Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law

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I have a question with regards to the bail. Since Misty is under the age of 18, can she legally sign a contract to bail someone out of jail?

I *believe* once her mother signed off on her getting married she became a legal adult. And this has been going on for months, do we know when her birthday is/was?
I find it very interesting (and hypocritical) how many people here are suddenly believing every word the Croslins say. Many people who are suddenly finding them "paragons of virtue and honesty" are the same people who ridiculed them mercilessly and photochopped horribly cruel pictures of them! I realize some of the people that posted the pics here on WS have been banned (not for posting the pictures, because THOSE stood for months) - but NOW that the Croslins have something negative to say about Ron Cummings, they are suddenly honest and good in your opinions? Wow!

Let's face it, there are two sides to this story. One thing seems clear - the Croslins show up at GGM's house close to 11pm. Two males. A fight happened. Those are FACTS.

Is there some reason Misty's dad could not pick up Misty by himself (if it is even TRUE that Misty called him "hysterical and crying" earlier in the day?) AND, if Misty REALLY called hysterical earlier in the day, why wait until 11pm to pick her up? Why bring the whole family to get her? Seemed like the "whole gang" arrived.

There are conflicting stories at this point.

We do not know which story is correct, however BOTH sides of the family has now filed complaints.

If it is true that the Croslins were asked to leave by the property owner, GGM, the Croslins were trespassing, IMO. They should have left immediately.

It will be interesting to see what the SA's office does when ALL the information is received from ALL the parties.

BBM If someone is banned they are not posting and hmmm we are not to talk about the banned. MOO Has nothing to do with today either JMO
I have a question with regards to the bail. Since Misty is under the age of 18, can she legally sign a contract to bail someone out of jail?

Good point, and no I don't think so, but since GGM was there she probably signed everything anyway.
Say what? I was just saying I had heard about them being their earlier which was stated in a news release by someone local. This local person told me the truth about went down last night before it ever hit the press as to what happened and that's reflected in my posts last night. Take it for what it's worth or not, I don't care.

I'm sorry but I think this is completely wrong to make these type of claims here without having to provide any source(s)/names . . . Anyone can make these type of claims - and has before - it's not about whether YOU care or NOT whether I believe it - it's about holding everyone to the same standard here - not allowing a select few to make claims such as this without having to provide a source/name - Keep in mind, your not expressing your opinion on a matter - your asserting your ties to a local and deeming them/their word as being truthful -

I have a question with regards to the bail. Since Misty is under the age of 18, can she legally sign a contract to bail someone out of jail?

good question, maybe that's why GGM was there with Misty.
After viewing the arrest photo of Ron and the slide photos of Misty and Sykes going into the police station and the photos of Ron and Misty leaving the station after bond was posted, there are no visible signs of injury to Ron's face. Maybe his knuckles are busted up again. His hands aren't shown.

I am looking for the photos of Misty's brother. :)
Ron had the option of staying in the house when the Croslin's arrive, and while in the house pick up a telephone and call 911 and let the police come out to the house and deal with the issue.

Even if Misty's brother was approaching Ron in an aggressive manner, Ron was the one that put his hands on Misty's brother first.

When someone approaches another person in an aggressive manner, the other person has the option to walk away.
Well...I have to disagree. If someone were coming at me in an aggressive manner, threatening me or my family, and got in my face...I would react the same way. I would attempt to push them away from me to prevent them from harming me. I would not turn my back on them! It would be foolish at that point to "walk away" and not expect to get sucker punched from behind. Ronald did not hit him first. Hank Jr took the first swing.

If the Croslins did receive calls from Misty...why didn't THEY call 911?! Why did they show up after Misty told them not to come? Calling 911 to rescue her would have been the right thing to do in the situation especially since she did not want them there. They did it because they were intent on starting a fight, imo. They knew exactly what was going to happen and provoked it. I will give you that Ronald should have called 911 immediately instead of going outside, but we don't know if Misty went outside first yet. None of the reports mention when she came outside.

I have to take a look at WHY they did this. Maybe we really are looking at the wrong families for Haleigh's disappearance. Maybe the brother Croslin is the one we should be checking out instead.
I *believe* once her mother signed off on her getting married she became a legal adult. And this has been going on for months, do we know when her birthday is/was?

December, and that legal adult thing is limited. She still can not legally purchase cigarettes, or alcohol, or enter over 21 bars or matter who signed what. Some laws are age specific for everyone, no exceptions for emancipation.
I find it very interesting (and hypocritical) how many people here are suddenly believing every word the Croslins say. Many people who are suddenly finding them "paragons of virtue and honesty" are the same people who ridiculed them mercilessly and photochopped horribly cruel pictures of them! I realize some of the people that posted the pics here on WS have been banned (not for posting the pictures, because THOSE stood for months) - but NOW that the Croslins have something negative to say about Ron Cummings, they are suddenly honest and good in your opinions? Wow!

Let's face it, there are two sides to this story. One thing seems clear - the Croslins show up at GGM's house close to 11pm. Two males. A fight happened. Those are FACTS.

Is there some reason Misty's dad could not pick up Misty by himself (if it is even TRUE that Misty called him "hysterical and crying" earlier in the day?) AND, if Misty REALLY called hysterical earlier in the day, why wait until 11pm to pick her up? Why bring the whole family to get her? Seemed like the "whole gang" arrived.

There are conflicting stories at this point.

We do not know which story is correct, however BOTH sides of the family has now filed complaints.

If it is true that the Croslins were asked to leave by the property owner, GGM, the Croslins were trespassing, IMO. They should have left immediately.

It will be interesting to see what the SA's office does when ALL the information is received from ALL the parties.

I don't believe everything they say.
I think all parties in this fiasco are dysfunctional at the very best.

I think the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. Misty probably did call for help and she probably changed her mind. The brother probably was puffed up and testosterone filled. Ron is angry and aggressive and probably hit him first. There is no question squabble one was over and Ron was in the house and the Croslins were getting ready to leave and Ron came back out and hit again. All parties state that. GM says it and Misty says he went in the house and then came back out to start again. Misty does not specifically say they were in the car, she doesn't say where they were.

I have an equally low opinion of the Croslin's.
I think they like drama.
When I read that the brother is in a neck brace I immediately thought insurance scam, someone's homeowner's policy is going to be cutting this boy a check.

In this particular round I think Ron assaulted someone.
The next round may very well be on the Croslin's from my view.
I certainly don't think they are above it.
I find it very interesting (and hypocritical) how many people here are suddenly believing every word the Croslins say. Many people who are suddenly finding them "paragons of virtue and honesty" are the same people who ridiculed them mercilessly and photochopped horribly cruel pictures of them! I realize some of the people that posted the pics here on WS have been banned (not for posting the pictures, because THOSE stood for months) - but NOW that the Croslins have something negative to say about Ron Cummings, they are suddenly honest and good in your opinions? Wow!

Let's face it, there are two sides to this story. One thing seems clear - the Croslins show up at GGM's house close to 11pm. Two males. A fight happened. Those are FACTS.

Is there some reason Misty's dad could not pick up Misty by himself (if it is even TRUE that Misty called him "hysterical and crying" earlier in the day?) AND, if Misty REALLY called hysterical earlier in the day, why wait until 11pm to pick her up? Why bring the whole family to get her? Seemed like the "whole gang" arrived.

There are conflicting stories at this point.

We do not know which story is correct, however BOTH sides of the family has now filed complaints.

If it is true that the Croslins were asked to leave by the property owner, GGM, the Croslins were trespassing, IMO. They should have left immediately.

It will be interesting to see what the SA's office does when ALL the information is received from ALL the parties.

Who has said or even implied that the Croslins are paragons of virtue and honesty? I now absolutely believe that Ron is a bottom feeder, but I also feel that the Croslins and Crystal and her family are equally low. Hell, I'd call 911 if any of them showed up on my lawn.

One of these clowns knows something and regardless of which "team" you are on, and it seems apparent there are teams, the bottom line is...Where is Haleigh?
hmmm I don't know, somethings we need to look into, but RC grandma was there too

Yup, I spotted that. My concern is I want to know for FACT who bailed out Ron so we are clear when we discuss who bailed out Ron. We can't just say Misty, even though the media says Misty because normally someone under the age of 18 can't sign a contract.
December, and that legal adult thing is limited. She still can not legally purchase cigarettes, or alcohol, or enter over 21 bars or matter who signed what. Some laws are age specific for everyone, no exceptions for emancipation.

Of course, but I think you can enter into legally binding contracts. The other party might still say no, I am not entering into a contract with a 17 year old, but I don't think she is unable to. I will go digging for statutes in a minute.
Yup, I spotted that. My concern is I want to know for FACT who bailed out Ron so we are clear when we discuss who bailed out Ron. We can't just say Misty, even though the media says Misty because normally someone under the age of 18 can't sign a contract.

I agree! and your right I don't think she can sign either.
Well...I have to disagree. If someone were coming at me in an aggressive manner, threatening me or my family, and got in my face...I would react the same way. I would attempt to push them away from me to prevent them from harming me. I would not turn my back on them! It would be foolish at that point to "walk away" and not expect to get sucker punched from behind. Ronald did not hit him first. Hank Jr took the first swing.

If the Croslins did receive calls from Misty...why didn't THEY call 911?! Why did they show up after Misty told them not to come? Calling 911 to rescue her would have been the right thing to do in the situation especially since she did not want them there. They did it because they were intent on starting a fight, imo. They knew exactly what was going to happen and provoked it. I will give you that Ronald should have called 911 immediately instead of going outside, but we don't know if Misty went outside first yet. None of the reports mention when she came outside.

I have to take a look at WHY they did this. Maybe we really are looking at the wrong families for Haleigh's disappearance. Maybe the brother Croslin is the one we should be checking out instead.

Version 2.6 of the story is that Ron and the brother were in a fight earlier in the day. Brother may have been trying to intervene then, who knows.

But as far as calling 911 instead of going over, if you have a daughter in an abusive situation (theoritical, not Misty and Ron, generic) and your daughter makes it clear this time and times before that she does not want the police involved.... when you child is an abusive situation like that you do what you have to keep the lines of communication open so that when she really needs you or is really ready to bail she will call you. If you go against her wishes and send the cops rolling in she is not going to trust you. And you are dealing with a woman whose life is out of control so you taking the reigns and controlling her instead of the boyfriend doing it will only alienate her. I am not saying that is the right way to handle it or effective, but I understand how a parent ends up there.

In this scenario today/yesterday, I think this is a drama loving, drama creating tag team. They probably can't stand calm, too much time to think about the real issues like the child they will probably never see again. Much easier to focus on hating each other and burn some energy brawling.
Well...I have to disagree. If someone were coming at me in an aggressive manner, threatening me or my family, and got in my face...I would react the same way. I would attempt to push them away from me to prevent them from harming me. I would not turn my back on them! It would be foolish at that point to "walk away" and not expect to get sucker punched from behind. Ronald did not hit him first. Hank Jr took the first swing.

When someone puts their hand on another person first it is an "assult", (Ron pushing Misty's brother) when the person that was pushed takes a "swing back" then the person is defending themselves.
Yup, I spotted that. My concern is I want to know for FACT who bailed out Ron so we are clear when we discuss who bailed out Ron. We can't just say Misty, even though the media says Misty because normally someone under the age of 18 can't sign a contract.

Florida statute: 743.01 Removal of disabilities of married minors.

The disability of nonage of a minor who is married or has been married or subsequently becomes married, including one whose marriage is dissolved, or who is widowed, or widowered, is removed. The minor may assume the management of his or her estate, contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, and perform all acts that he or she could do if not a minor.
For Florida- so if the contract has an age stipulation she would not meet the requirements, if the contract only requires an adult she does meet the requirements.

Emancipation is the act by which a minor,
who had limited legal rights and additional
legal privileges, gains all the rights and
responsibilities of an adult.
In Florida, emancipation occurs automatically
when you reach 18 years old or you are
But, when we talk about
emancipation, we usually mean a legal court
order that changes the status of a minor who
would not otherwise be emancipated.
An emancipated minor has the legal capacity
to act as an adult. This means the minor is no
longer treated differently under the law and is
free of the legal control and custody of her
However, an emancipated minor is no longer
entitled to the benefits of being a minor, either.
His parents no longer have a legal
responsibility to support him and the
Department of Children and Families will not
intervene to protect his welfare as they would
that of an unemancipated minor.
Emancipation does not change the effect of laws
which restrict behavior by a minimum age.
For example, an emancipated minor can not
drink until she is 21 years old or vote until she
is 18 years old.
In the United States, there are three ways for a teenager to earn emancipated minor status. The first method is to demonstrate to a court that he or she is financially independent and the parents or legal guardians have no objections to his or her living arrangements. A petition is usually filed in a family courtroom and the judge can either approve or disallow the emancipated minor's petition. This is to prevent disgruntled teenagers from arbitrarily leaving home and declaring themselves to be emancipated. Becoming an emancipated minor through financial independence is not considered a divorce from parents, but rather a means for successful teens to protect their assets.
Another recognized way to earn emancipated minor status is to become legally married.
Yup, I spotted that. My concern is I want to know for FACT who bailed out Ron so we are clear when we discuss who bailed out Ron. We can't just say Misty, even though the media says Misty because normally someone under the age of 18 can't sign a contract.
It hasn't been posted on the court document site yet that I have been able to find anyway.

Misty doesn't have any money or assets so I would say it is obvious it would be his grandmother.
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