SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #4

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Can someone please tell me if Heather used 4square to check into places?

Her dad shows up as having one, but I cannot find hers. But if he has one he probably followed her if she had one. His is private.
I would hope if they suspect a possible serial killer in particular, they would at least bring him in to check his alibi, not leave him out there while they try to find her, JMO. Many such people have something outstanding they could be held on for a bit. We often see POI's arrested for some minor infraction while they investigate.

Again, I hope I am wrong and they do have a POI.

I just watched ID channel about a SK
Paul Frederick Runge, where LE watched him for months but never arrested him until they finally got his wife on their side and she told them how many he killed.
Weather Forecast/Temperatures through Wednesday

Frigid air blasts into the area Monday night
by Ed Piotrowski

The coldest air in three years will arrive through the day Monday and stick around through Wednesday morning. Before the arctic front blows through, temperatures will peak in the 50s to around 60º with a few showers possible Monday morning. Once the front passes, the winds will increase and temperatures will fall into the 40s, perhaps even a few 30s, by sunset.

It only gets colder through the night. Temperatures will free fall into the teens by 7am Tuesday. Making matters worse are wind gusts that will exceed 30 mph, driving wind chill temperatures into single digits by daybreak..
CNN discussed Heather this morning on my drive to work.

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I'm trying to catch up. I must need coffee....or something but what is a boot??

Anyway I wonder if her dad notice the rearview mirror was adjusted..

Sorry I'm Irish and that's what we call a trunk!!! A boot! X
Can someone please tell me if Heather used 4square to check into places?

I just searched on my app & couldn't locate an account for her. That's not to say she didn't have one but I couldn't find one... I found one for her dad & checked out his friends list too & she wasn't on there.
Anyone ever think maybe she didn't leave the condo. Maybe she went to someone else's apartment. Just a thought
I would hope if they suspect a possible serial killer in particular, they would at least bring him in to check his alibi, not leave him out there while they try to find her, JMO. Many such people have something outstanding they could be held on for a bit. We often see POI's arrested for some minor infraction while they investigate.

Again, I hope I am wrong and they do have a POI.

Does MB have a police log that is public? I remember watching for the Cummings family in Haleigh's case. They were in & out all the time.
Just wondering if anyone has been in & out for tiny things that might connect to any of the girls.
Based on everything I've read, researched, and conjectured up until this point, here is my short theory on what has happened to HE (all of which is IMOO):

  • On the night of December 17th, 2013, HE was believed to go out on a date. [There is no proof of this. Only info from news reports, what HE's mother said, and from the alleged phone call/text to HE's Roommate]

  • HE posted 10 times from her condo (near 541 Whitewater DR.) on her Tumblr account between 01:53:05am and 02:09:48am.

  • On or after 02:09:48am on December 18th, 2013 drives her car to PTL to rendezvous with a person(s) to procure some drugs.

  • HE's phone pings at or around 3am on December 18th, 2013. It is believed that she sent/received a phone call/text message from her Roommate (BW) who was out of town to discuss the alleged date from the night before. Where the cell phone pinged is still in question/unconfirmed. Possibly a dead battery. Possibly call to person(s) she was meeting with?

  • HE meets up with person(s) at PTL. Gets out of her car and into theirs. She takes her purse and phone and locks her car. [if this was an actual drug transaction, then there was possibly a "middle-man" or this person(s) did not have the drugs with them in fear of getting caught with them in their possession.]

  • HE and person(s) drive to the location where drugs are. Probably close/near PTL.

  • HE is invited inside the home where drugs are located.

This is where all the "unknowns" happen and I am simply conjecturing what I think might have happened...

  • I believe it's possible that she was given/took drugs at this location and was too impaired to leave. Or, it is possible that after taking the drugs, she either OD'd immediately or was found unresponsive by person(s) the next morning/day. In either of these scenarios, the person(s) would have panicked. Not wanting to get arrested/caught, person(s) would have planned a way to hide HE. There would have been plenty of time in the coming days to drive HE someplace far away, undedicated.

I tend to believe that there is more than one person involved in this since I started leaning towards a drug transaction gone bad.

  1. Typically, a drug dealer wouldn't deliver drugs across town in fear of getting caught with drugs in their possession.

  2. Often times, another drug user will cop drugs from someone else to: 1.) make some money, 2.) buy more drugs for themselves, or 3.) skim some of the drugs they are buying for the other person. 4.) favor for a friend

  3. More than one person would lead me to believe that these persons are close friends or possibly relatives (Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, Mom/Son?) and formed a pact to hide evidence and protect themselves.

  4. I think it's possible that person(s) are not even regular or known drug dealers. That there may have been drugs available (even prescription drugs) and was offered up to HE.

  5. With more than one person involved, one person could have persuaded the other(s) involved to keep all of this secretive.

  6. Someone else (besides the person(s)) knows something bad has happened to HE and is not speaking out. They may have been the ones who suggested or introduced HE to the person(s) HE met at PTL.

Lastly, and again IMOO:
  • Both HE and person(s) know PTL area well.
  • LE is being "tight-lipped" because they really don't have any solid clues. There's no evidence so far that a crime has even been committed!
  • PTL was not originally thought to be a "crime scene" so, ANY/ALL evidence has been contaminated and destroyed at this point.
  • With my theory, I do not believe that HE was placed in the River or near her condo. If person(s) had a boat, then out in the ocean would be my guess or far away from PTL and Whitewater DR.
  • I do not believe that this case is related to the others in our area. Even though there are some other similarities, I just don't.
  • I think that it is a shame the the local authorities, LE, and our Elected Officials have not had a single press conference or have informed the public with an inkling of information! I'm not asking for inside info either, I'm just asking that they reassure the general public that they are doing everything they can to solve this case. Is that too much to ask?
  • I think that the local media is only reporting very "surface-level" information. Nothing investigative.

I feel great sadness for Heather's family, relatives and her "real" friends during this troubled time. It has consumed a lot of people including myself. I just wish that we all didn't feel so helpless in finding her – returning her home to her loving parents and family. But unfortunately, my hopes, like many others may never come to fruition.
I'm new to this case.... Not to WS. I've been reading and reading trying to catch up after seeing a MISSING flyer come through my FB. I apologize if to has already been mentioned (I'm on page 20 of this thread but questions keep running through my mind....

I am leaning toward she must have known or been acquainted with whoever she met at PTL. My brother was in the restaurant business for years and three a.m. was not an odd hour for him to be out. I'd be getting up for college at 6 a.m. and he would be returning home from partying with friends. Sadly, drugs were involved in his case. I see from HE SM posts and those of her friends that drugs seem to be a common thing for them. It seems PTL would be a good place to meet to get them. I can't help but thing if it was possibly a deal gone bad. :moo:

Also, I am confused about the roommate.... Am I reading wrong or did her flight home occurred AFTER HE went missing? If so, where was she. It's definately not a several day flight between SC and NJ.

From looking at the video someone posted en route to PTL... It was not that earie to me. It looks like many of the back roads here. I can't help but notice all the wooded area. Has the area surrounding PTL been searched extensively? Could she have taken her phone with her, locked the doors to her car and went for a walk to think after meeting someone or even possibly with someone. Perhaps something happened on the walk either an accident or foul play. Maybe her phone wasn't charged or reception was bad to call for help. Could she have bought/used drugs there and decided to try to walk home? How much has the PTL woods area and side of the road been searched? Are there deep ditches that would be hard to see in unless right on them.

Just some thoughts that keep going through my head.

I hope she is found safe and sound soon.... Praying its a runaway case.
I'm not sure of the name, it's right next to the Country Inn & Suites

There are no strip clubs near PTL. There are several near HE's condo and near where the remains are being found, which is very close to the condo.
CNN discussed Heather this morning on my drive to work.

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It's also posted on Nancy Grace's webpage that they will be discussing the case on tonight's episode. The tagline read: "Where is 20 year old Heather Elvis?" I'm so glad the case is finally gaining some publicity and I hope it helps to bring her home.
Question: What are the rules on posting registered sex offenders? I know the rules changed when we were on the Haleigh Cummings threads...

Sex Offenders

It is illegal to use the sex offender registry information to harass anyone. We would never condone that at Websleuths. However, it is okay if, when a child goes missing or is harmed, we look at the sex offenders in the area and post their information, along with maps to show how close they live to the victim. Never even hint at harassing anyone on the sex offenders list. Any posting here about a sex offender should always be within the law.

Rules Etiquette & Information - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

The only problem I have with the drug theory is why meet somewhere at 3 am that the cops patrol. Why not just meet where the drugs are or at He's condo. There was no mention of any funds being drawn out of her bank account. Nor any mention of any of her tip money missing. I am sure she had something or somewhere she stashed her tip money at in her condo.
The only problem I have with the drug theory is why meet somewhere at 3 am that the cops patrol. Why not just meet where the drugs are or at He's condo. There was no mention of any funds being drawn out of her bank account. Nor any mention of any of her tip money missing. I am sure she had something or somewhere she stashed her tip money at in her condo.

Did we determine if she would make tips, as a hostess? Aren't hostesses usually paid a straight wage?
I was thinking what the missing girls would have in common (inc. Amber) and Britnee even that she was a tourist. Did they all go to TK? (bars) did they all have tattoos? (tat parlor) go to same places? (mall) go to same salon? (hair, nails, tan) church service? drugs? (dealer) beaches? trying to connect a few dots.......anyone sleuth this yet? I know on vacation allot of people get tats, get a new do, refresh nails, lay out on the beach.......brain storming today.........lets think outside the box?
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