Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #1

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I don't know if we know this collectively, I know that I didn't.

Saturday, May 02, 2009 at 7:01 p.m.

Searchers gathered at Pole Yard Landing on the North Santee River around 10:00 a.m. and were dispatched to look for any signs of 17-year-old Brittanee Drexel of Rochester, N.Y., who went missing Saturday, April 25, from Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach.

May 02, 2009

...private search groups -- searched the area around U.S. 17 and the South Santee River near the Georgetown-Charleston county line on Saturday...

I wonder is it North or South Santee River. Given the details can anyone tell where exactly they were searching? I am very much not a map reader.
I'm 25 and would never walk the strip in Myrtle Beach alone. I go there every summer but have not been to spring break in MB in about ten years... but back then, it was wild and crazy. It is basically a drunken crowd of high school and college students spilling out of hotels and motels into the streets. Random hookups, girls flashing... it is not somewhere I would ever want my younger sisters going for spring break!!!

It hasn't changed.
Tonia, I am not angered by that post but I do not see the connection to her vanishing other than the parents had money and relationship issues. They were simply too far away at the time of her going missing... moo of course
I just deleted because while it dosen't have a connection to her vanishing,alot of it was very true imo but maybe it's just better left unsaid. Catch my drift Nurse?
Im not blaming the parents nor bashing them but she just seems very evasive on Geraldo and NG,seems that she can't get it together to say what she wants to say but i just noticed that she's very calm. No nothing...kinda just there.just an observation.
Im not blaming the parents nor bashing them but she just seems very evasive on Geraldo and NG,seems that she can't get it together to say what she wants to say but i just noticed that she's very calm. No nothing...kinda just there.just an observation.

We have no idea what LE told her she could or could not repeat. Besides that, her head is probably spinning with many possible scenarios. Good bet she's completely out of her mind by now since they are SEARCHING the RIVER area. Doesn't look like they think she's alive and the mother knows this.

She appears and speaks like she is medicated. Prayers go out for this mother. It is a nightmare.
We have no idea what LE told her she could or could not repeat. Besides that, her head is probably spinning with many possible scenarios. Good bet she's completely out of her mind by now since they are SEARCHING the RIVER area. Doesn't look like they think she's alive and the mother knows this.

She appears and speaks like she is medicated. Prayers go out for this mother. It is a nightmare.
I do agree but:
If the mother is mentally capable to give a semi-coherent interview I just cannot fathom NO TEARS at all. Not that I expect to see an emotional breakdown- it's just, NO TEARS?

We have no idea what LE told her she could or could not repeat. Besides that, her head is probably spinning with many possible scenarios. Good bet she's completely out of her mind by now since they are SEARCHING the RIVER area. Doesn't look like they think she's alive and the mother knows this.

She appears and speaks like she is medicated. Prayers go out for this mother. It is a nightmare.

This much is true. She is awfully calm for a mother that thinks her daughter isn't alive. No tears at all that i have seen from any tv appearance but i guess some people deal different then others.
:twocents: In my time here on WS's I have seen comments time after time in case after case in regards to a mother/father not displaying tears or showing the proper perceived emotions that people think they should. As a mother who has lost a child all I can say is that I will never judge someone based on this. Every time I see these type of comments posted I think of the saying about walking a mile in someone elses shoes - and until one does they can never know. I do not wish for anyone to ever have to walk in those shoes. You never know how you will react until you are faced with the situation...never a truer statement. Had I of had camera spotlights on me during that time I probably would have had stones cast at me as well. By my very nature I am a very private person with my emotions, this did not change with the death of my son. I did not display my emotions as freely and as publicly at the time as some extended family members would have liked, this was made known to me. These people were not privy to the gut wrenching hell I allowed myself to go through behind closed doors. There is such a thing as being cried out. Oh, but not too worry, it does come back, ten fold, just not when your sitting around with a group of people and for their convenience. It is a roller coaster of emotions, you are on auto-pilot, a robot just going through the motions, sometimes medicated, other times just drained of all connection to the world. Based on my experience, I personally will never judge anyone based on what the expected emotional reaction from them should be. Now that is not to say that my hinky meter doesn't go off, but emotional reactions are not what I base anything on until all facts of a case are in. Anyhoo, just my two cents.
She might be in shock. She realizes her daughter would call her, and not run away. That makes her think she is dead, and lets face it, being here at webslueth most of us already predict an outcome and quielty hope that it doesnt happen with cases like this one. That being said, if Brittanee is not found alive she will probably break. Its one thing to think something and a another to find out the truth.

I bet the girls had a fight over one of the boys, that made a girl demand her shorts back out of anger. ( how girls are)I'm sure none of the girls thought something would happen to her on the walk.
Drexel's cell phone gave off its last known signal there late Sunday night, said Georgetown County Sheriff Lane Cribb.
Cell phones normally give off a signal until their batteries run out, but Drexel's was not in use at the time and investigators have not determined how it got there, Cribb said. The cell phone was not found on Saturday, he said.
"We're searching until we find something," Cribb said. "There is a lot of swamp and marsh."
Searchers spent Saturday looking for a missing 17-year-old, but came up empty after finding no sign of her cell phone, purse, clothing or flip-flops.
:twocents: In my time here on WS's I have seen comments time after time in case after case in regards to a mother/father not displaying tears or showing the proper perceived emotions that people think they should. As a mother who has lost a child all I can say is that I will never judge someone based on this. Every time I see these type of comments posted I think of the saying about walking a mile in someone elses shoes - and until one does they can never know. I do not wish for anyone to ever have to walk in those shoes. You never know how you will react until you are faced with the situation...never a truer statement. Had I of had camera spotlights on me during that time I probably would have had stones cast at me as well. By my very nature I am a very private person with my emotions, this did not change with the death of my son. I did not display my emotions as freely and as publicly at the time as some extended family members would have liked, this was made known to me. These people were not privy to the gut wrenching hell I allowed myself to go through behind closed doors. There is such a thing as being cried out. Oh, but not too worry, it does come back, ten fold, just not when your sitting around with a group of people and for their convenience. It is a roller coaster of emotions, you are on auto-pilot, a robot just going through the motions, sometimes medicated, other times just drained of all connection to the world. Based on my experience, I personally will never judge anyone based on what the expected emotional reaction from them should be. Now that is not to say that my hinky meter doesn't go off, but emotional reactions are not what I base anything on until all facts of a case are in. Anyhoo, just my two cents.

Very true! I too have lived through the loss of a child. Everyone is different. What works for some may not work for others.I felt that I had to keep my emotions contained in public to survive the daily struggle of living.
I would be in huge trouble if anything ever happened to one of my loved ones. When I get nervous/upset, I smile. My parents and my teachers did not think this was amusing. We all react differently to stressors. With that being said, who cares what the mother is doing? Let's just assume for a minute she's an awful, awful mother, and does not really care her daughter is does not change the fact that she's GONE.

This poor girl is out there somewhere, and deserves to be put to rest, whether her mother is great or not.

That is so remote. Very strange her cell would ping in that area. There would be no concievable reason that I can think of, myself, for her cell to be in that area. Even if someone else had her cell, and she didn't, that's a very remote area...

What exactly is a pole yard and what exactly does that pole yard carry? I googled pole yard and have a idea about them in general.
Drexel's cell phone gave off its last known signal there late Sunday night, said Georgetown County Sheriff Lane Cribb.
Cell phones normally give off a signal until their batteries run out, but Drexel's was not in use at the time and investigators have not determined how it got there, Cribb said. The cell phone was not found on Saturday, he said.
"We're searching until we find something," Cribb said. "There is a lot of swamp and marsh."

Thanks Nurse! The above quote in red is a bit confusing. The only thing I can come up with is it pinged but was not a phone call or text?
Suzi, I read somewhere yesterday that it was a ping and not a call or text. Let me see if I can go find that darn article...I'll post it if I can find it.
You won't be blasted by me. I'm about 2 hours away. Come pick me up. I'll go with you. I'll bring the switch.)

Blaise (Road trip! Switching road trip!)

I live in Rochester and if I could go wring a few necks I would.


Weird. If he is psychic, why not say so on the first page?
And I get using Britannee's name to draw people to the myspace account, but there is a better way to be doing that.

What she said. :clap:

The definition of an Internet Troll from Wiki is hardly what would be compared to those of us at WS. And I, as others would as well, take great offense to that comparison. Cryptic "I know something you don't" posts are not allowed at WS for one thing.

An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion

Yes, IMO, anyone who inserts themselves into an investigation for their own nefarious reasons, deserves to have LE show up at their door for taking away precious resources needed to investigate real leads. BTW, it doesn't appear by reading the comments that anyone is buying what he's selling.

Believe me when I say this guy is no different than anyone else from any other high profile crime case where someone wants their 15 minutes of fame, or money. And in the case of Psychics, it's usually to drum up business or scam the family of crime victims. It's a cruel thing what these guys do to family and friends desperate for information on their loved ones. I've seen it too many times not to recognize it when I see it, and I have zero tolerance.


Zero tolerance is fine...when warranted.

I apparently missed the part where this guy was asking for money from Brittanee's family so he could scam them. :waitasec: I also missed the part that indicates he has "nefarious" reasons for posting what he does.:waitasec:

He hasn't asked the family for money, yet. JMO

I am from South Carolina, and I am very familiar with the entire area that extends from Myrtle Beach to Georgetown. It is called the Grand Strand. My parents have a place on Pawleys Island which is about 20 miles south of Myrtle and close to Georgetown. In my opinion it would be highly unlikely for those teenagers from NY to have any knowledge of the Pawleys Island and Georgetown area. Pawleys Island and Litchfield are more family oriented, and Myrtle Beach (especially Ocean Boulevard) is definitely where the teenagers want to go. Ocean Boulevard is generally very busy, and the cars are usually bumper to bumper at this time of the year. I have to wonder if she went off of the beaten path to a more secluded area. Northerners would come to and from Myrtle Beach via I-95, and they would not even be close to Georgetown if they went that way. Georgetown is closer to Charleston and Seabrook Island.

My husband and I went to Pawleys Island a couple of weeks ago, and we decided to drive down Ocean Boulevard in Myrtle Beach one night. I was so surprised at how sketchy and rough the area looked. We are from different cities in SC so we did not know each other in high school,and college, but we both used to go with our friends to Myrtle Beach and Ocean Drive. We both said that maybe the area has always been rough, but we didn't realize it when we were teenagers.

We have two daughters, and I don't think that I would ever let them go there for Spring break. It is just too dangerous. Of course, the missing girl's mother did not let her go either. I can't believe that my parents even let me go when I was Brittanee's age. However, it is a much more dangerous world now.

I disagree I think that when you take %age of crime to population it's probably about the same. It's just that there are so many news stations that are starving for time to fill their broadcasts that make it seem worse. 30 years ago these stories were pretty much limited to local coverage. JMO

I do agree but:
If the mother is mentally capable to give a semi-coherent interview I just cannot fathom NO TEARS at all. Not that I expect to see an emotional breakdown- it's just, NO TEARS?


I live in Rochester and have seen her interviewed on local stations. Trust me this is eating her alive. People grieve in different ways.

I would be in huge trouble if anything ever happened to one of my loved ones. When I get nervous/upset, I smile. My parents and my teachers did not think this was amusing. We all react differently to stressors. With that being said, who cares what the mother is doing? Let's just assume for a minute she's an awful, awful mother, and does not really care her daughter is does not change the fact that she's GONE.

This poor girl is out there somewhere, and deserves to be put to rest, whether her mother is great or not.

When my grandmother died I didn't shed a tear. That's how I grieve. It hurt inside but not outside. It may have made a difference that she had been suffering and it was a good thing that stopped for her. I don't know how I would react if a younger family member died. I probably wouldn't cry immediately it would probably take some time for that to happen.
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