SC SC - Tammy Kingery, 37, North Augusta, 20 Sept 2014

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Hello everyone, thank you to the Admin for approving my membership here. I am the host of the BTR show being referred to here in this thread. I need to review the whole thread and then review the rules so i don't step out of bounds in my response. I have had some information "off the record" which satisfies some of the things I was in doubt about following the interview with Park. I have to prepare for my show now but will be back to share whatever I can that I feel would add to this thread either by way of answering questions/doubts raised by some or providing information not yet here. I need to be sure I stay within the posting guidelines first though as I do have some theories of my own but not sure if I'm allowed to share that. In any case I will be back to post (probably within the next 24 hours).
Hello everyone, thank you to the Admin for approving my membership here. I am the host of the BTR show being referred to here in this thread. I need to review the whole thread and then review the rules so i don't step out of bounds in my response. I have had some information "off the record" which satisfies some of the things I was in doubt about following the interview with Park. I have to prepare for my show now but will be back to share whatever I can that I feel would add to this thread either by way of answering questions/doubts raised by some or providing information not yet here. I need to be sure I stay within the posting guidelines first though as I do have some theories of my own but not sure if I'm allowed to share that. In any case I will be back to post (probably within the next 24 hours).

Looking forward to your posts! Hope the show went well.
Remy the Snake is what comes to mind.

Slow poisoning sounds like a real possibility.
Curious Times, EPD does have private individual e-mail, that's how I sent the LEO a link to your interview with PK.
Investigation Discovery channel's show DISAPPEARED coming soon:

“Walk into Darkness” Premieres Monday, May 2 at 10/9c

Story of TAMMY KINGERY: Missing Since 9/20/14 from North Augusta, S.C.

Tammy Kingery suffers a mysterious illness and is bedridden at home. Her husband and children leave to run errands and, when they return, Kingery has disappeared. They find a note saying she’s gone for a walk, but they live deep in the woods and she’s taken nothing with her. Massive search efforts yield no signs of the 37-year-old nurse. On the surface it seems like she had everything she ever wanted – a loving family, a rewarding career, and a dream house – but an investigation reveals dark secrets leading to all kinds of theories about what may have happened to Kingery.
Investigation Discovery channel's show DISAPPEARED coming soon:

“Walk into Darkness” Premieres Monday, May 2 at 10/9c

Story of TAMMY KINGERY: Missing Since 9/20/14 from North Augusta, S.C.

Tammy Kingery suffers a mysterious illness and is bedridden at home. Her husband and children leave to run errands and, when they return, Kingery has disappeared. They find a note saying she’s gone for a walk, but they live deep in the woods and she’s taken nothing with her. Massive search efforts yield no signs of the 37-year-old nurse. On the surface it seems like she had everything she ever wanted – a loving family, a rewarding career, and a dream house – but an investigation reveals dark secrets leading to all kinds of theories about what may have happened to Kingery.

I believe from advertising, Disappeared returns to ID Discovery April 11. I will be waiting for the Tammy Kingery episode.
OK, I'm back - meant to be back sooner but got too busy. I have read this entire thread now and hope I understand the rules. If I stray off the rules admin, please don't punt me! I am here in good faith - actually spent exhaustive hours on this myself.

To start, I will say that following the show I did have a private conversation with Park. I said to him that for me, if she made it home from work then I can't see how he had anything to do with this situation. If she didn't make it home after he picked her up then there are two possible theories in my mind. He did something to bring an end to her life, or on the way home they quarreled and maybe she screamed at him to stop the car. He may have out of his own frustration stopped the car and let her out and then went home. Her never returning home may in fact leave him feeling responsible because who leaves their ill wife out in the middle of nowhere to walk home. That could explain the "inconclusive" polygraph results.

Now, I do keep in my mind that most of what I heard is just what Park said. So when he says that the police checked everything out and have him on video at the stores, and says they did handwriting analysis on the note, that they did forensic search of the home and property - I have not been able to confirm any of that from the police.

I tried to call the investigating officer several times, and even though I asked for his direct number did not receive a direct number for him. I also asked for a direct email address for him so I could email him and the person answering the incoming calls said they don't have individual email addresses? (I find that hard to believe). I finally gave up, although had notified a sister of Tammy's that the interview was there, gave her the link and my thoughts on it all, and could only hope that someone in the family let them know of the radio interview.

I understand that the State Police were prepared to get actively involved but that protocol requires them to be invited, and that invitation was never extended. Much frustration that the several ponds and bodies of water in the area were NOT searched.

There is no way she left that home on foot, or the dogs would have picked up on the scent.

The stress over money I have confirmed to my satisfaction, and that was one of the main reasons that Tammy never went more frequently for psych appointments. She went every three or four months to have prescriptions renewed. I also was shocked to find that the police allegedly never took into evidence (for testing) any of the prescription bottles. I would think it would be critical to compare dates of prescription refills against remaining quantity to see if any meds were "missing" which might indicate an issue there to be followed up on. My understanding is that Park still has the remaining meds locked in a safe at home.

I also was not bothered by the fact that the phone was put on the charger (based on what Park said) - as it seems these days that the phones are almost inseparable from many people and no matter what is going on it has become absolute routine to charge phones up. I do know the police have the records from her phone so yes, in my opinion they can tell when messages were deleted. It is my understanding that many (lots and lots) of text messages were deleted. I also understand that the police followed up on the person who those messages were with; I was told they actually went or sent someone to where Park and Tammy were from, to search this person's home.

Based on knowing some rather sensitive information (sorry if I'm not allowed to say that), I am absolutely satisfied that Tammy was quite messed up psychologically. The alleged affair, I feel did happen, that older man now dead from suicide. There is much more there that if I were allowed to go into details would add a whole new understanding on where her state of mind may have been.

I had the same questions about what did the boys "actually" see that morning. It is quite possible that the idea was simply in their mind that mom was resting and they need to be quiet etc., and it's why I asked during the interview if the police separated the boys and questioned them separately THAT DAY. The police (again by Park's statements) followed up with a couple of visits to the older boy's school where they purportedly questioned the boy. If I recall, Park said during my interview of him that the bedroom is visible from the stairs or the door where they left from and the bedroom door open so they could see her in bed then. It did bother me when he said something about co-workers or something saying there might have been alcohol on her breath - and recall saying well did you kiss her goodbye, as I doubt that any of the co-workers got closer than that and asked him if he smelled alcohol. That seemed strange to me.

I'm not as sure that the more recent "suicide attempt" was an attempt as much as it was possible that if she drank and was on her meds there could have been concern about an OD - but an accidental OD does not a suicide attempt make.

AS to the loud muffler. I hate saying this but if we are in a search for the truth and our intent is to find Tammy then some sensitive things need to come up or questions need to be asked. I would be very interested in where the daughter's phone pinged from that day from 10 am till Park and the boy's got home. She was not old enough to drive but the friend who she stayed with the night before was and did in fact have a car. I have to at least close off any possibility that the daughter went home after Park and the boys went out. Just as a theory - what if there was some argument - there was stairs there - what if there was a situation where and accident happens and mom falls down the stairs. I am not saying that's probable but for me, it would be important to find out where the daughter's phone was during the timeline of interest. Scared kid, friend with a car... maybe there was an old note somewhere laying around (or it wasn't mom's handwriting). What I never got clear was whether they ever had cadaver dogs on the case. I was told the scent dogs were brought out probably by 2 pm or so (maybe a bit later) but what about cadaver dogs?

I was highly doubting the attempted suicide by her stabbing herself in the chest. It's a most unusual way (statistically) for a woman to attempt suicide, but that has been confirmed to my satisfaction actually (very surprising).

I've been torn about this case. More than a few times I've been back and forth over whether I believed Park had anything to do with this.

I even was hot on the pursuit of a theory that Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr. (arrested for Hannah Graham disappearance) could have been right in the precise area of where Tammy went missing from but the timeline seems to be off by a bit. He allegedly left the police department on the morning of Sept. 20, 2014 at a high rate of speed. There was a report that "as of" Sept 21 he had his sister's car, however with how inaccurate news reports can be - I was interested in the notion that if he sped away and was fleeing police (who were not in pursuit), because he was imminently going to be arrested in the Hannah Graham case - he was found I think about a week later in Texas on a beach. Well I put in to google maps what route to get from Va to Texas (having also inputted Merriweather) and was shocked to see that his route could have taken him exactly to the area she went missing from. Time wise - it's a six and a half hour drive (driving at the speed limit) - I can't find it now but it seemed as it was fairly early in the morning when he fled the Charlottesville, VA police department - like 8 am or so... so if Tammy was out walking around (having demanded to be let out of the car when Park was bringing her home from work) and if This Jesse guy was speeding it might be possible that they crossed paths. Not extremely probably, but possible. I am just mentioning this to show that I've tried to be fair and consider all possible theories and not just zeroing in on the husband. There are possibly more women suspected to have gone missing at the hands of this Jesse guy, He pled guilty to two counts of murder on March 2 of this year. (and I believe some folks suspect him of more)

In any case this has been a lot of information and the hour is late (or early depending on whether you slept yet or not - which I haven't) so if anyone has any questions or comments I'll be back to see if I can offer anything from my "sleuthing".

I have been disappointed by what I consider a lack of thorough investigation, and upset at the lack of national media attention. I wrote to the Nancy Grace show several times and none of those messages were responded to at all. Very disappointing. I just don't understand why these police jurisdictions have to keep the walls up - I'd think that if the State Police with more resources were willing to step in that the local police would be happy to invite them, but that does not seem to be the case. Of course, it could be that they know more than is said, and as one poster mentioned - they are just waiting for a slip up, or as happens in many cases someone else knows and after a falling out they go tell. Thank you to those who listened to my show, and in particular to the member from here who took a moment to write to me (which was what alerted me to the fact that there was some discussion going on here as a result of my show being discovered).

Again, I'm sorry if I made any rule violations in my post I'm a bit nervous about upsetting the admin here. Peace out, and I'll be back, and may even have a clearer head then!

So ultimately, where do you currently stand on your guesses as to what happened?

Do you believe Park was or was not involved?
So happy to see that she will be the subject of one of the new Disappeared episodes.
Looking forward to Tammy's Disappeared episode this Monday, May 2. Hopefully, it will bring some much needed attention to this case
I just finished watching Disappeared featuring Tammy Kingery.
I cannot remember if I knew PK failed his poly. Not something I have heard him talk about before, and I guess his attorney suggested he refrain from speaking about. JMO

Since there has not been any searches and hardly any media coverage for Tammy in a long time, I was going to go to the media about her case. My DH talked me into waiting a little while.
I then found about the Disappeared episode and decided to wait and see what happens after the show.
Oh how I pray her case comes back to life and we will have answers soon.

I know we live in the same area but I did not expect to see the road my driveway connects to.
When they were showing the actress portraying Tammy walking on a frontage road (Bergen Rd) running next to interstate-20, I live about 500 yards from that
exact spot.
I also did not know Tammy worked at NHC Healthcare. My father passed away there April 7, 2008. He lived there almost one year, and it's a mile from my home. I was not expecting that at all and I cannot recall if I ever met her there. NHC is a very nice place.
Have been following along but haven't posted. Just watched the Disappeared episode. This is the first I've heard (per PK) that the daughter believes she saw Tammy on the back of a motorcycle on the day she disappeared. PK alludes to that being the sound of the loud muffler.
I agree it would be difficult to kill her & get rid of the body with the 2 sons there....but I'm pretty sure the boys wouldn't be just right up dad's butt 24/7, they'd probably be off in their rooms playing games, watching TV, on their phones/tablet/computer or something, so it might be easier than one would think.
Here's a scenario to ponder: TK was in fact going through something, i.e....depression, anxiety, mid-life rut, maybe her periods were outta whack, OBGYNs can prescribe meds for depression, we don't know that she was actually seeing a psychiatrist. And her only seeing a doctor every 4 months tells me it wasn't that big of a deal otherwise she'd be seeing the doctor more often, monthly at least, why she sees a doctor at all is a mystery to us as we are only hearing one side of this story & marriage.
Back to my scenario....Maybe she found out P was having an affair &/or threatened divorce because of the affair or because she just wasn't happy. So PK thinks WTF am I gonna do, I can't afford to pay her child support/alimony (not sure if SC has alimony laws) then he remembers LIFE INSURANCE, so he comes up with a plan. He tells TK that he'll change do whatever it takes to make it work. He becomes very attentive to his wife, shows lots of love & affection (that way at least the kids see how much dad loves mom & maybe T tells a close friend how much he's changed) he may start doing the cleaning & cooking, since TK probably works til 7ish, nurses work 12 hour shifts normally (& wasn't he laid off around the same time or maybe before she went missing? Idk I'll have to look into that more) He starts tending to the kids more, cooks supper & feeds the kids but always makes a "special" plate for her to eat after she gets home. He could be doubling up her meds (maybe she wasn't taking the meds since she wasn't feeling so overwhelmed since he'd started helping out more so she wouldn't have noticed her meds were running out before refill time) or mixing some other substance in (antifreeze, rat poison or something to that effect, they do live in the country so it wouldn't be strange to have stuff like that around the house). T starts becoming sick & it may come & go depending on what & how much he's adding. T goes to work like normal that Saturday morning, she might mention she's not feeling all that great but not bad enough to call in, P makes her some coffee to go, adding in his "special" touch. By the time she gets to work & has drank her coffee it starts to hit her & she realizes there is no way she can work, as does her co-workers. T calls hubs & tells him to come get her, she's sick & dizzy & no way she can walk much less drive. He realizes this is it, his one chance alone with her that he can finish things. Maybe he packs a little bag on his way out with the PJs, remember he's been planning this out in his head. So he tells the boys "Hey Mom isn't feeling well I'm gonna run & pick her up, I'll be back." & he rushes to the rescue. He picks her up, then on the way home he does it, maybe he choked her with the seatbelt, Idk. He drives off to the woods, probably not the woods around their house, removed her scrubs & put on the PJs & leaves her there. He gets back home, goes in that back door or through the garage, boys are still in their rooms doing their thing, he brings her stuff in, purse where she normally put it & the scrubs, he throws them on the floor like she has changed clothes, makes the bed look like she's in it all huddled up under blankets & pillows snoozing away. Then after a bit he announces his, their, arrival home to the boys & says "Hey mom is sick & she's sleeping so we need to leave her alone ok?" Boys agree but then the younger one probably wants to see mommy or forgets his dad's request to let mom rest, tries to go in the room & dad thinks he's gotta get them outta there before they realize mom isn't in that bed. So he says "hey let's let mom rest & we'll go run some errands"; P probably makes a big show & says he's gonna go tell her they're leaving, so boys think they see her & see dad telling her they were leaving, but she was "resting peacefully" so they leave the house, taking her cell phone for whatever reason he gave, which unless they had a landline would have left his very sick wife at home alone with no way to contact him or anyone else if she started feeling worse & no way that she could've been contacted either. They run their errands, making sure to get time & date stamped receipts. They return home to find mom has vanished & there's a mysterious note from her, but all her stuff is still at home right where 'she' left it.
I'm sure P put on a good frantic show for the boys sake. And then calling the daughter in a tizzy, asking questions about mom.
I'm sure this is not spot on exactly & probably has some holes in it here & there but I'm thinking this is probably what happened. Keep in mind I haven't researched this a whole lot, just going by links that have been posted to the thread & the interview P did recently, that I still need to finish listening to. There is always something strange about the truth, it will NEVER change, but when someone tells lies, it will ALWAYS change, you can never remember which version you gave to who or to who you gave a different version.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

This is about what I was thinking. Did the kids really physically see her in the bed? Also, his immediately riding around looking for her is suspicious to me, taking her cell also is strange.
Great post, QuennBea!

ETA: I called Edgefield County and left message with Randy Lamb, I think that's his last name.

I am thinking this sounds plausible except maybe he left her in trunk and went in with her stuff and placed them about and made lump in bed to look like her. Got kids out of house so they don't realize and to establish alibi. By the way...Disappeared mentioned the older son got dropped off to cut grandparents grass while PK ran errands with the littlest son.

Then, when they arrived back home, when he immediately had to run out and look for her, after finding note (which I think was an old saved note from a trip or something...wonder if they took a couples only trip at some point where the 'Love You' on the note might seem more applicable as I find that strange...I leave 'going to grocery store' notes all the time but never sign it with 'Love You')... so when he had to immediately go search for her, I think he went to get rid of body and realized her phone was with her (that explains him driving around with her phone).

All seems planned out. Story has changed. He found reasons for them not to search (hunters and mad property owners). His immediate search for her seems odd. His calling the daughter to go search seems odd. His lack of emotion/worry seems odd. His focus on her depression/suicide seems odd.

All my opinion only. Just speculating.
I am thinking this sounds plausible except maybe he left her in trunk and went in with her stuff and placed them about and made lump in bed to look like her. Got kids out of house so they don't realize and to establish alibi. By the way...Disappeared mentioned the older son got dropped off to cut grandparents grass while PK ran errands with the littlest son.

Then, when they arrived back home, when he immediately had to run out and look for her, after finding note (which I think was an old saved note from a trip or something...wonder if they took a couples only trip at some point where the 'Love You' on the note might seem more applicable as I find that strange...I leave 'going to grocery store' notes all the time but never sign it with 'Love You')... so when he had to immediately go search for her, I think he went to get rid of body and realized her phone was with her (that explains him driving around with her phone).

All seems planned out. Story has changed. He found reasons for them not to search (hunters and mad property owners). His immediate search for her seems odd. His calling the daughter to go search seems odd. His lack of emotion/worry seems odd. His focus on her depression/suicide seems odd.

All my opinion only. Just speculating.

Yep think we are all on to his charades!!!
I wonder if there were any pings from her phone, maybe before he realized it was still with her, I'm sure that area of pings is where she is or in that vicinity!
Yep think we are all on to his charades!!!
I wonder if there were any pings from her phone, maybe before he realized it was still with her, I'm sure that area of pings is where she is or in that vicinity!

Gahhhhhhh!!! I cannot post from my phone on tapatalk and I am furious. I cannot even thank. :tantrum:

I wish we could see the phone records. Yea, the game is up. Too bad LE doesn't give a rats azz.
I wonder why they don't?

Ring em and ask em. I'll give your their number. I do believe if they lived in Aiken County (where I live), this would have been solved. North Augusta PD are better than Edgefield.
Our town is much more picturesque anyway.
I hope their reading...:lol: Best I not go driving through Edgefield County anytime soon. :crazy:
It sure sounds to me like Tammy might have been struggling with a Thyroid condition. Sleeping, emotional roller coaster, checking weight, racing heart, moodiness. Some of the conditions can be very hard to diagnosis correctly, often taking quite a long time. I just kept thinking about this the whole episode. I know it doesn't help figure out what happened or where she is, but I feel so sad for her if it was truly a medical issue that led to her disappearance.
I think the police believe she killed herself, so that's why there's no urgency. I think PK also believes she killed herself, and that belief caused the suspicious language I was picking up on (at peace when he last saw her, he and the boys were the last to see her alive, etc).

I realize statement analysis isn't a true science, but I think it's useful nonetheless, and one of the things Peter Hyatt says on his blog is to keep context in mind when analyzing words. For example, referring to a missing person in the past tense may indicate guilty knowledge, or it may indicate the belief that the person is dead. So, maybe the feeling I was getting was just from PK's belief that she ended her life.

If LE thinks she killed herself then I would like to ask them, where is her body??
I just watched the Disappeared So sad for those children. I agree with the posters wondering about the husband...I thought a few of the things he said were ...interesting. I was especially struck by what he said about searching the water 'close by' as though he didn't want anyone to search water further out. And how he kept mentioning that the sons had seen her. Were they playing outside? Video games? My son hears/sees nothing if he's playing PS4. Memories can be influenced. I can't remember what the time gap was between coming home from the store and calling the police, but maybe he had time to hide her body somewhere, then moved it later if he wasn't an immediate suspect. I also wonder if the note was old-- like it was from months ago, and he saw it, got an idea, and kept it somewhere to use later. I have so many questions about things that weren't on the show. JMO of course.

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