It's a long way to the ocean from PTL. The current of that water moves in both directions. There are shallow spots and spots that are quite deep. I know it could happen, but it would not be a short time from PTL to ocean waters.
On another subject...
5'9" and 235lbs? Dang, that's bigger than me...and I'm not considered a small fella to most people.
And one more topic...
Kidnapping, from what I have read, can mean nothing more than not allowing someone to leave where they are. Any forcible movement or non-movement of an individual can initially be considered kidnapping. Making that charge stick might be a different story, in some circumstances.
MOO - Heather went to PTL on her own accord. However, she was either confined or restricted from leaving there -- and (according to the murder warrant) killed there. Unless LE is holding back a murder scene at PTL (that was cleaned by them before anyone else arrived), the murder must have taken place inside a vehicle.