SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #10

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The million dollar question. She would have gone with someone to where they wouldn't be recognized, somewhere unfamiliar to some, but probably familiar to them. I would think maybe her roomie knows where the meeting location is. I'm not thinking a hotel, she would have driven herself, most likely. Or say she met someone at the landing, they were going boating for an early morning ride. She hopped on the boat with them, but something happened while on the boat. This person freaked, returned to the landing and left.

Where are you Heather!!

ETA: I forgot about the dogs not picking up her scent outside of the car, this is fact and not rumor, right?

The dogs were there are month after the fact. I do not know if they brought a piece of her clothing for them to smell or if they were dogs just looking for her.
Quote: Honestly, I think Heather is just like any other "average" person her age. I think this post really just targets her possible "issues" and I don't think that is really fair.

I promise I wasn't trying to point out her "issues" - and meant no disrespect. I was defending her in the paragraph before that saying that her sexuality seemed normal for a girl her age. Would anyone be surprised if a 20 yr old male had those same images and used the same language as her in their SM? My point in my reply was going back to my post a few before that where we were talking about the date picture possibly being something to send her father to show she was on the right track (look dad I'm being a good girl) especially if they had been financially helping her get on the right track. No matter how independent you might be it always seems that if you are still asking someone for a little money and support you are "under their thumb"
I really think that much of the "inappropriate things" that were said in her SM were meant to be comical - I laughed at quite a few. She could have been the next Sarah Silverman
I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm betting somebody's wife already had one on his car when Heather went missing!

edit: Wanted to add some stuff. I work with a woman who's husband put a gps on her car. She found it and put it on his car lol. For him to find out where she'd been, he had to plug it into the computer. So all the files of where she'd been were on the computer. That would be important if I'm right about what I wrote up there ^.

That went WAYYYY over my head... lol

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She also may have her privacy settings set in a way that we can't see all of her posts. The regular person or even "friend" on my SM sites can only see certain posts. Other ones that include private things (gripes about work or cute pics of my kids that I don't want the world to see) are only seen by a specific list I created called custom friends. If you looked at my SM it would appear to have huge time gaps and not really all that interesting, but to my custom friends, I post multiple times each day/week. I also believe her accounts may have been hacked. If TE said she was getting a laptop for Christmas, what was she using before? Just her phone? If that is the case, the pornographic images on her tumbler site may have been the result of ANYONE (not just a perp) hacking her account and posting those and she might not have even known about it because she was just reposting things from her phone and never really viewing her home page.

I haven't had time to catch up but did notice her Instagram account is private. Public can only see the pics that she chooses to share in a tweet/facebook (it has that option when you post the pic) If she was as "open and carefree" about her life as some would lead, why is her IG private? There must be something she didn't want everyone (specific someones) to see. I do think possibly I found a private Twitter or FB in addition to the public ones? Just thinking out loud, will catch up after my drive home, wish I had someone to read this forum to me while I drive 1 hr home! :)
This is my first post. I have been following this case since it began last month reading all the posts. Having worked in the criminal justice field all of my adult life (9 years as a police officer & 28 years in probation, parole & pretrial), I have always had a keen interest in missing persons, serial killers and criminal trials. Also, my wife and I spent our honeymoon in Myrtle Beach in 1976 and we have vacationed there at least 25 times. So, this case really caught my attention.

I have my thoughts on Heather's disappearance and I will post them later on.In the meantime, I look forward to working with everyone!
This is my first post. I have been following this case since it began last month reading all the posts. Having worked in the criminal justice field all of my adult life (9 years as a police officer & 28 years in probation, parole & pretrial), I have always had a keen interest in missing persons, serial killers and criminal trials. Also, my wife and I spent our honeymoon in Myrtle Beach in 1976 and we have vacationed there at least 25 times. So, this case really caught my attention.

I have my thoughts on Heather's disappearance and I will post them later on.In the meantime, I look forward to working with everyone!

Welcome to WS.
No, he isn't around because the comment was made something along the lines, if I find you I will get you...sir something like that. Her father said she works at TK. No mention of HOB. No one and I mean no one, anywhere, is mentioning this ex. The ex that could get her if he finds her? I find that so very hard to believe. It is as if, he was created for another purpose and I don't know what.

I do remember reading that....
:moo: I think in the very initial stages he was high on the police list of possible suspects, especially after the comments attributed to him being violent.
As time passed, LE found another equally violent suspect that had been in and around Heather's life - OM.
Possibly LE are now using the younger ex boyfriend that Heather lived with as someone for OM to project guilt onto and vice versa, seeing as both have still not been publically cleared by LE.
Would love to see what LE have vis a vis closed interviews, though I'm aware some of the players have lawyered up so probably not very much :banghead:

Has her twitter been partially deleted? Now I am not seeing posts from January until July of last year. Has it always been like that? I could swear we were looking at posts from March a few weeks ago.
I'm pretty sure there were posts in March and OM was on Heather's radar at that point. I'm extremely curious to know when OMM finally got wind of the affair happening against her...

As far as I remember from the beginning, there has always been a void in posts there. I cannot attest to prior to around 12/20/13 though.

But, that's has been what I was saying about the patterns of HE's SM. There are a lot of lulls in posting activity between certain times (months on end). This isn't completely uncommon though but, is still questioning/telling IMO.

Some kids have abandoned their Facebook pages completely because FB lost it's "cool" factor. I know for a fact since my Son himself "quit" Facebook for 11 months and has recently started it back up! Kids these days have switched over to Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Kik, among others. Look at what happened with MySpace.

HE SM Activity

Facebook -
Last post: 12/13/13 12:05AM

Time between Posts:
7/28/13 - 9/16/13 (50 days)

5/23/13 - 6/27/13 (35 days)

1/9/13 - 5/23/13 (124 days)

Twitter -
Last post: 11/29/13 5:21PM

Time between Posts:
11/29/13 - 12/17/13 (50 days)

Nothing significant prior to 11/29/13!

Tumblr -
Last post: 12/18/13 02:09:48AM

Time between Posts:
6/16/13 - 11/22/13

*Only 27 posts in November. All were made on the same day (22nd).

2/22/13 - 4/14/13

With regards to Tumblr posting, Users can actually use a feature, "Publish On..." which allows you to schedule a post in the future. However, it does not allow you to post anything in the past. It will give you an error message.

  • It is possible IMO that SM posts in HE's account could have been deleted by accessing HE's phone.
  • Looking at HE's SM posting pattern, I find it strange that she did not post anything on Facebook or Twitter close to the time of her disappearance! Red flag!
  • HE however posts on Tumblr before going missing. And content speak of love and relationships.
  • HE tends to be pretty straightforward in her posting and "airs things out" quite often. Why no mention of date night? Why no activity leading up to date? Why wouldn't HE post the picture of her learning stick shift directly on SM instead of sending to TE?
  • I don't believe that HE used the "Publish On..." feature.
Excellent post Peter!

22nd November seems extremely important all of a sudden IMO
Welcome TedMac! Good to have you with us.


He's social media seems to be pretty much the norm for girls her age...I have an almost 20 year old son,and his post on instagram is beer drinking,mudd digging,country concerts with beer in hand etc. My 15 year old does not post to any social media except fb,twitter and instagram and Im proud to say nothing vulgar has ever been posted .HOWEVER, a big deterrent is her coaches at the high school she attends.She plays volleyball and softball (which is her love) .Rules are clear if any curse words,inappropriate pictures or negative post can and will result in removal from the team.Parents and students sign a paper saying they will abide by these rules.As a parent,I love it...makes my job a little bit easier concerning SM
Totally OT, but I did not know you could do that! Genius! I shall never need to ask for lives again!

I did this a few times much to my delight but had to switch back to my normal time to send iMessages, and now it says I have 295 minutes until my next life, lol. Oh well.

I did this a few times much to my delight but had to switch back to my normal time to send iMessages, and now it says I have 295 minutes until my next life, lol. Oh well.


Sign in with Facebook (on your computer) and you will have 5 new lives on the Facebook version, then let it (phone) connect to FB and many times this resets it
This is my first post. I have been following this case since it began last month reading all the posts. Having worked in the criminal justice field all of my adult life (9 years as a police officer & 28 years in probation, parole & pretrial), I have always had a keen interest in missing persons, serial killers and criminal trials. Also, my wife and I spent our honeymoon in Myrtle Beach in 1976 and we have vacationed there at least 25 times. So, this case really caught my attention.

I have my thoughts on Heather's disappearance and I will post them later on.In the meantime, I look forward to working with everyone!
Welcome! I look forward to your insight here at WS.

Not required to be student... my kid just finished last semester and we can keep him on!

Everything I've found says that starts 2014…
If that was the case, she posted about medical bills she couldn't pay….did someone pay them for her and why?
Might be nothing, might be something, idk

maybe our health plan was ahead of the law, I'm sure that's not unheard of. my son will be 21 this year and has never had a lapse in coverage.

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Rhinoplasty done well is about $5000. Don't ask me how I know that. :liar:

LOL yes but most doctors make you verify payment ahead of time before scheduling elective surgeries (because I've looked into it)

The million dollar question. She would have gone with someone to where they wouldn't be recognized, somewhere unfamiliar to some, but probably familiar to them. I would think maybe her roomie knows where the meeting location is. I'm not thinking a hotel, she would have driven herself, most likely. Or say she met someone at the landing, they were going boating for an early morning ride. She hopped on the boat with them, but something happened while on the boat. This person freaked, returned to the landing and left.

Where are you Heather!!

ETA: I forgot about the dogs not picking up her scent outside of the car, this is fact and not rumor, right?

Not saying it wouldn't happen, but if it were summer I can see it. December, launching a boat in the early morning hours with a lady, no, can't see it. Especially after having launched many a boat in March or April in LA to go crappe fishing. And if we are talking about meeting the boat that left from another location then the boat would almost have to have a flat bottom like a Jon boat. (Man, is that REALLY romantic or what!) Any thing other than a flat bottom boat and it is very awkward. I'd certainly want an aluminum boat, too, not fiberglass. (Oh, this is getting even more romantic, but then I'm a guy who grew up on the bayous.)

The very few ladies I knew growing up would go out on a ski boat in winter. One or two would go fishing - in the late spring to early fall. Anything else, even if I was dating them, they'd tell me good luck and let them know how it went.

Not saying it wouldn't happen, but if it did I surely missed out on some interesting times with the ladies on a cold boat - with no facilities - in December and January.

I can't see it, even if the weather was mild that day.
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