SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #19**ARREST**

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Talking of timing .... what is confusing me is the timing of when HE disappeared. Its just too coincidental not to be related to the fact she went on a date that night.

So, why would TM want something to happen to HE that night, if she has finally moved on from her husband? That is what I can't get my head around - unless its a case of "you've caused all this trouble in my marriage and for what? You've just moved on?" But really would you kidnap (or worse) someone for that?

For me, the timing points more to SM - if he was still interested in HE, then he would be the one who would be upset/angry at HE dating someone else - so I could see him doing something in revenge.

But why both of them?

I guess the phone calls will prove the answer.

I can only conclude that SM found out about H's date, and called her as he was jealous, and that is why he said he would leave TM. TM found out and wanted to end things once and for all. But if SM really wanted to be with HE, why would be cover up for TM if she had done something to the woman he wanted to be with? I mean, having an affair is not nice, but its not illegal.

So many questions ...... I just hope they finally get answered for the sake of the Elvis family.
I think they may have thought the timing was perfect!!! It appears to her friends that she has moved on and started seeing other now we can take her and get rid of her and they wont suspect us they will think its the new BF!!! thats just my take on their thoughts...IMO
Don't know why, but I've got a funny feeling that this "rock" star reference is perhaps hinky code? :moo: ?Rock involved in their dirty little secret?

Has anyone else had a funny feeling on this?

Usually when people say they are being a rockstar it means partying (coke/alcohol). She meant it literally, as in being a groupie. Honestly, and this is just my opinion - but I cannot see anyone hooking up with her on the road. Most people have their go-to "people", unless she was bringing drugs but again - highly doubt that. She made it sound like she ran off and went on tour with someone. Not saying it couldn't have happened but ... in my personal experience (both with being raised in the circus of rock music and having kids with a musician and dating them...) she doesn't exactly fit in to the mold of what we call ... bandaids. I think she assigns more importance and labels to ordinary situations to make herself appear exotic and wayward.
Friends starting to comment on TM's facebook page. They're even suggesting a fundraiser, oh my gosh...don't give the M's any ideas!

I wonder how many of these friends who are so supportive have ever even MET them in real life. Besides the one posting as her cousin, I think most of them are cyber Disney friends. They may be also living in a fantasy world!
Without finding Heather, a confession, or videotape, what other evidence could LE have to get a conviction on the kidnapping charges? (talking about if they never add murder charges, just kidnapping)

Eileenhawkeye, that is where I believe the Socastee area video (not on M's property) with evidence of Heather's presence may come in to play which LE referred to in the PC yesterday. I certainly hope so. It may at the very least give a time of occurrence and direction of travel - a starting point in locating Heather.
Does anyone have access to that site that can see metadata (XIF reader or something like that)? Another WSer sleuthed an image(s) in the past but the URL escapes me....

If so, the location data might be accessible. Just a thought.

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I had the exact same thought but you'd need the original post url for that to work. The terrain is not at all native to where the TM/SM or HE families live. That's definitely desert country.
Usually when people say they are being a rockstar it means partying (coke/alcohol). She meant it literally, as in being a groupie. Honestly, and this is just my opinion - but I cannot see anyone hooking up with her on the road. Most people have their go-to "people", unless she was bringing drugs but again - highly doubt that. She made it sound like she ran off and went on tour with someone. Not saying it couldn't have happened but ... in my personal experience (both with being raised in the circus of rock music and having kids with a musician and dating them...) she doesn't exactly fit in to the mold of what we call ... bandaids. I think she assigns more importance and labels to ordinary situations to make herself appear exotic and wayward.

She also made a comment about being on that show One Tree Hill. Was she an extra or something? She made it sound like she was bringing in the bucks lol. (But said how weird it was to pretend to be talking in the background). Don't extras like that get something around $20?? Hahaha
Talking of timing .... what is confusing me is the timing of when HE disappeared. Its just too coincidental not to be related to the fact she went on a date that night.

So, why would TM want something to happen to HE that night, if she has finally moved on from her husband? That is what I can't get my head around - unless its a case of "you've caused all this trouble in my marriage and for what? You've just moved on?" But really would you kidnap (or worse) someone for that?

For me, the timing points more to SM - if he was still interested in HE, then he would be the one who would be upset/angry at HE dating someone else - so I could see him doing something in revenge.

But why both of them?

I guess the phone calls will prove the answer.

I can only conclude that SM found out about H's date, and called her as he was jealous, and that is why he said he would leave TM. TM found out and wanted to end things once and for all. But if SM really wanted to be with HE, why would be cover up for TM if she had done something to the woman he wanted to be with? I mean, having an affair is not nice, but its not illegal.

So many questions ...... I just hope they finally get answered for the sake of the Elvis family.

RE: So, why would TM want something to happen to HE that night?

HE's date would be the last person to see HE, and would be the primary suspect..
Yes it is Native ruins in Arizona..north of flagstaff

That photo is uploaded as his Cover Photo no less. I hope one of our tech savvy sleuthers are able to access the metadata & post it here.

RockStar... Did they take the Mickey Camper to Disneyland? Flagstaff is on the 40 heading west to Orange County. Where was the marathon located?

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There was a PR for an alleged assault involving a person in an HE search party on HWY 814 at 9PM on 1/19/14 not to be mistaken for 12/19/13. And, I actually heard the call come in on the scanner.

I have no comment or knowledge about PR concerning TE.

I could swear I saw mention of something like this in the 1st week of Jan B4 jan19 tho..oh well...

Maybe it's in reference to same incident w/arrests of friend BB and another-what was THAT date???hmmm

I have always thought that HE was set up and her disappearance was planned in advance. While SM may have had feeling for HE, he was part of that planning. TM may have been the one that decided HE had to be eliminated, but SM was part of it and lured HE out to PTL. We don't know exactly how it went from there, I feel HE left PTL with SM on the early morning of the December 18 and was eliminated. Her disposal was planned as well.

SM was in a precarious position as described above, but I can't help but feel that he was more than a puppet as described in previous posts. Again, JMO, but he seems to be a smooth talker and able to charm attractive if not somewhat naive young women like HE.

Oh yeah, SM/TM are in it together or had someone else do it. The only thing I can see from what I have read/seen I think SM has some issues of his own and honestly don't think he was abused. But I can garuantee he didn't want to be on her bad side on any day.

She also made a comment about being on that show One Tree Hill. Was she an extra or something? She made it sound like she was bringing in the bucks lol. (But said how weird it was to pretend to be talking in the background). Don't extras like that get something around $20?? Hahaha

Not always. I've done extra work for law and order a few times, I was paid 50.00 but I've also done extra work in films that were indie and was paid nothing, I did it so that if the film went anywhere - I had a credited role and had met the director/producers (extra work = networking).

Does TM or SM have an imdb profile? Granted they are not the most accurate, you have to pay for your membership if you want to add your film credits yourself - otherwise you must depend on various production staff to credit you on THEIR imdb etc. I have access as a member, I can look things up if need be. Did either claim to have a SAG card?

I really think TM was a pathological liar.
Could they have her locked up somewhere?

That thought did cross my mind .... however improbable it seems. Sadly, I think it will be knocked out of my mind when new charges are pressed in the next day or two.

But, I guess whilst it is still "only" kidnapping, there is a bit of hope.:please:

I had the exact same thought but you'd need the original post url for that to work. The terrain is not at all native to where the TM/SM or HE families live. That's definitely desert country.

Would that link work, OntarioMom?

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Could they have her locked up somewhere?

Anything is possible but I don't see someone like Tammy paying to feed the woman who she viewed as a threat. I can't see tammy keeping her threat alive and near her husband either. tm is sadistic and sociopathic (I think) but I believe SM was scheming with TM, if she had worked alone - I could see her torturing Heather to spite S.

In my opinion, this is all a crime caused by pride, ego and spite. TM wanted to ruin Heather not SM. Most sociopaths view people as possessions, like material goods.
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