else who lives down there.
I think we should just wait till we hear from Misty, she will straighten this whole mess out and give us a clear picture.

yeah...I'm ready to be beamed up, Scotty!

Misty has probably been convinced that all this was her fault. I can imagine that she is being chastised for what she has caused Ron to do. And, I bet she has heard this many, many, times.
Ever watched cops?
Seen the women who call the police and say he is beating me come help me... and when the cops arrive the woman attacks the police officer to prevent him from taking hubby to jail.

You are applying rational expectations to a situation that clearly is not being handled in a rational manner.

I have no clue what Misty said on the phone to her family, but her not hopping in the van with a suitcase in no way is indicative of her not making the call for help.
After Ronald was arrested, what was to stop her if she felt threatened by him? She could have packed up and left while he was in jail without fear. Instead, she bails him out. This is not indicative of her wanting to leave at all. It backs up the story that they were trying to force her to leave with them.
Hours later, since the incident happened at 10:45 and he was arrested at 1. In my oh so humble opinion that sure gave them lots of time to get their stories straight.

Sykes says Ronald went into her home, came out, and punched Croslin Jr. to keep him from taking Misty away. She says the Croslins left and minutes later Putnam County Sheriff’s deputies showed up and arrested Ronald.

It doesn't seem that they took very long at all.
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