SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #23 **ARREST**

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Hello sleuthers. :seeya: First post here (how did I never know about this forum before now?!) and have to say I am really impressed with the way the board is ran from what I have seen so far. Far different than the Dis boards where I first met TM. :facepalm: I was trying to read everything before I finally posted, but this above made me have to go ahead and jump on in.

I don't know if I should say this and if any of it is not allowed, please don't ban me, lol, but snip away. I know them (as in person, face to face know them). Up until a few days ago when their pages were removed, you would see we were still FB friends. This case came to my attention a few weeks into the new year when TM contacted a mutual friend about trying to get a new job. Since that is all hearsay, I won't relay that, but that is the time I really started digging and really paying attention to her FB rants, as well as going back into her timeline to read more. I have a slew of my own opinions on what went on, but needless to say, it did not take me long to realize this person was not who I thought they were at first and both my instincts and brain were in line when they told me to no longer interact with her. I admit I didn't delete her, because honestly, I didn't want to lose that ability to snoop. I was unaware that so much of her stuff remained public for the world to see.

Just speculation, of course, but IMO I think all these 'shots fired' reports was her way of working on a set-up. If SM stepped out of line and revealed anything, it is JMO that she would have shot him but made it seem like the lynch mob did it and that is how she kept him in line. It would explain his change in looks, the weight loss, his whooped dog look.

JMO, I do think she would harm him because I think she believes he has harmed the family. He has ruined her fantasy life and I believe she kowtowed him into going her way or she would remove him from the picture. What a picture that would paint if she framed him solely and suddenly became the grieving and broken widow of a man gone astray! Anyway, just my opinion. I have lots. :twocents:

First of all WELCOME :loveyou: IMO your thoughts parallel what I've been thinking for for several weeks. TM would want SM punished and what happened to HE was only the first step in a carefully calculated plan. It will be interesting to see if LE makes any additional arrests, since she would need assistance to frame SM.
I think a plea deal will come into play only if LE has some good solid evidence even without a body otherwise we could see another acquittal like in the Casey Anthony case.

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As much as I'd love to see justice for Heather to the full extent of the law for these people, it's important that LE find out where her body is so she can be brought home to her family. That's the worst part besides her being gone, is that they don't know where she is, and they can't put her to rest.
I think a plea deal will come into play only if LE has some good solid evidence even without a body otherwise we could see another acquittal like in the Casey Anthony case.

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The jurors on the Casey Anthony were selected from a rural area of FL which had no internet or cable access, if my memory is correct. There are no areas where cable/internet service are not available now...
RE: Change of venue

Informed jurors is no reason for striking them or a venue change, imo..

HE's story has been on National, State, and Local MSM/Internet Social Media. Doutful that there are many folks from SC that hasn't heard of Heather's murder.
Not sure about SC, but there has only been 3 changes of venue granted in FL's history; C Anthony, T Bundy, and a LEO/FST murderer.

I live near Hilton Head, SC, 4 hour drive from Myrtle Beach. There has been very little coverage about Heather in our local paper. A couple articles when Heather and the other two women were missing and an article when the story was on NG. I just checked and there has been a short article about the arrests on Friday, kidnapping charges on Sunday, murder charge on Monday and Tammy being moved to Georgetown today. Not one of those articles have been commented on.
I hope they do get a change of venue, one less thing to file an appeal on.
I agree completely.

Heather's choices, decisions, actions, whatever did not cause her death. Someone else's choices, decisions, actions did.

My point is, HE is an adult, 20 years old, legally an adult, not a child. She lived an adult life and made adult decisions, had an adult job and adult apartment and an adult life. As adults, we make decision and choices every day. We never know what is going to happen because of them.
Totally agree! And, as a recent example of that very thing, cf. Austin Sigg, killer of Jessica Ridgeway. He was 17 at the time of the crime, yet I've never seen anyone refer to him as a "little boy" or "just a kid." And, at 17, he was three years younger than Heather. For some reason victims are often infantilized, which I've never understood.

Thank you, that's the point I was trying to make. It doesn't matter what age the victim is or what age the perp is. When a minor does something horrendous, they are not infantilized. Neither should be victim be.
Hello sleuthers. :seeya: First post here (how did I never know about this forum before now?!) and have to say I am really impressed with the way the board is ran from what I have seen so far. Far different than the Dis boards where I first met TM. :facepalm: I was trying to read everything before I finally posted, but this above made me have to go ahead and jump on in.

I don't know if I should say this and if any of it is not allowed, please don't ban me, lol, but snip away. I know them (as in person, face to face know them). Up until a few days ago when their pages were removed, you would see we were still FB friends. This case came to my attention a few weeks into the new year when TM contacted a mutual friend about trying to get a new job. Since that is all hearsay, I won't relay that, but that is the time I really started digging and really paying attention to her FB rants, as well as going back into her timeline to read more. I have a slew of my own opinions on what went on, but needless to say, it did not take me long to realize this person was not who I thought they were at first and both my instincts and brain were in line when they told me to no longer interact with her. I admit I didn't delete her, because honestly, I didn't want to lose that ability to snoop. I was unaware that so much of her stuff remained public for the world to see.

Just speculation, of course, but IMO I think all these 'shots fired' reports was her way of working on a set-up. If SM stepped out of line and revealed anything, it is JMO that she would have shot him but made it seem like the lynch mob did it and that is how she kept him in line. It would explain his change in looks, the weight loss, his whooped dog look.

JMO, I do think she would harm him because I think she believes he has harmed the family. He has ruined her fantasy life and I believe she kowtowed him into going her way or she would remove him from the picture. What a picture that would paint if she framed him solely and suddenly became the grieving and broken widow of a man gone astray! Anyway, just my opinion. I have lots. :twocents:

Great post ~ tell us more! What was the relationship like between the 2 of them for starters...
My point is, HE is an adult, 20 years old, legally an adult, not a child. She lived an adult life and made adult decisions, had an adult job and adult apartment and an adult life. As adults, we make decision and choices every day. We never know what is going to happen because of them.

So what did HE do wrong? Trust someone she loved?
Welcome Delta Dawn. It would help us a lot if you got verified as an insider in this case. Please contact Kimster, our Mod in charge of verifying people who are close to our cases.
The jurors on the Casey Anthony were selected from a rural area of FL which had no internet or cable access, if my memory is correct. There are no areas where cable/internet service are not available now...

I think these days you just never know what a jury is going to do. Sadly here in OC, CA Fullerton cops beat a mentally ill homeless man to death all caught on video. It was horrible. I watched the video and cried. Lots of cops were in on the beating but only 2 were charged. The jury acquitted both cops. I was outraged to say the least.

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I suggested this in a much earlier thread, but parents could use their emotions around these tragedies as a teaching and talking point to their older teens and young adult children (like 17 - 23 yrs old) about why it's important to not get involved with someone who is married. Not just from a morals standpoint, but because someone cray-cray may be that person's spouse and there's no telling what a crazy, rage-filled spouse might do. And they always find out eventually. Plus there are often children involved in those other relationships and it's just totally unfair to the kids. Yes, a married spouse should not cheat and they are responsible to their partner, but if heartache or worse can be avoided for the young adult who might enter such a relationship, wouldn't that be valuable?
So what did HE do wrong? Trust someone she loved?

I did not say she did anything wrong. Please read what I have said. I have never said she did anything wrong.

We are going to have to agree to disagree. People are putting words and thoughts into my posts I am not saying and I am not conveying. Agree to disagree, Queenbury Rules and all that.
As much as I'd love to see justice for Heather to the full extent of the law for these people, it's important that LE find out where her body is so she can be brought home to her family. That's the worst part besides her being gone, is that they don't know where she is, and they can't put her to rest.

BBM: If I were a gamblin' gal (and who's to say I'm not), I reckon LE is running up and down SM ( & his attny) about the "benefits" of him talking about her whereabouts in order to work out a shorter sentence for him.

......and I betcha' ole' SM has a big splitting headache right about now----'cmon the right thing and TALK! :please:
I've been thinking about the phone and purse not being in HE's car.

It's safe to assume HE did not get into a lengthy conversation with SM while on her date.
HE called BW as soon as she was alone at the condo (1:44am). There wasn't enough time for an additional conversation with SM before HE called BW.

HE only told her roommate that SM said he was leaving his wife, no other details about that, as far as we know.

We know SM had just gotten back in town from his family trip,
so HE had not seen him in person in the recent past.

My point is, whether it was a call or text that got HE to PTL, there was plenty to talk about. HE was going to talk things out, not to meet him there and head somewhere else together.

If HE had decided, "YES! I want to be with you and darn the consequences", she would've had him come to her condo (an likely reason not to do this - fear of TM).

If HE and SM had decided to meet at PTL and go somewhere safe from TM together, then why not go there directly? Point being, nothing had been decided yet.

I think HE went to talk. Period - and if she really was still hung up on him - just to be with him.

She wouldn't have taken her purse or phone out of the car upon arrival at PTL.
She wasn't planning to leave. If she'd packed an overnight bag or something, this would've been a major clue and something TE would've mentioned in his early, unedited accounts. This would've been a fact TE would've readily clung to.

She wouldn't have parked her car sideways at PTL if she planned to leave with SM, leave her car there. Is it possible the killers had to move her car if she arrived after they did? Possible they were partially blocked in?

The killer(s) had to go back into her car to get the phone and/or purse. Even if she hadn't brought a purse, she would've had her driver's license.

I noticed HE had her phone in her lap in the picture she sent her Dad earlier that night. It wasn't in her purse, though her date said she called or texted no one except her Dad and that was obviously after the photo.

I think even if she took the phone with her out of the car at PTL, the M's would've checked her car for a purse or anything possibly incriminating.
If they had the keys, why wouldn't they check inside the car?

The phone is gone. The killer took it. No room for doubt there. PTL was the last ping.

Surely the killer would've wanted to see what was on the phone. Check her last calls.

Some phones can be set to code lock except when receiving an incoming call. Then they either lock immediately when the call ends or allow a small window before locking again.

Did they call HE's phone to open the code lock?
They knew her phone would've been traced to PTL
They couldn't take the phone with them when they left.

They could've made a quick decision to call her cell with SM's cell in order to get the recent call list, etc. before they turned it off or removed the battery, (the possible gain worth the risk) planning to explain it away as HE harassing SM.

When they saw she'd called her roommate (whose name would've displayed- not the number), they would've known she likely told about SM's earlier call. So...damage control.

They could've decided SM would say he only answered once to tell her to leave him alone, not counting on surveillance catching him calling her number from pay phones.
STILL don't know why they didn't use a pre-paid burner phone, but anyway...

Did they leave fingerprints, hair, other DNA while retrieving a phone, purse, or something else from HE's car?

This would explain why it wasn't immediately visible to LE.
HE's DNA, even blood at the scene wouldn't confirm murder,
or specifically confirm the murder occurred at PTL.

LE did not have to announce where the murder took place. They must be 100% sure of it. They didn't have to say anything about the location at all. Was this an intimidation factor, telling the killers "we know exactly what happened and where?"
I just don't see why either would talk at all, unless she is found. Once she is found, they have no chance, IMO, while for now, they can think of possible acquittal. JMO

If they did something to the body and it cannot be retrieved, they may be counting on that alone for an acquittal.
So what did HE do wrong? Trust someone she loved?

As a consenting adult she entered into a relationship with another consenting adult, who also happened to be married. I doubt any parent would think that's a good thing for their young adult child to do. But it happens and it happens often. Most people end up regretting involvement with someone who is already married. In this case poor Heather never got to learn from her situation and the people she encountered were evil.
I think these days you just never know what a jury is going to do. Sadly here in OC, CA Fullerton cops beat a mentally ill homeless man to death all caught on video. It was horrible. I watched the video and cried. Lots of cops were in on the beating but only 2 were charged. The jury acquitted both cops. I was outraged to say the least.

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I totally agree. They should have all been charged and it is beyond me why they were acquitted. The video was appalling and beyond defensible.
If they did something to the body and it cannot be retrieved, they may be counting on that alone for an acquittal.

Brandon Scott Lavergne who killed Mickey Schunick led LE to her buried body after a plea deal was made. They had some good evidence The truck caught on video, cuts on him etc..He agreed to the deal and came clean. I hope that happens in this case.

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