SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 #29***ARREST**

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Sorry... I just kind of giggled...

I think you are so right about SM getting a divorce now while he is "safe" from TM...

I am just curious... Is it legally allowed for murder suspects to file for divorce while the investigation/trial is ongoing?

I am really only curious...:waitasec:

But what about if Sidney turning on Tammy is a way to get BOTH of them out sooner? That's something that's bothering me bc I'm wondering if Sidney supplied the State with the info hoping for a deal of some kind bc he & Tammy already knew the State was onto them. Maybe he thinks if he can paint himself as an abused kitty cat, maybe it'll help paint a mentally incapacitated Tammy and therefore sort of open some kind of a temporary insanity defense. Serving 5 years in jail is ALOT better than serving a lifetime. I'm wondering if Sidney and Tammy may have hashed all this out as a plan beforehand by coming up with these scenarios. I mean, all I can think about is that if Sidney was so scared then why wasn't he upfront with the police from the beginning? Instead he lied to them. Nothing explains why he had to be confronted with knowledge of his initial phone conversation with Heather in order to come clean, not even saying if Tammy was right there. It doesn't make sense.

& if Tammy really had to go to work with Sidney everyday for 6 months as part of their deal, then how in the world could HOB or TK put up with that? It would be noticeable. What, was she a helper on his jobs or something? How could she get away with tagging along? If she just sat in the vehicle while he worked, it would have been noticed.
In January they were looking into purchasing 14 acres of vacant land in Florida. I wonder if the intent was to simply get out of the area and make a new start. What if the intent was to lay a foundation on top of something there? If so, they may have had that "something" accessible in January, as gruesome as that sounds...
Also, I don't know if the M's were followed while on the way to Florida, but suppose someone had a boat (a fishing boat perhaps?) and they met up with them somewhere along the way?
imo, not necessarily, first SM told LE that he hadn't heard from Heather in a long time, then after caught in a lie, he tries to correct it when confronted with the cell phone records from LE...does that make sense?

i mean...i don't think the phone communications back and forth may have been apart of any plan, except the last call to get Heather to PTL

:scared: I don't know what I think anymore! Lol I guess I just felt like she didn't agree to meeting or whatever in that call. I'm not sure where she was when she got call?? Do we know??? Was she home from date?? She called roommate after and I thought to talk about call, but maybe hadn't decided ... I dunno ... I'm confused ... :confused:
Um - yes she can. Her attorney stated that TM believes her phone was 'spoofed' and that someone was 'pretending' to be them.

I think even her atty might not be buying that line though because he seems to be covering himself when talking about it:

""First of all some of those messages, we aren't sure those messages are real," McCollum said. "Okay, so we'll be trying to sort through that, but at the same time, being angry at somebody for having an affair with your spouse is something that I think most people experience. Whether they contact someone, view text, or email.""

link to article here - wmbf news
I think the "dad" reference will come into play there. :X We can't discuss it any further, but plausible they could use it as a defense tactic.
I wonder if TM sent this message to herself if she still had control of SM's phone. If he wrote it, I wonder what he meant by "way better"?

I would bet anything that TM wrote that. Again, putting off on Heather as a "bad choice". Not saying I am sorry I was unfaithful, only that he was sorry that who he had chosen (Heather) was the problem and to me, this sounds like TM's way of rationalizing. JMO
I think we will found out later it wasn't so out of the blue. I think SM called Heather at other times from a pay phone.

I completely agree. That's why i don't think Heather calling him back is so strange. IMO many more pieces to complete this puzzle. :moo:
I would bet anything that Tm wrote that. Again, putting off on Heather as a "bad choice". Not saying I am sorry I was unfaithful, only that he was sorry that who he had chosen (Heather) was a problem. JMO

I agree, TM wrote that....

I also think that NO ONE spoofed her or SM's cell phone...

That's just the defense throwing that out there for now.
In January they were looking into purchasing 14 acres of vacant land in Florida. I wonder if the intent was to simply get out of the area and make a new start. What if the intent was to lay a foundation on top of something there? If so, they may have had that "something" accessible in January, as gruesome as that sounds...
Also, I don't know if the M's were followed while on the way to Florida, but suppose someone had a boat (a fishing boat perhaps?) and they met up with them somewhere along the way?
They were on LE's radar at that time. ;) LE is fully aware of any land inquiries etc.
I can't wrap my head around this being planned. If it was, it was planned very poorly... so much stuff laying around that connects them to Heather.

There were a number of calls Heather made that weren't answered right away. If this would planned, you'd think the perp would answer the phone.

I think SM called Heather from a pay phone, not expecting her to call his cell later. The cell call put TM over the edge, and she reacted.

Or they wanted Heather to call SM because then it "looks like" Heather is bothering SM and he then says that he only answered to tell her to leave him alone. In reality,he started the chain of events by calling from a pay phone. He thought LE wouldn't know it was him. I can see this going either way. I go back and forth. :banghead: I have no questions at all about TM...none. It's SM I'm trying to figure out.
I can see TM planning this like a Disney trip but I can also see her just snapping. SM...I only see him doing exactly what TM tells him to do even if it involves murder. Back and forth. :tantrum:
But what about if Sidney turning on Tammy is a way to get BOTH of them out sooner? That's something that's bothering me bc I'm wondering if Sidney supplied the State with the info hoping for a deal of some kind bc he & Tammy already knew the State was onto them. Maybe he thinks if he can paint himself as an abused kitty cat, maybe it'll help paint a mentally incapacitated Tammy and therefore sort of open some kind of a temporary insanity defense. Serving 5 years in jail is ALOT better than serving a lifetime. I'm wondering if Sidney and Tammy may have hashed all this out as a plan beforehand by coming up with these scenarios. I mean, all I can think about is that if Sidney was so scared then why wasn't he upfront with the police from the beginning? Instead he lied to them. Nothing explains why he had to be confronted with knowledge of his initial phone conversation with Heather in order to come clean, not even saying if Tammy was right there. It doesn't make sense.

& if Tammy really had to go to work with Sidney everyday for 6 months as part of their deal, then how in the world could HOB or TK put up with that? It would be noticeable. What, was she a helper on his jobs or something? How could she get away with tagging along? If she just sat in the vehicle while he worked, it would have been noticed.

You bring up great points, J*G. Where are the corroborating witnesses from the work sites? Also, if this is part of a sinister plan, did it only include these two? They weren't the only people living in the house - nor on the compound. Could every single person be in on this plan? That would take evil to a whole new level!
I think the "dad" reference will come into play there. :X We can't discuss it any further, but plausible they could use it as a defense tactic.

My assumption is that word was used to highlight the age difference between SM and HE.
Maybe SM really did tell the truth - that HE didn't talk to Heather via his cell that night and then retracted, when finding out from TM that SHE had and he covered for her? I'm not saying he didn't speak to Heather that night (pay phone), but since TM allegedly held his phone, maybe Heather actually talked (or listened to) Tammy via SM cell?
I think SM knew the minute TM did about HRE calling the cell phone.

Now the question is did TM know about SM calling from the payphone? Was that really a plan or did TM and SM have a huge fight (after having public sex) and SM decided to leave her? Perhaps SM had to go home and figure out how to get the truck away from TM to go meet HRE because TM really did leave him somewhere. He didn't expect HRE to call him back, but when she set TM on a murderous rampage.

Just another theory...
Or they wanted Heather to call SM because then it "looks like" Heather is bothering SM and he then says that he only answered to tell her to leave him alone. In reality,he started the chain of events by calling from a pay phone. He thought LE wouldn't know it was him. I can see this going either way. I go back and forth. :banghead: I have no questions at all about TM...none. It's SM I'm trying to figure out.

I can see TM planning this like a Disney trip but I can also see her just snapping. SM...I only see him doing exactly what TM tells him to do even if it involves murder. Back and forth. :tantrum:

I'm back and forth right there with ya Motherof5 :)
SM is the puzzle I am trying to figure out as well.
I don't think it was stated there were 'no other' between 11/5 and 12/17. I could've missed it -- I just don't remember them making that actual statement.

Thank you hoppy. We need to remember that they presented what they needed too but not everything. Be we I mean me :)

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It was "out of the blue" that particular night at that particular time and confirmed by HRE to her roommate. She had not expected to hear from him and certainly not to hear he was leaving his wife.

Yes, he probably did call her from payphones during the affair or even from business phones where he was working at times.

I see what you're saying. Sidney calling her that night was out of the blue bc their affair was already ended and she was attempting to "move on with her life"... If considering that Heather really did love Sidney, then surely that call saying he was leaving his wife threw Heather through a loop. Maybe Sidney really was going to leave Tammy. Maybe Heather moving into her own apartment (with BW) made Sidney think the door would be open for him and if he knew Heather was out on a new date then everything could have set his brain askew. New date, new apartment, cute girl that worshipped every bit of him - maybe being tied up at night by a neurotic wife pushed him over the edge enough to leave her for Heather. In turn, maybe that pushed Tammy over the edge to want to hurt her competition.
Just a couple of thoughts after reading so much about what was revealed at yesterday's bond hearing:

1. Arrest reports indicate that LE believe HE was both kidnapped and murdered at the PTL (unless I've read this incorrectly). Reading the timeline of the video surveillance, at first it seemed sort of impossible for both to have happened in the VERY short window of time. Unless, as soon as the truck pulled up, both TM AND SM got out, one of them grabbed HE (restraining her would fall into the kidnapping charges), forced her into the truck and she was shot there on the spot. Then they drove away, headed back toward their house. That could have all gone down in mere seconds, although how LE knows HE was actually murdered right there at PTL is still a mystery.

2. <Mod Snip>

3. The text message "dad no longer has a phone". I know there are certain things we can't discuss, but I honestly suspect that message didn't come from TM directly.

I keep hoping SM proves he's the coward he appears to be, and confesses and tells LE where HE is.

This says IE comes from them admitting they had sex in public after Heather's disappearance. If there is no proof, where were they really?? If there is proof, it's more warped than I thought .... :(

ETA by proof I mean just their word, or ... Yuck surveillance ...

I think LE has them on tape. Maybe sm said oh I was at celebrity circle knocking boots with the wife. LE checks surveillance and says hmmmm looks like some IE.
I don't think LE took either of the Ms word for anything. I think they have proof of everything they've charged. Proof beyond just their word. JMO
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