SC - Heather Elvis, 20, Myrtle Beach, 18 Dec 2013 - #6

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The various time changes prove LE didn't mean "ping". The reporter may have inserted the word "ping" if LE said something about HE's last phone activity taking place around 3:00 a.m. (false info anyway). I notice there isn't a direct quote from LE in the article.

If He's phone was last used at 3:41 a.m. and involved a conversation, that still may not have been the last time the phone pinged. Earlier someone else suggested that 3:41 may have been when HE's phone activity ended. Thought that was a good point but still doesn't confirm the last ping.

If Heather called her roommate at 3:00 a.m., they could have easily talked until 3:41. Or, the plot thickens, someone else used HE's phone to call the roommate's number. I'm a bit leary about a long conversation at the time in the morning (that both parties would be available and want to talk at that time). Phone calls/texts can be used to throw LE off as well.

Did Heather really call her mom to discuss her date? Was that call made at 2:00 a.m.? Because HE's social media use went from a little before 2:00 until shortly after, right?

I agree. Also, her last Tumblr post was 2:09:48. I found this, thought it was interesting considering us trying to figure out cell records lol...

Investigation into disappearance of Heather Elvis continues
Posted: Dec 20, 2013 12:41 PM EST
Updated: Jan 09, 2014 9:36 AM EST
By WMBF News Staff

"I can't get into specifics but it is a very active investigation every angle possible is being worked," said Horry County Police Lt. Robert Kegler.

A task force with seven different state and local agencies is working to find Elvis. Now the national media has come asking questions, included Nancy Grace and Good Morning America.

According to Lt. Kegler, her cell phone hasn't been recovered. "I can't get into the location on where it gave anyone signal or anything like that. That information wasn't something we have established it was something provided to us," he said.

The last time anyone spoke to her was about 3 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, after she went on a date.

Heather stopped by her parents' house Tuesday to pick up mail. She did not show up or call in for her scheduled shift at the Tilted Kilt on Friday, December 20, her father said.

Source: NCMEC,
Date of Research: 4.19.2013

Sex Offender Statistics
Total number of registered sex offenders nationwide in the U.S. 747,408
Total number of sex offenders under supervision of a corrections agencies 265,000
Percent of sex offenders that will commit another sex crime after being released from jail 2.7 %
Percent of sex offenders that will commit a crime (non-sexual) after release from jail 70 %
Percent of sexually molested boys who are molested by someone they knew 93 %
Percent of sexually molested girls who are molested by someone they knew 80 %
Percent of second offenses that occur while living in a supervised community 60 %
Average re-conviction rate for a child molester 20 %
Average re-conviction rate for rapists 19%
Percent of children who are sexually abused that will become sexually abusive later in life 30%
Average annual cost to incarcerate a sex offender $22,000
Percent of sexual assaults that occur between 6:00pm and 12:00am 43%
Average number of years a sex offender serves of an 8 year sentence 3.5 years
States with highest rate of sex offenders <sniped - Read More>
Failure to Register as a Predictor of Sex Offense Recidivism:

Recidivistic sexual violence committed by known sex offenders is a legitimate cause
for public concern and represents the rationale for registration and notification policies.
Most incarcerated sex offenders will eventually be released from prison and some of
them will reoffend.
<sniped - read more>
"Caison said it's important to keep up awareness for Elvis in case anyone remembers anything."

Link to search article.

IMO this is where everyone's (not everyone here-everyone in the area, on the ground etc etc) main focus should be.
The FHE FB page should be encouraging all their followers to encourage local media sources/reporters to be running some segment on HE everyday. IMO the person responsible is local.
Although national media coverage is good too because then EVERYONE gets talking.
Whoever is responsible for HE disappearance has to get nervous when national media runs the story.
Somebody knows something. I think at least 2 somebodys know something. I think only one person is responsible so whoever else knows needs to come forward and what better pressure than to be bombarded with images and stories of HE.
Her mom needs to send out a plea. Her friends, and other family members need to be very present in the media. Heather's face needs to be everywhere.
Consistent public awareness will bring Heather home.

All JMO. Clearly the game plan needs a shake up. No one has talked yet. Change things up and get people talking.

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If It's any consolation... I'm glad to see & report that there are still many, many billboards displaying Heather's missing poster. They are displayed on several different electronic billboards that change up every 15-30 seconds or so all over the county. In fact, there hasn't been a day I haven't seen it displayed at least once each way (to and from) work since they went up about a week after her disappearance.
Foxfire, I absolutely HATED thanking your above post. I clicked the link, reading the stats make me sick.
According to VZW this information is available to the account holder online and or a CSR can tell the account holder the last time of the communication with the tower.

According to the article, laws were relaxed in July 2013 (I wasn't aware of the change) but, as you read along, it depends on the state.

In Texas, AUTHORITIES only need a COURT ORDER, versus a more stringent search warrant, to obtain cellphone records capable of tracking a person's movements.

Please read the complete article to find out why the Federal Court Ruled to make it easier to obtain phone records. They argued the records belong to a business, not the individual tied to a particular phone number.

Even under the new law (in some states), it isn't as if anyone can call up to find out where their phone PINGED.
Finding that information involves printing out records and a knowledgeable person to study the results.
There's a difference between knowing the time of calls, length of calls and numbers involved versus the actual locations that the phone pinged (ping locations change as one travels along in a car or the phone moves to another location).

The topic involves two different issues really; laws pertaining to accessing the records and determining, via PINGS, where the phone was located when calls were made or received.

Furthermore, I'm not sure if the laws of South Carolina have loosened up or not (requiring only a court order for AUTHORITIES to obtain the cell records) or if SC courts requested that a search warrant remain necessary to obtain an individual's cell records.
Launching off this post ~

The various time changes prove LE didn't mean "ping". The reporter may have inserted the word "ping" if LE said something about HE's last phone activity taking place around 3:00 a.m. (false info anyway). I notice there isn't a direct quote from LE in the article.

If He's phone was last used at 3:41 a.m. and involved a conversation, that still may not have been the last time the phone pinged. Earlier someone else suggested that 3:41 may have been when HE's phone activity ended. Thought that was a good point but still doesn't confirm the last ping.

If Heather called her roommate at 3:00 a.m., they could have easily talked until 3:41. Or, the plot thickens, someone else used HE's phone to call the roommate's number. I'm a bit leary about a long conversation at the time in the morning (that both parties would be available and want to talk at that time). Phone calls/texts can be used to throw LE off as well.

Did Heather really call her mom to discuss her date? Was that call made at 2:00 a.m.? Because HE's social media use went from a little before 2:00 until shortly after, right?

In the little information provided to the public directly by BW, BW said she spoke to HE around 2am.

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From thread #3:
lonetraveler original poster.

I knew this had been asked before and as far as I can tell has not been answered. Did they use air scent or tracking dogs where HE's car was found? I am sure they did. But looks like if she had drove her car there her scent would have been picked up IMO. But I am not an expert on air scent or tracking dogs :)

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This is another of those missing items we don't have. I remember this being brought up and didn't consider it at the time. Now I'm wondering if this would have helped to determine if HE drove the car there. It seems most of us are divided on whether or not she would've driven there to meet someone or the car was planted there.

Well I think we have our answer to this now. Someone asked that same question this morning on the FHE FB.
To paraphrase they don't have that information to officially release.

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This is the most frustrating of all. I know someone who was working with various LE agencies in various states on trying to find some way to get the databases to "talk" to each other, and each LE area wanted the database to be "their way". No compromise, no care about how this would help find criminals, just a bunch of people acting like babies because they wanted it all to be "their way". It's a shame for the LE who are doing all the hard work, while other members of their profession are busy blocking communication because they have ego issues.

I agree and was thinking that this is just the type of thing that new legislation SHOULD be written for. We need a federal law or mandate forcing all LE agencies to share missing people case information AND wanted fugitive case information between each and every state. Define the required information for them that they must have in a common format and common database that will be accessed by each and every state.

We have certain things like this like CODIS for DNA i think, but we need the above as well.

Amongst other rules, that is basically how the HIPAA law forced health insurers to use a common format for health care claims in their different health insurance systems. The law still allowed for them to keep their own formats and systems, but they must be able to use the common format as well. And they were given X number of years to comply.

I'm not a big proponent of new laws, but this is the type of new law we really do need. Force LE agencies to share information and give them X number of years to comply. The sooner the better.
JMO I do not get the impression her father is asking for help to find her body...which is possibly the one thing extra LE could help with. I kind of think he is just calling out "help" in general, out of frustration.

It is horrible to think how easy it is to hide a body, though. So many are never found, or found years later.

I know! It is SO horrible to think about that, but I've thought about it too often lately.

& I think that's PART of the reason there are so many unsolved missing cases in this area. The sheer number of wooded areas with thick, dense brush and/or the number of swamps, creeks, rivers, marshland, etc. in this area... not to mention the vastness of the ocean (of course)... is IMMEASURABLE.
Often the new women are convinced the men was "framed" and were innocent all along, when they take up with RSO's.

I know this isn't quite the exact same situation because my ex wasn't a RSO... but I dated a guy back when I was HE's age who was completely manipulative & controlling. He cheated on me repeatedly & I believed every word he said when he told me that my dearest friends were lying to me about his unfaithful behavior... he said they were lying because they were jealous of our relationship & wanted to break us up... and somehow I ate every bit of that BS up. I wonder sometimes how in the world I could have been so naive? But, when you want something to be true so badly... it's amazing the types of things you will believe or tell yourself so that it is.
I agree. Also, her last Tumblr post was 2:09:48. I found this, thought it was interesting considering us trying to figure out cell records lol...

Investigation into disappearance of Heather Elvis continues
Posted: Dec 20, 2013 12:41 PM EST
Updated: Jan 09, 2014 9:36 AM EST
By WMBF News Staff

"I can't get into specifics but it is a very active investigation every angle possible is being worked," said Horry County Police Lt. Robert Kegler.

A task force with seven different state and local agencies is working to find Elvis. Now the national media has come asking questions, included Nancy Grace and Good Morning America.

According to Lt. Kegler, her cell phone hasn't been recovered. "I can't get into the location on where it gave anyone signal or anything like that. That information wasn't something we have established it was something provided to us," he said.

The last time anyone spoke to her was about 3 a.m. on Wednesday, December 18, after she went on a date.

Heather stopped by her parents' house Tuesday to pick up mail. She did not show up or call in for her scheduled shift at the Tilted Kilt on Friday, December 20, her father said.

It almost sounds as if LE is saying the information about the phone usage (in other words, the public information about the records) doesn't match the information LE has gathered and will not discuss. LE ISN'T DEPENDING ON INFORMATION THAT IS PROVIDED TO THEM when phone data is one of the few areas where they have the ability to obtain empirical evidence.

When LE spoke out about HE's phone record, he stated they had not yet established the records themselves (meaning through official LE procedures).
I had a roommate that was in the same situation with a married man, she would meet him at all hours of the night, in the darkest places and sleezy bars. She didn't care what time or when, if he called - she was there! Something like this could have happened to her too. This is why I agree and think you're right. Heather met someone that night she knew. A question I have is why didn't he come to her new place, since she was alone, no one would have known he was there? Don't you think that strange?

I've asked that too???

Well my guy wouldn't come to my house because his GF suspected that he and I were seeing each other and she might see his car in my drive way.
I thought it was 21 all over the USA?

Does anyone recognize the pub in the picture of Heather & her friends? Maybe police can talk to that pub's owners & workers? How did these kids get served? Wouldn't they have to show id?

Fake ID's.
You can discuss any of the social media sites that belong to Heather. On the Finding Heather Facebook page you can link to and post about searches, maps etc. You can link to the page and say something like 'check out such and such' but you can not discuss anything posted on the page. We have no way of verifying the accuracy of the post so for that reason its not allowed here. It is considered rumor.

The only discussion allowed other than Heather's pages is main stream media, and law enforcement. We also have a few verified insiders on here as well.



Check out the post at 4:02pm eastern time.
JMO I do not get the impression her father is asking for help to find her body...which is possibly the one thing extra LE could help with. I kind of think he is just calling out "help" in general, out of frustration.

It is horrible to think how easy it is to hide a body, though. So many are never found, or found years later.

If that's the case, it would be helpful to know what she was last wearing. Even after the photo HE sent her dad, we still don't know what she may have on. It seems with the photo someone could have checked her condo to see if those clothes were there, if they were it would be obvious she changed into something else.

But I do have a question for you all....(snipped).....Is anyone familiar with how the RSO system works? Are RSOs required to report during a certain time frame....(snipped)....but just went in on the 18th) or are they asked to come in on an exact date???


I did some checking and it sounds like certain states can do it slightly different and below is a good link on the "Verification Process" and the related "Wetterling Act". Basically, in a nutshell, this is what it says below. HE state may be slightly different, so we would need to know her states rules to be exact....

"Verification of Address
Addresses must be updated for the registry to maintain its usefulness for law enforcement and the public. Generally, keeping address information current is the responsibility of the offender; most states allow the offender 10 days for change of address notification. "

"The Wetterling Act requires states to periodically verify a registered offender's address; annually for an offender convicted of an offense against a child or a sexually violent offense, and every 90 days for a sexually violent predator. To do this, law enforcement agencies typically send a non-forwardable verification form to the offender&#8217;s last-reported address. The offender is required to return this form, by mail or in person, within 10 days of receipt."

Much more info at this great link below:
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