Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #10

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Had hoped we had news by now before ,coming up weekend (fri-mon) Holiday Memorial Day weekend, MB will be packed out and i pray everyone will stick like glue with there kids as they in MB,, sending up special prayers for BD and family!!!
See our wild animals, i worry so much on that area (n-santee) between wild bears,gators,wild hogs, im afraid if she had been there (n santee) the searchs was waited to late :-( but i pray that shes somewhere else!!!

OH MY! Poor Bear! He's probably displaced from his instinctual habitat due to growth in the area. Still, I don't care to see one unless I'm safely in a vehicle! Black bears are spotted occasionally in Southeastern NC as well.

I too hope MB visitors keep their kids close this Memorial Day weekend. There are more predators than the black bears on the loose down there.....

Thanks RoseC!

LLLindsayy, I love all the beautiful pics of Brittanee that you share with us. I think it makes us all the more determined to see that Britt comes home!

Yes thanks RoseC....I never thought about seeing a bear around there. We have had a very few show up here in VA (Actually about 2 miles from downtown) in the past few years. What we are hAving problems with now are rabid animals; i.e. red fox and gray fox. Scary to think about gators and snakes out there in the swamp lands near and around MB. I agree, let's hope and pray that BD is someplace else. Thanks for the pictures you are posting Lindsay...they are beautiful and it is so touching to see them.
Here is a video that shows three men whom the reporter states have worked on BD's case every day. Sure do wish they would tell us if they have anything else since this came out.

I apologize if this is a repost of this video. It actually came out I think on 04/09/2010.

i know one them, but dont no the other two,which one of the 2 i dont no is from MB now that other guy have no idea whom he is,unless from Charleston county, or one of the PI,,,,
three men whom the reporter states have worked on BD's case every day.

Brittanee Drexel task force:

MB - Detective Vincent Dorio
Charleston County - Detective Rocky Burke
Georgetown County - Detective Chris Bailey

O/T: Say a prayer for the family of Sunday Blombergh especially her little daughter Izzy, 8..
You don't belong on page 2 at any time of the day (or night).

Up thinking about you.
Thanks Lindsay. I was thinking about the lack of media with Brittanee's disappearance this morning. When Natalie Holloway went missing it was almost on the news every morning...I never see anything about Brittanee. What's the difference? Natalie was beautiful, Brittanee is beautiful, they're both young, they both were with a group of friends (although I use the term loosely in Brittanee's case). The only difference I see is that Natalie was missing in another country (is the media trying to protect MB?), and Natalie came from a wealthy family.

I feel like asking the whole country to take the day off and look for this little girl. I know that's silly and not possible. Prayers for Brittanee and her loved ones.
Thanks Lindsay. I was thinking about the lack of media with Brittanee's disappearance this morning. When Natalie Holloway went missing it was almost on the news every morning...I never see anything about Brittanee. What's the difference? Natalie was beautiful, Brittanee is beautiful, they're both young, they both were with a group of friends (although I use the term loosely in Brittanee's case). The only difference I see is that Natalie was missing in another country (is the media trying to protect MB?), and Natalie came from a wealthy family.

I feel like asking the whole country to take the day off and look for this little girl. I know that's silly and not possible. Prayers for Brittanee and her loved ones.

Yeah but that was more of Fox News exploiting the corrupt Aruban police force... that = big ratings.
Thanks Lindsay. I was thinking about the lack of media with Brittanee's disappearance this morning. When Natalie Holloway went missing it was almost on the news every morning...I never see anything about Brittanee. What's the difference? Natalie was beautiful, Brittanee is beautiful, they're both young, they both were with a group of friends (although I use the term loosely in Brittanee's case). The only difference I see is that Natalie was missing in another country (is the media trying to protect MB?), and Natalie came from a wealthy family.

I feel like asking the whole country to take the day off and look for this little girl. I know that's silly and not possible. Prayers for Brittanee and her loved ones.

Hey lizzy!

I was hoping someone would have more info than I can provide about this topic, and I know it's only been a few hours, but I'm gonna take a stab at this anyway.

I'm not so familiar with Natalee's case, unfortunately. I know the basics, but no where near how familiar I am with Brittanee's. I was only (newly) 16 when Natalee went missing. Anyways....

You mentioned that Natalee's family is wealthy and I think that might be the more important thing in all of this in reference to her media coverage. Aside from what -Doc- suggested, as selfish as it sounds, the media looks for what's going to raise their ratings. I actually wrote a paper on this a couple semesters ago. In our culture, it is usually the wealthy people that we view as "untouchable." Combined with Natalee's beauty, it seems like such a tragedy for the world (which it is). It bring viewership in for them.

ALSO, as usual, wealthier people are more influential. Not only because they are "untouchable," but because they have to money to be.

I know lots of people don't put credence into Wikipedia, but a lot of their information is actually very valuable. Please look into Missing White Woman Syndrome.

"...greater degree of coverage in television, radio, newspaper and magazine reporting of a misfortune, most often a missing person case, involving a young, attractive, white, middle-class (or above)[1] woman, compared with cases concerning..."

All of those apply to Brittanee, except for the one we noted. I think may be where her downfall was.

*note: the Drexel family might be middle-class, but since it seems the Holloway's are upper-class, I'm betting this unfortunately situation only applies more greatly to them*
Lizzy and Lindsay,
I definitely agree with you on the topic of social status and appearance playing a part of how much news coverage gets when someone goes missing. I have always felt that with the information that came out in the very beginning of Brittanee's disappearance of the Drexel's house possibly being in foreclosure, it has really been almost miraculous that they have received as much media attention as they have. I credit the parents, grandparents, and websites such as WS, and dogged persistence for keeping Brittanee's face/name out there as long as it has been so far. Fortunately, with people like "Monica of the CUE" and some very, very caring individuals (many right here on WS) and groups, the Drexels have more support than some folks get when their children go missing. I think about the Morgan Harrington case and she got national coverage, and I think money and parents' perseverance kept her name/face in the media, although sadly things have quieted down a lot since the discovery of her body.
I'll be out for the night, but Britt won't be far from my mind. A new week is near... hopefully so are new answers,

Just want to touch on this issue of coverage for a second.
I think there are TWO major reasons Brittanee's case never got the attention it deserved.
1. Parents divorcing/financial and personal issues.
2. Family said EARLY ON that Brittanee had been depressed and taking medication.

NOTHING will make the press and the people ignore your case faster than saying that the missing person is depressed....I'm sorry...two things will make them ignore you faster...being a runaway and/or a drug/alcohol addict. And what kind of people are runaways/addicts??Depressed/troubled people.
Brittanee didn't tell DD where she was, Brittanee was struggling with DD and CD's divorce, and Brittanee had taken depression medication. Combined, that says ONE thing....that she willingly ran away. Statistically, at the time, the most likely answer to her disappearance WAS that she willingly left. Because so much time has passed without any contact, obviously the statistics weren't in her favor. But VERY FEW cases remain in the media months and years after the person went missing.
Bringing me to Natalie Holloway.
Natalie was certainly pretty and wealthy...the international aspect of the case certainly would invoke fear and an 'exciting' story for readers and viewers. But, moreover, following Natalie's disappearance there were continual bits of information that kept leaking out. New characters emerged, new motives, new searches, vigils, etc. Natalie's mother was a pitbull with the media...and still is. With all of the joran drama, the police screw ups, the various leaks, etc, media and people found it to be an 'exotic' story, an exciting story...a story with twists and turns...with new evidence pouring out all the time.
People were VERY interested in Brittanee's case initially...but then came the 'sightings'...then came the tales of Brittanee's family life, her past history with medications. I think everyone thought Brittanee had just run away.....and, by the time everyone realized how serious this was, media and public interest were LONG gone.
Just want to touch on this issue of coverage for a second.
I think there are TWO major reasons Brittanee's case never got the attention it deserved.
1. Parents divorcing/financial and personal issues.
2. Family said EARLY ON that Brittanee had been depressed and taking medication.

NOTHING will make the press and the people ignore your case faster than saying that the missing person is depressed....I'm sorry...two things will make them ignore you faster...being a runaway and/or a drug/alcohol addict. And what kind of people are runaways/addicts??Depressed/troubled people.
Brittanee didn't tell DD where she was, Brittanee was struggling with DD and CD's divorce, and Brittanee had taken depression medication. Combined, that says ONE thing....that she willingly ran away. Statistically, at the time, the most likely answer to her disappearance WAS that she willingly left. Because so much time has passed without any contact, obviously the statistics weren't in her favor. But VERY FEW cases remain in the media months and years after the person went missing.
Bringing me to Natalie Holloway.
Natalie was certainly pretty and wealthy...the international aspect of the case certainly would invoke fear and an 'exciting' story for readers and viewers. But, moreover, following Natalie's disappearance there were continual bits of information that kept leaking out. New characters emerged, new motives, new searches, vigils, etc. Natalie's mother was a pitbull with the media...and still is. With all of the joran drama, the police screw ups, the various leaks, etc, media and people found it to be an 'exotic' story, an exciting story...a story with twists and turns...with new evidence pouring out all the time.
People were VERY interested in Brittanee's case initially...but then came the 'sightings'...then came the tales of Brittanee's family life, her past history with medications. I think everyone thought Brittanee had just run away.....and, by the time everyone realized how serious this was, media and public interest were LONG gone.

just to add: w/ Natalie, much of the fascination was due to the affluent, exotic and politically connected suspect(s)...if there were no specific suspects I highly doubt the coverage would have lasted as long regardless of any other factors...
nosysw, I agree. The antics of Urine SlanDerPoot and the Kowpie brothers made Natalee's case all the more sensational for the news media. MOO

wm for Service.pdf

This is probably not anything, but just a thought. On page 312, on 05/28/2010 at of the Myrtle Beach Police Department "Calls for Service", I see there was a purse (and miscellaneous items ) found on the roof at 306 N. Kings HW. I looked this up and turned out to be a tire store. I know after more than a year now, it would not be in very good condition, but could it have been BD's and thrown up there by the perps? Wonder how someone could find out information like that. I mean could the public inquire if it was BD's? I did see on other reports of stolen purses, so it could just be someone stole a purse, took what they wanted and threw it up on a roof? Just wondering. Anybody? for Service.pdf

This is probably not anything, but just a thought. On page 312, on 05/28/2010 at of the Myrtle Beach Police Department "Calls for Service", I see there was a purse (and miscellaneous items ) found on the roof at 306 N. Kings HW. I looked this up and turned out to be a tire store. I know after more than a year now, it would not be in very good condition, but could it have been BD's and thrown up there by the perps? Wonder how someone could find out information like that. I mean could the public inquire if it was BD's? I did see on other reports of stolen purses, so it could just be someone stole a purse, took what they wanted and threw it up on a roof? Just wondering. Anybody?

we have those type reports about every week in MB, you got so many ppl there this weekend that i wouldnt dare go near there,,,our schools had gradulation so mb is crawling in young ppl plus (black bikers week,and vacationers etc, so i dont think it be anything to do with BD,, i seen on her aunts fb page that there been no new,news but she said she was looking to hear something real soon,so not sure whats with that,i do know Bd step dad,CD been delete his fb site, (done that soon he got back from one year annivsary of bd,,dont no why tho,and DD,never posts on hers since coming back,her aunt is about only one that is keeping bd name out there,,,,so i truly feel LE told them something,, that caused them to back off talking or posting about finding bd,,odd so i hope soon we hear whatever there is going on(news,le,family),,but BD in my prayers each day!!!
Thank you so much RoseC. Appreciate the good information you have provided. Sure do hope we all do hear something soon.

Come on Britt
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