Search Warrants for MR's house and vehicles

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MR had arranged a time to go back and pick up Dylan and has made a point of saying Dylan acknowledged this. And so he can not reach him by phone and when he gets home Dylan is gone. Now i honestly do not know how MR can just go for a nap at this stage. Surely he should of been more concerned that he cant reach his son by phone and Dylan is not where he should be at that moment in time?!

But clearly nap time is more important than showing any concerns for his 13 year old son at that stage.
Hmmmm. Well, I didn't see it as accusing, he only stated that he had even considered that she might have had something to do with it. Like a passing thought. He did not elaborate on it, and he didn't say he believed it, just that he thought of it. Big difference in thinking something and outright accusing someone.
Just another example of different people seeing things differently.

I think of one of those articles you read about relationships that tells you if your spouse accuses you of cheating and you know you aren't cheating that either they are really insecure or they are accusing you because they are guilty of cheating or something like that. I don't think it's abnormal to consider when someone makes accusations towards you to question if it's because they really believe it or if it's a reflection of their own guilty conscience. It's not saying anyone is acting on guilty conscience that some part of us does consider things like that, especially when we feel we are being wrongly accused of something.

You is general in this case.
MR had arranged a time to go back and pick up Dylan and has made a point of saying Dylan acknowledged this. And so he can not reach him by phone and when he gets home Dylan is gone. Now i honestly do not know how MR can just go for a nap at this stage. Surely he should of been more concerned that he cant reach his son by phone and Dylan is not where he should be at that moment in time?!

But clearly nap time is more important than showing any concerns for his 13 year old son at that stage.

Unless it's totally normal for Dylan to just up and go of his own accord, get impatient and leave, or do something else. We really do not know what Dylan was like regarding that. I really feel at times that we don't have a very clear picture of what Dylan was like. His friends, according to the texts that were published from Ryan's phone, kind of showed me that Dylan may make plans but not always follow through with them, or may have been sidetracked and that he maybe does things in his own time. I would much like to hear more on how Dylan was with their plans with them from his friends and not his mom as chances are, ER was not always there when Dylan made plans with his friends to really know if he indeed followed through with them. A lot of times kids tell their parents they are doing one thing, and are really doing another and how would their parents really know unless they caught them in the act of doing the other(it doesn't have to be something bad, but sometimes kids make plans with one friend, then another calls with something more exciting to do, and the kid often "forgets" the previous plans they made.
If Dylan didn’t respond to his mother’s texts on Sunday night that further supports the theory that a crime against Dylan occurred Sunday evening when Dylan and Mark were together. The fact Dylan did not respond not only to Ryan’s text at 9:27 pm but his mother’s as well suggests foul play.

Not responding to his mother's text messages that were sent on Sunday evening and Monday morning explains “why all hell broke loose” when Mark informed her later on that day that Dylan was missing. MOO
If Dylan didn’t respond to his mother’s texts on Sunday night that further supports the theory that a crime against Dylan occurred Sunday evening when Dylan and Mark were together. The fact Dylan did not respond not only to Ryan’s text at 9:27 pm but his mother’s as well suggests foul play.

Not responding to his mother's text messages that were sent on Sunday evening and Monday morning explains “why all hell broke loose” when Mark informed her later on that day that Dylan was missing. MOO

I do not recall that Dylan did not reply to texts ER sent to him Sunday night, I thought he did not reply to texts she had sent him sometime during Monday. Can you link where she said he did not respond to texts Sunday night from her?
I do not recall that Dylan did not reply to texts ER sent to him Sunday night, I thought he did not reply to texts she had sent him sometime during Monday. Can you link where she said he did not respond to texts Sunday night from her?

[ame=""]KUSA - Dylan Redwine - mom's uncut interview - YouTube[/ame]
Blasius uncut interview with Elaine.

and the Nancy Grace transcript:

Elaine Redwine:
I texted him. I texted him Sunday night, and I texted him Monday morning,
but, you know…it wasn’t uncharacteristic of Dylan not to text me back right away especially if he was with his friends which is what I kind of assumed… umm…you know, had happened because I know he was really excited to see his friends, umm… so I really didn’t think much of it umm…. and then…that afternoon I got a text from his dad asking me if I knew where Dylan was.
So in the KUSA video ER says Dylan texted her back at 7:06 PM Sunday night and that is the last time she heard from him. Then the reporter asks her if she tried to get a hold of him on Monday. Then ER states she texted him on Sunday(note she does not mention NOT getting a response on Sunday) and on Monday, but that it was not uncharacteristic of him to not text her when he was with her friends. Ok, so she was rambling on, it's not stated that he did not text her back on Sunday, the question was specifically for Monday, not Sunday, so perhaps she realized she was rambling about Sunday and started focusing on Monday after she stated she texted him Sunday. It does not say she did NOT have contact with him on Sunday. She states she did text with him on Sunday. 7:06 is Sunday night.
Moving this over to the general discussion thread as we are beginning to veer way off topic.
Going back to the Search Warrants.

Tricia if you are able to interview Mark, many people have listed why they don't believe all of the pages were released in the SWs. True or False question for him.

Also the movie MR claims Dylan watched and he struggled through was called "Adventureland." This movie was not listed on the items seized, however another movie "Role Model" was. It would be interesting to know his opinion of why this movie was seized, yet the one they watched was not.

Just things that make me go hmmmmm.... Thanks.
Going back to the Search Warrants.

Tricia if you are able to interview Mark, many people have listed why they don't believe all of the pages were released in the SWs. True or False question for him.

Also the movie MR claims Dylan watched and he struggled through was called "Adventureland." This movie was not listed on the items seized, however another movie "Role Model" was. It would be interesting to know his opinion of why this movie was seized, yet the one they watched was not.

Just things that make me go hmmmmm.... Thanks.

Yes, and why the SW's were numbered incorrectly (same number started 2nd pg as was
already on 1st page.)

And if he has any idea why the seized items list was so short seeing as how such an in depth search was performed.
Going back to the Search Warrants.

Tricia if you are able to interview Mark, many people have listed why they don't believe all of the pages were released in the SWs. True or False question for him.

Also the movie MR claims Dylan watched and he struggled through was called "Adventureland." This movie was not listed on the items seized, however another movie "Role Model" was. It would be interesting to know his opinion of why this movie was seized, yet the one they watched was not.

Just things that make me go hmmmmm.... Thanks.

If Mark Redwine agrees to be interviewed by Tricia, I will eat my hat and all of your hats too.

As to the DVD, they picked up a "couple" from the $5 bin. Anything that LE took from MR's home on an earlier date wouldn't be on the SW. I think we are left to speculate because answers to websleuthers will not be forthcoming.
Yes, and why the SW's were numbered incorrectly (same number started 2nd pg as was
already on 1st page.)

And if he has any idea why the seized items list was so short seeing as how such an in depth search was performed.

I wonder how long it takes to use luminol?
If Mark Redwine agrees to be interviewed by Tricia, I will eat my hat and all of your hats too.

As to the DVD, they picked up a "couple" from the $5 bin. Anything that LE took from MR's home on an earlier date wouldn't be on the SW. I think we are left to speculate because answers to websleuthers will not be forthcoming.

You seem very sure of that, guess you are not one of the folks out there who believes Mark is being forthcoming, noble and/or transparent & no worries about eating my hat. I was on record that he wouldn't do Dr. Phil lol.

Regarding the DVDs, yes this is what he said:

[FONT=&quot]"You know, Dylan … wanted to throw in a few videos that he found in the $5 bin, so we threw those in -- which is one of the movies we would watch that night … you know… when we were together… and… you
know…I mean there wasn’t a whole lot of things we needed."[/FONT]
So why weren't the rest seized? Why this particular one? My question still stands. The devil is always in the details.
Yes, and why the SW's were numbered incorrectly (same number started 2nd pg as was
already on 1st page.)

And if he has any idea why the seized items list was so short seeing as how such an in depth search was performed.

How would Mark know why the search warrants were numbered a certain way?

I would say that the reason seized item list was so short is because LE found little to take that fit within the search warrant. It happened in the Lisa Irwin case also. LE only took 7 items from the Irwin home after an extensive search.
You seem very sure of that, guess you are not one of the folks out there who believes Mark is being forthcoming, noble and/or transparent & no worries about eating my hat. I was on record that he wouldn't do Dr. Phil lol.

Regarding the DVDs, yes this is what he said:

So why weren't the rest seized? Why this particular one? My question still stands. The devil is always in the details.

LOL, don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about transparency, being forthcoming or nobility. And I wouldn't have guessed he would appear on Dr. Phil either. But having done so, I would think MR might be smarter about where he will do his talking. So, I might be eating hats. Everything tastes good with hot sauce. But I'm not buying any tums quite yet.
LOL, don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything about transparency, being forthcoming or nobility. And I wouldn't have guessed he would appear on Dr. Phil either. But having done so, I would think MR might be smarter about where he will do his talking. So, I might be eating hats. Everything tastes good with hot sauce. But I'm not buying any tums quite yet.

You miss read, I said "guess you are not one of the folks out there". No worries, just wanted to correct.
Ok, I get that people want to see what they want to see, but you might want to re-read the transcript. When talking about Dylan "landing" where ever he "landed" it was not specific to when he visited MR. It wasn't until NG questioned her on why it wasn't a big deal that Dylan didn't respond to her texts that night and the next day. :seeya:


I think it WAS specific to when he was visiting his dad. See below:

REDWINE: Yes. And you know, it wasn`t a phone call, it was a text.

GRACE: Ah. Ah. Yes, yes. Thank you for correcting me. Question. When he has ever spent the night away -- I have yet to live through my first sleepover with the twins yet because they`re only 5. But when he would go to somebody else`s house, would he text you or call you before he goes to sleep at night?

REDWINE: Yes. Dylan always kept in touch with me because he knew I was the one paying the phone bill, and if he wouldn`t keep in touch with me, I would take his phone away and he didn`t want that. So he made sure that he always -- there was -- there was never a time I couldn`t account for where Dylan was because he was very good at letting me know where he was at all times.

GRACE: So Elaine, let me get this straight. You`re telling me that it would be unusual for him to go to sleep at the end of the day, if he were spending the night somewhere else, and not say, Good night, I`m going to sleep?

REDWINE: Well, not necessarily going to sleep, but he would let me know where he landed for the night. So like, if he was hanging around with his friends in Bayfield, you know, he would let me know what friend he was sleeping with that night or whatever the case may be. You know, he often did stay up later, so he didn`t always text me, but he would always generally text me in the morning when he woke up.

GRACE: Now, you didn`t hear from him since he touched down 7:06 PM. You didn`t hear from him the next morning. What did you make of that at the time?

REDWINE: You know, I didn`t really think anything of it just because, you know, when he`s been with his dad here before, which was over Labor Day weekend was the most recent since we`ve moved -- you know, he kind of did his own thing as far as with his friends. And so I would text him and be, like, you know, Are you having fun? And it wouldn`t be a prescribed time. It would just kind of be more throughout the day, just me, you know, telling him I loved him and just kind of reaching out to him.

She was specifically discussing BAYFIELD and the times he was with his father. She was not talking about when he was in town with her.
If Mark Redwine agrees to be interviewed by Tricia, I will eat my hat and all of your hats too.

As to the DVD, they picked up a "couple" from the $5 bin. Anything that LE took from MR's home on an earlier date wouldn't be on the SW. I think we are left to speculate because answers to websleuthers will not be forthcoming.

BBM - I agree LE may have taken some items into evidence before the court ordered search warrant. I believe Mark would have been given a receipt for these items. However, releasing the SW has created many legitimate questions. I believe the DVD is a significant question. We knew about the movie Adventureland yet the movie Role Model appears on the SW. This creates three questions. Did LE take Adventureland in the previous search or maybe this movie doesn't even exist? Did they actually watch Role Model and not Adventureland? In my opinion, if Role Model was the movie they watched that night, then we have another contradiction. See how it creates doubt? What movie they watched is important especially if they did not watch Adventureland. In my opinion, it would make me question MR's ability to recall such a simple detail the last night he was with Dylan.
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