Ron Jr.'s Fate

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Do you think Florida Social Services should remove Ron Jr. from his father Ron Sr?

  • Yes

    Votes: 140 47.1%
  • No

    Votes: 68 22.9%
  • Put him in Foster Care

    Votes: 9 3.0%
  • Let him live with stable family members!

    Votes: 80 26.9%

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  • Poll closed .
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We don't have to condem Crystal, she did not raise JR.

I saw beautiful videos on Casey Anthony and Caylee. I saw beautiful videos on Laci and Scott. I did not see arrest records for drugs either on these two cases. I have seen many loving pics of parents who have abused or worse their children.

Ron has raised these two kids..

As far as school...Haleigh had too many unexcused absences to say that he was all for her getting a good education.

I do not see any evidence of work history either. He worked for less than 6 months total between two companys that I have seen. I have heard abusive language, that cannot be said this was his first time using it...he appears seasoned in this regard. I have seen his choice in young girls/minors. I have seen his drug record and he has mentioned using his gun. His wife and mother says he got in a fight over gun also, which he denies. You can hear him say he will shoot through the window of the police car...yet, you don't think he can be violent?

He moves about every few months from one place to the stability.

If one sees RC as a church-going Christian with Christian values, then I understand why they are protecting him. IMO, no Christian values seem obvious....unless he has been ordained to save drug-abusing young girls. Taking on a relationship with a sixteen year old is pushing it, don't you think?

If his pastor thought so much of him,why did he refuse to marry him and Misty?

JR does not have a chance unless immediate intervention is sought.

Hi whisperer,
I was not trying to condemn Crystal, but yes....she has had a hand in raising junior. Why would you say she didn't? Her and Ronald were together in a relationship and she was involved then and now she has visitation on weekends and iirc RJ is with her right now. She can still be a good mother and have a hand in his upbringing without him being in her house during the week. Your statement that she didn't raise the two kids is not a fair statement and if we knew Crystal personally and could ask her I can only hope that she would take a little credit for those 2 beautiful kids.

As far as Casey and Caylee Anthony and the video's, I just see no comparison to this case what-so-ever. Casey duct taped her own daughter's mouth and murdered her in cold blood. Crystal nor Ronald have been found to have harmed Haleigh in anyway. If Haleigh is found and that fact changes I will be the first in line to eat my

Haleigh was 5 and had a medical reason to miss school, when my kids were 5 and even up to the age of 8 they were sick and absent often. More than that if I as a mother and school storekeeper found out that something contagious was going around the classroom I kept my young child home. At that age, they are sick more often...still got ear infections and sore throats when the wind blew too hard far as the missed days of school for Haleigh, I will leave that to the professionals at the school. And they must have thought there was nothing to be concerned about because I can find no reports to DCF or the truancy officer from them concerned because Haleigh missed school.

I am not even going to get started with Ronald moving around so much....military families have to move around, I myself have moved a few times and my 18 year old daughter recently graduated high school and thanked her dad and I for allowing her the experiences she has had in life. If everyone were meant to stay in their little corner of the world we wouldn't have airplanes and trains now would we? My husband never graduated high school, but he is a good man and a good provider, he works for a drilling company and is in and out of NASA here in Huntsville quite frequently to work. Just because someone doesn't have an education does not mean they are good for nothing.

I don't agree with his choice to marry Misty, but that is just me, people do some really strange things when they are under a lot of stress. I can't say that makes him a bad father because he did it though. And last of all, I would love to give you some links to data about court appointed attorney's and legal aid lawyers, I thought it was common knowledge that people with lower income could retain them easier. I can tell you that I was a healthcare rights advocate for many many years and worked with people who have disabilities and they lived off SSI and SSD. There wasn't a whole lot of money to go around in their budget and I helped a good many of them retain legal council. But, I would be happy to give you some links as soon as I find them. Right now I have to go fix my hubby some dinner or I might need an attorney myself:crazy:
Let's not paint RC as "Father of the Year"

You left out his appetite for very young girls who happen to have problems with drugs. I don't think threatening to shoot through the window of a police car is normal either. I will not make excuses about his temper because of the tragedy. One does not veer THAT far off the norm when pushed to the limit unless they have serious issues. I notice no one addresses the fact that his mom and Misty have both said he had a fight with JO over a gun.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the life he was leading and the type of personality he has.

I notice you keep saying what a hard working young man he is and now he is involved with the church...why didn't the pastor marry them? Where is the hard working young man working now?

I am not trying to paint Ronald or Crystal for that matter as anything. They are some people that might not have the shiniest pasts. Pasts we would not even know about if they weren't missing a daughter. I am just trying to cut them both a little slack because until all the facts come out in this case, a little slack is what I think they deserve. I try not to listen to rumors and my heart hurts for both these two. It is clear Ronald and Crystal both might have some issues but I will leave the taking away of children to the experts and professionals.
I believe there is still a "hold" on the child support and Ron has not received it. That is how it appears on the Court docket, anyhow.

How can Ron be "getting by" on child support?
(my bold)

Not really sure what you're asking, Atherella.

Many people have to get by on very little money. Especially with the way things are right now.

In any event, that child support that he will be receiving is for the money owed to him since it was ordered in December of 2005 that he never was paid. Ron supported both HaLeigh and Junior on his own with no help. It's hard to condemn him for receiving child support, don't you think?
(my bold)

I don't condemn him for that at all.

Though I do not think he should continue to receive child support for Haleigh (if indeed he still is).

And I don't know about you or anyone else, but I would have a hard time going to work when my child was missing and I didn't know where she was. I don't even think I could function on a day to day basis, never mind go to work.

Yes, I imagine it would be extremely difficult.

In my post I was not putting him down, just asking if he had a job or not.
I have never painted RC as Father of the Year.

I did not address his appetite for young girls who have a problem with drugs, because I do not know for a fact any of the history of the girls RC has been in a relationship. I keep hearing plural and young girls. He has been involved with one "young" girl. People seem to realize RC has aged each year he was not always 25. We know Crystal did drugs, I do not know Misty did drugs while she was with RC. I do not know if Misty had been drug free and after this fight she had a set back or what.

I can assure you that there is nothing seriously wrong with my husband or son, but I can guarantee you that if my daughter went missing both of them would be threatening to kill whoever took her, and I would be hearing words out of their mouths that they normally do not use.

I never claimed to be a rocket scientist, I just have an open mind and do not base my opinion of how someone is leading their lives and raising their children based on rumors, on their reaction to the news their daughter is missing, or because they have made mistakes in the past.

Let's not paint RC as "Father of the Year"

You left out his appetite for very young girls who happen to have problems with drugs. I don't think threatening to shoot through the window of a police car is normal either. I will not make excuses about his temper because of the tragedy. One does not veer THAT far off the norm when pushed to the limit unless they have serious issues. I notice no one addresses the fact that his mom and Misty have both said he had a fight with JO over a gun.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the life he was leading and the type of personality he has.

I notice you keep saying what a hard working young man he is and now he is involved with the church...why didn't the pastor marry them? Where is the hard working young man working now?
Many people have to go to work....UNLESS they start a "foundation"...which seems popular these days.

Unless you are wealthy or living off donations, you must return to work...period.

It would be harder to sit around "Doing nothing", then working to keep your mind off of it.
How are you supposed to support the rest of your family...Can't forget them1

Are you talking about Crystal in this post? Living off of donations and starting a foundation? Do you know what her new salary is going to be as the Vice President of the HB Foundation? I don't know if that will be included in the reports online.

Actually, is the Foundation ever going to open up in Baker County, does anyone know? It was reported the first week of June that the center closed and moved to Baker County onto the Hay farm on her mother's property. That is a month and a half ago.

As for Junior.... he should be headed home this weekend to spend with his father. He spent the weekend of the 4th of July with him - which means this weekend will be his visitation weekend. I'm sure he misses his Daddy being away. I hope he is enjoying his extended visit with his mother over the summer, too. It must be SO hard for him without HaLeigh there to play with him. :(
Does anyone know if Ron is working now to support Junior, or is he just getting by on child support?

What child support? He's only gotten a few thousand dollars a month or so ago.
Over 11,000 he can live on that for a few months! I know I could

He hasn't gotten that money yet, according to the Court docket. It appears to be tied up still. There is a process the money needs to go through before Ron actually gets the money through the DOR. Hard to say when he will get that money.

Again, that money is money that has been owed to him over the course of years. The child support was ordered in December of 2005. It really isn't like he is coming into this windfall of money like he won the lottery or something. He supported the children on his own all that time without the benefit of child support. This is really money that he has already spent over the years.

I wonder if Crystal ever paid her half of the kids medical expenses? I believe that is in the Court Order also. Each parent pays half of uninsured medical expenses. (And no, it is not on the records that are online, so I cannot link that, sorry).
He hasn't gotten that money yet, according to the Court docket. It appears to be tied up still. There is a process the money needs to go through before Ron actually gets the money through the DOR. Hard to say when he will get that money.

Snipped for space and BBM

It don't show up right away!
Snipped for space and BBM

It don't show up right away!

If you look at the dates on the alleged checks of the "mystery donor" they are dated:


It does NOT take 3 months for the first 2 checks, and over a month for the last check to post online. :rolleyes:
What child support? He's only gotten a few thousand dollars a month or so ago.

Oh, I was under the impression that he got at least 4K of back pay, and was getting regular payments now.
If you look at the dates on the alleged checks of the "mystery donor" they are dated:


It does NOT take 3 months for the first 2 checks, and over a month for the last check to post online. :rolleyes:

I disagree! :rolleyes:
The total backpay and amount the donor paid was a little over 12,000 - basically Crystal never paid support. He has not received the 12,000 of child support that the donor paid for Crystal.

Oh, I was under the impression that he got at least 4K of back pay, and was getting regular payments now.
I am interested in the mystery woman Barbara, and if CS will make any of her own payments
Oh, I was under the impression that he got at least 4K of back pay, and was getting regular payments now.

No. I believe even Kim said he wasn't receiving all of the 4100 anyway. It's all over at Art's somewhere, the rest is on hold.
Who cares if Crystal makes payments?...I am interested in finding Haleigh.

Jr's fate is what is in question here. He appears well fed and clothed, so I guess the children didn't suffer too much for those two things.

Anyone ever wonder why RC moved around so much with these two young children? This was not a very stable environment. Between that and going with his mothe a few weekends a month,the little guy was moving around way too much.
No. I believe even Kim said he wasn't receiving all of the 4100 anyway. It's all over at Art's somewhere,the rest is on hold.

I was under the impression that the posters that be not respect Mr. Harris as a journalistic source. Perhaps I am confused and all that was posted elsewhere.:eek:
Atherella says: snipped <<are you talking about Crystal in this post? Living off of donations and starting a foundation? Do you know what her new salary is going to be as the Vice President of the HB Foundation? I don't know if that will be included in the reports online.>>

Nope, I was not talking about CS. I was talking about Ron getting a job and supporting his family. Someone suggested they would not be able to work if this happened to them.

My point was "Most people have to work."

I am weary of how this constantly comes back to what Crystal is doing. She is not the one that has custody....RC does. He needs to support them, whether or not Crystal helps. People here enable his cause by blaming CS for his problems. Many young mothers are in the same boat and have not received support. It happens, but most don't move in with a minor and have the minor care for their children 24/7.

No matter what is said or the topic of the thread, somebody throws Crystal into it.

RC is the custodial parent.....period! He either has to go to work or go broke eventually.
Atherella says: snipped <<re you talking about Crystal in this post? Living off of donations and starting a foundation? Do you know what her new salary is going to be as the Vice President of the HB Foundation? I don't know if that will be included in the reports online.>>

Nope, I was not talking about CS. I was talking about Ron getting a job and supporting his family.

Well, you mentioned people living off donations and starting a foundation. Sure sounded like Crystal, IMO. She lived off donations for months, and she did start a foundation.

This is the Ron Jr, thread. How is Crystal supporting him? He's HER family.
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