Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #12

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Just a note to let you all know on st case,,i called court house and talk with a lady in GS court and i ask if the cases as date are posted on there online info site,she repied as each case is heard before the Judge it bes posted so therefore she said if ST case was held on sept 3 it been showing up on there web site,she would not tell me if his case was held,but she said if it was it was posted,,,so im thinking his case was pt on hold etc ,so if i hear anything i will keep you posted!!!!!!
Thanks for the info Rose

If I had to guess...this case was "continued"...usually a case is continued at the very least once and usually 2 or 3 times before a trial/hearing is actually done. At least that has been the case with those I've had personal knowledge of.
Hi, I have been following these threads since Brittanee went missing. Great job on the details and all commentary!

I was in Charlotte, NC for a wedding in June. There were a few people that I met that were from Myrtle Beach and I mentioned the BD case...they said that the cell phone was traced to a swamp in Georgetown County and that the cell phone was actually found...

Reading these posts and area media news reports, that doesn't seem to be the case. Were these people just misinformed or had some of the media leaked that the cell phone was found?
Hi, I have been following these threads since Brittanee went missing. Great job on the details and all commentary!

I was in Charlotte, NC for a wedding in June. There were a few people that I met that were from Myrtle Beach and I mentioned the BD case...they said that the cell phone was traced to a swamp in Georgetown County and that the cell phone was actually found...

Reading these posts and area media news reports, that doesn't seem to be the case. Were these people just misinformed or had some of the media leaked that the cell phone was found?

Hi, welcome to the forum and case thread. I have never read a confirmation that the cell phone was found and don't believe it was. I think the last cell tower activity was traced to south of MB.
Sugar, it has been mentioned here and there, but not confirmed by anyone official. The mentions have been so scattered and unsubstantiated that they appear to have been made in error. As far as whether or not her phone was found and that info is being kept under wraps -- we have no idea.
IIRC, It was stated on Nancy Grace that Britt's phone was found but we've not determined if it is a fact. I am keeping that info in the back of my mind but until I hear it from LE or Mr/Mrs. Drexel, it's not confirmed, IMO. It is interesting that you heard this tidbit from MB locals SugarCane as sometimes the local grapevine can be a wealth of information. Britt's sunglasses were confirmed found but our WS mlatta had to file a FOIA request to get that confirmation and then LE decided to release that tiny bit of info in the media before mlatta heard back from the FOIA agency.

Hope this helps a little.

Where's Brittany?

Note to perp: Give her back!


MB, I've missed you.

Thanks Lindsay!

I've read here every day...just haven't felt like I should post - nothing productive to add to the conversation. I think about Britt every day and hope that she will be brought back to her family.

The only thing I have to add to the cell phone conversation...

Monica Caison, back around Dec/Jan, I think it was, made some kind of comment in a couple news articles about the phone. She somewhat alluded that someone may have found the phone and didn't know what they had. I'm paraphrasing here... She asked that if someone had found it to please turn it in.

I'm kind of on the fence about the phone. I think someone had time to go back and retrieve it to destroy it or place it somewhere else. But I'm not too sure the phone has been found by those who need it.

Bumping for ***Britt***
Well at least i see Gtown still is working on BD case, they got a news piece in Gtown Times newspaper this morn and they mention BD.....

The text message tip program is already in place, and Goodale said the Sheriff’s Office hopes to get information on such cases as Brittanee Drexell and Crystal Gail Soles.

Great news RoseC! It certainly sounds to me as though GT is making an effort. MB...not so much....but MOO.

I also wanted to thank you for calling MB courthouse to inquire about ST's hearing. I was hoping the news media would follow up and update the status but it appears noone has any info.

BTW, does anyone know if there is a thread here for Crystal Soles? TIA.


Great news RoseC! It certainly sounds to me as though GT is making an effort. MB...not so much....but MOO.

I also wanted to thank you for calling MB courthouse to inquire about ST's hearing. I was hoping the news media would follow up and update the status but it appears noone has any info.

BTW, does anyone know if there is a thread here for Crystal Soles? TIA.



You very welcome,,,,i feel (MOO) that the st clan hasnt talked yet,so i feel LE still fighting thin air to get answers,,,but im on top of ST hearing ,they cant just hide it under a rug,,,i had hoped that girl RM would had a story out but i cant find anything,so i truly dont no what think on the hearing,,,i do know court is in session last week and this week,so maybe they running behind and get to his case this week,,but from what im being told (off record cant name anyone etc) that st hearing was for him to plea (guilty or not guilty) so if he pleas (threw his lawyer) then it could be a year before his case go to trail,,,,so i guess its going to be a long ride on that,,i pray not,but you can bet st will not give up to fight that hes in the right,,he dont seem to have ever lost a case before,,,something somewhere smells (like dirty law etc) but its just my MOO

On CS i havnt never seen or heard that she has a thread on WS,,,,ive only seen her in CUE bulletins,,,,,,sad but alot of stuff on her,that locals know,,,all i can truly say is i feel for her mom and her son,,,drug deal gone bad :-(
Just checking in for Britt.

Thanks everyone for keeping her thread up to date!

Come home soon.
Not giving up on Britt. I, too, check in every day. You all know that though.

Wish we heard some info about ST/hearing, etc.

Wish we knew the truth about the cell phone. Having found it would help the investigation I bet, but it wouldn't provide very much positive hope. If there's any to be had, that is.

Miss you Britt even though I never knew you.
do we know how RM's mother is? could the case have been continued at their request due to mother's health? are they needed? would they testify? or is that jumping the gun?
Good evening Ws'ers. Just got home from VA Beach. Wanted to check in earlier but computer was not readily available except once while I was gone. Brittanee and her family were on my mind a lot while I was away. One thing that really struck me was as we were going out for dinner one evening (about 6 p.m.) in VA Beach, on a sort of secluded stretch of road, there was this girl jogging along alone. As we went along, I next saw this pickup truck sitting in a curve on that road. My heart just skipped a beat thinking what could happen to this girl. Yes, there were cars coming by occasionally but it was still very scary in my opinion. I wanted to make my husband stop the car and tell her to get to a more safe location but she may have thought we were trying to kidnap her ourselves. She was not really very young, but still was putting herself in grave danger by her actions. I also thought about MB and the differences that I could see, at least where we stayed. We were not in "downtown VA Beach" and it was more private and there were very, very many safety features to get into and even out of the condo where we stayed. Seems to me with so many bad things occurring, it would be wise for hotels/motels/condos/resorts to invest in the kinds of security that this place has; i.e., have to use your room key/card to even get onto the elevator to go up to your room/condo. Then you can either use the actual metal key or the card to enter your room/condo. Of course I don't know how expensive it would be to set up this type of security system. (Probably pretty high). Criminals will probably find a way around these security features eventually (IMO) Keep in mind though that this was my first trip to ANY beach since about 2005 or so, so there may be more security like this in the MB area of which I am not aware. In other words I don't get out much!
Welcome back Strawberry! You were missed! I am glad 'they' let you out for awhile....I kid, I kid....hugs...wm
Welcome back Strawberry! You were missed! I am glad 'they' let you out for awhile....I kid, I kid....hugs...wm

Very cute WM! Yes "they" do let me out once or twice every few years or so! I do wonder if any of our fellow WSer's may have tried to say something to a jogger if they saw them in a situation like this? It really bothered me that I did not say or do anything. Of course we cannot police the world, but perhaps I should have tried to say something like "please be careful"? or "Not trying to be a pest, but you perhaps would be safer in a more populated area or if you had a jogging buddy?" She may have had a cell phone and hit 911 on it but at least I would have done something?
IIRC, It was stated on Nancy Grace that Britt's phone was found but we've not determined if it is a fact. I am keeping that info in the back of my mind but until I hear it from LE or Mr/Mrs. Drexel, it's not confirmed, IMO. It is interesting that you heard this tidbit from MB locals SugarCane as sometimes the local grapevine can be a wealth of information. Britt's sunglasses were confirmed found but our WS mlatta had to file a FOIA request to get that confirmation and then LE decided to release that tiny bit of info in the media before mlatta heard back from the FOIA agency.

Hope this helps a little.

Where's Brittany?

Note to perp: Give her back!



Hi friend! Just checking on any latest news. I sure wish something major would be discovered and this case solved.
Hi friend! Just checking on any latest news. I sure wish something major would be discovered and this case solved.

Hello lonetraveler! I am so glad you stopped by to check in. We are all still here every day....hoping and praying for Britt and her family. Gosh, I guess no one would like to see this solved more than Brittanee's family and friends. I know how much we all wish for answers, but gosh,...I can't even begin to imagine the nightmare for her family.

Strawberry, I can't say what I would do in your situation. I have been publically assertive at times but alot depends on the situation, I guess. If this is still weighing heavily on your mind why don't you write a 'letter to the editor' of the VBch paper, tell them what a lovely visit you had and also address your concerns about the lady jogger. Perhaps it will make some people more aware and the jogger herself could read it. Just a suggestion.
(psst, glad you get my dry humor ; ~ )


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