SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #28***ARREST**

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Marshall Staton ‏@marshall_staton 6m

@Eigbrettmom I don't have any public opinion on any of it. I just try to get that facts out. That's how ethical journalist roll. #lostart

Bravo, Marshall Staton! :clap::clap::clap:
My brain just can't keep up with everything that we've found out today, and the awfulness of it all. And somehow the M's found time to have sex in their truck not once but twice the same night that they killed Heather? I just can't conceive of this. At all.

Everything makes me physically ill.
Sick, Disgusting, Twisted Pieces of Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I say In My Opinion Only, But I know you all will agree!!!!
TM says in the texts that she was having SM followed since Jan 2012. I think it is important to find out who that was, if it is even true. The $5000.00 makes me wonder.....:waitasec:
I'm wondering.... was sm in truck? or only her.

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I'm wondering if SM was jealous of Heather's date that night, and if he followed her until she got home, and then called from the payphone, knowing she would be hesitant to answer a call from his cell as TM said he didn't have it anymore. SM might have thought that if he called from his cell phone, Heather might think it was really TM calling to harass here some more, and might not answer the phone. Either that, or he really didn't have his cell phone anymore, TM had it.
What if the 4+ minute conversation was really with TM? What if she did have his cell phone and answered it and spent that time telling Heather how she felt?
What if SM had earlier asked Heather to meet him at PTL? What if SM never did go, but Heather did go hoping SM would still come?
What if TM really did have SM followed all that time, and knew that PTL was their rendezvous spot?
Maybe it WAS just TM meeting Heather there that night...
What if Heather didn't realize it was really TM in the truck, and not SM?

ETA What if TM forced Heather at gunpoint to get into the water, and then shot her?
I don't think it's likely either.

If Heather was murdered at PTL, at least it was quick and they didn't have time to beat or torture her.


I'm struggling to wrap my head around it all.

poor, sweet, innocent Heather. damn.

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I thought the first wound from a bullet leaves no splatter.... or have I watched too much TV?

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If they shot her in the water it wouldn't matter. . .the splatter would wash away. :(

I hadn't read responses to this question by others when I posted it...

so Disneyland cruises are all closed loop?

Or the ones the M's went on were closed loop?

Still wondering if they really did go on the cruises...


US Citizens on closed-loop cruises (cruises that begin and end in the same U.S. port) and travel to destinations in Mexico, Canada, the Caribbean, the Bahamas, and Bermuda are able to re-enter the United States with proof of citizenship other than a passport or passport card. Acceptable proof of citizenship includes an original or certified copy of a government issued birth certificate (raised seal and signature) and a laminated government issued picture ID (typically, driver's license), Consular Report of Born Abroad Certificate, or a Certificate of Naturalization.

From Disney Cruise Line:

"Guests are responsible for obtaining proper documentation to board the ship. U.S. Government passport requirements continue to change; therefore, we strongly encourage Guests of all ages to have a valid U.S. passport for all cruises. Having a passport allows you to always be prepared to travel wherever you wish, and offers an added measure of security when you're traveling."

Here is the timeline that the prosecution presented of Dec. 18:

1:35 am.. phone call from pay phone by Sidney to Heather.. call is 4:53 minutes

1:44 Heather calls (person unidentified) who is in Florida at the time. And says Sidney just called and is leaving Tammy. Heather appears upset because she had been trying to get her life back on track after the affair and the harassment by Tammy. Heather is still at her home when she makes this call. The call lasts 2:20 minutes.

2:29 Heather attempts to call the number Sidney called from which is a pay phone. Several times it does not appear anyone answered.

3:16 am Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone with no response.

3:17 am .. Heather calls Sidney's phone and has a 4:15 minutes conversation with Sidney. Heather is at her home at this point. Sidney is at his home which is approx. 3 miles from the boat landing. After this conversation, Heather gets into her car and drives directly to Peachtree Boat Landing. Sidney also denies this conversation until police confront him with Heather's phone record and then he says he did talk to her but it was just to tell her to quit calling and leave them alone.

3:38 am.. Heather attempts to call Sidney's phone. She has arrived at the boat landing at the time of this call. She attempts to call at 3:39, 3:39:46 and 3:41..

Her phone data ends at that point. 3:41 am.

3:36 am.. A private residence video surveillance captures a vehicle coming from the direction of Sidney's headed towards the boat landing. This camera is 1.7 miles from the Moorer's residence.

3:39 am ... a business video surveillance a mile from the first camera closer to the landing captures this vehicle still proceeding in the direction of the boat landing.

3:45 am.. same business video surveillance captures the vehicle coming from the boat landing headed towards the Moorer residence. The camera is approximately 1.2 miles from the landing.

3:46 am the private residence video surveillance captures the vehicle headed from the boat landing to the Moorer residence.

Ok so one thing I catch Is on the way to the boat landing the time between the first residential camera and the business camera which is only 1 mile away takes them 3 mins to get from camera to camera but on the way back home from the landing same cameras same distance only takes 1 min so what happen in route to the boat landing that it took 3 minutes?? Seems kinda strange!! Was someone let out of the car to "RUN" to the landing to commit murder and then the car was to pick them up??
I've done a tad bit of sleuthing and many people that have drowned swimming in that area are sometimes never found. That place takes and doesn't give back. Must be the under currents.

Hmmm. someone raised there would be very much aware of that fact.

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Marshall Staton ‏@marshall_staton 6m

@Eigbrettmom I don't have any public opinion on any of it. I just try to get that facts out. That's how ethical journalist roll. #lostart

Bravo, Marshall Staton! :clap::clap::clap:
Swoon. I think I'm starting to develop a little crush on him. Don't tell my husband. ;)
I wonder if the house with the pixie dust sign/camera records audio?
I thought the first wound from a bullet leaves no splatter.... or have I watched too much TV?

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love you, but yes, IMO - too much sensationalistic TV. They feed us crap and we buy it all!
I'm wondering if SM wasn't jealous of Heather's date that night, and if he didn't follow her until she got home, and then called from the payphone, knowing she would be hesitant to answer a call from his cell as TM said he didn't have it any more. SM might have thought that if he called from his cell phone, Heather might think it was really TM calling to harass here some more.
What if the 4+ minute conversation was really with TM? What if she did have his cell phone and answered it and spent that time telling Heather how she felt?
What if SM had earlier asked Heather to meet him at PTL?
What if TM really did have SM followed all that time, and knew that PTL was their rendezvous spot?
Maybe it was just TM meeting Heather there that night...

But why would SM lie about the phone call then? He denied ever talking to Heather that night. Once he was confronted with the phone records he claimed to have only told her to stop calling him.

I think he's in this up to his eye balls!

Why? Idk. . maybe he figured it was the only way to get TM to stop obsessing about it.
Dying to know these details!

@MarcLiverman: State says Moorer's compound had many thing related to entire Elvis family like pictures, journal entries. #HeatherElvis #YourNews
I wonder how that baloney sammich is going to taste to them tonight???

Maybe it will taste so bad one of them will spit it out and talk!!!
I, personally, don't believe TM was having SM followed since January 2012. I think it is her lying once again...the same as the "I had a boyfriend" lie she spun.

Heather and SM's relationship started around June 2013...why would TM have SM followed for a year and half??? Had SM been carrying on multiple affairs over the years?

January 2012 up until the November 2013 texts stated today is almost 2 years. That would be extremely expensive!

I think TM is/was full of crap!
Ok so one thing I catch Is on the way to the boat landing the time between the first residential camera and the business camera which is only 1 mile away takes them 3 mins to get from camera to camera but on the way back home from the landing same cameras same distance only takes 1 min so what happen in route to the boat landing that it took 3 minutes?? Seems kinda strange!! Was someone let out of the car to "RUN" to the landing to commit murder and then the car was to pick them up??
I'm wondering if SM wasn't jealous of Heather's date that night, and if he didn't follow her until she got home, and then called from the payphone, knowing she would be hesitant to answer a call from his cell as TM said he didn't have it any more. SM might have thought that if he called from his cell phone, Heather might think it was really TM calling to harass here some more.
What if the 4+ minute conversation was really with TM? What if she did have his cell phone and answered it and spent that time telling Heather how she felt?
What if SM had earlier asked Heather to meet him at PTL? What if SM never did go, but Heather did go hoping SM would still come?
What if TM really did have SM followed all that time, and knew that PTL was their rendezvous spot?
Maybe it WAS just TM meeting Heather there that night...
What if Heather didn't realize it was really TM in the truck, and not SM?

yes!!!! this.

but, if that was true, surely he would have cracked by now, right? right?!?!

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I'm wondering.... was sm in truck? or only her.

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I thought it could be possible, but since there was no sign of a struggle at PTL and car was locked, I don't feel like HE would have just jumped in the truck unless it was only SM...or so she thought???
Okay, help me wrap my brain around this. We keep saying that whomever was in the M's vehicle, was at PTL for 6 minutes. How can that be?

So, at 3:39, they weren't actually AT PTL yet and at 3:45 (6 minutes later), they were already 1.2 miles away from the landing, right? So, if I understand this correctly, 6 minutes lapsed, between the time they were seen coming and going on that SAME camera. With it being 1.2 miles from the landing, I would think that you could shave 3 minutes off right there, meaning they were at PTL for, more like, 3 minutes. Am I going crazy from information overload or were they only at the landing for approximately 3 minuets? And just what the heck could you actually accomplish in such a short time? I mean, that's 180 seconds.

Math is hard. My head hurts.

The timeframe is so short, it makes me think the truck pulled in and Heather jumped in. That would mean SM was driving. But her phone last pinged at the landing. And LE said Heather was killed at the landing. Maybe Heather was outside her car... TM drove in to the landing and saw her and ran her over?

Math hurts my head too.
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