SC - Paul Murdaugh, 22 and mom Margaret, 52, found shot to death, Islandton, 7 June 2021 #13

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"Satterfield had fallen while climbing up a flight of eight brick steps..."

So the force of a gravity inspired fall down the steps doesn't apply. That seems even more suspect to me. I wonder how MM knew it was a fall up the stairs if she didn't witness it and GS was talking gibberish and couldn't tell her after the fact?
Every time I listen to that 911 call I flinch at the irritation in MM's voice and those loud irritated sighs at 1:36 and 2:41 like she (MM) was being extremely inconvenienced by her housekeepers fall and having to call 911 for her. Also the fact that she didn't even bother to look to see where GS was bleeding from (she said she didn't know initially and a male voice can be heard in the background assumedly IMO telling her where the bleeding was). Also the fact that she hadn't talked to her ("not really, no" she said), making it seem she hadn't even bothered to try.

Actually, not trying to victim bash here but on that 911 call MM sounded like she had partied until 6 AM only to be woken 3 hours later to attend to some bothersome, minor housekeeping detail.

For goodness sake the woman worked for her for 27 years and she didn't even know her age?

Maybe I am way off here but the very low to non existent level of concern I hear in MM's voice for an injured woman who she knew for 27 years is amazing.

That 911 call is hard for me to listen to. Hubby had more concern and panic in his voice when he called the vet after slamming the storm door on one of the dog's feet.

This is just my opinion only. Others may hear it differently or draw different conclusions from the tone of MM's voice and her words.

Possible explanation/speculation for the 2 guns: AM came prepared with a back-up gun in case something went wrong. His plan was to kill MM and did not know that PM was there. JMO.
Exactly - I have been trying to find the article I read when they were first murdered, where AM was heard saying he (PM) wasn't supposed to be there.
“The law enforcement source tells PEOPLE that Maggie initially declined to meet Alex at the family home, suggesting instead that they meet at the hospital. Ultimately, she consented to meet at the property, planning to follow Alex to the hospital in her own vehicle.

On her way to the house, Maggie allegedly messaged a friend, saying that something about her husband's behavior felt "fishy," the law enforcement source says. "He's up to something," Maggie allegedly wrote to her friend.

When Maggie arrived at the scene, she left her car running and walked to the dog kennels on the estate where her son, Paul, was taking photos of a dog he was watching for a friend.”

That does not sound like the "loving couple holding hands" that <modsnip - derogatory nickname> described. Instead it sounds like MM didn't trust AM not to kill her out there on that dark isolated estate. Maybe she asked PM to meet her there for protection.

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That does not sound like the "loving couple holding hands" that <modsnip - derogatory nickname> described. Instead it sounds like MM didn't trust AM not to kill her out there on that dark isolated estate. Maybe she asked PM to meet her there for protection.

They definitely were estranged, which goes toward motive….MOO
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That does not sound like the "loving couple holding hands" that <modsnip - derogatory nickname> described. Instead it sounds like MM didn't trust AM not to kill her out there on that dark isolated estate. Maybe she asked PM to meet her there for protection.

It wasn’t an article, it was just something I posted here to get opinions. I thought I heard something like that and wanted to see what y’all thought it sounded like.
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Every time I listen to that 911 call I flinch at the irritation in MM's voice and those loud irritated sighs at 1:36 and 2:41 like she (MM) was being extremely inconvenienced by her housekeepers fall and having to call 911 for her. Also the fact that she didn't even bother to look to see where GS was bleeding from (she said she didn't know initially and a male voice can be heard in the background assumedly IMO telling her where the bleeding was). Also the fact that she hadn't talked to her ("not really, no" she said), making it seem she hadn't even bothered to try.

Actually, not trying to victim bash here but on that 911 call MM sounded like she had partied until 6 AM only to be woken 3 hours later to attend to some bothersome, minor housekeeping detail.

For goodness sake the woman worked for her for 27 years and she didn't even know her age?

Maybe I am way off here but the very low to non existent level of concern I hear in MM's voice for an injured woman who she knew for 27 years is amazing.

That 911 call is hard for me to listen to. Hubby had more concern and panic in his voice when he called the vet after slamming the storm door on one of the dog's feet.

This is just my opinion only. Others may hear it differently or draw different conclusions from the tone of MM's voice and her words.

I agree!

When Maggie arrived at the scene, she left her car running and walked to the dog kennels on the estate where her son, Paul, was taking photos of a dog he was watching for a friend.”
Wow! Is this new information? The fact that MM left her car running upon arrival can lead one to infer that whatever happened to MM happened very quickly, as she was not expecting to stay long. Couple that with PM’s video containing MM’s and AM’s conversation in the background that has been reported on previously, and you have to wonder if that video contains other, more horrible things. All MOO.
“The law enforcement source tells PEOPLE that Maggie initially declined to meet Alex at the family home, suggesting instead that they meet at the hospital. Ultimately, she consented to meet at the property, planning to follow Alex to the hospital in her own vehicle.

On her way to the house, Maggie allegedly messaged a friend, saying that something about her husband's behavior felt "fishy," the law enforcement source says. "He's up to something," Maggie allegedly wrote to her friend.

When Maggie arrived at the scene, she left her car running and walked to the dog kennels on the estate where her son, Paul, was taking photos of a dog he was watching for a friend.”

So, JMO, maybe MM hadn't made it to the dog kennels yet and he heard PM and thought it was his wife instead?
But, PM was shot twice.
And also (I have no link for this just something I'm remembering) wasn't there short video of AM and MM talking on PM's phone? They said he was taking pictures of a dog he was watching so maybe live picture captured AM and MM talking?
I just don't understand how someone would have the time to kill two people who were found kind of close to each other with two different fire arms which still leaves me to believe that PM was killed first and MM ran but was shot in the back while running away and then killed where she fell.
So, maybe, PM was killed to stop a potential witness to the crime of murdering MM?
I don't understand how someone could kill their own child but AM doesn't seem to have much of a concious.
MM seems like she was pretty scared of what AM may do, rightly, so her messaging her friend about it may have helped to put the nail in the coffin for AM even with him killing PM.
This story just keeps getting more and more crazy.
It seems to me like PM was killed first and MM ran from the killings only to be shot in the back.
I haven''t seen where its been discussed but I would bet she's running from the kennels so facing away from them.
I don't know what the motivation would be to kill PM, other than his legal fees were adding up, but I just have a feeling he was killed first.
I can't remember the exact quote but I believe AM said something like "Paul! Why did you have to get involved" while on the phone to 911. I've always wondered if Paul was shot because he saw AM murder his mother.
It seems to me, AM must have stashed both weapons somewhere very handy at the kennels. Any pause longer than a few shocked seconds to grab the other gun, would surely have given the second victim enough of a head start to get away.

I think he used two guns 'simultaneously' to evade suspicion, make it seem impossible it was him, acting alone.

If those things are true, then it seems to me he probably lured both of them out there with the intention to kill them both. Unimaginable...

My own inclination is to believe it wasn't just greed, but fear, possibly anger.

Perhaps PM and MM had become allies as the marriage broke down. Perhaps she had confided to him what she knew about AM's dirty deeds, and that she planned to go to police, or something.. Or, maybe AM just feared that?

So that, if he killed MM, PM would go to police...and vice-versa.

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I can't remember the exact quote but I believe AM said something like "Paul! Why did you have to get involved" while on the phone to 911. I've always wondered if Paul was shot because he saw AM murder his mother.
I wonder whether AM proposed a theory to police about who was behind the that a comment like that was not a spontaneous expression of his true feelings, but part of his coverup.

57 seasons on Fletnix. It just wouldn't be credible.

Honestly, it's like: he stands next you, you're next.

I hope this man doesn't get away with a single murder. May it all come to light.

I cannot believe what is being unraveled, going on for years about AM: the greed, dishonesty, murders......all about money.

Oh, what different lives we lead.
I am happy, with my little dog, treating her well, my hobbies etc: :)
I've been stewing over the whole gun scenario. PM was shot with a shotgun. Was it a 12 guage? I can't remember. I do recall the MM was shot with a rifle (probably an AR15 with 300 blackout bullets). I think the key to what happened lies in how these two guns are used. MOO.

I have shot shotguns and I have shot an AR15 once (got in trouble with my bro for waking the baby).

Shotguns, especially 12 guage are liked for self protection. Point and shoot at a target close and you can't miss unless you have no experience in shooting a shotgun perhaps. But even then you may not kill the target but you'll most certainly hit it.

Rifles are a different animal. They use bullets of different caliber. Y'all probably know this but just in case you don't I'm telling you what little I know. The AR15 I shot was probably armed with a bullet for long range because of the "crack". At my brothers you could always tell who was shooting a long range powerful rifle because it broke the sound barrier. It sounds totally different than a subsonic gun. It'll rattle the glass in old windows.

MM was shot with a closer range bullet (highly accurate at about half the range of the long range bullets). So up to 200 to 300 yards. If IIRC the kennels were 500 yards from the house. If MM parked at the house and walked to the kennel (car left running for a quick getaway if Alex was acting scary) by the time AM saw her she would be in lethal range. At dusk. He probably had a strap for the rifle (when I shoot I use it to brace and steady the gun to aim as well as carry it hands free). If he had it over his back she probably couldn't see it until it was too late. AND he may have had the shotgun with him as well.

The infamous "Paul why did you have to get involved." which I thought I heard sounded so anguished I didn't think AM killed him but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the anguish was because he felt he had to if he had stayed out of grown folks business he wouldn't have killed him. Maybe there was a struggle between all of them, an altercation, and PM tried to protect his momma. AM has the shot gun and BAM shoots him in the chest. MM turns to run and Alex pulls the rifle from over his shoulder and BAM gets her before she gets very far away. Then (I hate saying this) he finishes the job.

Maybe he had both guns so he was properly armed for up close, or from more of a distance. The rifle with a supressor to keep it quiet. AM was an experienced hunter. He most likely knew how to lay in wait for his prey. But I would hope even he would hesitate to shoot his wife without even talking to her. Maybe he thought he could reason with her. Who knows.

What puzzles me is where they state the bodies were several feet apart. But maybe if MM "froze" as has been suggested it gave AM plenty of time to aim and fire as she turned away to flee. I think it would be easier to kill your wife shooting her in the back first rather than looking her in the face. That is why it is cowardice to shoot someone in the back. Hunters learn how to quickly sight and fire so they don't miss an opportunity to kill their prey (as in animals). It is motor memory.

All of this is pure conjecture on my part. My opinion and mine only. I have always tried to abide by the TOS so please forgive me if I haven't.

I welcome any corrections or thoughts or other scenarios. I also think it is likely PM became violent, he was known for that.
It seems to me, AM must have stashed both weapons somewhere very handy at the kennels. Any pause longer than a few shocked seconds to grab the other gun, would surely have given the second victim enough of a head start to get away.

I think he used two guns 'simultaneously' to evade suspicion, make it seem impossible it was him, acting alone.

If those things are true, then it seems to me he probably lured both of them out there with the intention to kill them both. Unimaginable...

My own inclination is to believe it wasn't just greed, but fear, possibly anger.

Perhaps PM and MM had become allies as the marriage broke down. Perhaps she had confided to him what she knew about AM's dirty deeds, and that she planned to go to police, or something.. Or, maybe AM just feared that?

So that, if he killed MM, PM would go to police...and vice-versa.

Yes, MM and PM were super close according to all accounts, while AM seemed to favor BM. MM was said have been very defensive over PM and always bailing him out, making excuses for him.

I believe AM intended to kill them both, they were anchors around his drowning neck.

I can't remember the exact quote but I believe AM said something like "Paul! Why did you have to get involved" while on the phone to 911. I've always wondered if Paul was shot because he saw AM murder his mother.
You know I listened to that 911 call at least 10 times, even with AirPods. I never did hear that part personally. IDK
Here’s my latest scenario.

Ive always believed that PM’s abusive behavior toward his girlfriend was something he learned at home….modeled after his Father’s treatment of MM. He also seemed to be a Mama’s boy, with Maggie always protecting him, coddling him.

Suppose that night, Fate finds these three meeting in an area where there are several loaded guns. AM begins to argue with MM while PM films the sick dog. AM begins slapping MM around and PM picks up a gun the defend his Mother. He and AM struggle with the gun and it goes off…MM freezes in terror at seeing her son shot…and takes off.

AM grabs a gun he knows is better at a distance…and shoots her. Each of them get a second kill shot, because, after all, AM is all about saving himself. He‘s smart enough to use both guns so it appears to be two killers.

Hence,the statement many of us think we heard,”Paul, why did you have to get involved?’ In his warped mind, none of this would have happened if PM would just have let him give Maggie the beat-down she deserved.

I tend to believe at this point that AM did not kill either the housekeeper or SS. Remember the mysterious fire at their previous home? AM was not at the baseball game and not home the morning GS fell.

i don’t believe I can name my suspect here.
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I do believe that only MM was the target. Unfortunately PM was there -- that was the unplanned part. MM was getting ready to divorce AM. She was pressing for an audit. That was the motive -- a big motive. This is not a coincidence:

"On her way to the house, Maggie allegedly messaged a friend, saying that something about her husband's behavior felt "fishy," the law enforcement source says. "He's up to something," Maggie allegedly wrote to her friend."

JMO. All pure speculation.
I do believe that only MM was the target. Unfortunately PM was there -- that was the unplanned part. MM was getting ready to divorce AM. She was pressing for an audit. That was the motive -- a big motive. This is not a coincidence:

"On her way to the house, Maggie allegedly messaged a friend, saying that something about her husband's behavior felt "fishy," the law enforcement source says. "He's up to something," Maggie allegedly wrote to her friend."

Perhaps, AM killed MM and leaves to hide the gun somewhere on the property and at some point runs into PM? The first gun is hidden already so he uses the second one?

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