RULED OUT: Have we found Anna? Possible match to NamUs case UP 9597 - *NO MATCH*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I just spoke with Dr. Doogie. He let me know there wasn't any additional information on the teeth the contact at the coroners office was able to offer. that they were not able to determine if post mortem loss was a desiduous/baby or primary/adult tooth.

He did find out the ME's office had received results on specimans other than ours about 2 weeks ago. These other specimans were sent to the private lab about 6-8 weeks prior to ours being sent. Based on the math, assuming the time frame would be the same, that leaves us with about a 4-6 week additional wait.

I didn't think about it while on the phone with Dr. Doogie, but we should probably next inquire again in about 12 weeks if nothing is heard by then.

I also suggested Doug contact the current det listed for Anna's case, since he may be contacted by someone, and so he is not out of the loop.

The ME's office was in contact with Det. Gilletti recently too, so everything is moving forward. We just need to be patient.

The above is all per my conversation with Dr. Doogie. Aside from where I forgot to mention we should make contact again in 12 weeks if we still have not received any news.
We're now at about the 6.5 month mark of waiting. I still check the namus case file for any updates/changes to the page. It is still showing the last time the page was modified was December 13, 2011 - so the correction on the availability of dna has not yet been entered.

:waiting: :praying: answers come soon.
Nothing new.

I have started back to work - finally -but I will have limited internet access for about another month. I will let everyone know as soon as I can if anything breaks.
Gosh, I saw a post from Dr. Doogie and my stomach momentarily got knotted up. thanks for the update and checking in, Dr. Doogie. Hope you're back online soon and glad your back to work!

I keep looking at the namus case file, thinking maybe we'll see breaking news with Anna's name added to the exclusion list there? Or an update about the dna at the case file? Something, anything more than what we know now.

Just thinking outloud while waiting. Back in January when Dr. Doogie and I first spoke about this possible match, I thought for sure by the time mid to late July came around we'd have an answer one way or the other. It never occured to me we'd be closing in on August and still waiting.

Still praying news comes soon.
just chiming in as one of many thinking about Anna and Anna's family as we patiently wait for results. hugs to all.
It's been exactly 5 weeks since I posted about Doogie's conversation with the coroner about June 18th.

I ran across a post by yet another family member here at WS who has been waiting about a year (August) on a comparison between her missing sister and a jane doe.

I now find myself wondering why those waiting are told by the authorities the results should take about 2-3 months. Because from where I sit, I have never seen the results come in within that 2-3 month time frame.

Praying we hear something soon. :praying:

Praying for Anna's family as we await results and for all the families of the missing awaiting pending dna results. :praying:
I also pray they find out soon. I pray it is Anna so her loved ones can be at peace. I understand these things take time, but I feel terrible for her family, having to wait to know if this was her child's fate or not, it's like reliving the pain. Prayers for her loved ones.
I just finished reading the book. I too am keeping Anna's mother in my prayers. I will be checking back often.
Any news yet? I am new to WS but getting around to reading lots.

No new news yet.
:HHJP: :sigh: :waiting:

Welcome to WS, Enigma34, and thank you for your interest in Anna's case. :welcome:
this is taking longer than expected. do we have any new info like they are almost close to figure it out with the dna or they are still working on it?
We have no new info at all. The last time Dr. Doogie spoke with the San Mateo ME he was told they received some results from a different uid case about 2 weeks before he called. Doogie and I estimated it might be then about an additional 4-6 weeks to hear about the speciman we're waiting on.... but that estimate was based on time only.

The speciman we are waiting on for comparison is very small. There is not a lot for the experts to work with. All I can surmise is perhaps this particular speciman is taking longer than others due to the small size. There is only so much to work with and that may make it that much more difficult to extract. It's just a guess, but yes, the wait is long and the wait continues..... and we all pray answers come soon. :praying:
This is an old case, so DNA matching could take a very long time. Samples degrade I believe. This has got to be agonizing for her family though. To be so close to an answer and still be so far away.
Sending warm thoughts while we wait for any news. I am never far away and will always be here for Anna and Family. xx
This is an old case, so DNA matching could take a very long time. Samples degrade I believe. This has got to be agonizing for her family though. To be so close to an answer and still be so far away.
According to Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Bode technology has been successful in retrieving DNA from very marginal and very old sources, so there is reason to believe that an answer may be forthcoming. As far as the family, we try to go by that old British advice: Keep calm and carry on! Thanks for your good wishes.
According to Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Bode technology has been successful in retrieving DNA from very marginal and very old sources, so there is reason to believe that an answer may be forthcoming. As far as the family, we try to go by that old British advice: Keep calm and carry on! Thanks for your good wishes.

Oh wow, I had to remind myself to breathe..... caught myself holding my breath there.

For the last several days all I could think of was when we might get an answer. It is good to know that answer will be forthcoming soon.

While I am not physically there with you, please know I am right there in spirit holding your hand Annasmom.

Bumping to the top of the forum, so those who were not on last night are aware results may be coming very soon!

As always, my thoughts and prayers are with Annasmom and the family and all here who have put some much of themselves into this case. I think of Anna every day. And pray that there are answers soon.
According to Anna's case worker at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Bode technology has been successful in retrieving DNA from very marginal and very old sources, so there is reason to believe that an answer may be forthcoming. As far as the family, we try to go by that old British advice: Keep calm and carry on! Thanks for your good wishes.

I am extremely new here but Anna's case was the first one I read about. I just want to extend to you and your family my best thoughts and wishes. Your strength amazes me.I wont even pretend to know the pain you have been through for so many years and my words will be pitiful. But just know that you have people all over the world on your side.

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