Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #2

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I swear somethings up with her so called friends...they know something. When looking at the photos of them together I got the feeling of jealousy coming from them. They didn't have her best interest at me they seem'd like a bunch of shady you know whats. It was obvious they weren't close...reminds me of a movie where a group of girls are jealous of the prom queen. IDK but something is up with them, I also felt they moved to another hotel to try and get away from her...they pretty much abandoned her and I hope the guilt eats away at them. Probably not though cuz to just leave someone like that you gotta be pretty heartless.

Either the friends know something OR they are pissed off that Brittannee ran away and messed up their vacation.
I cannot post a link, but there is a MySpace page of Sarrr that to me looks like Brittanee and it was last checked yesterday. It is private, of course. Search for Sarrr, Spencerport, New York.


What/who is Sarrr?
just catching up and I am once again heartbroken for this girl and her mom, dad and family. Everyday there is another missing child, everyday someone's most loved, prized possession just disappears from the face of the earth! We have tracking devices for our cars, GPS systems, for goodness sakes we insert identification chips into our dogs and cats so if they are lost they might be located and returned to the ones who love them. How many lives are we as a nation going to sacrifice before we do something....invent some kind of system....where we can track our children? We send a rocket to the moon and we can't do a basic thing like keep our children safe?

If we are going to live in a nation that slaps child sex offenders on the wrist and lets them roam free among us after they commit the ultimate act of offense against a child then we need to find a way to put an end to this problem.........or maybe I am just sick and tired of looking into the faces of all these children, sick and tired of watching the news reports of these precious lives lost with my OWN children and trying to explain to them that another child is gone! At the rate we are going it will not be....Lord, what would I DO if this ever happens to my child will be what will I do WHEN this happens to my child!
I don't know. I clicked on one of her friends MySpace pages and this girl looks like Brittanee to me. It is set to private but was checked yesterday.

when you say one of"her"friends myspace pages. who are you referring to?Whos page did you go to first? maybe they posted a pic of B for their default because the pics on the side are small but they dont look like B from what i can see.
lilbtygrl, may I suggest something? When you quote a poster, there is a button at the bottom of that post. Just hit it and it will pop up in the window where you are going to submit a post.

If you want to shorten the quote you can do so, as long as you don't accidently delete the
word you'll be okay.

I know that you are new and am just suggesting this in a kind and gentle way, no critique at all :) We have all been new to WS at one time.
im glad you put that on there cus i had no idea how to do it except paste. thanks.
You're welcome Lilbtygrl. If you ever have questions please feel free to ask, we don't mind :)
If she's anything like I was at that age, I could see her getting into a car with a stranger. I was one of those teens who though I was invincible too. I went to the beach with my friend and her family when we were 17. Her parents let us do our own thing during the day, so naturally we met a cute boy who happened to be a limo driver. He offered to drive us around in between picking clients up, and we hopped right in without a thought. Luckily, he wasn't a psycho.

When I was 18, I met a boy my age who lived about an hour from me on the internet who said he had backstage passes to Ozzfest in Boston, which is 6 hours away. He was looking for a girl to take with him. I jumped at the chance, and he came and picked me up at my house two days later and we drove the six hours to Boston for a weekend of Ozzfest with backstage passes. I told my mom that he was an old friend who I had known for years. Luckily, he turned out to be a very respectful good guy who didn't try ANY funny business with me throughout the whole weekend. But God, now that I'm almost 27, I cannot BELIEVE I would do something sooo stupid! Back then, I had the mentality that most teenagers have: "It won't happen to me!" So, so, so stupid. Now that I have kids of my own, I pray that they don't deceive me like I did my own mom. I WILL be getting them cell phones with GPS when they're teens.
I don't know. I clicked on one of her friends MySpace pages and this girl looks like Brittanee to me. It is set to private but was checked yesterday.

when you say one of"her"friends myspace pages. who are you referring to?Whos page did you go to first? maybe they posted a pic of B for their default because the pics on the side are small but they dont look like B from what i can see.

It does favor her, but she has more mouth and appears a bit smaller.
If she's anything like I was at that age, I could see her getting into a car with a stranger. I was one of those teens who though I was invincible too.

Me too. When I look back I can't believe how lucky I was. I remember one Mardi gras me and my friend followed some strange guy back to his "moving truck" where him and his friends were staying. Yep, i said moving truck. Sure enough, the guys had couches and stuff in the back and were staying there because they couldn't get a hotel room. We hung out a while and then left. But all of us were trashed so anything could have happened. I was not a stupid kid, but just lost my judgement that one time. It could have been my last.
I'm with you guys. I'm lucky I'm alive today, honestly. The things I did back then that were so reckless - including getting into a car ALONE with a strange man who offered me a ride.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
I live in the Rochester area... same town as Brittanee, in the next school distict over. I have a 16 yo daughter and have been following this story very closely because it hits close to home. In fact I came across this website googling for updates last week, hoping to read she was found before the 5pm news.

Re: the comments on the other girls and the speculation that they lured her to go to MB, they tricked her by leaving the hotel etc. I disagree. From what I see these girls were out for one thing: to have a good time. Have you looked at the photos??? I'm 99.9% sure they would could/would not be bothered to put THAT much thought into anything other than their hair, makeup, and their outfits. And certainly not enough thought to commit a crime that would stump the LE for 10 days. They may or may not have been fighting, but if they were, "girl drama" is totally normal for a group of girls that age. I agree that it's strange that they left the hotel but maybe they were asked to leave or running out of money and the other place was cheaper. Both her parents and boyfriend stated these girls were acquaintances, not friends. They probably regret bringing her along because it screwed up their trip, but were not close enough to her to feel really horrible about it. I think they were off doing their own thing and not paying too much attention to her. Are they self-centered? Yes. Immature? Absolutely. Criminal? Probably not. Not saying I condone their behavior by any means. However, as a mom... thinking that if I were reading some of these comments about MY daughter they seem particularly critical and harsh. Perhaps they do know more than they are saying.. but I honestly doubt it.

I'm praying I'm wrong but I believe she was abducted by a sociopath or met up with the wrong young man (maybe someone she talked to on the beach or out clubbing) and things went very, very, very wrong.
I live in the Rochester area... same town as Brittanee, in the next school distict over. I have a 16 yo daughter and have been following this story very closely because it hits close to home. In fact I came across this website googling for updates last week, hoping to read she was found before the 5pm news.

Re: the comments on the other girls and the speculation that they lured her to go to MB, they tricked her by leaving the hotel etc. I disagree. From what I see these girls were out for one thing: to have a good time. Have you looked at the photos??? I'm 99.9% sure they would could/would not be bothered to put THAT much thought into anything other than their hair, makeup, and their outfits. And certainly not enough thought to commit a crime that would stump the LE for 10 days. They may or may not have been fighting, but if they were, "girl drama" is totally normal for a group of girls that age. I agree that it's strange that they left the hotel but maybe they were asked to leave or running out of money and the other place was cheaper. Both her parents and boyfriend stated these girls were acquaintances, not friends. They probably regret bringing her along because it screwed up their trip, but were not close enough to her to feel really horrible about it. I think they were off doing their own thing and not paying too much attention to her. Are they self-centered? Yes. Immature? Absolutely. Criminal? Probably not. Not saying I condone their behavior by any means. However, as a mom... thinking that if I were reading some of these comments about MY daughter they seem particularly critical and harsh. Perhaps they do know more than they are saying.. but I honestly doubt it.

I'm praying I'm wrong but I believe she was abducted by a sociopath or met up with the wrong young man (maybe someone she talked to on the beach or out clubbing) and things went very, very, very wrong.

Hi there....welcome to WS...I too found my new home by googling for info on Caylee Anthony....I am home to stay now. Many good people and awesome sleuthers who try to look at things from every angle live here too and I think the main point of suspecting the teens that she went to MB with was that no-one went on spring break thinking they were out to get Brit....but something COULD have happened, an argument...someone was jealous for something or other and things could have gotten out of hand. I personally hope and pray that nothing of the sort happened but at this point without much to go on....we should still look at every option and angle.

On another a native of the you have any info on the child that committed suicide in the high school around there yesterday? There was a brief discussion about it yesterday and I missed if it was connected in anyway to this case. Once again....welcome!:)
Isn't it illegal to take a minor over state lines?

It's illegal to take anyone anywhere against their will. Taking them over state lines makes it a federal case. There is no evidence she was taken out of state though.
She they said on the news she was last seen leaving the boys hotel at 8:45pm. Do we have any info on her cell phone pings after that time?
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