SC SC - Tammy Kingery, 37, North Augusta, 20 Sept 2014

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I did not get really bad vibes from the husband, and usually I do. Unless he is a total sociopath, and there is no indication of that as far as I know. He spoke on camera far more than many others in the past. To me, he is either innocent but feels he knows what likely led her to go, or he is a complete psycho. Not much in between, jmo.
I have never read about this case before today. I saw a preview of Disappeared that showed they were going to be covering it. I hadn't heard of it before. I purposefully didn't read this before watching the show.

First thing I noticed after reading his thread is the concern over "sleeping peacefully" being used to describe her. This doesn't sound out of the ordinary to me. It's a commonly used phrase around here. Often, it is used when someone has been sick, has had surgery, or suffered an extremely stressful event, like the death of a loved one.
I think with her having had depression and having been feeling unwell, it's likely she hadn't been resting well. I've also used it and heard it in normal situations as well.

My impression from the show is that the husband was *not* involved. I also didn't get the impression her family really thought he did it either. At least the ones interviewed. I wonder about her dad and why he wasn't on it.

I heard her family reference a suicide attempt and it seemed to me like they actually knew about it, not just heard it from the husband. It seemed to me like they thought it was a very real possibility.

I also got the impression that they either knew she was having an affair or at the very least not surprised by it.

I know they may have been trying to stay on PK's good side, in order to keep access with the kids, but they didn't seem to be pushing back against him at all, even a little bit, IMO.

I wish they had had some coworkers interviewed to get a better idea of how she had been acting at work.

My gut instinct says that she took her own life and just hasn't been found. It happens, even after multiple searches, although poisoning also struck me as a possibility right away. I just don't see how he could have done anything that day. If it is verified she was at work and that the kids did see her, I don't think he could've done anything time wise. His older son with him was plenty old enough to realize if something wasn't right.

I could of course be wrong. I hope that whatever happened she is found and her family gets answers.
I just read through this thread for the first time. Has anyone ever been named a POI? Off to watch the 'Disappeared' episode!
This may have been mentioned already, but this is reminding me of the Leann B case. The girl who came back from a trip with her husband, then went and hung herself.

I don't feel the husband is involved. jmo
It sure sounds to me like Tammy might have been struggling with a Thyroid condition. Sleeping, emotional roller coaster, checking weight, racing heart, moodiness. Some of the conditions can be very hard to diagnosis correctly, often taking quite a long time. I just kept thinking about this the whole episode. I know it doesn't help figure out what happened or where she is, but I feel so sad for her if it was truly a medical issue that led to her disappearance.

I was thinking the same thing. That or she started self medicating on the sly or even had an adverse reaction to the anti-depressants she was on.
It occurs to me that it doesn't really seem like police have tried too terribly hard to solve the question of what medical issue she was having the day she disappeared. If they figured out what was effecting her so profoundly that she left work (and her car), they would likely know who did what to whom.
And to all the people that can just "tell" the husband is guilty. Rest assured, if the local pd, grandstanding elected prosecutor, and morally and politically questionable elected judge in the area will probably end up arresting him and put him on trial (regardless of the facts of the case.) Everyone talks about the probability that a spouse is usually responsibly for a person's death or disappearance, while this is true, it's only half of the story. A disappearance or murder in which a person is killed or missing due to the actions of someone so close to them, it is infinitely easier to build a case against them versus a stranger on stranger crime or even that of an acquaintance.
Anyway, until LE brings the goods, or some other proof comes to light about his involvement, cut the dude some slack. He is now a single parent of 3 kids, a fate worse than death in my estimation (spouse or no spouse.)
She had one affair we know about. What's the odds that know we just happen to know about the only one she had. Also, police were able to retrieve deleted messages from her phone indicating she currently had more than one romantic interest outside her marriage. My guess, she took off.
I watched the Disappeared episode and I have to say I don't think the husband is involved. If she harmed herself (ie- left the home by herself), I believe she would have been found by now. I think she may have met someone on the internet and went off with him and she was murdered or perhaps died accidentally from a combo of prescribed psych meds and alcohol? Some of those meds are big no-nos with alcohol. Someone local with whom the contact was all verbal so it did not show up in texts or websites? But I believe she is deceased.
That Disappeared episode was probably the hardest hour of television I've ever had to watch. I cried so hard during the first section at all the photos. I didn't even think I'd be able to stomach it but I did, and in the end I watched it through a couple of times to get the things I'd missed.

Here are a series of random kinda-replies and thoughts I had while reading from about page 9 onward.

*I don't think I'm the BEST source, but I do feel like I can confirm that PJ or Park or P or whatever we are going to call him in here liked to spend money. Musical equipment, electronics and alcohol, a lot, I noticed. I didn't see that very much with her, but I'll discuss that a bit more later. He spent, and yes, she was the one who stressed the bills. Tammy had told me at one point that he was self-employed with a construction business and it's not good manners to ask if the business is doing well. With the cars, 3 kids, house expenses, she was concerned about finances. I wonder if that was part of the reason the marriage stayed together. They wouldn't be the first couple that couldn't afford divorce.

*I once heard a saying that stuck with me "Suicide is contagious"

*It's weird for me to read about everyone speculating about Tammy and why certain things were certain ways. I think you have to understand her personality type: I promise you know at least one person like this in your life, OK? Quiet, easy smile, the first to ask how you are and exchange pleasantries, kind and considerate. But Tammy was a very private person, especially when it came to what she perceived as negatives, shortcomings, or personal feelings. If she was having an affair, it's something she would have never bragged about. If she was suffering depression, it's likely she would try to downplay that as well. She didn't want to burden other people and she wanted to handle things herself. Given her nature, I am not surprised that she wouldn't want to seek therapy.

*A cheating spouse passcodes a phone. They don't leave it open and unlocked on a counter where her husband or children can access it.

*Poisoning as a theory doesn't make sense to me. I feel like it's trying to make the facts fit and they don't. No one has ever mentioned Tammy vomiting profusely, feeling weak, having intense abdominal pain. We have heard dizzy, high blood pressure and wanting to be in bed. To me those are all anxiety and depression. I would think that given her nurse training, if Tammy had the symptoms of fatal poisoning she would have known to seek medical treatment and the people at work would have seen them that morning.

*What do you consider cheating? Is texting someone else cheating? Sending pictures? Or is it kissing and physical touching? Alienation of affection? When my ex was messaging other women it hurt, when he had an affair it was devastating. If Tammy was talking to an older man back from Northwest Indiana, it's not likely it was a physical affair on a regular basis. Crown Point, Indiana and North Augusta, South Carolina aren't neighbors.

*When I found out that it wasn't PJ and both sons that day, I felt it was more suspicious. Dropping off Carter at Mrs. Russell's house means it was just the husband and a very young child, and young children sometimes don't understand adult situations.

*It wasn't not just PJ that was worried about searchers and neighbors. After the few big group searches, there were small groups branching out and targeting specific areas. Neighbors were getting startled and furious. Someone getting shot was a risk. And there wasn't a huge coordination between these groups so there wasn't centralized planning at all.

*The show was only 45 minutes long, they didn't have time to interview everyone Tammy knew. I believe her employer requested co-workers not be interviewed for the show. Discussing Tammy's illness and symptoms that morning could be seen as violating her privacy.

*Tammy's father has been interviewed by press before. Tammy's mom and one sister were on the show and did beautifully, IMO. I do not know why her father and other sister didn't participate. Perhaps they weren't needed, perhaps they didn't want to, perhaps they were too emotional or nervous. But I don't think that should be seen as suspicious. Mr. and Mrs. Russell are GREAT people. The proof is in their daughters.

*I think that the theory of meds and drinking could have led to a bad outcome.

*I once tried taking a med that caused me to have suicidal urges. It was terrifying. Sleeping a lot and feeling dizzy are also side effects from similar medications.

*Being a single parent is not a "fate worse than death" and that's an incredibly messed up thing to say.

*I'm sorry if I switch back and forth between Tammy IS and Tammy WAS. I really believe she is not alive. I believe she could have ended her life, I believe someone could have harmed her, but I don't believe she would walk away from her family and never look back. Not her kids, not her sisters.

*Here's where I'm going to get controversial. I believe, and I have not heard a word to confirm this FROM them, but I believe that members of the family suspect PJ has done something or knows more than he lets on. I saw evidence of it on the show just in body language and micro-expressions.
*Here's where I'm going to get controversial. I believe, and I have not heard a word to confirm this FROM them, but I believe that members of the family suspect PJ has done something or knows more than he lets on. I saw evidence of it on the show just in body language and micro-expressions.

I agree that the family suspects PK, but are completely holding their tongue because accusing him will cause a rift and keep them from the children. I mean, an inconclusive lie detector result will make anyone suspicious, right? They are smart to keep their eye on him.

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It sounds to me like she left with another man. Not saying she didn't meet with foul play. But the depression, affairs, and the motorcycle that was spotted seems to point to this scenario. I know the family says she usually texted, but I think she left s note to buy her more time. I think she purposely left behind her phone so she couldn't be traced.

I find it odd that on the show we never saw her dad or other sister being interviewed. Supposedly she was very close to both her sisters. (I suppose her father could have passed, do that would explain that.)I also think the husband may know more than he is letting on and that's probably why the polygraph came back inconclusive.
Oy vey to you too.. I was just asking :( You said it was "up", so I assumed he'd been charged or brought in again.

I use Oy vey a lot, and the reason I used it here is because innocence & PK in my opinion don't belong in the same sentence.
The use of game up coinciding with charades is just an expression, nothing else.

We are here for the same reason and I would rather stick together than apart. ✌️[emoji41]

Possible she was having anxiety of that fact she was about to take off with another man . A nurse in the medical profession refuses to to treated then goes off for a " walk " dosent add up . But if indeed the note was left by her the only reason is to get a head start before someone started looking for her . Why else say be back ?
Not 100 % convinced the woman on the bike was her . Not hearing directly from daughter hard to guage how certain she was .
While it's possible to be missing one mile from your home and not found for a year ( Christopher Tennyson plano Tx ) as immediate as her search began dosent seem as likely .

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I use Oy vey a lot, and the reason I used it here is because innocence & PK in my opinion don't belong in the same sentence.
The use of game up coinciding with charades is just an expression, nothing else.

We are here for the same reason and I would rather stick together than apart. ✌️[emoji41]


Sticking together sounds good to me [emoji1591][emoji111]🏻️

I just thought you meant the gig was up and he was about to be arrested or something! I don't know enough about the case to really be sure one way or the other. I just hope for the sake of her children that the case is solved.
I just finished watching Disappeared featuring Tammy Kingery.
I cannot remember if I knew PK failed his poly. Not something I have heard him talk about before, and I guess his attorney suggested he refrain from speaking about. JMO.
He didn't fail his poly. He said that LE told him that there were some things that didn't SEEM right and said it was questionable. That's a far cry from failing.

Also, there is a reason that polygraphs aren't admissible in a court of law. They are notoriously unreliable. Trust me, I know this from vast experience in my line of work (now retired).

Park could not have physically committed this crime. His sons saw their Mom and left with him. Park dropped off the oldest son at Grandma's to cut the grass and had the younger one with him the whole time. (Supported by receipts, store videos and of course, the children themselves)

The only way he could have been involved is if he hired someone to come and kidnap her out of her house. I just don't think that theory holds any water whatsoever.

All we really have left is that she voluntarily left, committed suicide, some random intruder came in and kidnapped her, or she was picked up by someone she was having an affair with.....Where she is now is a real puzzler.

Things that bug me:
The note she left (which was tested and proven to be her handwriting by LE). Family said she usually texted.

The motorcycle and his passenger. (possibly Tammy). If it was her, she could be anywhere.

Past suicide attempt and depression. Leads me to believe suicide. (I didn't take Park's word for it, but her family said it happened)

LE doesn't tend to want to search the many bodies of water in the area. This family needs answers!
I had not heard of the Tammy Kingery case until I saw the Disappeared episode. All of you have made some insightful comments. I'd like to add one more.

You know what I found strange? Park in the episode mentions he sent his 13 year old out into the woods to look for Tammy. Park explained his reason for this by saying his son is an Eagle Scout or whatever.

Doesn't that explanation kind of sound like a non sequitir? It's not really the point whether the son is a Scout or not. The POINT is that did Park really want to send his son out into the woods to find his mother hanging from a tree? Or, find her with her brains blown out? Or, find her being held hostage by a rapist? Or, even simply find her sitting in the middle of woods in some altered mental state?

Yes, if the kid is 16? 17? I could see it. But a 7th grader? By himself? Under conditions where the suspicion is that she did harm to herself? What father would really want to inflict that kind of horrible scene on his young son? Or, what kind of father would send his son into the woods to possibly get abducted himself?

Given all that, I think if I thought long and hard about this enough, I might be able to convince myself that Park sent his son into the woods because Park knew his son wouldn't see or find anything that would scar the kid for life.

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