SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #24 **ARREST**

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I'd like to know what motivated her to take that drive to such a dark place at that hour. And I don't buy she was madly in love with this guy.

It doesn't make sense.

If HE and SM had been seeing each other all along, what's so urgent on 12/18 2:00 -3:00 a.m.? If this relationship was leading to 'I'm leaving my wife and want to be with you', after seeing her all along, why the need to rendezvous at PTL in the wee hours?

And what was so upsetting about hearing 'good' news?

Conversely, if they really ended their fling last fall, why on 12/18 did SM decide that leaving TM warranted a clandestine meeting in the wee hours at a boat landing?


Ok, so in either case he was lying and it was all a ruse to get her somewhere to kill her.

Again, really?

And she agreed to such an unexpected meeting at that hour, why?

First, why did she need to be killed? I get the buzz that's flying around the web. But even if true, she needed to be killed that morning, in the wee hours, after luring her with a lie? You could probably convince someone to go for coffee quicker and come up with a better plan for offing them and not drawing attention to your crime.

And I do think she wasn't easily convinced. At least not if there was all this calling and texting and consulting with the roomie, and shedding tears, before she got in the car and drove to the darkest spot she/they could have chosen.


I would think it would make more sense to say hey, I'm done with the ball and chain, I love you madly, let's leave tomorrow evening and go on a road trip or to a hotel and start over. And if the mission was a murder then on the way or after arriving at what's to be the end of the road, oops, or gotcha, or whatever.

But this PTL theater and leaving the car there, particularly if she was taken from PTL after her death, then posting on FB, and screwing up the alibi story - not to mention the IE somewhere in between or afterward....

Lots of activity and steps before getting to the point, which was her death.

If I decided to kill someone for whatever reason, and based on a previous history had the ability to convince them to see me, I think I'd prefer to isolate them farther away from our local territory. I'd definitely not involve three vehicles, and I sure as heck wouldn't pot stir something as dramatic as, 'Hey, after a fling that's gone nowhere, I've decided to leave my spouse because it dawned on me you're the one. So...let's meet at 3:00-ish a.m. when you've had no sleep, at a boat landing in the dark. You drive your own car."

What is up here? Because I don't think TM suddenly 'snapped' and said, 'So, Sid, let's get her, I'm thinking 12/18, and PTL makes the most sense for her murder.'

Regardless of rumors being true in the end, or TM being a flaming narcissist, or SM being (most likely) the pathological dum-dum, something is wrong with this picture.

Maybe it will all make sense once we get more details and the missing pieces come together. But right now, it just doesn't quite connect.


Good Post.

I don't think she was madly in love with him either. He must have said something that she wanted to hear to lure her out there. Not sure what it may have been. I have a feeling the PTL may have been one of their meeting places and that is why the location was chosen by him. Plus, it is isolated and no one could see them there. Several posters have asked why she didn't just invite him to her apartment since the roomie was out of town. I believe it was because the murder plan was already underway and SM & TM didn't want to take a chance on being seen there or having HE be heard if she was able to let out a scream.

Why did she need to be killed? It could just be hatred and jealousy, but it may be more to this story than we are aware of.

I have really wondered about the "good news" part myself and tried to figure out what made her cry if she was receiving "good news."

I don't think TM suddenly snapped either and this entire sorry plot had been in the works for a while. Who knows how long they had been after her and how many previous times they had tried set up something like this. Perhaps they thought the 18th was their best shot with the roomie out of town (assuming they were aware of that)?

I see your point on things not connecting or adding up. I originally thought that this might be just another love-triangle murder and it still may be, but again, it may be more to this than we are aware of.
ppl have been talking how odd it might be to go out at such an hour-not so much if you're young & regularly do nite shift.
I wish I knew more details about the M's trip tp CA.I've seen where they returned either on the 16th or 17th. If that's so,then maybe 17th might have been SM's first chance to reconnect w/HRE since their trip. Maybe on this trip TM laid down the law about acceptable behavior? Maybe she cut slack on his leash to see what he'd do?
Maybe at first opportunity he runs out & calls HRM & says I've left my wife OR I got u a XMAS present OR U wanna "quickie"
Maybe he's followed & the ***** hits the fan when caught together? Maybe TM had a violent fit & she said "Look what you made me do?"-"It's all your fault" "you better help me take care of this or I'll never see my babies" & "If you don't I'll tell them you did it & kick you out on your arse-no more house,kids,Disney or ANYTHING"
it seems like such a coincidence they just got back from a 2 week trip. If HRE was still seeing him (MSM),you'd think they missed that contact..
I'm sure HRE would say no way in heck I'd want that crazy woman to find where I live, Sounds like after a gr8 date w/SS she was conflicted. Good thing she called BW. I still think TM was following HRE around on 17th and finally tracked her down when she went to pick up her mail.
I tend to believe that SM met HE that night because he wanted to see her. Maybe when he and TM were out he even saw HE on a date which made him realize he wanted her back (if they had broken up) so he gets in touch with her somehow to arrange to see her. HE willingly goes to meet him. While they are there TM sneaks up on them and flips out, killing Heather, blames SM and tells him if he tells anyone all evidence points to him. Then I can imagine her saying, look what you made me do, now help me clean this up. He does and now he is under her thumb.
They probably left the car there because it wouldn't be cool to be caught on camera driving the car of someone you just killed.

As far as his phone records are concerned, it would seem he didn't think twice about his phone records because he just went out to meet her.
I think once TM showed up things went very badly very quickly and then there was work to be done before daylight.

Or there's always the chance that he was the one who killed her or they were both in on it and yes, he is that dumb. I remember when TM's rant came out and I thought she did it and a lot of people thought she couldn't be that dumb to come out so aggressive and controversial if she had anything to do with it. Well I guess she was.

I cannot figure out where they'd put her. I don't see TM going out of her way-and I think she's a bit lazy-and they don't seem to be bright-but she does watch TV and has a pretty rich fantasy life going on so maybe she was creative?? I think TM is the one who decided where they would put HE. No way would she turn that decision over to SM. No way at all. JMO

If what you pose is what happened, and it's plausible, and I've wondered if they both were caught by TM as well, why is SM charged along with her? How does LE know or why do they believe SM was in on the murder? LE's not if they've come this far, they can discern and detect through questioning him if he's a 'victim' or a perp. And I would think his atty would be all over these charges and quickly getting a deal for him once he told his story about TM. I would also think LE would prefer to get SM a deal and find HE and get TM successfully prosecuted. I find it a little telling that SM's lawyer said it will go to trial. Why, if SM really didn't do the killing, would the lawyer await a trial to make the case he was a bystander who was then coerced or otherwise motivated to help TM? That's darn risky.

I think this is TM's gig. But I don't think SM was that far behind her.

And what are these IE charges about? What is their timeline? I wish we knew that.

I don't think TM left the matter of what to do with HE either. And I think she/they had additional help.

I think wherever she is, she's either going to stay there, or her body is in such poor condition we may never know how she was killed, or exactly what was done to her. And I think after TM saw her own handiwork, she wanted to make sure that remains a secret. I don't think she wants what she did to HE to be seen because depending on the law, it could not only add to her charges, her entire facade would be known to all. It's one thing to be called a murderer and charged. It's another to have the lengths you went to revealed.
Another scenario I can see, and one I've mentioned before, so I apologize for repeating myself, but perhaps SM and TM had a fight over Heather that night, possibly fueled by alcohol.
Maybe SM called Heather from his house and told her he's leaving TM, and Heather could hear TM in the background screaming. SM may have then left the house and driven away.
If SM did in fact call HE from a phone booth, it may have been a second call after his initial phone call to tell Heather he had left the house. He may have used a pay phone either so TM wouldn't see (by logging into her phone account and checking the usage for his phone) that SM was calling Heather again, or maybe Heather hung up when she heard TM in the background the first time SM called, and SM hoped if she didn't recognize the number, that she would answer his call.
During the second call he may have pleaded with her to meet him and talk, maybe at their spot. Heather may have relented based on whatever SM was saying to convince her to meet him. He may have told her something like he couldn't live without her, or something to that effect. He may have been very emotional, and despite it being late and the fact that she was tired, she may have still had feelings for him and so said yes to meeting him at PTL, which may have been a place they regularly met.
I think it's quite possible that TM had a tracking device on SM's phone, and that she caught them both there at PTL, likely already in SM's car. I also think it's possible that she may have had SM followed at some point when she suspected he was fooling around, and knew this was one of their rendezvous spots.
TM mentioned her love of guns, so maybe she shot Heather (using a silencer), or maybe she forced Heather into the water, and then shot her while she was in the water.
TM could then have threatened SM with all that he had to lose if he didn't cooperate and help her cover up what had happened.

TM did not want her little family image tarnished by a divorce, an affair, etc.
What if SM told TM in front of Heather that he was leaving her? I could see TM going crazy on the wrong person. I think her presentation of her life was more important to her than her actual life...she never could have stood having it known her husband left her for a younger woman. And then SM would have had to either help after the fact, or turn TM in. Who knows what kind of hold she has over him...she seems more like his mother than wife, IMO.

But everything is speculation...LE may have video of the pair of them together the whole night, right up until they met Heather, in which case SM more or less knew Heather was at the very least going to be hurt.

JMO and just rambling...
I do not have a link, I'm repeating what everyone said here about some confrontation at Wal-mart. I suppose the person(S) that brought it up originally should have provided a link, kinda like the speculation about a payphone.

Do we have a link of the news footage originally broadcasted showing a payphone?
So, looking at this piece by piece. LE has confirmed they think HE drove to PTL. (Ugh, I think of Terrilynn and how they were wrong on where they thought/said she drove, ugh, anyway, let's just assume LE has evidence to prove HE drove to PTL).

Then what? The next thing that has to be determined, and obv LE seems to think so too, is whether HE ever left PTL. They added kidnapping, but that could mean she was just confined against her will at any location, including PTL if I'm not mistaken..

My question is did SM/TM take Heather away from PTL in a car? Was she maybe "marched" into the woods? Was she drowned? Did it all go down right there? Did they kill her there and leave her there? Or did they kill her there and remove her from the location? Or did they remove her from the location, then kill her, then dispose of her elsewhere?

I've seen in other cases where, after the truth is revealed about what really happened, its something nobody could have even thought of. I find that hard to believe that could be the scenario here, as so many options and theories have been brought to the table, but I still feel like there's something we're missing.

The post above by intoodeep's and the keds lost forever is really bothering me.

Hailey Owens' killer put her in one of those big blue storage containers (different type of crime), but did they have a Tool chest? Fishing chest?

Wait a minute---LUGGAGE!!!!!!!!!

Would the M's have weighted her down with rocks? If they didn't have a container, did they tie rocks to her? How? Rope? Duct tape?

If she is not in the water, then she has got to be somewhere associated with SM's work, jmo (poured concrete, forklift, something along those lines--I posted some info/options re: SM and construction, but can't seem to find the posts; they might have been deleted when we were in eggshell mode (not complaining, I understand :). I will try to repost (glad we're over that hurdle!). Where / how does SM dispose of his construction waste? Or somewhere associated with their camping, fishing trips, or childhood. (who knows, maybe its a total random place, but I would lean more towards a spot they are already familiar with). Abandoned building / house? shed? Tossed her over a bridge? Swamp?

I wouldn't think they would bring her back to their house, but who knows?

Remember TM also watched (more like idolized) Nancy Grace. So its not like nothing like this has ever entered her subconscious before, meaning awareness of missing persons investigations and disposing of evidence. And being so familiar with the area...

I saw upstream fire was mentioned again. Travis Forbes burned a barrel fire in an alley to dispose of evidence. I reviewed and posted link to fire logs back in thread 1 IIRC--- I was surprised to see how busy the fire departments are out there. Seems there are many fires down there on a given night.

You guys remember the abandoned trailer fires about an hour north, IIRC? I wonder what ever came of that.

<eta: I need to quit etaing, this post takes up a whole page, yikes>

I truly hate to post this because I think it would be just about worst case scenario for locating HE.

I've seen the other posts about killers "sticking with what they know." LE has stated they believe HE was killed at PTL. I think that rules out gun as murder weapon. I don't think they put her in the water.

SM was a jack-of-all-trades kind of fix-it guy. We know SM and TM worked together in at least one restaurant. TM has mentioned numerous times about SM's chef talents. We know SM often did maintenance/remodeling in restaurants.

I wouldn't be surprised if SM worked in a restaurant kitchen somewhere along the way.

Restaurant kitchens/dish rooms are greasy areas. If you ever have to repair tile or grout/reseal flooring, you have to use muriatic acid or something comparable to get the oil off the floor or grout and sealant will not adhere. Like if you have lotion on your nails before you paint them, the nail polish won't last.

With a company called Palmetto Maintenance, it's not hard to believe SM would have the product itself and experience using it.

Something like this seems more plausible than fire to me, less conspicuous. I'm sure some of you longtime members know more about any specific cases where acid was used to cover up a murder. That IE charge at the industrial park before midnight on the 17th could be tied into this theory - maybe picking up supplies?
The company that looks like it's out-of-business at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Century Circle in Conway is named Allied Maintenance (am I allowed to post this?) the opposite corner houses MetGlass.
"I appreciate your details about the Waccamaw. Maybe you can confirm or debunk this other idea. There was some speculation about whether or not the Moorers could've used a boat and dropped HE in another location on the river.

My husband has a little john boat and we would never go out on the Waccamaw at night, especially those little narrow fingers here and there. We had a friend whose son was killed several years ago. He'd been knocked unconscious by a low limb he drove under in the dark.

Do you ever go out on the river at night? Do you think the Moorers would have?"

BBM. Thanks! I would say that yes, they could have gone out in a boat at night. I have not nor would I ever go out on that river at night. I have grown up around water and I would not feel comfortable going out there in the dark. I am so sorry to hear about your friend's son. That is terrible. The trees that line the river have many branches that go out over the water. Most people familiar with this river know you have to stay away from the sides because of the branches and the snakes that like to hang out in them. Otherwise, you'll get a mad water moccasin in your boat.

There are so many scenarios that could have happened. Right now, I think I am leaning more towards the theory that HE pulled up to PTL alongside SM's truck to meet him. TM showed up or was already with SM and an altercation occurred. I believe that HE was killed or severely disabled there at PTL. It all would have happened quickly. In the panic that ensued, I believe they put her in the water, took or disposed of her keys/purse, knowing it could be days to find her. I can't emphasize how fast the currents are in that water. In addition, maybe the M's thought the water would "wash" away evidence. I think in that situation, putting HE in their truck would have been more risky for them. Another thing, it has been unseasonably cold here in SC this winter. The water is colder, the air is colder, etc. Much of the underbrush is gone which would have limited ground cover for hiding a body. Since the water is so cold, it would delay the decomp of the body versus the summer time. I have attempted to insert the data on the water temperature for the Waccamaw for 12/17/13-12/21/13:

The water temps hovered around 50-53 degrees during this time which is quite cold. I know you all know when bodies decomp in water, the gases produced will cause the body to rise. I think its quite possible that she was put in the water. She would have moved from PTL very quickly. Gosh, I hate to even write this stuff. I'm just not sure what evidence LE would have found that would have linked them to murder in this scenario though.

BBM, the part about the currents.


Good Post.

I don't think she was madly in love with him either. He must have said something that she wanted to hear to lure her out there. Not sure what it may have been.

I think this is key. I don't believe the claim of allegedly leaving his wife and wanting HE was enough to motivate her.

I have a feeling the PTL may have been one of their meeting places and that is why the location was chosen by him. Plus, it is isolated and no one could see them there. Several posters have asked why she didn't just invite him to her apartment since the roomie was out of town. I believe it was because the murder plan was already underway and SM & TM didn't want to take a chance on being seen there or having HE be heard if she was able to let out a scream.

I would be interested to know if she did invite him or suggest another meeting place. I've never felt that she was on board right away with seeing him, particularly at PTL. And if this was no longer a 'relationship' to her, and PTL was a former place for rendezvous, it would make sense that it would not be a place she would prefer for a talk. And I don't believe she went there to simply renew their former relationship.

Why did she need to be killed? It could just be hatred and jealousy, but it may be more to this story than we are aware of.

Yes. Because of the involvement of SM.

I have really wondered about the "good news" part myself and tried to figure out what made her cry if she was receiving "good news."

I don't think TM suddenly snapped either and this entire sorry plot had been in the works for a while. Who knows how long they had been after her and how many previous times they had tried set up something like this. Perhaps they thought the 18th was their best shot with the roomie out of town (assuming they were aware of that)?

I see your point on things not connecting or adding up. I originally thought that this might be just another love-triangle murder and it still may be, but again, it may be more to this than we are aware of.

If neither party has talked yet, this poses the question of why a guy, who was probably never that deeply involved with HE in the first place, would not be willing to roll on TM. I suspect that's because there is a card TM holds that is about more than his participation in murder, or, the crime is so diabolical and planned there is no way out for either party, because to roll on the other is to indict oneself since their actions are inextricably tied.
Have you guys determined if the M household had a landline or not? TIA
I'm not buying premeditation at this point, on the part of SM. TM, yes possibly. jmo :square: I think its possible they're just trying to get SM to roll on TM.

Who knows, though!!!!!
See services, etc

"Palmetto Maintenance Company
Is this your business? Claim your profile
8786 hwy 814
Myrtle Beach, SC 29588
(843) 385-3175
Contact: Moorer, Sidney
Business Description: We are a family owned and operated business. I have been doing home and business remodels and maintenance for 11 years. I have three children and have been happily married for 13 years. I do use some subcontractors but mostly I do the work. If a sub is used I will supervise and inspect all work. We offer free estimates ,friendly and courteous service. I look forward to being able to serve you.
Services: Garage Builders, Contractors, Woodworking, Ceiling Fans, Ceramic Tile, Childproofing, Chimney Caps, Deck Cleaning, Decks, Doors, Fencing, Driveway Gates, Fountains, Gutter Cleaning, Gutter Repair, Handyman Service, Holiday Decorators, Lamp Repair, Landscaping, Outdoor Lighting, Lawn Service, Leaf Removal, Mailbox Repair, Misting Systems, Playground Equipment, Pressure Washing, Remodeling, Roto Tilling, Screen Repair, Welding
In Business Since: 1999
On Angie's List Since: 9/20/2010
Warranties: True
Excluded Services: tile showers, electrical wiring,only fixture changes, chainlink fencing
Features: Emergency Service"
There is a lot there, under services--

Chimney caps? Gutters, garage builders, fencing, wood, metal, etc etc etc etc. etc They could have done anything with her. SM would have had knowledge and access to anything under the sun for any kind of disposal scenario. jmo
The way it was phrased (someone posted it above) it does not sound like photos...something about out in open for all to see, I think. JMO

Urinating in public is sometimes charged as IE.

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The way it was phrased (someone posted it above) it does not sound like photos...something about out in open for all to see, I think. JMO

I think that's correct, but I really just stopped by to say I have two black cats and would like for you to dress them.
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