Ronald proposes to Misty #2 UPDATE: Wedding planned for 03-12-09

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Thank you Toms Girl. I am normally not in the Caylee or Haleigh rooms and do not know when there is 'drama' about. Nor did I see that thread you listed above. Sorry. I tried to find a relevant thread before I posted. Can we discuss how upset this is to us without 'trashing' the people??
No problem, you just missed the thread, it happens.

Of course you can discuss your feelings without personally trashing the subjects :)
How in ANY sort of way can one think this is NORMAL??? PLEASE EXPLAIN!!! Your daughter is missing with out a trace! (let's not forget the last person to see her is the one you want to marry) And you have NO suspicions....... Not pointing fingers, but da*n she didn't lose your wallet! I find it extremely hard to believe one would not have an issue with that! I KNOW I would! Then You get a tattoo in "MEMORY" of her....... But yet hoping she is coming home....... Next your going to buy a home?????????? And last but I am quite sure NOT LEAST you are getting married this week!?!?!?!??!
Okay so this was suppose to be in the works...... That is why Ron was working all the over time, right????? But can no longer work because he is to depressed??????? So now you are not working, don't have your daughter, much less a place to live! So let's get married buy a home && go to DISNEY! WHAT have you done lately to find HALEIGH??????????????? If RC is such a good father, please please explain what he has done to find his daughter????????????????? And not to mention the way Misty was acting about the ring!!! WOW how we get over thing QUICKLY!!!!!!
Maybe he proposed to her to SHUT her UP!!!????!!!! I know this sounds so bad but what else could possibly be next???????????????? JMO JMO JMO
I think they are doing it to improve their images. No longer just "shacking up," now they will be legally married and Ron's being with a teenager should no longer be an issue for LE to prosecute down the road (if ever). Also, many people with conservative values don't approve of living together.

These are not MY views; I personally am a live-and-let-live person. But IMHO, these people need all the positive press they can get.
I cannot begin to understand how anyone at all could ever consider getting married under these circumstances. I cannot comprehend how people think under these circumstances. I am feeling very angry towards this new development of this impending marriage. I think it's leaving me to call into question what is truly going on here?!

I've always believed and never waivered that Misty had something to do with this poor babe missing. But I thought the father was most likely a true victim. Now their actions currently call into question for me what is going on?

Why now? Why this? What's up? How could they ever consider this or even attempt to justify why they are getting married. Talk about in one fell swoop turning the tables here and having basically the public turn against them too. Didn't they see all the bad press with Caylee?

And finally, don't they care that their child is still missing and need to be actively focusing SOLELY on Haleigh missing and not getting married? What if this babe is being held against her will somewhere and is still alive? And she sees her own dad 'getting on' with his life? Like she's no longer the topic here, no longer the focus? Why a wedding now? I'm so confused and need to calm down and go back and read the last few days. I have not kept up with this case...
Does anyone know when the wedding is set for?
I read earlier today 3/12. It all seems kind of sudden and hurried, for whatever reason. Tonight on Nancy Grace's show, she mentioned this pending wedding and her first words related to 'spousal privilege'. I so agree with her! MOO
I read earlier today 3/12. It all seems kind of sudden and hurried, for whatever reason. Tonight on Nancy Grace's show, she mentioned this pending wedding and her first words related to 'spousal privilege'. I so agree with her! MOO

Me too.I agree
Does anyone know when the wedding is set for?

IT said on a link that I put up on the other thread that they didn't know the date , that they still had paperwork to fill out

But someone said they heard on NG that it was going to be within a week

Me too.I agree
I guess the three of us think alike! I just don't see what the rush is or why they'd even be thinking about this with Haleigh still missing and not knowing if she's dead or alive. Unless they do know...and now it's time to get on with their lives? MOO
How in ANY sort of way can one think this is NORMAL??? PLEASE EXPLAIN!!! Your daughter is missing with out a trace! (let's not forget the last person to see her is the one you want to marry) And you have NO suspicions....... Not pointing fingers, but da*n she didn't lose your wallet! I find it extremely hard to believe one would not have an issue with that! I KNOW I would! Then You get a tattoo in "MEMORY" of her....... But yet hoping she is coming home....... Next your going to buy a home?????????? And last but I am quite sure NOT LEAST you are getting married this week!?!?!?!??!
Okay so this was suppose to be in the works...... That is why Ron was working all the over time, right????? But can no longer work because he is to depressed??????? So now you are not working, don't have your daughter, much less a place to live! So let's get married buy a home && go to DISNEY! WHAT have you done lately to find HALEIGH??????????????? If RC is such a good father, please please explain what he has done to find his daughter????????????????? And not to mention the way Misty was acting about the ring!!! WOW how we get over thing QUICKLY!!!!!!
Maybe he proposed to her to SHUT her UP!!!????!!!! I know this sounds so bad but what else could possibly be next???????????????? JMO JMO JMO

I agree it is not normal! If my memory is correct George A did some crazy things,no one saw it as a sign of an upcoming suicide attempt. I am just trying to say that people handle tragic situations differently, It seems to me RC is trying to accomplish all his dreams quickly. I do beleive he dreamed of marrying Misty,dreamed of buying a house,living a happy life with Misty and his children! In his depression maybe he beleives carrying on with his plans she is with him. I fear what he will do to himself if GOD forbid ....... ( I cant put it in words) IMO
I'm watching Nancy Grace now, and they're talking about the engagement.

Teresa (Haleighs grandmother) is saying that "Haleigh and Jr. both wanted Misty to be their mommy". She seems to be supportive of the engagement.
Nancy Grace just showed a video of Misty talking with media, saying this marriage is what Haleigh would've wanted. TN confirming this.

Susan Moss just said there is an exception to the spousal privilege if it involves hurting a child.
n NG, Susan Moss said the spousal privlege WILL NOT count when there is a CHILD involved...............surprise RC/MC!!! They still have to testify against each otherif needed!!!
Nancy Grace just showed a video of Misty talking with media, saying this marriage is what Haleigh would've wanted. TN confirming this.

Susan Moss just said there is an exception to the spousal privilege if it involves hurting a child.

My feeling is that Misti and Ron are getting married first and foremost because they have an idea that spousal privilege will come into play. But I doubt they have researched it very thoroughly and do not know if there are any loopholes. IMO they aren't the brightest bulbs in the box and are up to their eyeballs in this. They are street-smart and used to dealing with criminals and low-lives considering their friends' and associates' rap sheets that have been floating around. They are probably saying, no way we're going to jail, we're in this together for sure now.
Misty showing off the on TV........great grandma REALLY gave her a beautiful ring...........Misty will live high on the hog now so to speak!
I'm watching Nancy Grace now, and they're talking about the engagement.

Teresa (Haleighs grandmother) is saying that "Haleigh and Jr. both wanted Misty to be their mommy". She seems to be supportive of the engagement.

I like TN and I think she is the most effective communicator in the entire group. However, she seems to be supportive of every and anything her son does. I might do the same, in her position. But, I think it's important to always remember that she is not inpartial.
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