Someone posted a link at the end of the last thread that is where people are getting it from. Here is what I gather, right away SM tells LE about the sex in the car in hopes to prove an alibi...maybe. It sounds like later down the road it is discovered some sex texts were sent heather from Tammy. They both involve these two having sex, but the act of sending sexual act pictures is not IE. The charge is actually, Communicating obscene messages to other persons without consent." What I read was they initially weren't going to charge them, but when they saw they sent her pictures it showed rage and she was scared, so they did after the fact.
But again, to me this makes no sense. The pictures have nothing to do with the IE. Charge them with, Communicating obscene messages to other persons without consent. The IE charges will not stick unless they have video. I think the thought process is so flawed and I pray this is not how they speak or act about the murder or kidnapping.