I feel a visceral revulsion to the idea of this marriage at this time. I think their words show that the reasons it sickens people are obvious even to them, so I'll say no more.
But that's them. As future reference for those who don't understand our concerns about the marriage at Misty's age (not to mention education):
"A girl married at 17 is twice as likely to be divorced as a girl 18 or 19. If a girl waits until she is 25 the chances that her marriage will last are 4 times better."
Teen Marriage, by Eleanor H. Ayer
Figures released last year from the National Center for Health Statistics found nearly half of marriages in which the bride is 18 or younger end in separation or divorce within 10 years. For brides 25 and older, half as many marriages break up."
- "More teens are getting married" Smart Marriages Archive 11/12/02
Add to the above:
- Socioeconomic factors
- Divorced parents
- Cohabitation before marriage
- Low education
- Children from other partners
All of these things are part of the cycle we see in these broken families, and children suffer the price.
This is not something to celebrate if we want long term happiness and self-actualization for them or their children. IMO