Found Deceased SC - Brittanee Drexel, 17, Myrtle Beach, 25 April 2009 - #7

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None. There are no documented cases of such an abduction here.

Call me cynical, but I believe elected officials or good-ol-boy appointed LE as far as I can throw them, and I'm no Olympian. I have even more cynicism when it involves self-reporting of crimes that occur in a city whose revenues depend largely upon tourism dollars. I've seen grave injustices that would shock and amaze people: police reports that go "missing", incorrect info given back on Freedom of Information inquiries. Where there's $ to be made or elections to be lost/won, there is corruption. So to summarize, I'm not surprised in the least there are no documented cases of abduction in Myrtle Beach.
None. There are no documented cases of such an abduction here.

The most likely event, and I've said this before:

BD went to see the boys to get $$$ to buy drugs for the group to party later.
She hopped in the car with the dealer right outside the hotel, they drove off with her, headed South, and wherever her phone last pinged is most likely where she was left.

If they just "roughed her up" & took the money and ran, depending on how far off the road they left her, she genuinely might not have been able to find her way out.


So of the millions of people who visit MB annually and probably more than half of them being around Brittanee Drexel's age, she happened to be the lottery ticket who got abducted? And it just so happens on the night she was abducted the last people to have seen her, gave 3 different stories to the police and her mom, skipped town, left a deposit behind, went home and got a lawyer? And to my knowledge the group she was staying with changed hotels and Brittanee wasn't even informed of it. Her stuff was left behind, why didn't they bother to bring it did they really expect her to go back alone to get it?

We are so caught up on the fact she fits the profile for an abduction when in reality many many girls before her would have as well. And also would not be aware of any danger down there. She could have been the one in the million it is possible but... Oh what I would give to ask these "friends" a few questions.
It sounds to me like for some reason the two groups kicked her out. I wonder if she *didn't* do the drugs, and threatened to turn them in unless they stopped? Or if they thought she was over 18 and got scared when they found out she wasn't?
None. There are no documented cases of such an abduction here.

The most likely event, and I've said this before:

BD went to see the boys to get $$$ to buy drugs for the group to party later.
She hopped in the car with the dealer right outside the hotel, they drove off with her, headed South, and wherever her phone last pinged is most likely where she was left.

If they just "roughed her up" & took the money and ran, depending on how far off the road they left her, she genuinely might not have been able to find her way out.


i agree with you,i feel **friends*** know about it ,and is now scared talk!!
It sounds to me like for some reason the two groups kicked her out. I wonder if she *didn't* do the drugs, and threatened to turn them in unless they stopped? Or if they thought she was over 18 and got scared when they found out she wasn't?

I believe it's possible that BD was annoying to each of these groups.

I can't imagine why the people who took BD to MB with them - did. BD wasn't their age. She really didn't have a lot in common with any of them, IMO.

BD was 17 - not old enough to get into over 18 clubs. Yes, she probably had a fake ID...but still. Here we have people over 18 who have no problems getting in to places like Club K. What were they going to do with Britt if they couldn't have gotten in because of her?

Both JO & AL were paired up with their guys...BD was the 5th wheel...

BD doesn't have a lot of money with her. How does she pay for her share of the room, gas, food, partying, etc.?

Somewhere on one of these forums regarding BD it was stated she was possibly looking for a ride from PB because the "girls" had been mean to her.

BD's wearing JO's clothes...she's probably eating snacks and other food that was in their hotel room, probably drinking their liquor/beer. And who knows what all else.

JO states BD spends all her time with PB and PB states he doesn't know what BD did because she wasn't with him.

BD supposedly knew PB from back home. She sees him at Club K and figures maybe this is her ticket back home and/or getting away from the girls.

PB has 4 other guys with him. They were there to party and have fun. I can't imagine that those guys didn't razz PB with BD being underage and being annoying. Point being I can't imagine these guys wanting BD following them around and hanging out with them...wouldn't be helpful to their player guy/party guy image and could put a big crimp in their plans and maybe cut down on their action...

The above is JMO - but I feel like these could be reasons both groups "kicked her out"...
I believe it's possible that BD was annoying to each of these groups.

I can't imagine why the people who took BD to MB with them - did. BD wasn't their age. She really didn't have a lot in common with any of them, IMO.

BD was 17 - not old enough to get into over 18 clubs. Yes, she probably had a fake ID...but still. Here we have people over 18 who have no problems getting in to places like Club K. What were they going to do with Britt if they couldn't have gotten in because of her?

Both JO & AL were paired up with their guys...BD was the 5th wheel...

BD doesn't have a lot of money with her. How does she pay for her share of the room, gas, food, partying, etc.?

Somewhere on one of these forums regarding BD it was stated she was possibly looking for a ride from PB because the "girls" had been mean to her.

BD's wearing JO's clothes...she's probably eating snacks and other food that was in their hotel room, probably drinking their liquor/beer. And who knows what all else.

JO states BD spends all her time with PB and PB states he doesn't know what BD did because she wasn't with him.

BD supposedly knew PB from back home. She sees him at Club K and figures maybe this is her ticket back home and/or getting away from the girls.

PB has 4 other guys with him. They were there to party and have fun. I can't imagine that those guys didn't razz PB with BD being underage and being annoying. Point being I can't imagine these guys wanting BD following them around and hanging out with them...wouldn't be helpful to their player guy/party guy image and could put a big crimp in their plans and maybe cut down on their action...

The above is JMO - but I feel like these could be reasons both groups "kicked her out"...

i agree with you,,going back thinking on all this,wasnt there talk there had already been a PI hired? alot of things just dont add up,as alot of diff lies?
i agree with you,,going back thinking on all this,wasnt there talk there had already been a PI hired? alot of things just dont add up,as alot of diff lies?

According to some articles a PI was hired - but by who I'm not sure. I believe the amount paid to this PI was stated at $7,000 - and other reports had this as a higher amount. I will look back for the link.
For those that believe BD was randomly abducted by a stranger, how can you explain the odd behavior from her friends? This is the question I have before ruling this theory out? You would think, if the friends sent her for drugs, would it not be better to tell that instead of acting how they are now? They couldn't get into trouble for that now. There is no evidence of drug use - as the drugs are not with them and BD never brought them back. Therefore, no proof that drugs were actually bought. No way to test the kids now for those drugs. BD is nowhere to be found. If the friends should admit to sending her for drugs, what could the police really do to them? Answer is nothing. There is no reason to hide or skip out of town either. There is just no way to spin this without including the friends being involved. Sure, drugs may have been involved as well. But, it is VERY likely BD knew her abductor. And it is very likely the friends know about it as well.
For those that believe BD was randomly abducted by a stranger, how can you explain the odd behavior from her friends? This is the question I have before ruling this theory out? You would think, if the friends sent her for drugs, would it not be better to tell that instead of acting how they are now? They couldn't get into trouble for that now. There is no evidence of drug use - as the drugs are not with them and BD never brought them back. Therefore, no proof that drugs were actually bought. No way to test the kids now for those drugs. BD is nowhere to be found. If the friends should admit to sending her for drugs, what could the police really do to them? Answer is nothing. There is no reason to hide or skip out of town either. There is just no way to spin this without including the friends being involved. Sure, drugs may have been involved as well. But, it is VERY likely BD knew her abductor. And it is very likely the friends know about it as well.

Moot point now, but this past fall I did a ride-along with a New York police officer and I learned a lot. I don't know if the laws are the same in SC, but here in NY, you cannot get in trouble for testing positive for drugs. Once they are in your body, they no longer consider them "in your possession."

Yes, I, too, thought this was very strange. Apparently it's the case though. Just some info... and could have made a difference in the days immediately following 4/25/09.
I believe it's possible that BD was annoying to each of these groups.

I can't imagine why the people who took BD to MB with them - did. BD wasn't their age. She really didn't have a lot in common with any of them, IMO.

BD was 17 - not old enough to get into over 18 clubs. Yes, she probably had a fake ID...but still. Here we have people over 18 who have no problems getting in to places like Club K. What were they going to do with Britt if they couldn't have gotten in because of her?

Both JO & AL were paired up with their guys...BD was the 5th wheel...

BD doesn't have a lot of money with her. How does she pay for her share of the room, gas, food, partying, etc.?

Somewhere on one of these forums regarding BD it was stated she was possibly looking for a ride from PB because the "girls" had been mean to her.

BD's wearing JO's clothes...she's probably eating snacks and other food that was in their hotel room, probably drinking their liquor/beer. And who knows what all else.

JO states BD spends all her time with PB and PB states he doesn't know what BD did because she wasn't with him.

BD supposedly knew PB from back home. She sees him at Club K and figures maybe this is her ticket back home and/or getting away from the girls.

PB has 4 other guys with him. They were there to party and have fun. I can't imagine that those guys didn't razz PB with BD being underage and being annoying. Point being I can't imagine these guys wanting BD following them around and hanging out with them...wouldn't be helpful to their player guy/party guy image and could put a big crimp in their plans and maybe cut down on their action...

The above is JMO - but I feel like these could be reasons both groups "kicked her out"...

This is a very well thought out theory. Never thought about the case at this angle before. Just thinking that she possible felt unwanted and rejected before she went missing makes this case more unbearable and sad beyond words.
anyone check the homepage for BD? still it has not been updated ,seems they tell about new PI taking over,but not been updated since about 13th of Jan ?
Yeah, I'm not sure how to take articles that provide knowingly false info.

I believe they called the location a riverbank in a few articles. I've heard everything from a beach to the woods. I don't really know what to think.

They were found in December, I believe.

Some people call a sandy river bank a beach. The glasses were found along the banks of the Santee off hwy 17 south of Georgetown, SC.
For those that believe BD was randomly abducted by a stranger, how can you explain the odd behavior from her friends? This is the question I have before ruling this theory out? You would think, if the friends sent her for drugs, would it not be better to tell that instead of acting how they are now? They couldn't get into trouble for that now. There is no evidence of drug use - as the drugs are not with them and BD never brought them back. Therefore, no proof that drugs were actually bought. No way to test the kids now for those drugs. BD is nowhere to be found. If the friends should admit to sending her for drugs, what could the police really do to them? Answer is nothing. There is no reason to hide or skip out of town either. There is just no way to spin this without including the friends being involved. Sure, drugs may have been involved as well. But, it is VERY likely BD knew her abductor. And it is very likely the friends know about it as well.

I am not ruling anything out. I do find it very strange the way her friends are acting. However, it is more likely that she did not know her abductor than her knowing her abductor and LE knows that. You just have to have spent some time down there to really understand where I am coming from. I have seen girls jump into guys cars, whom they didn't know like it was nothing. I have seen girls harassed beyond all end down there. I have seen sex, perverted homeless people, sick out of towners, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gang bangs, fights and so many other vile things out there it makes me nervous sitting here right now just thinking about walking down that strip. It is extremely dangerous on the strip at night down there virtually from Spring Break through Labor Day. Unless you have spent any real time down there, you just dont understand.

You are putting wayyy too much stock with those people she was down there with. I've seen PB on television interviewed, I have read countless posts on several of the girls facebook pages she went down there with and they seem about as smart as a pile of rocks. Lets say they did have some kind of involvement with her disappearance, too many things would have to go right for them to get away with it. First of all, I HIGHLY doubt they know the area where they stayed much less the inner remote parts of Georgetown County where BD's cell phone pinged. I seriously doubt those kids could fool the Myrtle Beach Police Dept. as well as the LEO's in Rochester. Like I said, too many things would have to go right.

If those kids are responsible, they would have panicked at some point in time. I don't think it was some elaborate plan that they concocted. They would have panicked, scrambled on figuring out what to do and they would have made a mistake big enough to get caught period. Maybe they caught wind that BD was missing and was instructed by there parents to get the hell out of there to avoid any confusion that they were involved. Maybe they just freaked and didnt want to get blamed and took off. Who knows why kids that age do what they do.

On a side note: BD and girls her age and her type usually have no problem getting into Club Kryptonite. If she was with the girls she went with when they went to Club K, they would have let her go right on through with them easily.

Anyway, in the end, her friends and PB and his friends could have had something to do with it. If I had to bet money on it though, Id bet the house that they didnt. Its just the feeling I have, but more importantly the fact of knowing the environment she was in combined with the <edited> wherewithal to pull something like that off.

Another thing. The drugs that they were doing was probably stuff that they brought down there with them more than likely. It's not like they have contacts down there to hit them up with drugs. Of course, drugs are rampant down there so it would have been easy to get it. I just think they probably brought the bulk of what they used with them, just an opinion and maybe from alittle experience myself when I was growing
Maybe they just freaked and didnt want to get blamed and took off. Who knows why kids that age do what they do.

On a side note: BD and girls her age and her type usually have no problem getting into Club Kryptonite. If she was with the girls she went with when they went to Club K, they would have let her go right on through with them easily.

Hi! I'm 20 and I know a bit about why 20 year old girls act the way they do :)
[[JO, AL, etc. were 20, right? That's what I believe I discovered on their FB profiles. We were "friends" on FB for a while before I got sick of their snobby postings.]]

However, THESE 20 year old girls? I think if my friend went missing on vacation I'd freak out and stay. I'd be too afraid to go anywhere. I usually think ahead and I'd think, "If I leave, they'll think I have something to do with it." That, in addition to the fact that I'd be very concerned and would want to stay around to provide any info I might have.

Early early on somewhere I read JO state that the reason they left their hotel and switched was because LE came in to the room and told them to change rooms and the cheapest they could find was at another hotel. She said they were told to leave BD's stuff so they didn't tamper with evidence. PB & crew's excuse was they had to be in ROC later that same day, and given the lengthy drive, they had to leave early. I'm not stating any of this as fact and I'm basing it off memory.

I agree with a lot of what you said. I think the friends are too stupid to pull something like this off. Kinda the same way I feel about MC, but that's a different story for a different thread.

The female crew and BD could have gotten into a club if they charmed the bouncer. It's as simple as that. Maybe they didn't really care, maybe she did have a chalked ID, anything could have happened.

I think the friends are spoiled and that comes through in all of their actions. They don't care because they feel they are superior to BD and they think everyone else knows it too. PB has always reminded me of Joran Van der Sloot... maybe he followed in his footsteps with the lawyering up too.
I am not ruling anything out. I do find it very strange the way her friends are acting. However, it is more likely that she did not know her abductor than her knowing her abductor and LE knows that. You just have to have spent some time down there to really understand where I am coming from. I have seen girls jump into guys cars, whom they didn't know like it was nothing. I have seen girls harassed beyond all end down there. I have seen sex, perverted homeless people, sick out of towners, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, gang bangs, fights and so many other vile things out there it makes me nervous sitting here right now just thinking about walking down that strip. It is extremely dangerous on the strip at night down there virtually from Spring Break through Labor Day. Unless you have spent any real time down there, you just dont understand.

You are putting wayyy too much stock with those people she was down there with. I've seen PB on television interviewed, I have read countless posts on several of the girls facebook pages she went down there with and they seem about as smart as a pile of rocks. Lets say they did have some kind of involvement with her disappearance, too many things would have to go right for them to get away with it. First of all, I HIGHLY doubt they know the area where they stayed much less the inner remote parts of Georgetown County where BD's cell phone pinged. I seriously doubt those kids could fool the Myrtle Beach Police Dept. as well as the LEO's in Rochester. Like I said, too many things would have to go right.

If those kids are responsible, they would have panicked at some point in time. I don't think it was some elaborate plan that they concocted. They would have panicked, scrambled on figuring out what to do and they would have made a mistake big enough to get caught period. Maybe they caught wind that BD was missing and was instructed by there parents to get the hell out of there to avoid any confusion that they were involved. Maybe they just freaked and didnt want to get blamed and took off. Who knows why kids that age do what they do.

On a side note: BD and girls her age and her type usually have no problem getting into Club Kryptonite. If she was with the girls she went with when they went to Club K, they would have let her go right on through with them easily.

Anyway, in the end, her friends and PB and his friends could have had something to do with it. If I had to bet money on it though, Id bet the house that they didnt. Its just the feeling I have, but more importantly the fact of knowing the environment she was in combined with the utter ignorance of the people she was down there with. They just don't have the brains or wherewithal to pull something like that off.

Another thing. The drugs that they were doing was probably stuff that they brought down there with them more than likely. It's not like they have contacts down there to hit them up with drugs. Of course, drugs are rampant down there so it would have been easy to get it. I just think they probably brought the bulk of what they used with them, just an opinion and maybe from alittle experience myself when I was growing

I'm sorry, I think you are missing the point. PB was smart enough to hire a defense attorney as soon as he got home. And, he hired that attorney before ANYONE ever questioned him with any suspicions. The friends know something. It is that simple.
If im not wrong, one of the **friends** that carried BD to MB,once lived near MB for awhile!!! Also one of guys with PB group lived in MB played football for few years so to answer your question i do feel few knew of MB alot,and if im not wrong this wasnt the first vacation that some of group been on to MB,,,,no one says any of them (two groups) had hands on her disappearing,but i strongly feel **drugs*** was root of this,and i feel it was drug deal gone bad,thenthe rest flew the coop scared!!!
But like rest of you posting,this just my two cents on the matter!!
oh yes, please remember Georgetown is not only place they searching,for fact they searching and has searched the old AirForce base in MB,they keep covering that area,as its inroute of her cell pings till it reach Georgetown
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