Search Warrants Unsealed Shacknai Zahau

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Texting info isnt a red flag to me.

All the moving around by the fam def is. Something told me they were not at the hosp as much as org said, or assumed. Oh boy.


AS texting the news of Rebecca's death to JS is more than a red flag--it's blantantly impersonal.

As someone else posted, there were other ways to get that message to JS...none as cold as the one AS chose.
Am I understanding the warrants correctly in that it's requested to defer notification to the subscriber of each cell phone in question.. Meaning that LE felt it necessary they withheld the information from each of the cell phone owners that they were indeed going thru their wireless provider to receive all of their cell phone records?? That is exactly how I understood UT to read in the last set of warrants..

Stating they felt the entire investigation could be totally destroyed if the owners of the cell phones were told that there phones were being searched.. That they could attempt to intervene and thwart the investigation or ATLEAST to destroy or hide important info that was held in the cell records..

I must say this is the first time I had seen this action taken, even in the Billie Dunn and Shawn Adkins mess they were told of the cell phone searches but here it was intentionally with held from each of the cell phone owners with probable cause to indicate there would be attempts at thwarting the investigation if the owners were told there phones were under intense scrutiny..

I certainly wonder what was found to be the time stamp on NR's text msg to Rebecca for the strange, late night, face to face "talk" that she desperately needed to have at such a late night hour..

Hmmm.. Definitely alot to think on..

I assumed this must be standard? Guess not? Wow.

AS texting the news of Rebecca's death to JS is more than a red flag--it's blantantly impersonal.

As someone else posted, there were other ways to get that message to JS...none as cold as the one AS chose.

I might be wrong but I dont think Rebecca was high on anybodys list of respect at this time. Cept for taxi to and from and perhaps a late night chat...

AS texting the news of Rebecca's death to JS is more than a red flag--it's blantantly impersonal.*

As someone else posted, there were other ways to get that message to JS...none as cold as the one AS chose.

ITA especially given the fact that Jonah was not even at the hospital at this time, but rather He'd left the hospital many hours prior around 1 am and was still gone at 6:48am when Adam sent the text msg that "Rebecca had hung herself".. This is confirmed thru Dina's statement that she received a call at the hospital from Jonah at 7am(so obviously he was still not at the hospital at this time) when he informs Dina that Rebecca had killed herself..

One other tidbit that stands out to me from the warrants is that obviously according to the warraants Adam actually contacted Jonah with the "Rebecca hung herself" text BEFORE he even called 911!!! How did I reach this conclusion??

It is stated in the warrants that Adam sent the text message to Jonah's phone at 6:48am.. Also stated in the warrants is that Adam called 911 dispatch at 6:48am.. One may say well how do we know he didn't call 911 and then text Jonah?? Nope, not likely at all given the fact that the warrant also states that during the 911 call btwn Adam and dispatch he is told by them to remove the tshirt from Rebecca's mouth.. This indicates, as is usual procedure the caller does spend ATLEAST some length of time on the phone with dispatch, even if just a few mins.. Obviously that is the case here as well as we know for certain that there was definitely dialogue taking place btwn Adam and dispatcher and had to have been longer than 60 secs time for him to relay all necessary details they need to even dispatch much less get around to telling him to remove anything from the victims mouth, meaning likely they were prepping him and her to begin CPR until EMTs arrived.. My point is obviously Adam's call to 911 lasted well over 60 secs meaning that the text message to Jonah Shacknai occurred at6:48am prior to the 911 call that had to have followed the text msg due to the length of time the call would have lasted..

This IMO only making the flag that much bigger and that much redder!!!!!!
Totally doesnt add up at all. I am sure there has to be more to sift thru. Dunno anymore how this was ruled a suicide but I am open as long as the truth is found. Things are not always as they seem, either way.

That said, I am known for telling anybody that is to be responsible for my children when I am not around they better keep a safe eye on my child as I would not want to have to kill them, accident or not. And Im dead serious. You know what I mean friends and I will leave it at that lol.

Just being honest.

Your babysitters must be thrilled........:crazy:

So, JOnah was alone and presumably unseen from 10PM to 7 AM that morning (or at least a good portion of it)? I am wondering how absolutely secure and verifiable thecomings and goings at the Ronald McDonald house is. Sure one can check in by key or whatever; are there other exits? Windows? Has anyone verified Ronald McDonald's whereabouts that evening?
Your babysitters must be thrilled........:crazy:

So, JOnah was alone and presumably unseen from 10PM to 7 AM that morning (or at least a good portion of it)? I am wondering how absolutely secure and verifiable thecomings and goings at the Ronald McDonald house is. Sure one can check in by key or whatever; are there other exits? Windows? Has anyone verified Ronald McDonald's whereabouts that evening?

Something tells me they didn't exactly verify all of Jonah's whereabouts let alone Ronnie :(
ITA especially given the fact that Jonah was not even at the hospital at this time, but rather supposedly at his Homestead Hotel room(since RMcDH was full).. He'd left the hospital many hours prior around 1 am and was still gone at 6:48am when Adam sent the text msg that "Rebecca had hung herself".. This is confirmed thru Dina's statement that she received a call at the hospital from Jonah at 7am(so obviously he was still not at the hospital at this time) when he informs Dina that Rebecca had killed herself..

One other tidbit that stands out to me from the warrants is that obviously according to the warraants Adam actually contacted Jonah with the "Rebecca hung herself" text BEFORE he even called 911!!! How did I reach this conclusion??

It is stated in the warrants that Adam sent the text message to Jonah's phone at 6:48am.. Also stated in the warrants is that Adam called 911 dispatch at 6:48am.. One may say well how do we know he didn't call 911 and then text Jonah?? Nope, not likely at all given the fact that the warrant also states that during the 911 call btwn Adam and dispatch he is told by them to remove the tshirt from Rebecca's mouth.. This indicates, as is usual procedure the caller does spend ATLEAST some length of time on the phone with dispatch, even if just a few mins.. Obviously that is the case here as well as we know for certain that there was definitely dialogue taking place btwn Adam and dispatcher and had to have been longer than 60 secs time for him to relay all necessary details they need to even dispatch much less get around to telling him to remove anything from the victims mouth, meaning likely they were prepping him and her to begin CPR until EMTs arrived.. My point is obviously Adam's call to 911 lasted well over 60 secs meaning that the text message to Jonah Shacknai occurred at6:48am prior to the 911 call that had to have followed the text msg due to the length of time the call would have lasted..

This IMO only making the flag that much bigger and that much redder!!!!!!

Guess I need to read the new reports. So he was at another hotel that evening? I hadn't heard that previously. And from 1 AM to almost 7 AM? Why didn't LE relate those wrinkles in their presentation? One supposes that LE does have something to hang their hats on regarding verifying JS'sactual whereabouts at the times in question. Still no verification possible it seems regarding NR and AS.
ITA especially given the fact that Jonah was not even at the hospital at this time, but rather supposedly at his Homestead Hotel room(since RMcDH was full).. He'd left the hospital many hours prior around 1 am and was still gone at 6:48am when Adam sent the text msg that "Rebecca had hung herself".. This is confirmed thru Dina's statement that she received a call at the hospital from Jonah at 7am(so obviously he was still not at the hospital at this time) when he informs Dina that Rebecca had killed herself..

One other tidbit that stands out to me from the warrants is that obviously according to the warraants Adam actually contacted Jonah with the "Rebecca hung herself" text BEFORE he even called 911!!! How did I reach this conclusion??

It is stated in the warrants that Adam sent the text message to Jonah's phone at 6:48am.. Also stated in the warrants is that Adam called 911 dispatch at 6:48am.. One may say well how do we know he didn't call 911 and then text Jonah?? Nope, not likely at all given the fact that the warrant also states that during the 911 call btwn Adam and dispatch he is told by them to remove the tshirt from Rebecca's mouth.. This indicates, as is usual procedure the caller does spend ATLEAST some length of time on the phone with dispatch, even if just a few mins.. Obviously that is the case here as well as we know for certain that there was definitely dialogue taking place btwn Adam and dispatcher and had to have been longer than 60 secs time for him to relay all necessary details they need to even dispatch much less get around to telling him to remove anything from the victims mouth, meaning likely they were prepping him and her to begin CPR until EMTs arrived.. My point is obviously Adam's call to 911 lasted well over 60 secs meaning that the text message to Jonah Shacknai occurred at6:48am prior to the 911 call that had to have followed the text msg due to the length of time the call would have lasted..

This IMO only making the flag that much bigger and that much redder!!!!!!

Good analysis. I think you are right.

On the cynical side...

The text seems cold, but maybe that is because it was just to claim Jonah had been notified for bookkeeping sake.

This reminds me of the note on the door - difficult to tell WHO wrote it.

A text shows no emotion and no voice recorded on either end. Again, a much smaller chance of analyzing anything (or possibly slipping up , making a mistake).
Your babysitters must be thrilled........:crazy:

So, JOnah was alone and presumably unseen from 10PM to 7 AM that morning (or at least a good portion of it)? I am wondering how absolutely secure and verifiable thecomings and goings at the Ronald McDonald house is. Sure one can check in by key or whatever; are there other exits? Windows? Has anyone verified Ronald McDonald's whereabouts that evening?

IDK but it would not surprise me to find out LE missed the red wig at the mansion.:crazy:
I don't know where to put this, but it's the location of Jonah's Hotel - 7444 Mission Valley Road, San Diego, CA

[ame=",+San+Diego,+CA+92123&sll=32.798007,-117.150822&sspn=0.007621,0.012102&ie=UTF8&safe=on&ll=32.797953,-117.150993&spn=0.086578,0.188828&z=12&source=embed"]Hotels & Motels loc: 3020 Childrens Way, San Diego, CA 92123 - Google Maps[/ame]

9.7 miles, 17 minutes from Coronado (I didn't put in the actual house address)
Elementry you're correct it was the night before that he'd stayed at the hotel.. The night in question he left the hospital around 1 am, supposedly stayed at RMcDH and was not at the hospital at 6:48am when Adam text him, nor was he at the hospital at 7am when he called Dina at the hospital to tell her Rebecca had killed herself..

I removed the error from my post stating he's been at the hotel the night in question.. It was infact the night prior.. So you were correct :)
So, contrary to what has been reported, AS did not pass a polygraph-it was inconclusive. But the examiner felt AS was truthful. I am not sure polygraph is even administered then, since examiner apparently can be used as a human polygraph detector.
Elementry you're correct it was the night before that he'd stayed at the hotel.. The night in question he left the hospital around 1 am, supposedly stayed at RMcDH and was not at the hospital at 6:48am when Adam text him, nor was he at the hospital at 7am when he called Dina at the hospital to tell her Rebecca had killed herself..

I removed the error from my post stating he's been at the hotel the night in question.. It was infact the night prior.. So you were correct :)

Thanks - I had this messed up also.

So, then, did LE confirm he was at RMcDH that night? If so, how?
ITA especially given the fact that Jonah was not even at the hospital at this time, but rather He'd left the hospital many hours prior around 1 am and was still gone at 6:48am when Adam sent the text msg that "Rebecca had hung herself".. This is confirmed thru Dina's statement that she received a call at the hospital from Jonah at 7am(so obviously he was still not at the hospital at this time) when he informs Dina that Rebecca had killed herself..

One other tidbit that stands out to me from the warrants is that obviously according to the warraants Adam actually contacted Jonah with the "Rebecca hung herself" text BEFORE he even called 911!!! How did I reach this conclusion??

It is stated in the warrants that Adam sent the text message to Jonah's phone at 6:48am.. Also stated in the warrants is that Adam called 911 dispatch at 6:48am.. One may say well how do we know he didn't call 911 and then text Jonah?? Nope, not likely at all given the fact that the warrant also states that during the 911 call btwn Adam and dispatch he is told by them to remove the tshirt from Rebecca's mouth.. This indicates, as is usual procedure the caller does spend ATLEAST some length of time on the phone with dispatch, even if just a few mins.. Obviously that is the case here as well as we know for certain that there was definitely dialogue taking place btwn Adam and dispatcher and had to have been longer than 60 secs time for him to relay all necessary details they need to even dispatch much less get around to telling him to remove anything from the victims mouth, meaning likely they were prepping him and her to begin CPR until EMTs arrived.. My point is obviously Adam's call to 911 lasted well over 60 secs meaning that the text message to Jonah Shacknai occurred at6:48am prior to the 911 call that had to have followed the text msg due to the length of time the call would have lasted..

This IMO only making the flag that much bigger and that much redder!!!!!!
WOW, smoothOperator! Was "Rebecca hung herself" AS's code to JS that the task was done? jmo
Thanks - I had this messed up also.

So, then, did LE confirm he was at RMcDH that night? If so, how?

Yeah...and where was Dina? They were not together in the early am when JS called her to report about RZ's death.
Let me get this straight. Please correct me if I got it wrong.
The time JS was back at his son's side was 8 p.m. on July 12th.
JS was not at his son's side, but left to go to the RMD House at 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. on
that July 13th night that RZ died. (he called RZ at 12:50 that night and left the mystery message)
Let me get this straight. Please correct me if I got it wrong.
The time JS was back at his son's side was 8 p.m. on July 12th.
JS was not at his son's side, but left to go to the RMD House at 1 a.m. to 7 a.m. on
that July 13th night that RZ died.
That is how I read it as well.
Yes, curious me you are correct.. JS left the hospital with Howard, Adam and Rebecca at 6:00pm, dropped off Howard at airport, ate dinner with Adam and Rebecca and returned to the hospital at 8:00.. With Adam and Rebecca leaving to go home to Coronado.. At some point during these next few hours they are given the news that Max was not going to make it.. Jonah leaves the hospital at 1 am and says he stayed at RMcDH.. Jonah was still gone from the hospital at 6:48am when Adam sends him text stating "Rebecca hung herself".. And Jonah was still gone from the hospital at 7am when he calls Dina at the hospital to tell her the Rebecca killed herself.. He supposedly returns somepoint soon thereafter making that call to Dina.. Actually in the warrant it states that Jonah returned that morning to the hospital at 7am..

But it also states in the warrant that upon interviewing Dina that she says she received a phonecall from Jonah at 7am to tell her Rebecca had killed herself.. My problem with that is that isn't it strange that if Jonah indeed did return to the hospital at 7am(or even in the direct vicinity of that time) why would he have made a 7am phone call to Dina at the hospital to tell her of the suicide?? If he were about to be there at the hospital(according to warrant states he arrived at 7am) then why in the world would you make a phone call to Dina to tell her of Rebecca's suicide??? Your about to be there at the hospital with Dina.. Why would one call and tell her when they're about to be there in person and would be able to tell her??..

Just something else I picked up on that I found a little odd..
Is there more on the black gloves and paper towels with red stains? Please tell me LE thought to test every single thing.

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