Search Warrants Unsealed Shacknai Zahau

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Seems as tho the RMcDH's do infact have security cameras located not only outside but even throughout the residences as well.. This IMO would be the security camera video that would be most important in securing to view.. If they were reviewing the hospital security to pinpoint Jonah's whereabouts of the days in question.. Then this RMcDH security video would be key in placing him there at the residence for the 6+ hours that he spent away from the hospital.. Which happen to include the time during which Rebecca died and also was discovered.. It IMO would hold the key of his location during this period of time.. Does anyone know if it's security video was seized as well for LE to view and verify Jonah's exact whereabouts in those 6+ hours??

Snipped quote from RMcDH guidelines below:
From the way things have been in this case, I would hazard a guess that by the time LE requested them, they could have been taped over.
One of those experts is Dr. Maurice Godwin, Ph.D., an investigative psychologist who has experience in areas of criminal behavior, applied forensics and criminal investigations, who has noted what appears to be the impression of a man's shoe at the foot of Ms. Zahau's bed, as shown in the attached slide show which accompanies this report, along with a video clip of Ms. Bremner.

This is an excerpt from the following article about Bremners formal request to the ag to reopen the case in response to js request.
Here is the link
AS had no way of knowing where JS was located at the time of the text message. The child's mother was at her son's bedside but it is possible to step away and take a break once in awhile in order to make and receive phone calls.


Exactly. IMO, the same could have been true for JS. For all AS knew, JS also could have been at his son's bedside (that would make the most sense) and it would have been possible for him to step away in order to take his brother's call to inform him that his girlfriend was dead.
The information we have so far is that LE has the videos from the hospital. But what about Ronald McDonald house? Aren't those the ones LE would need to verify where JS was?

"Additional search warrants unsealed Thursday showed that investigators had seized Rady Children's Hospital surveillance recordings in an attempt to verify that Shacknai was at the hospital - where his son was being treated - before Zahau's body was found."

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The information we have so far is that LE has the videos from the hospital. But what about Ronald McDonald house? Aren't those the ones LE would need to verify where JS was?

"Additional search warrants unsealed Thursday showed that investigators had seized Rady Children's Hospital surveillance recordings in an attempt to verify that Shacknai was at the hospital - where his son was being treated - before Zahau's body was found."

Read more:
You would think once they saw the hospital videos that showed he left and wasn't at the hospital as they reported he told them, they would have requested them afterwards. The key card info can be easily falsified by swiping the card opening the door and not actually going in.
The big problem for me with an accident scenario is the dogs.

RZ crying when she dropped off the dog says to me: she was in a very controlling relationship with a man with a temper problem. He was angry and wanted her to kennel the dog - why? She wasn't doing it because the dog was too much for her; having dogs around soothes blood pressure.

Whoever demanded she kennel the dog planned this. This rings a bell with other murders where the dog was conveniently out of the house.

Her family is right - someone distraught doesn't paint weird things, and then, in an organized way, come up with all the right items to kill herself, take all that time, strip, etc. Then standing on a balcony, hands and feet bound, close the door behind you. Who, so distraught they would choose to paint a strange message (unless they had a gun to their head), would stand ready to jump and then think, "I better close the door behind me!"
I am furious with what's happened!! This ignorant dr spouting off for days serious, serious accusations to the point tht Rady's social worker calls in LE for a pending protective order in the case with the dr stating it seemed to him that Max was suffocated prior to his fall.. This is the reason I believe that Rebecca is dead!!!!! Her blood is on his hands!!!

His mistaken thoughts brought this family to dire straights in believing Max had been suffocated/murdered!!
And those dire straights IMO is what led to Rebecca being murdered!!!

And all for what?? The damn doctor was wrong!! In the end the proof showed that Max died from injuries of his accidental fall.. This doctor led Max's family to believe otherwise for days and it is directly what cost Rebecca her life!! MOO!!

There will be extreme cover ups attempted to keep this case buried and EVERYONE's dirty little secret buried right along with Rebecca!!
That is true in terms of there being some support services - but we are specifically told he went there to sleep, and when it was full, he didn't seek out a counselor - he got a motel. The next night, they had an opening. Frankly, I've known a lot of rich people, and not a single one of them would choose this kind of group living for a good night's sleep, and there's no evidence he tried to access any other services there. Most would be very cautious about any counselor they were to speak to. They would call their own psychiatrist.

Is it group living? I thought they provided individual rooms (casitas) for guests with their own key cards.
I am furious with what's happened!! This ignorant dr spouting off for days serious, serious accusations to the point tht Rady's social worker calls in LE for a pending protective order in the case with the dr stating it seemed to him that Max was suffocated prior to his fall.. This is the reason I believe that Rebecca is dead!!!!! Her blood is on his hands!!!

His mistaken thoughts brought this family to dire straights in believing Max had been suffocated/murdered!!
And those dire straights IMO is what led to Rebecca being murdered!!!

And all for what?? The damn doctor was wrong!! In the end the proof showed that Max died from injuries of his accidental fall.. This doctor led Max's family to believe otherwise for days and it is directly what cost Rebecca her life!! MOO!!

There will be extreme cover ups attempted to keep this case buried and EVERYONE's dirty little secret buried right along with Rebecca!!

I disagree. I've seen no evidence that the head of the ICU was ignorant. He had a duty to protect Max. Accusing him of having Rebecca's blood on his hands is quite a stretch considering her death was ruled a suicide.

I also disagree that all of LE and now the doctors are engaged in some kind of cover-up.

Is it group living? I thought they provided individual rooms (casitas) for guests with their own key cards.

The RM House where we volunteer is adjacent to the hospital and the families are all assigned to their own large rooms separate beds and attached baths. Only "group living" involves sharing a kitchen, play room and tv room. It is a beautiful facility. The families grow very close and help provide support and understanding to one another. I think it is grossly unfair to criticize JS/DS for staying there during their son's battle for life.

I could never understand why you would text first, then call 911.

For that matter, why would you cut someone down, then call 911. Did he have a Swiss army knife on him while on vacation? Then it took him a long time to find something to cut with. Wouldn't you call 911 while racing to do this? Knowing paramedics would be immediately needed?

This just reeks of a plan, and notification that the deed is done. Then call 911.

If you saw a friend of yours hung by a rope, would your first instinct not be to help them out? I like to think I would and hope to think others would too. But I'm old fashioned that way.
Hope the 911 calls are released soon. They should be very informative. They're public record in California. Wonder why the sheriff's dept is holding them back, and at whose bidding?
You would think once they saw the hospital videos that showed he left and wasn't at the hospital as they reported he told them, they would have requested them afterwards. The key card info can be easily falsified by swiping the card opening the door and not actually going in.

Is it group living? I thought they provided individual rooms (casitas) for guests with their own key cards.

Please see above statement. Just like in a hotel, the swipe does not mean someone actually entered the room.

The RM House where we volunteer is adjacent to the hospital and the families are all assigned to their own large rooms separate beds and attached baths. Only "group living" involves sharing a kitchen, play room and tv room. It is a beautiful facility. The families grow very close and help provide support and understanding to one another. I think it is grossly unfair to criticize JS/DS for staying there during their son's battle for life.


Is it the Ronald McDonald House at Radys? That is a first class facility. I know someone who volunteers there as a matter of fact.
I also find it interesting that when ds left to go to sleep/ shower at some point that she went to her home which is right down the road from js and a 20 min drive from hospital. Why would js feel the need to go to a hotel/ rmcdhouse

For an alibi perhaps? JMO
Repeatedly during the press conference LE said JS was at the Children's Hospital! What do we think about that?

I think something is seriously rotten in Denmark..*cough* I mean Coronado...excuses to Denmark.
I find it hysterical that every time that there are a few vocal posters that aren't afraid to disagree with what the majority thinks what happened in high profile cases here, the accusation of plants comes up. Every single time!

I'm not a plant! I'm just a mom who isn't worried about what others think of my opinion. MOO.

Well said. I can't think of a bigger waste of money than to pay somebody to post on an opinion forum.

Thank you. But, what I'm asking is, in the warrant, is there a statement that says that Adam texted his brother, "She hung herself" then just left it at that? Is this a direct quote from Adam's cell phone? I really don't need a radar online quote. Could it be possible that this was not all he said, and not all he communicated and that perhaps this was not his first attempt at communication?

1. Radaronline was taking that straight from the search warrant.

2. The warrants also show AS sent a text to JS at 6:48am and also called 911 at 6:48am. If there were prior attempts by AS to reach JS, then why wouldn't LE state that?
1. Radaronline was taking that straight from the search warrant.

2. The warrants also show AS sent a text to JS at 6:48am and also called 911 at 6:48am. If there were prior attempts by AS to reach JS, then why wouldn't LE state that?

1. I understand Radaronline quoted the SW. I am saying SW wasn't quoting AS. There's a big difference.

2. I've wondered this too. Why would LE go into great detail about how many times and in what manner AS attempted to notify but was unsuccessful? I interpreted that to be just documentation that was JS was successfully notified.
Again, this is just IMO.
I'm not sure where to ask this question, but this seems as good a place as any-

Is it unusual for someone to stay Ronald McDonald House in this type of a situation? My only experience is with a friend who stayed at one. Her daughter was in a hospital for four months that was 50 miles from their home. Max was only in the hospital for a few days, and the hospital provided sleeping and showering areas for the parents, plus both their homes were relatively close to the hospital. I'm not being accusatory, it just seems odd to me.

It struck me as a little odd too. However, it's worth noting that the RMDH was MUCH closer than any hotel could have been. Given the grave condition Max was in, I can see why Jonah and Dina would want to be nearby. I was NOT aware that sleeping space was provided at the hospital. That does make using the RMDH a little strange. Maybe there wasn't room for both of them at the same time? The RMDH is only 331 feet from the hospital.

It seems highly unusual for a multi-millionaire to stay there when there is a hotel nearby that would afford more privacy. These houses are usually for families that do not have the means to afford to stay nearby. Clearly, he had the means to stay anywhere he wanted. However, if he stayed there at the RM house, he would be seen by more people.

<shrug> maybe, I just think Max was SO sick, and Jonah and Dina probably wanted to take turns thereby holding a constant vigil without going too far in case there was news. It is a little strange. MOO.

I don't think its unusual. They must have the house for this particular reason. But what makes me a bit puzzled as that we were told repeatedly during the press conference that JS was at the Children's Hospital.

As I pointed out, the RMDH is only 331 feet from the hospital. I'm definitely in the Rebecca's-death-investigation-is-hinky camp. However, I don't think THIS part of the press conference is part of my concern. They left out so much CRUCIAL info. I'd be willing to overlook what I'd consider to be an over-generalization about where Jonah was at the time of her death. Given how close the RMDH is to the hospital, Jonah may as well have been at the hospital. I guess I don't see the need to split hairs. (There's plenty of other valid criticism of that press conference though!)

Here's a map showing where the RMDH is in relation to the actual hospital:

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