SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #29***ARREST**

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I am sad that sweet innocent Heather had to cross paths with them and this is the fate she received. I know we all wish we could rewind the clock and warn her.

I agree it's very tragic. I too wish there was a chance to go in the wayback machine and save Heather (and so many others too).

From a purely emotional and sociological standpoint I also think it's going to be terribly difficult for case followers during trial if the defense displays the text and twitter messages written by Heather from 2013. Those twitter messages, for instance, show a very adult side to Heather, with adult needs and adult desires, and documents her notice of and growing interest in the married guy at work (who we now know is SM).

Thankfully those writings by H.E. won't absolve the M's from their crime or give them an 'out', [modsnip]

I suspect the real (emotional) shock for the viewing audience will come upon learning that each person in this tragedy is a human being and no human, not even the victim, fits neatly into their assigned archetype.
I found this - it has recaps of every episode of all eight seasons of OTH

It will take some effort to read each entry, and I'm not sure how to cross-reference the extra-appearance - IF they can even be verified as fact. I recall reading that as extras, they weren't listed on IMDB, but since I don't have a link :moo:. Does anyone else remember that?

Anyhow, here's the link:

Hope this helps.....

I remember. Also, I tried searching one of the Halloween episodes as they were said to be in it but didn't find them in it. Alot of people said they were in some shows though, so I don't doubt it. I do wonder if they received money for being extras.
I agree it's very tragic. I too wish there was a chance to go in the wayback machine and save Heather (and so many others too).

From a purely emotional and sociological standpoint I also think it's going to be terribly difficult for case followers during trial if the defense displays the text and twitter messages written by Heather from 2013. Those twitter messages, for instance, show a very adult side to Heather, with adult needs and adult desires, and documents her notice of and growing interest in the married guy at work (who we now know is SM).

Thankfully those writings by H.E. won't absolve the M's from their crime or give them an 'out', [modsnip]

I suspect the real (emotional) shock for the viewing audience will come upon learning that each person in this tragedy is a human being and no human, not even the victim, fits neatly into their assigned archetype.

well stated!!
I remember. Also, I tried searching one of the Halloween episodes as they were said to be in it but didn't find them in it. Alot of people said they were in some shows though, so I don't doubt it. I do wonder if they received money for being extras.

I think it's like $200 bucks give or take.
I agree it's very tragic. I too wish there was a chance to go in the wayback machine and save Heather (and so many others too).

From a purely emotional and sociological standpoint I also think it's going to be terribly difficult for case followers during trial if the defense displays the text and twitter messages written by Heather from 2013. Those twitter messages, for instance, show a very adult side to Heather, with adult needs and adult desires, and documents her notice of and growing interest in the married guy at work (who we now know is SM).

Thankfully those writings by H.E. won't absolve the M's from their crime or give them an 'out', [modsnip]

I suspect the real (emotional) shock for the viewing audience will come upon learning that each person in this tragedy is a human being and no human, not even the victim, fits neatly into their assigned archetype.

That gives me an idea. I use wayback for tech archives all the time on here. I always put in the sites I want data on. I wonder if emails and addresses can be entered as well. If so, could the results pull in other online habits associated with emails, addresses, cellphone numbers, etc?
Just a few miscellaneous things to throw out.


-I think its true that at least on SOME occasions SM allowed TM to handcuff him to keep him home as she went to sleep.

-I think its true that at least on SOME occasions TM forced SM to allow her to go with him to his night jobs.

-This tells me that SM really let TM control him much worse than I ever imagined. He was a puppet and she was the puppeteer.

-I think SM tries to look bad *advertiser censored* in public but really he is quite the wimp when it comes down to taking orders from TM.

-Its obvious to me from the court proceedings that only 1 vehicle was seen going + leaving PTL. I think both SM + TM were in that vehicle. But even if somehow SM was picked up by Heather and TM arrived then it still means that both were involved in Heathers demise. Both are GUILTY here. Further proven by LE charging both with murder in this case.

-So in a nutshell any possible theories of to the how and where need to involve both of these people.

Do I have anything wrong about both of them being involved part? Can someone shoot holes in this to where only TM or SM only could have been the one to do the actual murder without the other one being directly invovled in some way too?

nope. you've got it right, especially with the statements given to LE and the arrests for OOJ. both are guilty and IMO should be given the death penalty, but i'll settle for life in jail with no parole if that is an option
The map that was put up in the courtroom yesterday had three markers on it. One of them is at the gas station the phone call was made from.

Oh...thanks. I was not aware of that. I thought it was heathers home, their home and PTL. Thanks.
If SM allowed his wife to dictate his life to the point, he slept handcuffed to his bed....and he wasn't allowed to use his cell phone....he has severe emotional issues. Is this an abusive where the wife abused her husband and he stayed? I can't get my mind wrapped around their relationship.

I can speak from experience with my sister (who is married to the male version of TM-FTR I hate that guy) that it's just not that easy for them. Yes, all of us on the outside looking in wonder why not leave? You deserve better, why take that kind of treatment? The only way I can describe it is that the weaker of the 2 in the relationship doesn't realize in their mind there is any other option. They literally don't have the mindset or willpower to just leave like "outsiders" think they should. My sister has moments of clarity where she will do something "stupid" like flirt with someone or "defy" him by wearing something he doesn't like to which she pays for her "stupidity" with whatever shaming or punishment he chooses. He has tied her to a tree and put a gun in her mouth after beating her to the point of being black and blue. He picks out her clothes and constantly belittles her while making sure she knows how "lucky" she is to have such a good thing. She stayed with him while he was in jail for 6 years (this would have been a great time to leave IMO) but no, she stayed with him. I pity SM b/c he reminds me of my sister. I know that he is involved in a murder but I also know how much control people like TM have over ppl like SM. He could be a cold blooded killer who is the actual ring leader but IMO I see him as a victim of TM and her psychotic ways. He did and probably does do whatever she makes him do with brief moments of clarity (the affair with HE) along the way.

I am sad that sweet innocent Heather had to cross paths with them and this is the fate she received. I know we all wish we could rewind the clock and warn her. RIP Heather, lead us to your body!

^^^Above respectfully BBM^^^

It is entirely possible for sm to be the victim of abuse, as alleged in court yesterday, and be responsible for Heather's murder. The dynamics of abusive relationships are so complex, and exponentially so when children are involved (generally speaking). Aside from the financial discrepancies, sm lived on the tm's family's land, and I would not be surprised to learn that she controlled the finances as well. This is also a form of DV.

Ultimately, sm is responsible for the decisions he made, and will make moving forward. I hope he realizes this. He can take his power back in the process of Justice for Heather. It has been said in open court that sm cared about Heather (paraphrasing), therefore, now is the time for him to cut his losses and do the right thing.

Every day spent out from under the control of tm is freeing, even if it is behind bars. His attorney is charged with defending only him, and I hope sm gains perspective, and realizes there is honor in revealing all he knows, in order to allow the Elvis' to bring Heather home. The sooner he does this, the better it will be for him in the adjudication process. :moo:

Although he should not receive a reduction in sentencing for doing so, perhaps the Court won't throw the library at him, as I expect they will at tm. This is just my very humble opinion.

And I completely agree, Heather paid a terrible price for crossing paths with these people. If only we could turn back the hands of time.... :'(
^^ this!! I strongly agree!!! Thus the claims that Heather was calling him, and he just told her to leave him alone. Didn't think they'd get caught calling from payphone FIRST and ignored cell a few times ... She was bothering him and he only answered to say leave me alone. (TM would claim) JMO
Actually, I do not think they believed HRE would call his cell phone at all that night since he indicated he had left and HRE already had been warned by TM that SM no longer had access to his phone.

For whatever reason, HRE calling his phone that night is what cements this deal and tanked their plans of anonymity to get her to the PTL alone in the middle of the night. I still think they felt if they got rid of her phone this information would be gone along with the texts messages. They weren't the smartest criminals especially when it came to their electronic devices (or others' surveillance cams) including their printer at home. ;)
if sm ever wanted a divorce he should file now while shes not able to get her handcuffs on him

Sorry... I just kind of giggled...

I think you are so right about SM getting a divorce now while he is "safe" from TM...

I am just curious... Is it legally allowed for murder suspects to file for divorce while the investigation/trial is ongoing?

I am really only curious...:waitasec:
Actually, I do not think they believed HRE would call his cell phone at all that night since he indicated he had left and HRE already had been warned by TM that SM no longer had access to his phone.

For whatever reason, HRE calling his phone that night is what cements this deal and tanked their plans of anonymity to get her to the PTL alone in the middle of the night. I still think they felt if they got rid of her phone this information would be gone along with the texts messages. They weren't the smartest criminals especially when it came to their electronic devices (or others' surveillance cams) including their printer at home. ;)

and, I bet they didn't even consider HE would call her roommate after that 4+ minute call from SM...

Pretty stupid criminals IMO.
Question: is one of the cameras that showed their vehicle headed back toward their home after PTL close enough to the M's house that we know they went straight home? Or is it possible they were headed that direction but went somewhere else to dispose?

I guess what I'm saying is, does the surveillance limit the time they had to dispose of any evidence other than PTL or their homes' surrounding area. If it indeed showed them going straight home, then Heather was left in the water at PTL or she was taken to their home. This would definitely narrow the search area..

praying they find Heather soon, it's been way too long..

I think that's a question the LE evidence thus far poses. Maybe they have other footage they didn't choose to release yesterday, but it sounded like they wanted to paint a picture of the M's going to PTL at the same time Heather did, then going back home, while Heather's car never left. So yes, that limits the search in theory. But with no other info at this time, it seems to me that there could have been other activities that morning in other areas. Or, someone could have met them somewhere or at their home and helped with disposal elsewhere.

I think there are gaps in what LE is saying that could relate both to protecting the investigation and avoiding the disposal issue at the bond hearing, since they have no body.
I guess it could depend upon whether or not SM really did not have a phone of his own, if TM supposedly had taken it. If he didn't, TM surely had it. But why the pay phone at all? Heather must have thought he had a phone, if she tried calling him back. I don't understand why SM would use a pay phone to call her, if he had "permission" from TM to make the call to lure her out.

Maybe SM had to call from a pay phone...

she may have not answered a call from SM/TM phone... Thinking the call would be from TM?

Deleted texts between SM and AC? Thought it was worded that way on Twitter. I think the word used was "retrieved".

Yes, but I think it was something along the lines of 'these items were retrieved from computers/phones during executing of the search warrant..."
I think it's like $200 bucks give or take.

I had a friend years ago that was an extra for Universal. She'd get a call early the morning she was needed, but sometimes the night before, and she'd have to show up on site or risk not being called again. She did this during summers and it paid for her books in college. She received a W2 end of each January for her income taxes. So, if Tammy, Sidney & family were extras, did they all get a W2 and if so were those funds claimed?
it was said by the solicitor yesterday that both TM and SM agreed that TM had control of his social media or something to that effect...not too smart on TM's part, looks like she painted herself into a corner here...she CANNOT use the argument that someone else took over their sm sites JMO

Um - yes she can. Her attorney stated that TM believes her phone was 'spoofed' and that someone was 'pretending' to be them.

I think even her atty might not be buying that line though because he seems to be covering himself when talking about it:

""First of all some of those messages, we aren't sure those messages are real," McCollum said. "Okay, so we'll be trying to sort through that, but at the same time, being angry at somebody for having an affair with your spouse is something that I think most people experience. Whether they contact someone, view text, or email.""

link to article here - wmbf news
Soooo....out of the blue, SM calls Heather and says he has left his wife. Calls from a pay phone. Heather calls her roomie and is upset that SM called. Why did Heather call him back? Was he threatening to harm himself? Or, was she still infatuated by him? Guess we'll never know, really....:cry:


I don't get that either. I feel there is something missing here.
I agree it's very tragic. I too wish there was a chance to go in the wayback machine and save Heather (and so many others too).

From a purely emotional and sociological standpoint I also think it's going to be terribly difficult for case followers during trial if the defense displays the text and twitter messages written by Heather from 2013. Those twitter messages, for instance, show a very adult side to Heather, with adult needs and adult desires, and documents her notice of and growing interest in the married guy at work (who we now know is SM).

Thankfully those writings by H.E. won't absolve the M's from their crime or give them an 'out', [modsnip].

I suspect the real (emotional) shock for the viewing audience will come upon learning that each person in this tragedy is a human being and no human, not even the victim, fits neatly into their assigned archetype.

Heather is just a young girl, finding her way in life, testing the waters so to speak. i don't see anything wrong with what she did. she corrected it as well. OTH, two so called mature (only in age), individuals, know better. plus, imo, they preplanned this whole event. as far as i'm concerned, Heather went to PTL that night for good reasons: concern for an individual, that she may have cared for at one time, not for a final tryst. she was young and naive, but at the same time, cared enough to maybe think that SM was in some sort of trouble.

she will always remain the victim in my eyes, one who still is in the innocent stages of life.

i will never paint her with a brush that justifies her murder ( not that you are) because she had an affair with a married man.

there is no reason to murder someone here, when the M's could have just walk away.
Just a few miscellaneous things to throw out.


-I think its true that at least on SOME occasions SM allowed TM to handcuff him to keep him home as she went to sleep.

-I think its true that at least on SOME occasions TM forced SM to allow her to go with him to his night jobs.

-This tells me that SM really let TM control him much worse than I ever imagined. He was a puppet and she was the puppeteer.

-I think SM tries to look bad *advertiser censored* in public but really he is quite the wimp when it comes down to taking orders from TM.

-Its obvious to me from the court proceedings that only 1 vehicle was seen going + leaving PTL. I think both SM + TM were in that vehicle. But even if somehow SM was picked up by Heather and TM arrived then it still means that both were involved in Heathers demise. Both are GUILTY here. Further proven by LE charging both with murder in this case.

-So in a nutshell any possible theories of to the how and where need to involve both of these people.

Do I have anything wrong about both of them being involved part? Can someone shoot holes in this to where only TM or SM only could have been the one to do the actual murder without the other one being directly invovled in some way too?

I disagree ,the State could have evidence there was more than one vehicle traveling to/from PTL but only needed to show evidence of 1 of the Moorer's vehicles traveling to/from PTL.
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