Ron Cummings tells G & C Anthony "STAY AWAY!"

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I am shocked to read all of you patting Ron on the back, that is exactly what he wanted everyone to do, he wanted to appear to everyone as though he is distancing himself from the guilty baby killer. Its all for show, if he really wanted the Anthony's to stay away he would have quietly filed a restraining order or had his attorney send them a letter not put out a press release. UGGGGGGGG

In my opinion this is a case of pot meet kettle! He knows everyone knows Casey is guilty and he has enough of guilt to fin off, without having the parents of a baby killer hanging around.
I am shocked to read all of you patting Ron on the back, that is exactly what he wanted everyone to do, he wanted to appear to everyone as though he is distancing himself from the guilty baby killer. Its all for show, if he really wanted the Anthony's to stay away he would have quietly filed a restraining order or had his attorney send them a letter not put out a press release. UGGGGGGGG

In my opinion this is a case of pot meet kettle! He knows everyone knows Casey is guilty and he has enough of guilt to fin off, without having the parents of a baby killer hanging around.

When I congratulated him for this, I assure you it wasn't because he was savvy enough to consider he should distance himself from the guilty baby killer; It was because he was smart enough to lock them out from whatever media money he thought he was going to get. He already knew what selling pictures could get him, thanks to them.
When I congratulated him for this, I assure you it wasn't because he was savvy enough to consider he should distance himself from the guilty baby killer; It was because he was smart enough to lock them out from whatever media money he thought he was going to get. He already knew what selling pictures could get him, thanks to them.

Allegedly guilty baby killer. [sorry, just being silly]
I was gonna go there, but eh.....the site was having a bad day and I just didn't wanna stretch its patience.
Well now that we question a lot of RC actions I want to bring this thread back. My comment is that RC feared people would think he was involved in his daughters disappearance with the A's lurking around. While I had thought that the A's were trying to sharpen their own image, initially I had wondered why would RC turn away help? They were just trying to help find Haleigh right? What was the big deal if not what I underlined? Discomfort for what reason? RC has stated repeatedly things that make it sound like he thought she has died.
BBm. Hmm.
The A's would have been an interest to keep Haleighs name out there when the clues stopped coming.

The day George and KFN pulled up in there was a media frenzy. No one wanted THEM there......I was there when they were asked to DEPART.

It was not only RC who wanted them out of there the media only picked up on his there any statements from both sides of the family printed.
The day George and KFN pulled up in there was a media frenzy. No one wanted THEM there......I was there when they were asked to DEPART.

It was not only RC who wanted them out of there the media only picked up on his there any statements from both sides of the family printed.

I remember that they were asked to leave by Ron and his family, but didn't they have the nerve to show up again about a day or two later, the second time with Cindy in tow? There was no video on this visit, but I'm sure that I heard that. Also, didn't LP show up at around the same time?
Well now that we question a lot of RC actions I want to bring this thread back. My comment is that RC feared people would think he was involved in his daughters disappearance with the A's lurking around. While I had thought that the A's were trying to sharpen their own image, initially I had wondered why would RC turn away help? They were just trying to help find Haleigh right? What was the big deal if not what I underlined? Discomfort for what reason? RC has stated repeatedly things that make it sound like he thought she has died.
BBm. Hmm.
The A's would have been an interest to keep Haleighs name out there when the clues stopped coming.

I think that Ron reacted to the Anthonys just like most of us would if we had a missing child and they came to help us. Their granddaughter is dead at the hands of their daughter...the daughter they have lied and covered for. They have forgotten all about poor little Caylee because of Casey. I think that is all there was to it. Just remember...Ron went to work in the late afternoon and didn't get off work until the middle of the night. LE have cleared him and say that he is not a suspect. So why would he have felt any discomfort? That older man at Ron's is the one who ran the Anthonys off.
Well, I'm sure that nobody with a missing child, guilty or not, wants their name associated with people who are generally assumed to be sheltering a murderer. It would create unwanted imagery in people's minds.
The news release, sent by attorneys Greg Kimball and T. Jerry Snider, said "the Anthonys have their own agenda, as witnessed by their recent media tour," apparently referring to a weekend missing-children's event in Lake Mary, where the Anthonys appeared with Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh's mother.

The release said "the facts relating to the death of Caylee Anthony, which resulted in the first-degree murder charges against Casey Anthony, are in no way similar to Haleigh's disappearance."

Wanted to distance himself from a fate he may be facing, IMO.

The Anthony's had their own agenda...I agree. This duo want to make it as crime victims advocate but will not due to the Anthony's not being a voice for Caylee. Instead, they have lied or told "mistruths" in an effort to make inmate Anthony look innocent, like the mother of the year...too bad it did backfire and will continue to backfire unless they start being Caylee's voice..they may as well close the door to their new foundation!
Well I certainly would want all the eyes I could find to help me look for my missing child. I wonder if it has anything to do with GA having affiliations with police and the RC/MC group of folks trying to keep away prying eyes from their drug activities. (and or coverups)
Well I certainly would want all the eyes I could find to help me look for my missing child. I wonder if it has anything to do with GA having affiliations with police and the RC/MC group of folks trying to keep away prying eyes from their drug activities. (and or coverups)

I stand by this being one of the only sound decisions RC has ever made. The Anthony's were there to toot their own horn and promote their own agenda and get a toe in edgewise to front their new endeavor. They are (IMO) scammers of the worst sort and given how they used their own granddaughter's death to make money, saw nothing wrong in using someone else's child to do the same.
I am shocked to read all of you patting Ron on the back, that is exactly what he wanted everyone to do, he wanted to appear to everyone as though he is distancing himself from the guilty baby killer. Its all for show, if he really wanted the Anthony's to stay away he would have quietly filed a restraining order or had his attorney send them a letter not put out a press release. UGGGGGGGG

In my opinion this is a case of pot meet kettle! He knows everyone knows Casey is guilty and he has enough of guilt to fin off, without having the parents of a baby killer hanging around.

Well, clearly you've got RC tried and convicted.

But what normal person would want to get into the circus that comes with the Anthony family--and not just the media circus but the whole bizarre, insane family dynamic? You are right: it was pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Caylee's mother was almost certainly involved in her disappearance, given that the child was gone for over a month and she never mentioned it (and so on, and so on). I know I would want NOTHING from that case to rub off on my search for a missing child.
Well, clearly you've got RC tried and convicted.

But what normal person would want to get into the circus that comes with the Anthony family--and not just the media circus but the whole bizarre, insane family dynamic? You are right: it was pretty clear to anyone paying attention that Caylee's mother was almost certainly involved in her disappearance, given that the child was gone for over a month and she never mentioned it (and so on, and so on). I know I would want NOTHING from that case to rub off on my search for a missing child.

My point was that Ron did not ask the anthony's to stay away because he has morals, he did it for show to make himself look better and it worked and that is what is frustrating.
And yes in my eyes Rc is tried and convicted and guilty as hell of Marrying the last person who was with Haleigh, who has lied repeatedly, who has done everything he can to shift the attention away from the truth, he is guilty of turning his back on Haleigh and junior (the drug deals)... So yes I have absolutely no respect for him what so ever, whether he had anything to do with Haleigh actually being gone or not.. He does not deserve respect what he deserves is right where he is or the DP!
When did LE clear Ron and say he is not a suspect? Is this something new or I missed it?
Last I had heard, no one outside of LE, if indeed they know, has any idea of what Ron's work hours actually were on that night. If I missed where Ron was officially cleared by police, please adivse.
When did LE clear Ron and say he is not a suspect? Is this something new or I missed it?
Last I had heard, no one outside of LE, if indeed they know, has any idea of what Ron's work hours actually were on that night. If I missed where Ron was officially cleared by police, please adivse.

Ron has not been cleared! In a statement made around Haleigh's one year anniversary Le reiterated that everyone is a suspect. Rons lawyer even stated that Ron has not been cleared and honestly I dont know where the rumor came from that he had been cleared.
Ron has not been cleared! In a statement made around Haleigh's one year anniversary Le reiterated that everyone is a suspect. Rons lawyer even stated that Ron has not been cleared and honestly I dont know where the rumor came from that he had been cleared.

Nancy Grace :furious::furious::furious:
Nancy Grace :furious::furious::furious:
Nancy Grace repeated it the "cleared" part from TN, imo. stated you were curious about how the rumor got started that RC is cleared. I remember exactly. The very first press conference with NeJame after she hired him, and the very first words spoken were from TN. She said, "All I can tell you is that my son has been cleared." This was said in regards to the LE saying that Crystal and rc are not "Suspects". That was the first and last time we saw those two together. Whether it was TN's words or behavior, MN looked very uncomfortable. It was pretty obvious we were unlikely to see those two appear together again. He and RC's other attorneys left the "Fray", as the first set of attorneys said.
My point was that Ron did not ask the anthony's to stay away because he has morals, he did it for show to make himself look better and it worked and that is what is frustrating.
And yes in my eyes Rc is tried and convicted and guilty as hell of Marrying the last person who was with Haleigh, who has lied repeatedly, who has done everything he can to shift the attention away from the truth, he is guilty of turning his back on Haleigh and junior (the drug deals)... So yes I have absolutely no respect for him what so ever, whether he had anything to do with Haleigh actually being gone or not.. He does not deserve respect what he deserves is right where he is or the DP!

I don't disagree with anything you said after the first sentence, and more. He's in jail as a result of his own choices; he's ruined his life, made his son's life exponentially more difficult, and because he was living with Misty, he put his kids at risk, with terrible results for Haleigh. I agree.

However, none of us know why he turned down the Anthonys. It might not have even been his idea, for all we know. But my point is that the Anthonys are toxic, and not wanting to have them front and center, sucking all the air out of the search for Haleigh and tainting legitimate search efforts with their craziness and denial, is a sign of good judgment on someone's part. Had he "embraced" the Anthonys, this board would have erupted with cries of protest that RC was "just like Casey" or "just like Cindy." The whole question of why he didn't want them involved in the search for Haleigh tells us nothing about Ron and a whole lot about the Anthonys.
I don't disagree with anything you said after the first sentence, and more. He's in jail as a result of his own choices; he's ruined his life, made his son's life exponentially more difficult, and because he was living with Misty, he put his kids at risk, with terrible results for Haleigh. I agree.

However, none of us know why he turned down the Anthonys. It might not have even been his idea, for all we know. But my point is that the Anthonys are toxic, and not wanting to have them front and center, sucking all the air out of the search for Haleigh and tainting legitimate search efforts with their craziness and denial, is a sign of good judgment on someone's part. Had he "embraced" the Anthonys, this board would have erupted with cries of protest that RC was "just like Casey" or "just like Cindy." The whole question of why he didn't want them involved in the search for Haleigh tells us nothing about Ron and a whole lot about the Anthonys.

And so is Ron C, his mother/family TOXIC..Whether he or whoever chose to embrace the Anthonys or not I still view Ron C as being alot like Casey, and his mother as being perhaps even more calculating and diabolical than Cindy could ever hope to be..And what has led me to this thinking is their mistruths and their actions....But thats just my opinion..JMO

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