Found Deceased SC - Celia Sweeney, 28, Charleston, Feb 2020 *arrest*

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Kind of sounds like victim blaming, bud. First of all, IF CS pulled a gun, she must have been scared for her own safety, yes? We already know she was extremely uncomfortable with BC being in her apt, and wanted to get him out. So in the process of doing so, in order for her to feel the need to pull out a gun and fire a warning shot, being of sound mind, she would have had to have been scared for her life. It sounds like you are trying to justify BC potentially killing her, because he was a marine and one should "think three or four times before pulling a pistol" on him. I am not trying to be rude either, but maybe word your comments a little better.
I think his comment is worded quite well. Its meaning is just the opposite of his intention.
Truth hurts I don’t believe BC did it either unless homegirl toted it and brandished it and he flipped switch. He prob was drunk being what drunken people do...make people mad. If CS pulled a gun she shouldn’t of been so dumb and just called the cops, I would think three or four times before pulling a pistol on a marine in close corridors.

Celia was most certainly not an idiot. We don’t even have any details behind this shell casing, it might not even have nothing to do with the case at all. If LE searched my house today, they would probably find one. Like the other posters having stated, we have no reports from neighbors hearing a gun shot. Please refrain from calling the victim dumb, there is really no need for that.
I think knowing there are people in the discussion that personally know him and can contest that this is so out of character is a good thing and can help look for different avenues of why this happened or what else is being overlooked or missed in the info people find.
You strike me as sincere- I’d love to have you as an insider on this case to help us understand better what might have happened. It sounds like this was highly uncharacteristic- either BC was framed, or there was a side of him well-hidden. Or maybe undiagnosed medical issue, even brain tumor. If you want to add more, the VI process is here:
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I think his comment is worded quite well. Its meaning is just the opposite of his intention.
You are perceptive, and probably right. Truth is, we really dont know much about this case. We also dont know the personality or character traits of any of these individuals, which makes speculation, just that. I hope we know more soon! Als0, @Jkers1988, my apologies if i misinterpreted your comment. I just dont want us offended friends of the deceased that may lurk through this thread by name calling victims.
I am inclined to not buy the bartender's story, or maybe the bartender misunderstood? If I am going out to the bar with the intention of ditching somebody, you can bet your behind I'm not letting them back into my home! ESPECIALLY not if I'm sober.

We've seen testimony from some of BC's pals in here, but he clearly entered into another chapter of his life post USMC. Because I doubt he was purveying meth prior to EAS. People change, sometimes the people we knew only exist in our memories.
"The redacted affidavit states that someone was in and out of Sweeney’s apartment. According to detectives, Sweeney’s phone records showed frustration about an individual being left alone in her home, and just prior to 3 a.m. there were indications that she would attempt to remove this person from her apartment."

A bartender said she saw Sweeney leave by herself. How did BC end up back in her apartment? <modsnip>

Women are socialized to be so nice.

What should you do if there is some weird person in your apartment? Get the heck out of there! Call 911. Get some place safe.

A woman is not going to get a man out of her apartment, especially if he is drunk or belligerent. Or violent. A gun won't make a difference, because few people have spent enough time practicing with their gun, to feel confident about aiming and killing a person that fast. Hesitate, is over.

Only get out a gun if you have the safety off, and you are ready to aim quickly, pull the trigger. It has to be automatic. Women need to practice at least 2 hours a week, to gain proficiency with their gun. Buying one isn't enough.

I am guessing maybe Sweeney told him to leave, did she have a gun? And it went badly.
A lot of good thoughts there, @Kitty Katty . My gut feeling for a while has been that that casing came from a warning shot. Now from whom and whose gun - I don't know. If the weapon wasn't disposed of, ballistics may tell the tale.

WARNING - The following speculation may make Celia's friends or family uncomfortable. Please scroll & roll if you do not want to read. I will try to be sensitive here.

Here's the thing that makes no sense to me - Why would anyone transport a person 4 hours to leave them in their own backyard ? There's a lot of road, land (some of which is really isolated) and water between Charleston and Inman. It just boggles my mind.

Thankfully for Celia's family and friends, that did not happen and she was found.

The amount of force needed to cause enough trauma to lead to someone's death often results from pure rage/anger. Now what that rage was fueled by and who would be capable of that is anyone's guess. With the info we have now, I just can't see any other motive for that type of act.

I've also had the thought that maybe BC was designated the "fix-it" guy. Unfortunately, he can't talk, but if that turns out to be true, there could be a huge amount of guilt to be carried with that. Also possible that when he sobered up that reality looked a whole lot different.

Again, I apologize to family and friends and send sincere condolences to everyone. Two lives were lost - neither had to be. :(

All JMOO and pure speculation.

BBM. This. This is the real puzzle to me. I can’t stop wondering how this evening would end in this nightmare. Celia appeared to be a positive and bright light to all of those that loved her. Honestly, the 2 guys seem to have a ton of friends willing to vouch for their character and caring nature as well. (Unlike MANY other cases we see on WS) While I can see arguing and fighting going on any time too much alcohol or drugs are involved, this is beyond comprehension. It is rage. Why??

I did have a memory today of something that happened to a friend of mine years ago. She was at a popular music festival with a group of friends. It was a scenario of a lot of drugs and alcohol mixed in, and they were camping at the same spot. The party went on until the wee hours of the morning. The next morning, she went to wake one of the males she was with up, who was one of her best friends, btw. He awoke startled, likely still high, and came at her violently, punching her in the face. Luckily he was quickly subdued by others in the group and passed back out for while. She was not badly hurt, but moreso terrified by the anger she saw in his face when he attacked her. He later had no recollection of it, and was horrified to learn he had done such a thing to someone he had nothing but love for. Could something like this have happened here?

It just didn’t have to happen at all. So many unanswered questions. The sadness that is like a ripple effect out to hundreds of people in this case is astounding. Mostly because it didn’t have to happen at all. RIP Celia, you didn’t deserve such horror.

IMO, etc.
IMO, it wasn't BC's intention to bury CS. Why would he buy concrete and
camoflage nylon straps to do that? I think she was going to be submerged in water, a/k/a given "cement boots."

We know that CS wanted BC to leave her apt. So, in addition to alcohol, there was conflict. It's not much of a leap to imagine that escalating to rage. We see it all the time in spousal/intimate partner murders.

Bond was set for MW because in SC, the crime he is charged with is a bailable offense. Code of Laws - Title 22 - Chapter 5 - Magistrates' Powers And Duties In Criminal Matters

Night Stalker Richard Ramirez was described by his wife as charming and kind which does not change the fact that he killed 14 people.

I don't see how GS could be the bartender since she accompanied the other three to multiple restaurants and bars Thurs night/Fri morning. Reportedly, she was a friend who lived in an adjacent building. I don't recall it being stated that she and CS were besties. Missing Woman Found Dead, Stuffed Into Plastic Tub, After Cops Discover ‘Significant Amount Of Blood’ In Her Apartment

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IMO, it wasn't BC's intention to bury CS. Why would he buy concrete and
camoflage nylon straps to do that? I think she was going to be submerged in water, a/k/a given "cement boots."

I can definitely see that being a plan. Do you have any thoughts as to why he avoided all the large bodies of water between Charleston and Columbia ? Not being snarky here, just genuinely curious what your thoughts are.

I can definitely see that being a plan. Do you have any thoughts as to why he avoided all the large bodies of water between Charleston and Columbia ? Not being snarky here, just genuinely curious what your thoughts are.
My guess would be that he wanted to go somewhere private to do whatever he was going to do with the concrete. Then, he might have needed time for the concrete to set. Also, it might have been daylight when he drove home, and he wanted to wait for the cover of darkness.

BBM. This. This is the real puzzle to me. I can’t stop wondering how this evening would end in this nightmare. Celia appeared to be a positive and bright light to all of those that loved her. Honestly, the 2 guys seem to have a ton of friends willing to vouch for their character and caring nature as well. (Unlike MANY other cases we see on WS) While I can see arguing and fighting going on any time too much alcohol or drugs are involved, this is beyond comprehension. It is rage. Why??

I did have a memory today of something that happened to a friend of mine years ago. She was at a popular music festival with a group of friends. It was a scenario of a lot of drugs and alcohol mixed in, and they were camping at the same spot. The party went on until the wee hours of the morning. The next morning, she went to wake one of the males she was with up, who was one of her best friends, btw. He awoke startled, likely still high, and came at her violently, punching her in the face. Luckily he was quickly subdued by others in the group and passed back out for while. She was not badly hurt, but moreso terrified by the anger she saw in his face when he attacked her. He later had no recollection of it, and was horrified to learn he had done such a thing to someone he had nothing but love for. Could something like this have happened here?

It just didn’t have to happen at all. So many unanswered questions. The sadness that is like a ripple effect out to hundreds of people in this case is astounding. Mostly because it didn’t have to happen at all. RIP Celia, you didn’t deserve such horror.

IMO, etc.
I've witnessed the passed-out person awaking with rage a few times. I think this scenario is a definite possibility.
Not at all! Thank you for sharing. I hope i have not upset you at all with my hypothesis. It is definitely clarifying to have someone here who knew BC as you knew the kind of person he was. i am truly sorry that you have the endure the loss of someone you have known for so long. I just hope that everything gets sorted out because its not making much sense so far.
I feel as though this is not the place for this type of conversation. I am sorry for your loss, and am not trying to be rude.
I don’t feel it’s a place to insinuate BC had one thing on
Especially as he was in town for a friends funeral. His friends have said he was turning his life around regarding the drugs but grief changes situations quickly.
I’m curious about the funeral BC planned to attend in Charleston. The obituary for that person stated the funeral was private and only for family members. When scrolling to the bottom, no arrangements are shown. MW has a Go Fund me page raising money for the man’s funeral. I don’t see why he would be asking for that much money when it was a private funeral. MW also announced his friend’s death on the 22nd, his friend did not pass until the 23rd.
IMO, it wasn't BC's intention to bury CS. Why would he buy concrete and
camoflage nylon straps to do that? I think she was going to be submerged in water, a/k/a given "cement boots."

We know that CS wanted BC to leave her apt. So, in addition to alcohol, there was conflict. It's not much of a leap to imagine that escalating to rage. We see it all the time in spousal/intimate partner murders.

Bond was set for MW because in SC, the crime he is charged with is a bailable offense. Code of Laws - Title 22 - Chapter 5 - Magistrates' Powers And Duties In Criminal Matters

Night Stalker Richard Ramirez was described by his wife as charming and kind which does not change the fact that he killed 14 people.

I don't see how GS could be the bartender since she accompanied the other three to multiple restaurants and bars Thurs night/Fri morning. Reportedly, she was a friend who lived in an adjacent building. I don't recall it being stated that she and CS were besties. Missing Woman Found Dead, Stuffed Into Plastic Tub, After Cops Discover ‘Significant Amount Of Blood’ In Her Apartment

I agree that GS couldn't have been the bartender. I just don't see how the bartender's story makes sense, or how BC got back inside of CS's apartment after she ditchex him. I read that both CS and GS were bartenders at the same bar. I wonder if this is the same bar that she ditched them?

The speculative scenario that I was suggesting was that maybe GS said that she was the "bartender" in order to cover for, and distance herself and the guys from CS.

I'm not saying that this is what I think happened. Just that it is a possibility. The article said that "a bartender came forward". Does that mean that the bartender seeked the reporter out? There just seems to be a good chance that GS knows more than she is letting on.

Seems like, once again, cell phone data might be the only way to sort this out.

Like, did MW travel to BC's home with him on friday?

If CS's last text was around 3am, and her car was moved around 6am, then I think it is pretty safe to assume that CS was deceased by 6am. Assuming MW moved her car, I'm surprised that he was up at that hour. I know after a night of drinking, I go home and pass-TF-out. So was MW up the entire time? Or did BC somehow wake him up after the alledged incident with CS? There seems to be a good chance that MW could be more involved than his current charges show. Were there texts and/or calls between BC and MW between 3 and 6am? It might be MORE telling if there are not. That could imply that BC and MW were together at this no need to text. Or I guess BC could have gone over and knocked on GS's door (if that is where MW claims to have been).

The report that MW was "in and out" of CS's apmt over the next few hours after the bar definitely raises eyebrows.

Very well said! Indeed that is the case most times. We can never truly know a person. But i am inclined to agree with you on the bartenders story. Also, are we clear on the fact that GS was NOT the bartender or is that still up in the air.

All of the published info suggests GS was not the bartender. Why wouldn't you believe a witness that had no skin in the game?
I agree that GS couldn't have been the bartender. I just don't see how the bartender's story makes sense, or how BC got back inside of CS's apartment after she ditchex him. I read that both CS and GS were bartenders at the same bar. I wonder if this is the same bar that she ditched them?

The speculative scenario that I was suggesting was that maybe GS said that she was the "bartender" in order to cover for, and distance herself and the guys from CS.

I'm not saying that this is what I think happened. Just that it is a possibility. The article said that "a bartender came forward". Does that mean that the bartender seeked the reporter out? There just seems to be a good chance that GS knows more than she is letting on.


Why would you saying GS is not forthcoming? Do you know what she told LE?

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