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I respectfully disagree. I think it was message boards and news comment pages that where still questioning things. JS and indirectly his company had little choice if they want this to go away.

What exactly about JS or his company is in question? Nothing, as far as I know. The goal for RN's family was supposedly justice for RN and criticism of LE but that apparently wasn't their real agenda. Interesting how that morphed into a focus on JS and his money.

Stong believers in their faith don't shoplift, divorce, commit adultery, or fornication. I'm not judging them, but I am speaking the lingo of Christianity that they were spouting. Adoniram Judson was mentioned in an article about the family (the one where the mother was interviewed). I don't know if you're familiar with Adoniram Judson or the conversions of the Chins, but their lifestyles are so far removed from his teachings, I don't know why he was even mentioned in the article.

And yet we have Catholic Priests who have sex with minor boys when it is clearly against their religion. My point is that even though a person is not a "perfect Christian" it does not give any of us the right to decide that they are not a strong believer of their faith. Just because a person may do some things that "go against" their religion it does not mean that they would do all things that "go against" their religion.

The Zahaus came from the Chin minority in Myanmar, which have been and continues to be, persecuted by the country's gov because of their religion. From most articles I have read about the Chin minority, their religion plays a strong part in their culture and also plays a strong part in their identity. Rebecca and her family, just like all the other Chin refugees, chose to escape rather than be forced to change their religion. It's unfair to say that just because Rebecca may not have been a perfect 'Christian', she wasn't really into her religion or beliefs that much. Also, based on what i've read, Chin women traditionally wear modest clothes, long skirts and shirts that are not revealing. The Chins live in a country whose gov. is known to torture and kill their people, and not only that, they suffer from lack of adequate food and other basic necessities as well. I don't see how they are just like what you would see in the west.

Have you ever been to Burma/Myamar? It's not this conservative little nation with everyone in long clothing shuffling about with their heads down. It's not as different as you might imagine.

RZ didn't typically wear modest clothing so I don't think it's fair to judge her by Christian Chin standards unless that's what her family is hoping we'll do, because her lifestyle didn't pass the muster.

Now I'll tell you what was interesting (and disturbing). In the comment section of an article I read, someone who identified him or herself from Burma wrote things to the effect that Rebecca had to "pay" because she lived an immoral lifestyle. The person listed some things that were considered immoral, including the fact that she married a white man (her first husband). The person said it was a "sin" for a Chin to marry a white person and that's why RZ had to pay. So if RZ was murdered (and I don't think she was, but I very well could be wrong), I would wonder if someone from her former country did it to exact judgement for her immoral lifestyle (not my words).

Really? You'd leave your dying 6 year old to check out a suicide scene?

Except The fact is Jonah Shacknai was not at his son's bedside, nor had he been for the 6 hours leading up to his being notified his live-in gf was hanging from the balcony of their home!!! Those are the facts!! Jonah was not with Max!! He'd left Max around 1am and still had yet to return to Max's bedside by 6:48am when his brother text him that "Rebecca hung herself".. Nor had he still yet to return Max's bedside at 7am when Dina states to LE that she received a call, while at the hospital with Max, from Jonah stating Rebecca had killed herself!!!

So, with those facts clearly laid out and it noted he was not, nor had he been for 6+ hrs, been at his dying son's bedside.. Why did he not go to his home when he was given this extremely disturbing news??
Again he was not, nor had he been with his son at the time he was notified!
What exactly about JS or his company is in question? Nothing, as far as I know. The goal for RN's family was supposedly justice for RN and criticism of LE but that apparently wasn't their real agenda. Interesting how that morphed into a focus on JS and his money.


In this situation, one cannot divorce Mr. Shacknai, his company and his money from the equation...they are part of the surrounding circumstances, enviornment and fair to be examined in the light of how they may relate to the suspicious deaths.
And yet we have Catholic Priests who have sex with minor boys when it is clearly against their religion. My point is that even though a person is not a "perfect Christian" it does not give any of us the right to decide that they are not a strong believer of their faith. Just because a person may do some things that "go against" their religion it does not mean that they would do all things that "go against" their religion.


I don't want to get into various denominational disputes. I just want to say that someone who sincerely follows a faith will live it. "By their fruits ye shall know them". That kind of thing.
I don't want to get into various denominational disputes. I just want to say that someone who sincerely follows a faith will live it. "By their fruits ye shall know them". That kind of thing.

And I am simply saying that we can not know what is in someone's heart or how their relationship is with their God. While one may not hold true to all of the religious beliefs of their chosen religion, we do not know what they do hold true to. To judge someone based on mistakes they have made in their past is not a true base of their belief in their religion and a determination as to if they would or would not commit suicide.
And I am simply saying that we can not know what is in someone's heart or how their relationship is with their God. While one may not hold true to all of the religious beliefs of their chosen religion, we do not know what they do hold true to. To judge someone based on mistakes they have made in their past is not a true base of their belief in their religion and a determination as to if they would or would not commit suicide.

Well, if you can't really know what's in someone's heart, I guess you can't say they WOULDN'T commit suicide, now can you?

I believe RZ's past actions show an unstable and unhappy person. I don't think suicide is a far stretch for her. Again, that is only my opinion and doesn't mean she did or didn't kill herself.
I wonder if RZ placed the blue T-shirt in her mouth because she didn't want to be found with her tongue hanging out when she died. I think she wanted to have an open casket at her funeral. I know this might sound far fetched, but suicide victims often plan the last detail of their deaths, right down to how they want to be buried.

I also think she didn't plan the suicide in only two hours. I think she planned to kill herself from the moment MS was injured. In fact, I believe she knew he was fatally injured from the start.

And murder victims are often gagged to prevent their screams or cries for help.

Even if Rebecca KNEW that Max was fatally injured 'from the start', why would that mean she was planning 'the last detail of' her death? It is awfully hard to plan something you have never done, without even researching how to do it, what the consequences you would like to avoid are, or whether or not it is a feasible plan. It has often been stated that Rebecca was an intelligent woman.

I do not see an intelligent woman taking a chance, by not going onto the balcony and measuring the rope prior to using it, not researching her method of death before attempting it, or not leaving a note for her family or Jonah, apologizing for Max's accident, if she were in some way responsible.

I see what your opinion is. My opinion is that Rebecca was brutally murdered, by someone she knew, to silence her. Pure and simple brutality. For one reason only. You did not even give a reason as to why Rebecca would feel a need to kill hersef over Max's accident. Per her sister, she didn't feel 'guilty'. She was upset, not guilty.

Really? You'd leave your dying 6 year old to check out a suicide scene?

Not I, but I also wouldn't leave to drive a friend to the airport, go to a restaurant (maybe the hospital cafeteria), or go to stay at a hotel.

First of all, I don't buy the Christian angle the family is trying to sell, for various reasons which many of us have already stated. Also, things are not as conservative in Burma/Myamar as they would have you believe. There are all kinds of things going on there that are just like what you see in the west.

All that said, there are various reasons why someone would commit suicide in the nude, as articles that have been posted here have stated. One of the reasons was that the suicide victim considers herself to be a sacrifice of sorts, and I think that fits what might have been going on with RZ's mindset in her last moments. I also think she didn't plan on killing herself in the mere few hours between JS's phone call and when she was found dead. I think she planned it from the time MS landed on the floor. JMO.

I am very happy that God sits on the throne and decides who loved him, followed him and even if not 'perfect', was deserving of everlasting life in the kingdom of God. Being a Christian, does not in any way, shape or form, mean that you are perfect. My opinion, as well as that of biblical scholars, pastors and other learned teachers of religion.

As for suicide in the nude. ALL of the articles that you listed had NOT ONE nude suicide, with the elements involved in Rebecca's death. NOT ONE. In the history of mankind, with the multitude of people that have committed suicide, I can not believe that there is not ONE other example. That makes no sense what so ever. Nude, bound hands behind her back, bound feet, noose over her hair, t-shirt wrapped around noose, (stuffed into the mouth of a person who wanted to die?), paint from a message that is a riddle, that is found on the rope, but not on the t-shirt? These are a few of the reasons this does not fit into any other case of suicide on record. Add the wounds, especially to Rebecca's top of the head, and it is a case for murder and should have been investigated as such.
Have you ever been to Burma/Myamar? It's not this conservative little nation with everyone in long clothing shuffling about with their heads down. It's not as different as you might imagine.

RZ didn't typically wear modest clothing so I don't think it's fair to judge her by Christian Chin standards unless that's what her family is hoping we'll do, because her lifestyle didn't pass the muster.

Now I'll tell you what was interesting (and disturbing). In the comment section of an article I read, someone who identified him or herself from Burma wrote things to the effect that Rebecca had to "pay" because she lived an immoral lifestyle. The person listed some things that were considered immoral, including the fact that she married a white man (her first husband). The person said it was a "sin" for a Chin to marry a white person and that's why RZ had to pay. So if RZ was murdered (and I don't think she was, but I very
well could be wrong), I would wonder if someone from her former country did it to exact judgement for her immoral lifestyle (not my words).


A link to this article would be appreciated. Tia
Have you ever been to Burma/Myamar? It's not this conservative little nation with everyone in long clothing shuffling about with their heads down. It's not as different as you might imagine.

have you been there yourself? i've read stories, news reports about the human suffering that goes on there, especially with minorities like the Chins. they live a less urban more traditional lifestyle due to the lack of help, adequate services and ongoing attacks from their own gov.

RZ didn't typically wear modest clothing so I don't think it's fair to judge her by Christian Chin standards unless that's what her family is hoping we'll do, because her lifestyle didn't pass the muster.

i don't think there is any evidence that Rebecca was an exhibitionist either. she may not have worn traditional clothes but her dress sense was not too revealing or even inappropriate at all. and do you know Rebecca more than her family does that you can say that she is not at all like a typical Christian Chin?

Now I'll tell you what was interesting (and disturbing). In the comment section of an article I read, someone who identified him or herself from Burma wrote things to the effect that Rebecca had to "pay" because she lived an immoral lifestyle. The person listed some things that were considered immoral, including the fact that she married a white man (her first husband). The person said it was a "sin" for a Chin to marry a white person and that's why RZ had to pay. So if RZ was murdered (and I don't think she was, but I very well could be wrong), I would wonder if someone from her former country did it to exact judgement for her immoral lifestyle (not my words).


i have yet to find any evidence that marrying a white man was considered immoral to the chins, especially since the missionaries who converted them were white, and apparently were highly thought of by the chins.
Well, if you can't really know what's in someone's heart, I guess you can't say they WOULDN'T commit suicide, now can you?

I believe RZ's past actions show an unstable and unhappy person. I don't think suicide is a far stretch for her. Again, that is only my opinion and doesn't mean she did or didn't kill herself.

I have not said that Rebecca would not commit suicide. She may very well have been suicidal at some point or other. However, I do not believe that she did ultimately commit suicide based on the evidence that has been released. I firmly believe that she was killed by someone for whatever reason.

And I am simply saying that we can not know what is in someone's heart or how their relationship is with their God. While one may not hold true to all of the religious beliefs of their chosen religion, we do not know what they do hold true to. To judge someone based on mistakes they have made in their past is not a true base of their belief in their religion and a determination as to if they would or would not commit suicide.

I think the point they were trying to make is that we cannot assume she would never commit suicide because 'it was against her religion'---as her sisters are claiming. In other words, to claim she would never do that because she was so religious, makes no sense since she did other various things that were against that same religion. I am not judging her, just making the point that it seems odd to try and use that explanation when other things she did were not in line with her faith either.
IMO the entire opinions about religion are irrelevant as none of us know and certainly have no right to judge this woman's past as a way of weighing or deciding just how "good" of a Christian she was..
have you been there yourself? i've read stories, news reports about the human suffering that goes on there, especially with minorities like the Chins. they live a less urban more traditional lifestyle due to the lack of help, adequate services and ongoing attacks from their own gov.

i don't think there is any evidence that Rebecca was an exhibitionist either. she may not have worn traditional clothes but her dress sense was not too revealing or even inappropriate at all. and do you know Rebecca more than her family does that you can say that she is not at all like a typical Christian Chin?

i have yet to find any evidence that marrying a white man was considered immoral to the chins, especially since the missionaries who converted them were white, and apparently were highly thought of by the chins.

Read the comments by "pure burmese":
Burmese, religious, zealot hitman on the loose in the upscale town of Coronado, CA.. Seeing as how we all have sin present in our lives.. All women of this descent should immediately take cover from this Burmese, religious, zealot hitman!! You've been warned!

** wonder if they'll make their way to Missouri?
I think the point they were trying to make is that we cannot assume she would never commit suicide because 'it was against her religion'---as her sisters are claiming. In other words, to claim she would never do that because she was so religious, makes no sense since she did other various things that were against that same religion. I am not judging her, just making the point that it seems odd to try and use that explanation when other things she did were not in line with her faith either.

but it's not just their religious beliefs that made the Zahaus question Rebecca's death. I can understand that sometimes people kill themselves even if it is against their religion to do so, although there have been some studies done that have shown that religion can sometimes play a protective factor in preventing suicide. muslim and even some christian countries have been shown to have statistically lower suicide rates than other countries that are more secular or have more ambiguous views on suicide like buddhism. but anyway, my point is, it is the strangeness of the death and the lack of satisfactory answers from the LE, which have made the Zahaus as well as the rest of us question this whole case.
Burmese, religious, zealot hitman on the loose in the upscale town of Coronado, CA.. Seeing as how we all have sin present in our lives.. All women of this descent should immediately take cover from this Burmese, religious, zealot hitman!! You've been warned!

** wonder if they'll make their way to Missouri?

:floorlaugh:Yep, Katie Bar the Door to the mountains too!:floorlaugh:
I think the whole religious thing is as simple as this. A lot of people don't agree with everything their religion says - some Catholics take birth control and are pro-choice and are for the death penalty (I am not claiming to be an expert in Catholicism!). Rebecca, as with anyone, may have talked with her family about certain spiritual matters and beliefs and not others. Plus, they know her character and personality probably as well as anyone. She could definitely have said something that gave them the idea she thought suicide was wrong. Rebecca may not have thought it was a sin to live with someone outside of marriage as I did not a few decades ago (I don't now either). There is a concept of legal marriage and then there is the concept of having a committed relationship with another and a spiritual union. Perhaps she thought she had the later. Believing that, as I do, does not mean I am immodest. My religion tells me I should be very respectful of the earth, but I accept my limitations on that. My religion tells me I should always respect others - again, I fall short fairly often. So there are things you believe on your own whether or not your religion tells you it wrong and there are things you strive toward, but you never really reach the perfect goal.

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