Ronald proposes to Misty #2 UPDATE: Wedding planned for 03-12-09

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I don't think this is the right time to be getting married
the only thing on their mind is Haleigh right now and
they need to put getting married on hold if that's what
they really want to do I just wonder why now ?
Oh, I just love the way the whole family justifies this marriage as something "Haliegh wanted".....NOT!

They talk about this young girl as if she's the golden child. Boy! Are they going to be in for a rude awakening as time goes by. imo, they are all in the honeymoon phase with each other and give it time...way too soon to determine if she'll be around in 10 years.
Anyone got any ideas what Misty is thinking when she says people will not like the idea of them getting married? Her age? The fact that Haleigh is still missing? The little time they have know each other? Or?

All of the above and more! :rolleyes:
From my personal experience, children will hold onto the dream for a very long time about parents reuniting. This does not ring true that Haleigh (and also Jr.) was pushing for R and M to get married. Whomever is promoting this fallacy is not telling the truth.

I agree! Children age 4 and 5 don't even understand the meaning of marriage. However they might understand having someone else living with them and playing with them.
There is a time and a place for celebratory events and announcements. Now is not the time for these two to be planning to marry. All of their emotional, physical, spiritual and financial energy should be focused on Haleigh.

I understand they have dailies lives to lead and possibly want to portray how united they are. However, now is not that time. Locate Haleigh first, then plan the rest of your happily ever after.
Oh, I just love the way the whole family justifies this marriage as something "Haliegh wanted".....NOT!

They talk about this young girl as if she's the golden child. Boy! Are they going to be in for a rude awakening as time goes by. imo, they are all in the honeymoon phase with each other and give it time...way too soon to determine if she'll be around in 10 years.

Misty justifies it by saying it was something "Haleigh wanted" and references Haleigh in past tense.
That whole video of Misty & her mother and Misty showing off the ring then running after Ron is bizarre..
Ron seems to not want the attention, he wants it to remain focused on Haleigh. Yet there's all these "side show" activities going on..
The ring looks similar to my first set and I have been married almost 44 years.
It's a beautiful ring indeed.

And congratulations on having such a long and successful marriage! Very refreshing. :)

I still don't buy the "heirloom" bit though. Something's fishy about it imo.

Why would they pass down such a valuable family keepsake to this 17 year old girl they've known for less than a year? A ring so special it wasn't even offered to the mother of Ron's children? Seems like they'd have saved it for Haleigh.

Or maybe they just bought it recently.....
It's a beautiful ring indeed.

And congratulations on having such a long and successful marriage! Very refreshing. :)

I still don't buy the "heirloom" bit though. Something's fishy about it imo.

Why would they pass down such a valuable family keepsake to this 17 year old girl they've known for less than a year? A ring so special it wasn't even offered to the mother of Ron's children? Seems like they'd have saved it for Haleigh.

Or maybe they just bought it recently.....

Seems to me it's a "PROVE IT!" taunt. There's simply no way of knowing unless someone comes out and says they saw him buy it.
^^ So true!

Whatever the case, Misty sure is tickled pink, isn't she? Her mama seems to be too.
It's a beautiful ring indeed.

And congratulations on having such a long and successful marriage! Very refreshing. :)

I still don't buy the "heirloom" bit though. Something's fishy about it imo.

Why would they pass down such a valuable family keepsake to this 17 year old girl they've known for less than a year? A ring so special it wasn't even offered to the mother of Ron's children? Seems like they'd have saved it for Haleigh.

Or maybe they just bought it recently.....

If it is an heirloom, coming from Ron's gm, then mother, it essentially gives the stamp of approval (to the public) for Misty. I think that is the purpose.
Definately an attempt to stress RC is behind MC 100%, and I think he feels this will help to solidify how people feel about her screwed up accounts of the night Haleigh disappeared. They have eachothers back IMOO JMOO

and Ron's mom has his back :)
Well, I wonder how Ron's sister Crystal feels about Misty getting HER grandmother's ring. If it is a family heirloom then it would seem fair that it should go to the granddaughter or to Haleigh someday as the great-granddaughter. Maybe I am more sentimental than most, but I would be upset if my grandmother gave her ring to someone technically from outside the family.....especially one with a propensity for losing valuable things!!!!!
I can see Misty being happy....she's 17. And as someone pointed out, Ron is still kinda acting like a teenager too. HOWEVER....for TN, MG and G'MaS to act and say the things they have said about this...floors me. Does anyone in these families ever stop and think, and try to guide their children into wiser decisions? Or do they honestly think this is ok? I think it says more about the older and supposedly wiser ones than it does Ron and Misty. Seems like none of them "know how to act"....jmo.
Misty justifies it by saying it was something "Haleigh wanted" and references Haleigh in past tense.
That whole video of Misty & her mother and Misty showing off the ring then running after Ron is bizarre..
Ron seems to not want the attention, he wants it to remain focused on Haleigh. Yet there's all these "side show" activities going on..

Yes, I caught the talk of Haleigh in past tense, to me, the past tense, this engagement which will turn quickly into a marriage (next week) is very telling. Ronald and Misty should have kept this quiet. I wonder if this is payback of sorts to Crystal? Just like that myspace comment, Biatch, I got your man and I'll get your son next or words to that effect. Her mothers comment about how the press is talking trash about them so I'll just let them go ahead a do it? Defiance??? Besides now Misty's mom throws the responsibility of her daughter right into Ronald's lap, my goodness she is a child herself, she is not geared up for a ready made family, her "motherly" duties show that!

The memorial tattoo of Ronald, the statement, God will bring Haleigh home to me or to him, is very telling as well, this right before the engagement announcement.

I don't know why but I get the feeling something horrible happened to Haleigh and a huge coverup took place. How can one be so elated on an engagement when this precious child is 'missing'? How would Haleigh feel (if what they say is true) to know this "marriage" took place without her?

Haleigh has a mom Crystal, where in the world does Misty come off being only in this relationship 6 short months. I doubt very much Haleigh wants Misty to replace her mommy, it doesn't make sense.

Something is so rotten here and I truly hope LE is on top of things. I see this playing out as Caylee's death. We are on week 5 and still no signs of Haleigh. Children do not just VANISH into thin air. :furious:

Where did Ronald find the money for a down payment on a home. He's moving from the one place Haleigh knew as home.
Seems to me, and abducted child in Florida is a money making scheme, I am so sad for Haleigh and hope she is found and is found alive and well. As the days quickly pass into months, I fear the worst!
I can see Misty being happy....she's 17. And as someone pointed out, Ron is still kinda acting like a teenager too. HOWEVER....for TN, MG and G'MaS to act and say the things they have said about this...floors me. Does anyone in these families ever stop and think, and try to guide their children into wiser decisions? Or do they honestly think this is ok? I think it says more about the older and supposedly wiser ones than it does Ron and Misty. Seems like none of them "know how to act"....jmo.

I hear ya. :bang:
Well, I wonder how Ron's sister Crystal feels about Misty getting HER grandmother's ring. If it is a family heirloom then it would seem fair that it should go to the granddaughter or to Haleigh someday as the great-granddaughter. Maybe I am more sentimental than most, but I would be upset if my grandmother gave her ring to someone technically from outside the family.....especially one with a propensity for losing valuable things!!!!!
Thank you!!

This is one of the reasons I just don't believe it's what they say it is. IMO they're trying to cover for Ron so people won't be picking on him for going out and buying a ring. Heck, it may not even be *real*..... Misty'd probably never know the difference.

I can see Misty being happy....she's 17. And as someone pointed out, Ron is still kinda acting like a teenager too. HOWEVER....for TN, MG and G'MaS to act and say the things they have said about this...floors me. Does anyone in these families ever stop and think, and try to guide their children into wiser decisions? Or do they honestly think this is ok? I think it says more about the older and supposedly wiser ones than it does Ron and Misty. Seems like none of them "know how to act"....jmo.
I hear ya!! It's like they just let their kids have or do whatever they want: "It's what Haleigh wanted" "They've been begging me for months, so ah what the heck, let 'em get hitched."

It's like the blind leading the blind. imo.
I agree! Children age 4 and 5 don't even understand the meaning of marriage. However they might understand having someone else living with them and playing with them.

I disagree that 4 & 5 yr olds (including others at young ages) dont even understand the meaning of marriage. Both of my (step)daughters knew exactly what was going on when my husband & I got engaged. One of the girls was barely 3 at the time. They also talked about it but not alot....not the amount that the family mentioned...but still, the girls DID talk about it.

I dont think its fair to group all children up together when it comes to understanding marriages.

IMO, I dont care if Ron & Misti get married, fly to the moon or dig to China, as long as Haleigh stays in the news & it helps tips come in so she can come home. :)

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