GUILTY SC - Five Jones children, ages 1-8, Lexington County, 28 Aug 2014 *Father Arrested*

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HE had primary custody, no details yet as to why.

OkieGranny's link upthread shows this info, wonder if that could be the reason?

Two years ago, the wife moved in with a male neighbor and Tim Jones moved away with the children, the Hyders said.

That link also sounds like Dad was an angry man who neglected the kids (per the neighbors interviewed). They said Dad didn't believe in the school system, so those poor kids never had a chance to have a little respite from him. When he was arrested in his Cadillac Escalade he appeared to be under the influence and the deputy found what were believed to be chemicals used to manufacture methamphetamine and a substance believed to be the street drug Spice, a form of synthetic marijuana.

It's just heartbreaking. Those poor, poor kids :(
I don't think we can blame this one on postpartum depression. :(
Note to parents : You may have to break up one day with your co parent. You may not always see your kids when you like. If this is not OK with you today, don't make babies ! Disgusting !
I'm in tears right now. Rest in peace sweet children and may God be with your family.
Oh my god....this is so so so horrible....and I am so angry.....why do all of these deadshits keep having in Australia, we actually had a baby bonus where we gave people money for every baby they had and as you can imagine we had morons having kids to get a large size plasma!!!! we also have a family tax benefit which goes increases with every child....

I wish we could bring some morals and decency back into the world, we have descended into such a awful depraved society in so many areas....

And I am sorry to say this but I am going to the heck did he have primary custody.....mum must be pretty damn bad for a druggo deadbeat dad who did not have his kids in school, to have custody. Five children aged between 1-8 means mum also left the kids very recently and with very very young children to run off with another man...............for goodness sakes why cant we stop these people having these kids, or at least adopt them to the many people who would love the opportunity to cherish these children.
What I find even more horrifying is that he could father other children, if he wants to. Some murderers/pedophiles/rapists should have their reproductive rights taken away as well.
OMG. There really are no words. I hope these babies didn't suffer too much. I just feel sick
If I was the mom, I would probably just kill myself. I sure hope she has some support network surrounding her right now. How will she get through this? :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
Bodies of five missing Lexington County children found in Alabama, father to be charged

LEXINGTON COUNTY, SC — The bodies of five Lexington County children, ages 1-8, have been found in Alabama and their father, Timothy Ray Jones, 32, of Lexington County will be charged, Lexington County Sheriff Lewis McCarty said Tuesday night.

Arrangements were being made Tuesday night to return the bodies to Lexington County for autopsy and to bring Jones back to the state to face charges in the children’s disappearance, McCarty said. He was charged earlier with unlawful neglect by a legal custodian, McCarty said.

The neighbors of the Red Bank man who is accused of killing his five children are distraught.

Timothy Ray Jones killed five of his own children. That is really beyond the pale. The family was involved in a bitter divorce case. This screams the death penalty. :furious:
There really are no words for an act like this. Please please put him in general population!!

RIP you 5 precious babies.

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"...Hyder said Jones was constantly looking for a reason to argue and often threatened to call the police...."
"... Marlene Hyder said she also remembered a day when one of the Jones' younger children came over to the Hyders' house and tried to drink out of one of their outdoor spigots. He was dirty and disheveled and ran back to his house when she tried to speak to him, she said...." Endquote

It doesn't sound as though this 'biological donor' was able to care for those kids at all.
So heartbreaking.
Sometimes people don't understand why parental abductions / amber alerts can be dangerous situations. I didn't understand this either until I came to WS and saw the number of cases where parental abductions end badly. One might think, oh, the parent just wants to be with their own kid(s), the person who took them is their parent, they won't harm their own child, but this is obviously not always the case ... So often the motive is spite towards the spouse, etc. And very often these "parents" don't have custody for a reason. This is why parental abductions need to be taken seriously, jmo.


“saw he had taken bleach and poured it all over the back of the Escalade,” the DA said. “You could tell where it bleached the carpet but the blood was still there and there were maggots. ..."

So apparently this _____ (bleep) did this because he was on synthetic marijuana ??
That is his excuse ? Does he think pretending he was "out of it" will keep him from prison ?

Just pathetic.

"...Asked about a motive, the prosecutor said the suspect — whom he described as a computer genius — claimed the children were plotting to kill him...."

Riiight. And the oldest child was only 8 years old. Smh


Rest in gentle peace, babies.
So, we have his own father saying he was a "really good dad" with no history of violence, and a neighbor saying he was a loose cannon running around with a gun and shooting off his mouth while his babies ran around in dirty clothes. Hmmmm. Wonder which description is closer to the truth.

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